» Romance » Hiding In Plain Sight, K Lime [e book reader online TXT] 📗

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"True but either way the council is guilty of murder."

"Well, now that we know what we are doing. You're a half breed aren't you?" The dark haired man asked.

"Yes. I forbid you from telling anybody by the way. And you know what the wages of going against the angel lady is."

"Ma'am, Jacob wouldn't have called us if he couldn't trust us with your secret."

"Alright. Well if you'll excuse me, Whitney, Des, Auntie, dad, we all need to head to the council."

"What about me, Charlotte, and Xena?" Riverr asks her.

"You guys can come if you want to."

"Kirsten, I don't think you should speak to the council. Let me or your aunt." Tom requests.


"We don't want you in any danger than they have put you in. I'll bet that things can get out of control without Jacob there to protect you."


They all turned and went their separate ways, with the main group heading towards the meeting hall of the angelic council.
Danger Is Threatened

The group walks into the meeting hall to find only a few members in the room talking. Dolores turns as they walk closer and sends Stephan to call the other members. When he returns with the others she asks them what they want.

"Dolores, the angel lord is dead." Tom says holding back his emotions.

"That is...unfortunate. Did he have a successor?"

"If he did, it is unknown to me as to whom it is."

"Well then, we must name one for him."

"It would seem that way."

"Well, as the head of the council, I think that I am very qualified to play the part. Council! All in favor of electing me as angel lady say I."

The group watched with mild interest as most of the group said I. The plan was going as they had expected.

"Well, that is settled. I am now the angel lady."

"It would seem that way." Tom says dryly.

"First thing to be done would be to solve the problem of all of the angels on earth. There are far to few here in heaven. It causes a better chance of mating with a human or demon. I must recall all of them to heaven."

"Ma'am aren't you needing the ring?" Preston asks her.


"The ring of the angel lord or lady. Lord Jacob always wore it."

"Indeed." Turning to the group she asks "Where is it?"

"We do not know." Kirsten answers.

Dolores reaches out and slaps her.

"You lying little moron. You will tell me where my ring is and you will tell me now!"

Riverr's eyes flash dangerously as he grabs his mate tightly and pulls her back towards him.

"Interfering with the business of your leader are you? Guards arrest them both. And ready the traitor for execution."

Guards move quickly and grab Kirsten and Riverr. They begin to drag Riverr away and pull Kirsten towards the center of the room. Tom flinches and Auntie grabs his wrist telling him not to interfere.

"Ma'am Kirsten is no traitor she has committed no crime." Auntie tells Dolores.

"She is being insubordinate to her leader and she is using this angel as a cover up. Her real mate is a demon. She was seen with him on earth. Guards hold her."

"Dolores you cannot do this she deserves a fair trial." Preston begs to her.

"She deserves nothing. She blames my nephew for rape and then claims that my daughter paid him to do it! She will die by my hand."

"Dolores if you do not give her fair trial you will lose your powers as angel lady." Tom says.

"She will have her trial then. But she is guilty."

One of the guards grabs Kirsten and handcuffs her wrists in front of her and forces her to her knees before the council.

"Bow to your leaders girl."

Kirsten starts to laugh and then she stand. One of the guards kicks her legs out from under her and she falls.

"Hey guys, I made up my mind on one thing, I never said i wouldn't let them know about two others. Of course telling them one of the two will involve telling the third if they can figure it out."

She stands and looks at Riverr. Riverr lets his wings show and he throws the guard holding him into the wall knocking him unconscious.

"Dolores you were right when you said my mate was a demon. There are rules against an angel mating with a human or a demon, but are there rules for a half-breed?"

With that she wills her wings to show behind her. Dolores stares and yells for the guards to hold her.

"Stop." Tom yells angrily and everyone turns to see the demon lord holding a flaming fireball in his hand. "That is enough. Kirsten if you wouldn't mind explaining to your leader why your wings are bi-color that would be lovely."

"You have no power here demons. Begone!" Dolores shouts. "Eh ehm. I said begone!"

"You cannot ban anybody from heaven unless you are the angel lord. And Dolores, you are not the angel lord since Jacob did have a successor!" Destiny says smartly.

"Who was it then? If I kill them I'll have the power to do what I wish."

"Kirsten show them."

"Guards get them."

Guards grab everyone except for the demon lord.

"Dolores, are you blind. I'm older than you and I can see plain as day who the angel lady is." Preston says as he walks to Kirsten and bows slightly to her.

"Preston do not bow to me. Please your my elder I should bow to you."

"No my lady, you are my leader so I shall bow to you."

"ENOUGH! This isn't over. Kill her friends!"

"Stop. You will not make one move to kill anyone. Any of you." Kirsten says leveling her gaze on the guards.

"My lady we can't move. We are trying but we can't move." One of the guards whimpers.

Dolores looks once more at Kirsten.

"Unless you want a battle you will step down." Dolores says venemously.

"I will not allow my people to fall before a monster. You poisoned Jacob just to try to get what you want, this is war Dolores. Be prepared to fall."

Kirsten vanishes from sight along with the rest of her group leaving Dolores to think about what she had said. Dolores stood staring at the stop where the girl had stood.

"Very well girl. If it is a war you want, it is a war you shall have. The angels will not side with a half-breed."


News had begun to spread like wild fire as soon as Kirsten had left. News that the angel lady had sided with the demons according to Dolores. Everyone was preparing for the battle to come. Some didn't wish to fight, others believed Dolores was lying. Those who agreed to fight with the council found themselves the only ones in heaven besides a few who refused to leave.

The cherubic guard had been convinced by Dolores and they agreed to fight for them. Everyone was nervous about the upcoming event. Even though many angels had left, Dolores still had a large army. Kirsten in the mean time was having no trouble gathering her warriors.

Kirsten sat in the middle of the town at the park with her father and her mate. Tom had told everyone to meet in the center of town. Among the demons there were even a few angels. The odds were turning in their favor. Kirsten sat stroking her feathers softly.

"Baby you look fine. My lord tell her." Riverr says reaching up to stroke her wings softly.

"You look fine. I think everyone is here if you would." Tom says looking at them.

Kirsten stands and lets her wings hang casually before walking next to her father with Riverr standing next to her.

"Attention my demons. You all have met my daughter, Kirsten, earlier in the week. Recently the angel lord Jacob was poisoned by his council and he faded. Before he did, he named Kirsten as his successor. She is now the angel lady. The council that poisoned Jacob does not wish to accept that."

"My lord, what did you call us all here for?" One of the females in the front asks curiously.

"Good question Cass. Don't look at me like that of course I know your name. The angelic council refuses to accept Kirsten as their lady. The head had the angel lord poisoned and then attempted to kill Kirsten after she declared herself angel lady. At the time they didn't know Kirsten was the angel lady. She had her guards grab her friends and her mate, they made an attemp on their lives and Kirsten showed them that she is a half-breed and that her mate is a demon. War was then declared."

Various voices speak out and finally an older demon pushes his way to the front.

"What is it that you ask of us?" He asks.

"I ask that you stand and fight. I wish to take down the angelic council and allow Kirsten to establish one that is loyal to her. I fear that the council will try to change things not only in heaven but on earth as well. I do not ask that those who are not able to fight fight, but I do ask that you stand for your leader and your leader's heir."

"She is your heir then. I can see it in her wings. The silver and the gold. I cannot stand for you my lord for I am too old. I wish you well in this. To you too Lady Kirsten." He bows to Kirsten and Tom.

"Thank you sir. Demons, I know my father has already spoken, but to those of you who will support me, I want to say thank you."

Tom steps down and begins to walk through his people. Many tell him they will fight. He makes his way to the weaponry house and they all begin to get their armor and weapons. The war would be bloody but they were still willing to fight. The many angels that had found their way to hell joined them in getting ready for war. For the first time in history, the angels and demons would fight side by side against a common foe.

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