» Romance » Dark Rising, Miya Chanda [ebook reader online TXT] 📗

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risk. I was sure that my men would be able to handle them but a blood bath with mortals was not what this Coven needed. My brother, Cane, would have a fucking field day with that. And all of the blame would go to me, and he would be right to blame me, just like he had the right to blame me fro—.

Don’t think about it. Gods don’t think about that.

“Are you Okay?”

The sound of Mira’s sweet voice whisked me from those dark thoughts and I took in a deep breath of air, meeting her eyes. “Yeah.”

I asked. “Are you hungry?”

Her face lit up and she attempted to shift her legs to the side of the bed before I stopped her.

“There is something I have to do first.” Better to get this out of the way.

I moved the trash bin back to its original position and stood taking her hand and inviting her to stand with me, then led her by the two chairs and small table next to the fireplace. Only then did she notice the bandages I had wrapped around her wrists.

She looked up at me and said, “thank you.”

I nodded in return. Although, I knew she wasn’t going to thank me for what I was about to say next. “I need for you to tell me if you have a tracking device on you.”

She immediately frowned. “What?”

“The men who found us at the apartment, must have known you were there. They must have traced you from where I took you.”

“I don’t have anything like that.” She said looking away.

I took her chin into the crook of my thumb and index and forced her head up, her eyes came back on me. “Tell the truth.”

“I don’t—I can’t—I don’t have anything like that.”

But she had to have something. It was the only way they would have found us. And as I walk around to face her back I let out a sigh and instructed her to, “Take off your cloths.”

“No.” She said attempting to whirl around and face me. I grabbed her by both shoulders and held her fast.

I dropped my head to her right ear. “I said, take off your close.” This time my tone apparently ran a chill through her body because her arms suddenly sprang with goose bumps.

“I don’t have a bra on.”

“ Than cover your front with the cloths you’re wearing. I won’t look.”

I dropped my hands from her shoulders and stood back waiting. A minute must have ticked by before she finally caught the hem of her nighty with both hands and pulled it up over her head to cover her breast.

I took a few seconds to take in the sight of her honey skin warmed by the glow of the fire. Hair long hair kissed the middle of back that swooped inwardly and I noticed she was wearing a pair of white cotton panties that hugged the curve of her bottom perfectly.

“Hurry up.” Her voice anxious.

I swallowed and immediately got to work, dropping to my knees and starting at her feet to work my way up.

I check the pads of her feet and she squirmed when my finger grazed them. A smile tugged at one corner of my mouth as I realized she was ticklish.

I checked both legs, and thighs, inwardly enjoying the feel of her warm flesh against my hands. I continued to work my way up skimming her bottom and slightly hardening to the thought of slowly sliding an eager hand down into her panties to cup one cheek and squeeze hard. Thankfully I managed to contain myself but I couldn’t help from hearing a soft moan escape from her as my hands ran over her panties.

I gently brushed her hair aside and stilled when the marks on her back came into view. They resembled multiple types of symbols going in a straight line down her back and as I ran a curious hand down her spin and she jerked.

“I’m sorry.” I said. “What are these marks on your back?”

“Birth marks.” To my surprise her voice came out husky and I wondered if I was having the same affect on her as she was having on me. I finished checking her back having come up with nothing and moved around to face her, she was chewing at her bottom lip again, a nervous tick perhaps.

There was a sweet scent of Jasmine waffling the air with a hint of something else. I inhaled deeply and realized it was the scent of her arousal, giving her away. I was affecting her.

I kneeled and checked the front of her legs and thighs once again inwardly enjoying the feel of her flesh and when I moved to her stomach she jerked, violently this time.

“Are you okay?” I asked after looking up.

“Just hurry up.”

I finished checking her tummy and she glared at me holding her nighty so tight against her when I stood to check her breast.

I chuckled, unable to contain my smile. “Maybe later.” I whispered.

Wait. Why did I say that? I hadn’t meant to say it out loud. It had been a thought not an actual want. I glanced down and she looked as if she hadn’t heard me so I dismissed the error and finished up, looking behind each ear until finally noticing something small. Behind her left ear was a tiny square shaped relief of skin, and buried under most likely a chip.

“What is it?” She asks panic rising in her tone.

Walking over to the other leather chair where I’d placed the first aid kit while she had been asleep. I opened it and pulled out a pair of tweezers and a small razor blade, some alcohol and cotton balls. I pour a little of the alcohol onto the cotton ball and handed it to her then I picked up the razor blade and tweezers.

“No.” Her tone was more pleading now.

“I have to.”

I came around to her side pulled back her ear and carefully made a small cut right above the square chip. Mira made a small grunt but for the most part she was a trooper. I used the tweezers to pull the tinny chip out, then walked right over to the fireplace and dropped it into the flames. When I turned to tell her to put the cotton ball to the incision I’d made her inward hiss, suggested she was already doing so.

I walked back around to stand in front of her. She looked almost astonished or maybe it was disbelief. Her head held low as she held the cotton ball to the back of her ear and I honesty think she didn’t know the tracking device had been implanted behind her ear. She held herself tight with one arm, even in spite of the fire she was shaking. Maybe a warm bath would ease her mind.

“Come.” I said, leading her to the connecting bathroom against the wall of the fireplace. “It’s time for a bath and then food.” It finally seemed like she trusted me.
Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Mira didn’t know what to think or how she really felt. She was flooded with a mixture of emotions. Shock, disbelief, worry and was left wonder why. How could there have been a tracking device behind her ear? Who had put it there? And how long had it been there? She remembered seeing André at the apartment right before the host of blue and white light had once again taken her away into a deep slumber and she wondered, since the implant had been destroyed were they ever going to find her again.

They would have to, if she were to be sacrificed or either she would have to find a way to make it back to them. Back home where she belonged. Her well-managed, confined world seemed to be quickly spinning out of control and it occurred to her that she was going to have to be the one to take control of her situation now. But the timing had to be perfect and she knew she would have to fake trust him a little longer.

Mira rubbed at the back of her ear with the cotton ball and winced, as her gentle, seductive kidnapper escorted her to his bathroom.
Upon entering she was again surprised at how huge the room was, more in length than depth. His bedroom had been massive with coloring that was dark with rustic décor, his bathroom however was bright and drastic different.

To her left was a long white marble topped counter with his and her sinks and a pinch of jealousy made her wonder whom he shared them with. A massive mirror stretched across the top of the counter and stopped at the toilet. Across from the toilet was something else but she couldn’t see because it was dipped back behind a wall. The floor was a glossy white, the walls the ceiling, everything was sterile white and she frowned as they stopped next to the bathtub at their right.

“Why is your bathroom so different from your bedroom?”

He turned around at that, dropping her hand and his eyes left hers looking around briefly as he thought about it for a second before answering. “I like a clean environment to take care of my hygiene.”

“And your bedroom, why is it do dark?”

His eyes noticeably dropped down to her lips, then met her gaze again.

“That’s where other seductive things happen.”

His voice was husky, almost needy making her muscles flinched deep below her belly and sending another pool of arousal the apex of her panties.

She wished he would stop doing that. Making her feel this way. It was scary and yet thrilling at the same time. When she had been standing by the fire with him and his hot hands all over her, searching for the device, she’d had so many thoughts about him. Wicked, needy things she wanted to experience. He’d made her body ache for release and she’d had to refrain from sliding a hand down into her panties to rub at herself free of the building tension.

She’d thought about other thing like the garden at the complex where she use to grow her jasmine, she’d thought about playing the violin, listening to classical music, anything to get her mind off of how good he was making her feel just from touching her. But the sheer enjoyment of his hands all over her body was relentless.

She would have to put those feeling to the

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