» Romance » Hiding In Plain Sight, K Lime [e book reader online TXT] 📗

Book online «Hiding In Plain Sight, K Lime [e book reader online TXT] 📗». Author K Lime

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thin man walks out, his dark black hair waving slightly with the breeze. He stops and watches them for just a few minutes. It felt as though everyone was staring. Suddenly the man comes walking towards them swiftly and hugs her into him tightly. Gasping for breath she hugs him back tightly. She feels something warm and wet landing on her shoulders and she looks up to see him crying.


He smiles and hugs her tightly. In a voice that could have lulled thousands of angels to sleep he answers her.

"Yes Kirsten it’s me."

She tightens her grip on him clutching him tightly for a moment more then steps back. Nobody else was close enough to see that the demon lord had actually cried, but she knew the crowd was wondering what would happen next. The demon lord blinks away the tears before facing his demons.

"Demons! You all are looking at me like I just lost my head! Do not stand there looking like an angel!"

Many of the demons grumble their complaints at being told the look like angels and continue to watch curiously. Kirsten looks at Riverr and he walks to her side wrapping his arm around her shoulder comfortingly.

"First off, this is my daughter Kirsten Chloe Zaffiro. Second off, you are all invited to come in and meet her if you so desire. Keep in mind that any harm done to her results in death. With that all said, Welcome home Kirsten."

The crowd yells various welcomes. Kirsten looks at Riverr and then at the demon lord. Looking at the two of them he quirks an eyebrow.

"I think we shall have much to talk about Riverr Pierce. But for now, let’s get inside. There's lots of people worried about Kirsten that have been yakking my ears off all morning."

With that he turns and leads the way into the castle.

Crafty Council

"This council will now come to order!" Grand council member Dolores screams over the shouting of the council.

They settle down slowly and everyone begins to take their seats. Dolores signals to Stephan to come up in front of everyone. He rises and slowly walks up towards her. When he is standing by her, she speaks.

"Stephan tell the other members of the council what you told me."

"Well um two days ago I was in Lord Jacob's castle I overheard a conversation between him and some guests of his."

"You have no business snooping into Lord Jacob's affairs boy you should be ashamed of yourself!" One of the older council members voiced loudly.

"Hush Preston listen to what the boy has to say." Another member piped up.

"Anyway, I was walking by and I heard him speaking to a demon about insight. They had been talking about the angel outcast the one whose parents are dead. Kirsten. They were talking about how she had gone missing after a party where hunters showed up. Her demon friend did insight with Lord Jacob about how Kirsten was treated at school and something about what Trenton and his gang did to her. I stood there for a while listening and soon they started talking again. Lord Jacob said something about Kirsten having a mate. But the mate was a demon. Kirsten's demon friend got real angry looking and then Lord Jacob said that Kirsten would be alright and that he wouldn't do anything to hurt her. That's when I left."

"So you see council this boy witnessed Lord Jacob saying he wouldn’t do anything about an angel who has a demon mate!" Dolores states sharply.

"Wait just a minute we don't know for sure what he saw during insight. We also don't know if she accepts the demon as her mate." Julia comments.

"That's true. We cannot just assume that because a demon claims her as his mate that she accepts it." Preston offers.

"Order! Order! All in favor of finding the girl in question and having her arrested say I." Dolores calls into the group.

A large voice of I rises. Only three members stand in defense of the young girl.

"Well that's settled then. We find her and have her arrested under the crime of mating with a demon."

The three who stood in her defense sit there sadly. They all knew if she was found even if she was innocent the council would have her fallen. Or worse killed by the cherubic guard.


"Auntie! Auntie! I know where Kirsten is!" Xena calls as she walks into Kirsten's house with Destiny and Charlotte.

Auntie comes into the room wiping her hands on her apron.

"Sorry dear what were you saying? I was just fixing up a batch of cookies. Kirsten would have wanted them for her birthday."

"Auntie you can fix cookies later we found Kry!" Charlotte laughs hysterically.

"You did? Oh girls you must take me to her right away!" Auntie states pulling off her apron and looks at them impatiently. "Well what are you waiting for let’s go!"

Smiling Xena takes her hand and grabs Des and Char.

"Everybody ready?"

"Yes! Yes! Just go!"

They open their eyes to the sight of the demon lord's castle. Xena leads the way inside following the sound of voices. They enter the grand hall to see Kirsten leaning on Riverr as she sits between him and the demon lord. Groups of people stood around in the hall and a few were talking to Kirsten.

"Kry! Oh Kry!" Destiny calls to Kirsten.

Kirsten looks up and a smile as big as the Grand Canyon spreads across her face as she jumps up running to greet them.

"Oh Kirsten I was so worried I even asked your grandfather for help!"

"It's alright Auntie, Riverr kept me safe.”

Riverr and Lord Tom walk over to the reunion after Tom had dismissed his demons to leave them. People begin to leave and Lord Tom directs the group to his personal chambers. As soon as they enter he turns and grabs Riverr throwing him into a chair.

"Tell me one good reason why you have the right to put your arm around my daughter. Better yet what reasons have you to sleep in the same bed as her!?" He growls angrily.

Kirsten jumps between them and stands between her father and Riverr.

"He is my mate. You cannot say that a mate has no right to have his arm around their mate."

Lord Tom takes a step back looking thoroughly shocked. Looking at her he smirks before hugging her.

"If you were anybody else I would have you killed for getting in my business. It pleases me to know you aren't afraid to stand for those that you care about."

"I won’t let you hurt him."

"I will not hurt him if he is truly your mate."

Riverr had sat by watching the affair through tears. His mate had just claimed him as hers, now they were official. Xena smirks knowingly as the other onlookers relax. Kirsten turns and looks at Riverr before sliding in his lap and leaning against his chest. The rest of the group sits on the couch and other chairs.

"Kirsten why didn't you try to contact us when you went missing, we were worried sick about you." Auntie asks her.

"Actually, I knew where she was yesterday when Riverr told me to bring some clothes for her." Xena says. "How do you think I knew where she was?"

"I didn't think about that. Oh I’m just so happy that she's alright."

"Kry what were the two of you doing for the two days nobody heard from you?" Destiny asks coyly.

"Oh you dirty mind not everyone always has sex on the brain! I was asleep."

"Sure sleep."

"She really was. I did insight on her the night that I caught her and brought her to my cabin. She was conked out by the time it ended. One memory in particular stood out to me so I watched it and took a look at her to see how bad the damage was. I had already seen her naked the night that Xena and I found her being raped." Kirsten shifted uneasily in his lap and he tightens his arms around her. "I picked her up and removed her dirty clothes. I looked at her scars and made sure nothing from that night had caused any danger and dressed her in one of my shirts and a pair of my boxers. I changed too and got into bed with her and went to sleep. The next morning I fixed myself food but she still didn't wake. I worked around the house but she still did not wake. I went ahead and took a shower and then gave her a bath. I went to bed and the next day was the same way. Finally when I got up the next morning she was a little more responsive so I made us breakfast. I ate my food and when I took hers in to her she was awake with her wings behind her."

"You got wings? Let me see! They're black aren't they!?" Xena questions happily.

"Oh you nitwit they aren't black her mother was an angel after all they just have to be white." Destiny counters.

The two stare furiously at each other. Kirsten sensing a fight stands up.

"Both of you are wrong! Shut up and look." Kirsten pictures her wings behind her and smiles as everyone except Riverr gasps.

"Oh my, they are going to be hard to explain. Nobody has bi-color wings" Auntie says looking at them carefully.

"I know. Dad, is there a way I can make them a solid color? If only temporarily?"

Silence passes and everybody looks at Tom.

"What? Oh I’m dad. Sorry still adjusting. There are some spells you can do to change the color but it takes a lot of strength."

"Will you teach me?"

"Yes, but later, I get the feeling you and Riverr need time to talk and it is getting rather late. I need to attend to some business. You all are welcome to stay here for the night if you wish. Just ask for a servant to bring you food if you get hungry. JAYDON!"

A short blonde haired demon walks through the door bowing to the demon lord.

"Yes my lord?"

"Show them to their rooms they will be staying here tonight."

"My lord Char, Des, and I can all stay together in one room."

"I think that I would prefer to go back to heaven. I'm sure Kirsten will come when she gets the chance. She's in good hands." Auntie says to the demon lord.

"Very well. You can come with me and you'll be able to slipstream

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