» Romance » Hiding In Plain Sight, K Lime [e book reader online TXT] 📗

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other room. He sits down in the chair. Peeking into the room Kry walks in and stretches out on the bed she was originally thrown on.


"I guess. Do I need to do anything or what?"

"Just lie still and relax."

She closes her eyes and begins to relax when she begins to see images from her captor’s childhood. She watches the images float past her eyes like they were her own memories for a few minutes.

Riverr is experiencing the same feeling of mild interest as he watches images of the girl growing up dance around in his head. Then he sees many images he becomes angry with, but one stands out as most traumatic. The image was of the girl in a room crying. It looked as though she had been beaten up very badly. He goes back about a year and watches as the girl went from age 15 to age 16 being bullied at school and then from age 16 until just a few days ago of her being ridiculed and beaten up because she was different. 'So that's why she's so submissive. She just wants somebody to accept her' The images finish floating by and he ends the sharing. Looking up he sees that she has fallen asleep.

"Oh my little angel, my cousin did well to tell the demon lord that she was your friend. He will be pleased to know that I have found you. Unless he kills me for taking you from him before he meets you first."

He picks her up carefully and pulls back his covers before laying her back down on the bed. He kissed her forehead gently before pulling off her clothes and looking at the scars and fresh bruises and scrapes from the endeavors of that evening. Running his hand across the length of one of the scars causes her to shiver so he grabs one of his shirts from his dresser and a pair of his boxers and dresses her before changing into a pair of boxers. He douses the lamps and lays down beside her. She moves closer to him and cuddles up to his side. Smiling he wraps his arm around her protectively and pulls the blankets around them.

"Sleep well Kry. Your mate is here to protect you."

He speaks into the darkness and falls asleep. Kirsten Is Gone

"Lord Jacob please you have to help us find her I let her go to this party last night and she never came home. I searched most of last night trying to find her and none of her friends know where she is not even Xena!" Kirsten's aunt pleads with the Angel Lord.

"Xena is the demon correct?" Lord Jacob questions.

"Yes sir."

"Was she having any problems on earth that she wouldn't have spoken of?"

"No she tells me everything. She does very well in school and is always talking about what her and her friends do. I didn't approve of all the time she spends on earth at first, but her friends all seem to get along despite their differences and even the demons respect her."

"I suspect that there is another reason for her not to have come home. For now I will need to speak with her friends and see if there is anything that she hasn't told you that she may have said to them."

"Sir Xena cannot enter heaven."

"A demon may enter if summoned by myself or a full-grown pureblood angel."

"Do you wish me to stay or go while you speak to them?"

"It will be better if you stay to hear anything they say, it could help us to find her."

Lord Jacob sends out a magical summons to the three in question and soon enough the three are standing in the same room as him and Kry's aunt.

"Children, do any of you know where Kirsten is?"

They all look at each other confused and Destiny steps forward.

"Sir, the last any of us spoke to Kry was last night at the party."

"This party, what happened?"

"We were all just hanging out when these hunters showed up. They tried to capture Xena but then their lead said there was another being they were after instead. They let her go and ran after Kry."

"Well that is just stupid humans don't usually pay for a hunter to capture an angel!" Auntie cries out indignantly.

"Relax Auntie, Kry ran. She's the fastest on the track team at school there's no way they could have caught her." Xena offers as a comfort.

"Destiny, is that all that any of you three know from last night?"

"Yes sir."

"What of her school life? She is an outcast isn't she?"

"Yes. All three of us sort of are, but hers got worse when her wings didn't come in. Humans started beating her up more often and called her a demon. The demons got angry about it and said no late blooming angel was a demon and started beating her up too. Worst of all was the other angels. Kelly and her group went after her a lot. They had Trenton and his gang catch her one day going home from school and rape her."

"Destiny! We promised her we wouldn't tell anybody!" Charlotte shouts fearfully.

"Char, it isn't like he wouldn't know. He knows about everything that happens once it gets reported. I'm sure the kind of stress Kry emitted after that was enough for him to pick up on. "

"Actually girls, I may be the angel lord, but I don't always know everything. I can only see what an angel will open their mind to allow or what somebody reports. I do have eyes and ears almost everywhere, but sometimes even they can miss things. The teachers, did they know?"

"Yes. Most of them just don't meddle in the affairs of students unless a student asks for help. Everyone assumes Kry is just strong enough to deal with her own problems. She really just wants to be free."

"Destiny, you didn't get to hear the story like I did. I was the one who first heard about the bullies and also about the rape. I was the one who stopped it along with help from my cousin." Xena steps forward to stand by Destiny. "Angel lord, can you use insight like a demon does?"

"We have insight, but it doesn't work like demonic insight does. Ours is only what they allow us to see anything a person has locked away we won’t see." Destiny answers softly

"Xena, as angel lord I can see all of what a person's memories are even if they are hiding something. Is there something you wish to show me?"

"Yes. I wanted to share the night Kry told me about the abuse and when Riverr and I saved her from Trenton and his guys."

"Alright, ready?"



Kirsten and Xena are sitting on the bed while Xena is stitching up a large wound on Kirsten's back.

"Why did you not say anything sooner?" Xena asks carefully.

"Oh Xena I didn't want to bother anybody."

"Kry, they have no right to do this. You haven't done anything to them. You need to tell somebody!"

"No. Xena don't tell anybody. Char and Des suspect but nobody else really knows other than teachers and other students. Nobody will say anything."

"Kry you know I will not say anything unless you gave me permission."

"What if they tried to kill me?"

"I would tell. For now you seem to be handling it well and mainly everything is minor cuts and bruises. What did they do to your back?"

"Actually that happened once they were finished. Kelly and her group left and when I was trying to get up I fell and hit the broken bench. It cut me when I fell on it."

"Ok. I'm done you can turn around now."

Kry pulls her shirt back down and turns to face Xena.

"Xena, promise you won’t tell?"

"My word as a demon!"

"That's not worth much!"

"You little brat come here!" Xena pushes Kirsten backwards and starts tickling her.

The image starts to change and they are in an alley. There is a tall figure walking next to Xena and they are talking softly on their way home from the coffee shop. Jacob falls into step behind them and listens to their conversation.

"So your angel friend is she alright?"

"Why do you care? Crushing on her?"

"If I am, it is nobody's business but mine missy. No, the demon lord asked about her again. He got reports that some demons had beat her up a few times. To say the least those guys are still in the pits."

"Riverr, she doesn't want anybody to do anything. She wants to deal with it herself. I’m sure her wings will come soon and things will stop."

"And if her wings don't?"

"They will."

"What if they are black?"

"Riverr! To speak of such a thing! Why in hell would an angel have black wings?"

"Xena, you know exactly why."

"That is only a story. Lord Tom wouldn't have."

"He may have..."

"We can hope for her life that he didn't"

"If she is his daughter, by the time she turns 17 she will be free to live her life as she wants. If she is a demon, the angel lord will not harm her. It will be against their ways."

"You also forget, the angel lord is her grandfather."

"True. He wouldn't hurt her if he could avoid it. The angel council however..."

"Those morons are nothing but power hungry ready to take over at any possible chance they can. If they find out she is a half they will demand her destroyed."

"Her mother has already been destroyed. Her father they are no match for."

"Do you think Jacob knows?"

"How could he not."

Jacob smiled sadly to himself. Of course he knew. He could see it in how she acted and sense it in her blood. His granddaughter was not a pureblood. He would protect her until she had her wings, and even after that. He heard a noise and the smell of blood wafted to his nose. Stiffening slightly he prepared himself for what he was about to see. The two in front of him rounded the corner to a sight that made him sick.

Kirsten was trapped within a group of angels, humans, and demons as they all took whatever they wanted from her. Trenton, the obvious head of the assault had a hand full of Kirsten's long hair in his fist as he fucked her roughly. Kirsten was barely able to

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