» Romance » Hiding In Plain Sight, K Lime [e book reader online TXT] 📗

Book online «Hiding In Plain Sight, K Lime [e book reader online TXT] 📗». Author K Lime

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even struggle against the three large bodies that were raping her and was completely unable to block off the multiple other hands pawing at her. The demons before him stared at the group before Xena went to move forward. Riverr grabbed her shoulder.

"What are you doing?"

"Helping my friend Riverr that's Kirsten!!!"

Riverr growled ran forward ripping two of the assailants from Kirsten while the third backed away. His black wings flared up behind him as he caught Kirsten's limp form. Xena chased the two humans and warned them her lord would hear of what they had done. She turned back and walked to Riverr her red eyes bright with anger.

"Is she alright?" Xena asked looking at Riverr anxiously.

"No we need to get her to a doctor and soon before she bleeds out."

"What do you mean?"

"I would never allow myself to fall for a weak one. She would have fought back....had they not cut her first."

He stood with her in his arms and turned to face Xena. For the first time Jacob got to see how badly his granddaughter had been hurt. She had bite marks and claw marks on nearly every inch of her body. She had cuts across both of her wrists as though they had attempted to drain her of enough blood for her to be weak. Her usually creamy white skin was pink and red with blood smeared all over her body. She was still alive and still conscious, but barely. She opened her eyes at looked dazedly at them.

"Kelly made them do it. Riverr Kelly paidTrenton to do it!" She cried against him as he wrapped her tightly in his arms.

"Xena hold her. She needs to be covered."

He quickly handed her to his cousin and pulled off his shirt and dressed her in it. He reached for her back and in almost a flash slip-streamed to the hospital.

~End Of Insight~

Jacob sat for a moment without saying anything. He looked at Xena. She was staring back at him with her ruby eyes and red hair standing out against her black clothes.

"So...she has a mate."

"Indeed." Xena snarled angrily at him.

"Relax, he will find no harm from us."

"Lord Jacob? Who is her mate?" Auntie asked from where she was sitting in a chair next to Destiny and Charlotte.

"Riverr Pierce."

"A demon then....Jacob if you don't do something the council will try to step in."

"Yes they will....if they think she is an angel. Don't worry dear, she will be fine. She is stronger than both I and Tom put together. They cannot harm her. If only we could find her..."

Slipping away unnoticed, one of the angelic council members rushes back to the meeting hall of the council.

Meeting Daddy

While her aunt was meeting with the angel lord and looked for her, Kirsten lay sleeping on Riverr's bed, unaware that her very existence was in question. She wakes up to see Riverr had left the room. With a frown she stretches and looks down at her clothes. 'This was not what I wore he’s seen me naked again....and I haven't seen him naked once!'

"Careful there sunshine you'll get wrinkles if you keep making faces like that." Riverr teases as he walks into the room carrying a plate of food.

"Oh hush I will get no such thing."

"Sure, just keep telling yourself that. Here I made you some breakfast eat quickly. You have a party to go to."


"Yes party it’s your birthday."

"My birthday is in two days."

"Kirsten, you've been asleep for two days."

"I what!?"

"You've slept for two days. Today is the 13th. It's your birthday."

"And of course still no wings." She breaks into tears and wraps her arms around her knees crying harder. "What's wrong with me why can't I be just like all the others?!"

"Kirsten, no need to’re not different. Your wings are right there on your back."

"Don't lie!"

"I'm not. Flex your muscles in your shoulders, those are the ones that control wing movement."

She flexes one and hears a noise turning her head she looks behind her and sees large silky black and white wings behind her. She gasps in surprise and reaches up to touch one.

"Alright alright enough play. Eat, then play."

"Riverr they're not white."

"No, but they’re not black either."

"So, what am I?"

"You're a demon. Have you never seen the demon lord or the angel lord when they show their wings?"

"No. Grandfather's are white with gold in them. What color are the demon lord's?"

"Black with silver in them"

"So why are mine black and white?"

"Because your royalty."

"How so?"

"If your father is a demon lord and your grandfather is the angel lord, you have mixed the bloodlines. The only explanation I can come up with is that because your blood is mixed, your wings are mixed as well."

"But can I not make them one solid color?"

"You can. Just like we can hide our wings I'm sure there is a way you can change the colors. Just ask one of the lords."

"But I only know one."

"Ah, about that....your's in hell."

"And I get to meet my dad right?"


"What's he like?"

"Well he has a temper that is very dangerous and he is very leader like. He is a good leader but it is a very bad idea to anger him."

"Like those demons from yea..."

"Yes. Like Trenton's friends."

She stops talking and finishes her food in silence. She stands up stretches and tries to move her wings. They move but only a small amount."

"Riverr how am I ever going to fly if they won’t move!"

"They move it just takes a little practice. Put on your clothes and then I'll help you."

"What clothes?"

"Oh right, Xena brought me some of your clothes when I told her you were here."

"Xena was here? Why didn't you wake me?"

"You needed your rest. Get dressed."

"Anxious to see me naked again?"

"Questioning your superiors now too?"

"Ha I do believe I am stronger than you, plus both lords will clobber you if you hurt me."

He slips behind her and grabs her wrists he pinning her against the wall and whispers in her ear.

"My little angel any pain I give you will be pleasure."

She shivers as goose bumps run down her spine. He runs his free hand around her waist and holds her tightly and he nuzzles gently at her neck kissing and biting at her collarbone. She lets out a soft moan and he smiles against her skin. He stops and lets her go.

"Like I said, any pain I give you will be pleasure."

Smirking at her he walks off into the kitchen with her plate. He leaves her enough time to change and he walks back in to see her in her pants, boots, and a bra.

"I thought I said get dressed?"

"I'm not gonna have to explain that my shirt does not fit over these things do I?" She points at her wings as she talks with an irritated look on her face.

"Oh yea. Just picture yourself without wings and they will go away."

She closes her eyes and pictures herself with no wings.

"There you go shirt will go on now."

She slips her shirt on and follows him out the door. Once outside his wings suddenly appear behind him.

"How did you do that?"

"I pictured them there?"

"Will it rip my shirt?"

"Did it rip mine?"

She looks at him for a minute and closes her eyes to picture her wings behind her. She shivers as she feels the wings unfurl behind her.

"Alright so how do I fly?"

"Easy there tigress you need to work on stretching so that you can move them."

He starts showing her how to move her muscles to get her wings to move. Within minutes she has learned enough to begin to fly.

"Do NOT go too low and try to be careful. If anybody sees you they will know you are different. Follow me."

He stretches out his wings and flaps them a few times before jumping into the air and starting to fly higher and higher. She stretches hers and begins to flap them starting to rise off the ground. She catches the hang of it and begins to catch up to him. They go higher and high until they are in the clouds. They start off with basics of flying maneuvers. They fly around for a little while before he says it’s time to get to the party.

"How do we get there?"

"How do you get to Heaven?"

"Well we picture it in our minds and we use our bracelets and we are there. But the bracelets come off at 16. Well mine didn't. Once you have your wings you can slip-stream up there."

"Well demons are given these necklaces that act as teleporters. You just think in your mind hell and then your there."

"But I don't have one."

"This is why I will use mine to take us both."

"You can do that?"

"Yes. Come here."

He opens his arms and she steps into them and wraps her arms around him. He wraps his around her.

"Stop flapping your wings and press them tightly against your body."

She pulls them tight against her and he pulls one hand away from her tightening the other. He reaches up and grasps his necklace flaps his wings once more and tightens them around them. They begin to free fall and Kirsten tenses up. Then, as soon as it started she feels firm ground under her feet and looks up at Riverr.

"You alright?"

"Yea that was scary."

"You wouldn't have splattered against the ground. Come we're making a scene."

She steps back and looks around. Many demons are staring at them, well mainly at her. Whispers are rushing through the crowd. Riverr takes a step towards them and they start to part to let them pass. He leads the way through the gawking onlookers until they reach the walkway to the castle.

"How are you holding up?"

"Fine. Why is everyone staring at me."

"It isn't every day a half breed walks through hell."

"There has never been one to survive!"

"True. Let’s get inside." He begins to walk down the road towards the doors when the doors burst open.

A tall muscular but

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