» Romance » Dark Rising, Miya Chanda [ebook reader online TXT] 📗

Book online «Dark Rising, Miya Chanda [ebook reader online TXT] 📗». Author Miya Chanda

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pale eyes on me the entire time. They casted a grey tent instead of the pale green like before, obviously due to the lack of light in the room, but even now, they were stunning. But those seductive eyes turned terrified, and on the inside I knew why.

“I’m not going to hurt you.” I said holding up both hands. “I just—I just want to make you more comfortable by taking off the gag around your mouth.”

I stood there for a while as we stared at each other before she gave me a rigid nod with her head. I bent and reach both hands behind her head to untie the cloth gag and I couldn’t help but notice the scent of jasmine lingering around her. I closed my eyes for a second, allowing the scent to invade me and carry me to some place soft and delicate, then opened my eyes retracting my body from hers only then did I realize there was another piece of cloth stuffed into her mouth. I took it out and set both cloths on the small bedside table. “Sorry about that.”

Her lips were chapped as she opened and closed her mouth trying to swallow with probably what little saliva she had left.

She has to be thirsty. “As soon as I finished cutting the rope binding you, I will get you a glass of water.” I said.

She simply nodded.

I quickly kneeled down to grab the Dagger I always keep sheathed in my buckled boots but it wasn’t there. Frowning, more with irritation, I got up walked to the kitchen and retrieved a pair of scissors from one of the several draws near the sink, then remembered the water I had promised. Upon opening one of the first cabinets, I got lucky and reached for the empty glass, filling it up with water at the sink then returning to the bedroom. She watched me as I set the glass on the nightstand and carefully got to work on cutting the rope.

When I was finished there was a pile of white rope lying on the bedroom floor and she was now sitting down on the couch in the living room drinking her water in silence.

She had finished the first two glasses and was working on her third when I asked her “what’s your name?”

The girl stopped drinking immediately, slowly lifted her head and her pale green eyes met with mine for a second before she looked away.


It was a beautiful name. There was something soft and delicate about it and it suited her perfectly.

“Well, Mira, My name is--.”

“Why have you taken me?”

That was a good question and it was one I didn’t have the answer to. I had opened my mouth to say something but no words formed. I truly did not have the answer. And when Mira looked up at me again there were tears in her eyes.


She was such a timid scared little thing. I was afraid that if I looked at her wrong or said the wrong thing she would burst into tears.

I walked to the bathroom scanning the area for toilet paper and immediately noticed the blooded bandages and cotton balls in the waist basket next to the toilet seat. I dismissed it and grabbed the toilet paper roll off of the back of the toilet before returning and handing it to her. She continued to cry blowing her stuffy nose and wiping her stained cheeks.

I felt like an ass hole but I didn’t know what to say or what to do. I mean what do you say to a woman you killed a man in front of, kidnapped, bound and gaged, ungag and unbounded, then supplied water to. Comforting her just didn’t seem like a viable option. She probably thinks I’m so stark raving lunatic.

“Just tell me why you have taken me.” She manages to say between sobs and sniffles.

That was the number one question of the night. “I don’t know.”

She looks up at me, confusion ridden across her entire face. Her cheeks were flushed and eyes were puffy and red and my heart sank.

“I wish I could tell you what you want to hear, but I just—I …” Wait. I glanced back into the bedroom suddenly remembering the damn box Alex had talked about. “Stay here.” I said. Quickly making my way into the bedroom. I bend down to both knees and swept my hand underneath the bed, immediately my hand was greeted with a firm solid object. The Box. Making my way back to the living room I was pleasantly pleased and yet somewhat surprised to see Mira still sitting on the couch, sniffling. I guess I thought she would have bolted for the front door.

I bend over to place the box on the coffee table next to the laptop then straitened, staring down at the white haired beauty crying on the couch.

“Mira, I’m sorry about all of this. I really am. There are a lot of questions that we both have and I’m hoping that we will have answers to those questions soon.”

She looked up at me through teary eyes, searching for something. Answers?

“I know that this is probably asking too much of you. B- But do you think there may be a chance that you could… trust me?”

She immediately stopped sniffing and stood.

I winced. Shit. Too soon?

“Trust you?” She yelled, throwing the toilet paper roll onto the couch. “How do you expect me to trust you?”

I ran a hand through my hair. “I know that things may be difficult for you right now. And I know that you feel like I’m the last person you can trust. I just need for you to give me some time to prove myself.”

“You killed Dominique!”

Was that his name? Double shit. There was no recovering from that other then; I didn’t mean to, it wasn’t me or rather I wasn’t myself.

But before I even tried to attempt a reply, the woman had bolted for the front door.
I knew she was a runner.

I allowed my body to shimmer from where I stood and re-materialize to the front door, blocking it. Her soft body collided against mine and I attempted to reach out and grab her shoulders but she wiggled free and took two steps back gazing at my wide-eyed, mouth open. She was shaking her head in disbelief.

Now this I knew how to deal with.

First there is the shock. Then there is denial.

“You can’t be real.” Mira says.

Followed promptly by questions.

“How did you do that?” She asks. “What are you?”

“Sit down and we’ll talk.”
chapter 5

Chapter 5

Last night, Mira, had pawned the incident off as a wild hallucination or a dream she hoped she would never have again. Clearly the nightmare had continued when she’d woken and found herself wrapped in rope like a pretzel with a cloth stuffed down her throat. Then He

had walked into the bedroom all fierce, and confused and… gentle?

He untied you.

That doesn’t matter. She had been kidnapped by the Scar-face-cat-man and he had killed Dominique.

Things like this only happened in those Syfy movies she liked to watch. And the one thing she’d learned was that if you didn’t run you were dead. Problem was Scar-face-cat-man was currently standing in front of the only exit in the apartment. And there was no getting around him especially when he had that nifty little bursting-into-blue-and-white-light trick. Outside of that, he was all hard muscle and extremely intimidating in height. Yet at the same time he remained defensive and steadied with his approach to her.

He held out a hand offering her to take a seat on the couch with him but instead she took another cautious step back distancing herself from Dominique’s killer.

“Please sit.” He said.

She ignored him. “What are you?” Because it was obvious he wasn’t human. Maybe he was an Alien, like in those—. Her eyes widened.
“Are you an Alien?” She was curious.

His brows creased and he almost looked disgusted. “No. Would you please come sit with me and I’ll explain everything.”

“You’ll explain why you killed Dominique? Why you took me from my home?” They stared at each other and for a long time he didn’t say anything. She had seen a vast amount of emotions play over his handsome face since he’d un-gaged and cut her loose. Guilt, curiosity, confusion. But now he seemed hopeless.

He surrendered his hand back to his side and gave out an audible sigh as she watched him ran his hand through his hair before meeting her gaze again, his dark green eyes, honest.

“For the last time, Mira, I don’t know. Or rather I can’t remember.” He finally speaks. “I must have been under some kind of—.” His eyes drift off slightly, somewhere behind her as if he knows what his next words are but he didn’t want to say it.

“Under what?” She encourages and he blinks.

“Some kind of haze or a trance. And Dominique must have gotten in the way of me getting to you.”

She thought about that for a minute, eyes narrowing on nothing in particular. Did it really make any since? He could be lying. Then again he could be telling the truth. She’d seen a lot of that supernatural-stuff on TV and read about it in book to know, if this man who could truly burst into blue and white light and turn into a big black cat like she’d seen, than anything was possible.

“Mira.” He pulled her from thought and their eyes met again. “I’m sorry about it. All of it. You have no idea.”

She was chewing on the inside of her bottom lip when she heard a slight buzzing noise coming from Scar-face-cat-man’s pants and she watched as he reaches into his pocket to retrieve…His cell phone.

Ooh. That gave her an idea.


Of course she couldn’t hear what was being said on the other end. But she could tell Scar-face-cat-man was quickly becoming annoyed.

“Not right now, Ash….W-wait, what?…Are you sure?...How long?”

Sounded Serious.

He lets out a breath. “Okay, Thanks. I’ll be there in a minute.”

He was leaving?

“We’ve got to go.”

They were leaving. Mira’s brows furrowed. He was

kidnaping her. And to think he had been pleading for his innocence only moments ago. Tsk, tsk, tsk.

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