» Romance » Hiding In Plain Sight, K Lime [e book reader online TXT] 📗

Book online «Hiding In Plain Sight, K Lime [e book reader online TXT] 📗». Author K Lime

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He said sorry but I don't think Kelly would like it too well if I didn't do what she paid me to do. He put his hand over my mouth as his friends got closer. They started pulling at my clothes. One of the humans pulled out a knife and cut off my shirt and bra. Some of the others ripped off my pants."

She starts shivering a little and Xena hugs her comfortingly.

"Come on babe, you need to be strong they will get what is coming to them if the council will do it or not." Riverr whispers softly in her ear.

She nods and takes a sip of water that Xena offers her.

"Are you alright to continue?" Dolores asks barely containing her excitement at the possibility that she cannot continue.

"I'm fine. I'm not entirely sure how many there were total, but there were a lot. The dragged me into the darker part of the alley and I wasn't sure if I was going to get raped or killed. One of the demons grabbed me by my hair and tried to shove his cock in my mouth. I don't think he expected when i bit him because he screamed and punched me in the face. A few of them started grabbing me all over. They bit me in different places. Trenton told them to stop for a sec and then he motioned one of the others over hand told him keep me quite. The one who I bit must have left because I couldn't see him anymore. Trenton told them go ahead but nobody was allowed to 'use her' as he put it. He disappeared from my line of sight and i was still kicking out at the others. The one with the knife came and grabbed my chest and started dragging his knife across my body holding it just at the base of my neck. He said if I bit him I would die. Before he got to do whatever he wanted to do, a few more hands started grabbing at my legs. I kept kicking out at them and then I heard one of them say to hold me still. I was practically on my knees and one of the demons grabbed my legs holding them together. A few other guys grabbed them and Trenton told them to hold them apart. I started jerking against them harder trying to wiggle my whole body from their grasp. There were so many holding onto me that there were at least two holding each arm and leg. I was lifted up and several of the guys were holding onto me as Trenton stepped between my legs. He leaned over me and pulled me against him. He whispered in my ear 'I hope you played with yourself before cause this is gonna hurt.' At the time I had never been with a male sexually. I heard him spit and felt his hand rub against me. His hand was wet and I struggled trying to swing away from him. He told his guys take what they wanted as soon as he was done. He forced himself inside me and i screamed. The guy that had his hand over my mouth slapped me as one of the others was putting his belt around both of my wrists. I had started crying and Trenton reached up grabbing my boobs forcing me up against him. He slipped my arms around his neck so that I was forced to stay up against him while he raped me. A few of his friends had left but there were still a lot and one of them got in front of me and started biting and sucking on my nipples. Most of the group was leaning against the walls touching themselves while they watched Trenton. He kept going and the guys who were holding my legs backed off. I struggled from Trenton and ran. One of the humans caught me and slammed me against the wall. He asked where I was going without my clothes and they all laughed. Trenton smirked at me and he pushed the guy aside turning me to face him. I stared him in the face and spit at him. He slapped me and he picked me up forcing himself back inside me he started going rougher and held my hands above my head. Just before he finished he grabbed my throat and made me look at him. He kissed me roughly and wrapped his arms around me. He was breathing really heavily and he said "I hope you liked it. I know I did. Wait til I get my hands on you later. I wont be near as nice." He came and tossed me to the rest of his group and told them have fun. Some time during the time i was fighting against them the one who had the knife handed it to a demon and the demon put it against my wrists. He pressed it against my wrists and slit them open. By the time he had done this I was already starting to black out a little. Lots of guys had taken turns with me and then Trenton was in front of me raping my mouth. The next thing I remembered was Xena and Riverr coming there. Riverr was throwing them off me and then he was holding me. Then I woke up at the hospital a few days later."

"How do we know you're telling the truth?" Dolores asks

"Ma'am?" One of the humans speaks up softly.


"That night, I was there. We did what she said. I left after I gave them my belt. I couldn't go through with it."

"Very well, but that does not prove that Trenton was paid by Kelly."

"Mrs. Dolores, I know stating that we are guilty will do nothing to help us, but Kelly did pay me. She found me after school and said that she was tired of Kirsten ignoring what they did to her. She gave me $300 and told me to have my gang rape her. I accepted the money and I told my gang what was up. We all agreed to catch her on the way home from the library and the rest you already know." Trenton says sadly.

"You admit that your guilty Trenton?" Lord Jacob asks.

"Yes sir."

"Wait! Wait." Kirsten says looking at him.

She pushes past Riverr and walks towards Trenton. He looks up at her as she stops in front of him. He drops to his knees crying before her and she kneels down. To everyone's surprise, she hugs him.

"Kirsten what is the meaning of this?" Lord Jacob asks confused.

Kirsten stands pulling Trenton to his feet with her. She steps forward and stands before the council and her grandfather.

"My lord, if I do not wish to press the issue will Trenton still be punished?"

"Well no, if you were a demon or a human yes but since it was with an angel he would be free to go."

"The humans?"

"They would be punished for crimes against an immortal. They would be damned instead of killed."

"I do not press charges."

"What!? Kirsten you can't do that. You remember what he did to you." Xena says angrily

"Xena, he did it for his family. He may act rich but he isn't. His reasons were good even though his actions were cruel. He did something wrong for all the right reasons, for that I forgive him."

"Are you sure?" Jacob asks her.

"Yes sir."

"Council do you accept that Kirsten does not wish for the charges to stand?"

"Yes my lord we find we will accept this." Dolores replies.

"Then by the power vested in me I pardon Trenton and his friends of the crime of rape on Kirsten Chloe Zaffiro. Oh and Kirsten?"

"Yes sir?"

"You'll make a fine angel. Court dismissed."

Kirsten turned and extended her hand to Trenton. He looked at her before reaching out and shaking her hand. He pulled her to him and hugged her tightly. New tears streamed down his cheeks as he thanked her repeatedly. She let him go and shook the hands of his friends before turning to face her friends, mate, and father.

"What are all of you staring at me for?" Kirsten questions cheerfully.

"Oh just wondering where you lost your mind and if we should send you to go find it." Charlotte tells her.

"Guys I can't hurt somebody for what they did to me. He didn't do it for him, he did it for his family. Look."

She points over to where Trenton stood holding his little sister while his mother stood beside him and his younger brother. His mother looked way older than what she really was. His family was dressed nicely in what seemed to be their best clothes.

"See? Look at them. Since his dad left them they really have had a hard time. Dad your about to hate me for this next one."

With that she walks over to them and Trenton's mother hugs her tightly.

"Thank you so much, you have no idea what you have done for my family."

"Ma'am your welcome. I wanted to ask you something. Where are you currently living?"

"With my sister and her family why?"

"I'd like to offer you a house."

"Thank you, but we can't afford it."

"No ma'am I want to let you stay there free of charge. I have no use for it anymore and you need it more than I do. It's fully furnished please just say you'll stay there."

The older woman bursts into tears and hugs her tightly again. Trenton hugs her too and she hand them the keys.

"You know where it is don't you Trenton?"

"Yes. How can we ever repay you?"

"Expect to have a new friend to your group. Five of us actually."

"Who?" He asks curiously.

"Myself, Xena, Charlotte, Destiny, and Riverr Pierce."

"Done. Thank you so much."

"One more thing."


"You will acknowledge myself and my friends as your friends."

"You already are my friend Kirsten, you saved my family and my wings. For that you are now my friend."

"Thank you. See you at school?"


They all hug her again and she walks back to her group. Lord Jacob had joined them and was talking to her dad and they all turn to look at her as she enters the group.

"You missy are overly forgiving. I just hope you don't regret it come Monday." Her aunt says nicely.

"This is why I fell for you. Your strong and have a temper to be reckoned with, but you know when somebody needs help." Riverr says as he hugs her.

"Mr. Pierce we have plenty of time for this later. For now I need to see everyone at my home." Lord Jacob comments gravely.

They all look at him curiously and he tells them that now is not the place. He walks out the door and stretches his wings taking flight and slip streaming to his house. Everyone else follows suit and they are all standing outside his door. He opens the door and lead the way in taking them to his personal chambers.

"The council is sure that you are mated to a demon."

"They're right. What do we do?" Kirsten asks worried.

Tom places his hand on her shoulder.

"You can live in hell with us."

"Dad that won't work. They think i'm an angel."

"True. Tom we all know this will not end well." Jacob says sadly as

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