» Romance » All Hot Guys Are Jerks(Under-Editing)-Chapters 1-9 Avaliable, Isa Baby [fiction book recommendations .TXT] 📗

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from some crappy reason, or had a boyfriend preferred to move away, but me I loved being close to home. Home was my sanctity.





I got my back pack and swung it over my shoulder, not bothering to visit my locker, since all my books were in my backpack, I took them with me, since other students thought it was funny to steal my stuff. I took my timetable out, since I had not yet memorised my classes for the day. First class was on the brain and how it worked. Interesting, since I seemed to know how his mind had worked and yet i wans't able to save myself from him. All guys were dickheads, who thought about only one thing. As I literally ran to class I caught sight of a couple in what looked like a very uncomfortable position, her legs wrapped around his waist as they touched,groped and kissed the hell out of each other, buy hey, whatever floats your boat. I would hate to be that boy though, what if she weighed to much, he could possibly suffer hip injuries.


I stifled a giggle as I knocked on the door. A loud booming voice replied.


“Come in” The voice came loud through the door as my hand clutched the door handle for dear life. Don't look at them, keep your head down. Ignore them. I opened the door as I pulled of my hood and stepped into the cold room. I was faces with a class of around thirty students, all of which were staring at me curiously.


“Well... who do we have here?” The man with the balding hair asked, I assumed he was the teacher as he faced the front and stood expectantly,His plump round body resembling a giant pumpkin and his features harsh because of their sharpness, tutting as if judging me. So it begins... I think to myself as he looked up and down me distastefully, obviously not liking what he saw, well I’m sorry Mr but this isn't a model agency, and I’m sorry if I don't meet your requirements. I internally sighed as he marked me late, but present. I walked to a empty seat at the back next to a sleeping boy, who was hunched over as if in pain, at first he was looked as if he was, and I was debating on whether to call for the teacher or not. My nerves jumbled up and my hands were shaking, did I do it, did I want to face a lifetime of hell for calling the teacher, who so obviously hated my guts. But then the guy next to me made a little breathy noise, a small sound but enough to realise he was awake,the jerk,he was probably bored and decided to flunk through class by sleeping. But I couldn't blame him, I mean the teachers voice was seriously boring.


“Oh shit....”The Jerk mumbled under his breath. The little nickname suited him so much. But as he lifted his head, his eyes met mine. I was faced with eyes, deep and dark enough to get lost in... secrets hidden behind his hooded lids, waiting to be explored. Shit, since when did I spout utter crap like that? It wasn't me at all. A mess of black curls topped his head, the look suiting him, high cheekbones that looked like they were carved from stone and to top it all of a sensual,pouty mouth plump and ripe for the taking.

“Fuck....”I mumbled under my breath as I once again met his gaze, but this time there was hatred in his dark eyes. I turned away at that moment. No leave it Rora, don't go there again, ignore him.


I faced the front, and carried on listening to the teacher's voice which droned on about what this class entailed,feeling his gaze hot on me and tried to ignore that brief moment where it seemed as if he understood... but he didn't know me, so how could he understand, even if it was just for a moment?


Girls giggled at us, but some glared as they watched the short, bitter exchange between us. I bet girls were thinking up rumours now, some may have involved me being called a slut, which was how it had been since I had started, no one had approached me to ask if the rumours were true, everyone accepted it, and since then I still had no friends, I was still alone. Who did this guy think he was?I hadn't seen him on the first day... he must have enrolled late I considered to myself, that would explain it. But it seemed strange, he stuck out like a sore thumb among the other students, male ones that were in this college. He looked dangerous,hot , it was a deadly combination and not dangerous in the sense that he belong to a thug gang. His clothes seemed expensive and labelled, unlike my cheap store ones which I had simply brought to fit in with the crowd and because, I couldn't afford it, not even with the extra income of the shop, we still barely made ends meet. I would rather spend money on food than fashionable clothes He was different, I could feel it, something about him didn't sit well with me. I hated the fact that he had noticed me.


Ch 9:Caspian


Her eyes. They seemed familiar, too familiar. Strange, they were a pale shade of green, which wasa odd combination to go with her soft black hair, but it worked somehow.We moved here so we wouldn't be noticed but this girl, she was perfection. I knew that there was no use listening in class, since i had already completed that first year, but father suggested that i should go back. Someone had passed on infomation that there was a group of people at the college working undercover, for Jason of all people, that meant trouble in my eyes, and i didn't want no trouble. This class seemed half-asleep, similar to me really, but i could relate. The fat shitty, teacher couldn't teach and didn't really care who listened to him.But as soon as she walked in, i didn't need to look up, i had a inkling of who she was. But her scent clouded my senses, leaving me confused. She smelt like strawberries, she smelt deadly. My father always told me that the sweeter they smell, the deadlier they are. I needed to stay away from her, i needed to listen to my father for once in my life.She was bad news and i knew it, yet i wanted to know more about her. I was confused. She smelt like everything, i could not pin point what she was, i hated not knowing things. I hated how she strutted in, catching the attention of most the class,she was like a peacock, beautiful and graceful, but yet she seemes unattainable,vunerable and scared. Her top moulded around her tight slim body, almost as if the material were made for her, i wanted to be that material in that very moment. I wanted to touch her, kiss her and make her mine, I wannted  to destroy her, just so no one else could touch her.But she was a unknown pawn in a game we were all playing, i didn't want her hurt. What scared me the most was, i never cared about anyone until now.



I could hear the teacher shouting at her, and in the corner of my eye i saw her shiver and cower away from him. But it was all an act i told myself.Girls weren't like that anymore. They weren't shy and vunerable and, i mean newsflash it's the 21st century, girls saw their virginity as a thing to get rid of in order to become a woman, to me it was strange, it was like telling a boy that, in order for you to become a man you had to chop off your dick with a knife. I mean, I didn't have anything against girls wanting to have sex, but just wanting to get rid of your virginity for the sake of it? Either way you lost out, labels got pushed on to you, if you were a virgin, people would make fun of you, and if not you would be called easy, a slut, a man whore, and such, no matter if you allowed it to get that far or not. Obviously i knew most girls weren't like that at all, but to be honest, to me most were a nuisance, you tell them thanks for something so irrelevant , and somehow by the afternoon rumours would have been spread that you were flirting, or dating.


People were blind to society and how really we didn't fit in at all, who made the rules, the things we had to do to get accepted into society? There was not one perfect person on earth who had the right over us, there is no such thing as perfect. You could be perfect looking, but yet have a horrible personality, i knew that first hand since I was one of those people. We all just try to fit into a place where we don't need  to try and be seen as flawless, and yet we do that. I knew it straight away, the way she seemed so out of it, dazed and drowsy  but at the same time not enough to look as if she was on drugs or something, she didn't seem like that type anyway, but I suppose you can never judge a book by it's cover.. There was the main issue, she didn't seem like anything. She wore clothes too casual and minimal , almost borderline cheap, but yet it suited her, she didn't look as if she could afford labels,  and yet she seemed as if she wanted to fit into society but had given up, the one thing which i found funny was how ironic it was trying to label her, even though i would hate to have a label placed on myself. She carried a heavy rucksack, which was swung, cool and casual on her shoulder, no two strap, which would suggest that she was cool but the rucksack looked geeky and out of place on her.She was acting. I was an expert at that, so I would know. Why I wondered to myself as I lazily looked down her lithe body. Luckily, she hadn't noticed me looking at her and neither had anyone else. But that was good, I didn't want anything to do with anyone in here, I may have the occasional fling and a lot of one night stands whilst I was here, gate crash a few parties, make my name known round this shit hole but that was me, that's what I did, though nothing would be worth staying here longer than I needed for. And ye whenever I got sent to do things similar to this, my main objective whether they told me to or not was destroy eveyone in my path, make them remember what damage and chaos I caused. I was sick in the head like that I suppose.


I could feel her walking further towards the back of the room, where i was pretending to be asleep. But

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