» Romance » Dark Rising, Miya Chanda [ebook reader online TXT] 📗

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gotten some background, found out she was French Canadian and that I’d taken her from a complex in France. My whole point of having the talk was to find out who she was and why she was so important. But as she had continued to tell me more about Salut it became clear to me that she must have been an important figure among the congregation.

“You mentioned a man named André. And that he’s been like a father to you. What is his roll with Salut?”

Mira ran both hands over her wet hair and twisted it over one shoulder. “He’s the Bishop and our leader. This mission has been handed down to him from his father’s father. I guess it’s started off as a family thing and…grew.”

Guess it had and I inhaled as the realization finally settled. She was important to them because she of the Bishop’s daughter, or sort of his daughter. But a nagging nudge from my inner panther suggested that there was more to it. Like, what is the church doing with an army of men that storm into building like a S.W.A.T team raids a drug house? What ever happened to good old fashion prayer and faith? Or was that too archaic? I assumed that if they believed in ancient Gods and prophecies nothing would be too archaic for them.

“Does André always keep an army of men at his disposal?” I asked more sarcastically than I’d wanted to.

“Don’t underestimate the tenacity of Salut. The congregation and the people who support this mission are far and wide.”

There was conviction in her tone and a surge of strength woven within, it surprised me and I was about to respond with an opinionated, cynical remark about Salut, when she continued.

“Anyways, I think it’s my turn to ask some questions now.”

I gave a semi-encouraging smile. I had gotten the information I needed, and then some.

“Very well.” I said.

She was quiet for a moment as she chewed her bottom lip again before asking, “You said that you didn’t know why you took me. That
you were under some kind of—

Don’t say it.


My body relaxed.

“What I don’t understand is who would want to do that to you?”

It was a question that I hadn’t anticipated but as I open my mouth to answer there was a light “Tap Tap,” at the bedroom door causing Mira to jump.

She threw a glance over her shoulder, then back to me. “Who’s that?”

I remembered she had been asleep when Ash had walked into his room after they had arrived, so for all she knew they had been alone in the house.

“Don’t worry. It’s probably one of the other men.” But this didn’t seem to calm her nerve in fact she started shaking one anxious leg.

I got up and walked around the chairs to answer the door and upon opening was immediately greeted by the pale woman wearing red lipstick. Alex, and she raised one hand to the front of my face and snapped her fingers.

In the next moment I was standing in front of her in a door-less, window-less white room. I closed my eyes and dropped my head taking a steady breath in and out as I came to grips with reality. Everything that I had been avoiding to think about or speak out loud was getting ready to rear its ugly head and I opened my eyes to meet her gaze.

“You’re Mage.” I squeezed though teeth.

She cocked her head. “Bravo. He’s figured it out.”

The Mage were a race of immortals created by the Gods or rather the Gods first attempt at creating mankind. They were made in one of the first ancient realms and all had gone well until the Mage had succumbed to corruption and vial ways. From what I remember when learning about their race, the Gods then casted the them into the city with three suns, The Red City or better known as Agartha. Not all of the Mage embraced the dark magic but those that did were given the name Shadow Mage.

I tried to steady my voice as I stared into her grey eyes but the fear behind my next words was evident.

“Have you marked me?” I didn’t know If she could or not but it had been the only explanation for why I had been under her…. I briefly looked down.

“You look worried.” She said, reaching out a hand to brush its back against my cheek. I caught her by her wrist then squeezed.

“Did. You. Mark. Me?” My intensity was at its breaking point.

A marking was a serious matter something I think only Shadow Mage had the ability to do. When a Mage marked someone, they marked the soul allowing the Mage to see though the eyes of that person. Usually this watchful eye is done while the person sleeps, another form of sleepwalking, and upon waking the victim may not remember a thing. But even while the victim is awake the Mage still has full range and can enchant the person to do their bidding.

Some of the men and I had worked on several cases where a Shadow Mage had marked a victim, forcing them to act out the Mages commands and having no recollection of it when they woke. The problem was only the Mage could unmark their victim. A Mages magic, be it a spell, hex or a marking, was as unique to them as a fingerprint.

Alex took a step forward and I squeezed her wrists even tighter wanting it to inflict pain but she barely winced.

“No. Wanted to… but I didn’t.” Her words were soft, and quick. “I wanted to make you mine.”

I scoffed at that. “You’re insane,” I said releasing my vise like grip and stepping away. I wondered around, making a small circle as I took in my surroundings again. The room was small, maybe 12x12. There wasn’t a damn thing in it but us and as I finished my circle I couldn’t help but to take in her devilish beauty.

She’d changed cloths since our first meet and was now wearing a red form fitting skirt that came to her knees, a fitted black tank top and shinny black high heels. She crossed her arms at her chest, complementing her breasts.

“Why Kayden, is that lust in your eyes?”

“Don’t flatter yourself.” I briefly looked away. “Where are we?”

She smiled. “I like to call this my Green Room.” She said, dropping her arms as she started to stroll towards nothing in particular. “It’s a spell allowing us some privacy but it won’t last long.”

“And why have you brought me here?”

“I told you I’d be in contact. Now, have you opened the box yet?”

Fuck the box. Fist things first. “Where are my men?”

“They’re safe.”

“Safe where?”

“In a room like this.” She nodded.

Following her wondering path I took a step towards her. “Then take me to them. If they are safe and unharmed like you claim, I’ll walk away from this as if it never happened. I won’t come after you.” At least I would try. I looked down for a second then said. “You can keep the girl.” That was a lie but it got her attention.

And she turned on her heels to face me. “Have you opened the box?”

I frowned. Did she not hear a word I just said, I was offering her a deal? And what did the box matter to her anyways? The box supposedly contained my instruction. She was the one who gave me the box… and then I thought about it. I hadn’t been able to open the box, but she thought I could.

“Why?” I asked.

“It’s a yes or no question, Kayden.”

I shrugged, crossing my arms over my chest. “Maybe I have, maybe I haven’t.”

She chuckled. “Must we resort to such childish games?”

“Apparently we must.”

“I’m trying to help you.”

“No, you’re trying to help yourself.”

She was quiet for a moment, thinking, then asked, “And what about the girl?”

That was a good question. “Yeah, what about the girl? Why did you make me take her to began with?”

“I told you, you need to keep her safe.”

“Safe from what? From whom?” I asked throwing my arms up with exhausted agitation. “You know what I don’t understand, is the fact that you called for my help as a client, Alexandria. Why don’t you let me do my job my way instead of controlling me like some fucking puppet.”

She was shaking her head. “You wouldn’t have taken the Job.”

“You never gave me a chance.” I said closing the distance between us. “Instead of being honest, you seduced me, you spelled me, kidnapped my men, and manipulated me. And for what? So you could find out what’s in the box?”

“I know you Kayden.”

My eyes narrowed on hers

“Yeah, I did my research before I sought you out.” She continued. “I know your passionate, head strong, the rebellious son of Bashmahet Shyam-Raj.” She paused. “Killer of Nauyan.”

Something inside of me snapped when she spoke those last words and I reached out and wrapped one of my hands around her pretty little neck, pushing her back until the length of her body slammed up against the nearest wall, pinning her there. I didn’t squeeze too tight and it took every ounce of control to refrain from restricting her airflow. She reached up to grab my wrist.

“If you speak my mothers name again, I will slit your throat.”

In that moment something cold and uneven wrapped around me, something hungry. Dark. My eyes traveled over her face down the length of her body as a bitter taste coated my mouth then my eyes popped back up to her.

I wanted to tear to her pieces, physically fuck my frustrations out. She was what I needed, what I inwardly desired. Sexy, dangerous and she knew the right buttons to press to get my blood pumping. I didn’t need to trust her to have some sinful fun. All I needed was a hard floor, which was pleasantly supplied, and some silk ties.

But what about Mira?

She was, interesting and had brought out a different side to me I didn’t understand. Didn’t know if I even wanted to understand. But my attraction to her had been clear when my hands had been all over her body.

I blinked and pulled away and Alex seemed almost disappointed.

“I guess you’ll be leaving then.” She said as she brought her hand to my face and snapped her fingers.
Chapter 9
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