» Romance » Hiding In Plain Sight, K Lime [e book reader online TXT] 📗

Book online «Hiding In Plain Sight, K Lime [e book reader online TXT] 📗». Author K Lime

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he places his hand on Tom's.

"Jacob I will not lose my daughter that I just got."

"I know Tom. You may not ever have gotten the chance to be called my son, but you are. I will stand behind Kirsten but it is up to her what to do."

"The council is getting greedy they know that they are on to something. Tom's being there didn't help settle the suspicions. They will try even harder now to take things into their own hands." Destiny comments dryly.

"Let's just hope they stay as they are." Jacob says softly.

"We can hope, but it won't end well." Auntie offers.

"True. Now i'm sure all of you are tired and I have business to attend to. So I wish you all a good day." Jacob shows them to the door and everyone but Tom heads back to Auntie's house.


"Yes Auntie?"

"You are letting that family stay in the house your mother left you?"


"Well I think it is a fine idea how about we all fix up a nice meal for them and take it to them?"

"That's a great idea!" Charlotte says enthusiastically.

"Well wait, we need to make sure they don't already have plans. I can run down there and see if they are there." Kirsten says

"You do that take Riverr with you. Honey change your wings back its not your color."

River smirks and puts them back to black before slip streaming with Kry down to the house she was letting Trenton and his family stay in. Kirsten smiles as she sees Trenton's truck outside and knocks on the door. Trenton's mother opens it and hugs her welcoming her inside.

"Kirsten this place is amazing! Thank you so much."

"You're welcome Mrs. Jones."

"Oh call me mamma everyone does! What can I do for you and your friend here?" She says looking at Riverr

Riverr offers his hand to her and tells her his name she shakes it and looks back at Kirsten.

"Well actually do you have any plans tonight for dinner?"

"No, why?"

"My aunt and I would like to bring dinner for you and your family."

"Only if you, your mate here, and your friends will join us."

"What? Ma'am i'm not-" Riverr starts fearfully

"Oh hush I may be old but I am not a fool. Be assured your secret is safe with my family. Trenton has his eyes on a particular human would you mind if she joined us?"

"Of course not."

"Then its settled then i'll tell the kids and we will be ready for you when you get here."

"We will see you then. Bye"

The couple stood and slip streamed up to Auntie's house. They arrive to see everyone hard at work on preparing food of some kind.

"Oh, Kirsten your back! You and Riverr start on desert!" Auntie says handing them the recipe.

The couple smiles at each other and wash their hands before starting on their chore. Two hours later everything was cooked and ready to go.

"Guys before we go, they know about Riverr and I. Mrs. Jones caught on i guess. Don't worry Trenton has his eyes on a human."


"What Xena?"

"He took her for his mate. Vanessa the one that lives just down the road from me."

"Ah. Cute. Anyway everybody all set?"

"Yep lets go."

They all slip stream onto the porch and Kirsten knocks. Trenton opens the door and helps them get everything into the dining room. When he stops and starts staring at Kirsten.

"What?" She asks.

"Your wings. What's wrong with them?"

Everyone looks and Kirsten turns her head. She had forgotten to change her wings back all white before they had left. Looking at everyone lost for words she wills them away and they vanish from sight.

"No don't put them away they were pretty."

"Trenton you can't tell anybody about what you just saw please."

"I won't if you'll tell me why they're different." He sits down looking at her expectantly.

"This isn't a good idea Kry he could use it against you." Destiny says edgily.

"He could but he won't. Dad would kill him first. Trenton you know how my mother was accused of mating with a demon?"


"Well come to find out the man she claimed was my father wasn't. Lord Tom is my father."

"That's why you got them at 17."


"Sweet. They're both colors because your both angel and demon."

"Yea. Don't mention this to anyone alright?"

"Deal. Let's get everyone in here and lets eat."

Smiling Kirsten announces that the food is done and they all sit down for dinner. The meal goes well and the group all splits up after each going to their own places. Kirsten and Riverr head to Riverr's house and take a shower and spend a few hours watching TV together before going to sleep.
The First Move

Tom sat in his room with his elite council members.

"Tom there will be a war. What will we do?" One of the members, Dustin asks him.

"I know the demons will fight if i ask it of them, but will they demand that I step down?"

"My lord, I do not think any of us will stand against you. If we must go to war against the angels we shall."

"Even if it is only for my daughter?"

"If your heir's life is at steak then it is our job to do what we can to protect her."

"Why do you accept her knowing she is a half-breed?"

"Because my lord, the rules are foolish. Keeping the three separate makes us all weaker. Kirsten is as strong as one of the ancients were. The only solution to save all of the groups is to allow people to mate with who their heart says their mate is."

"Is that how you honestly feel Dustin?"

"Yes Tom. Wholeheartedly."

"If the council makes an attempt at rising to power?"

"The angels will fight them. And we shall help them."

"Isn't declaring war up to me?"

"We know that you will. Cause they will destroy her first."

"You are correct there. Thank you Dustin."

Riverr woke to somebody shaking his arm and he looked up to see Xena and Destiny standing over him. Destiny was in tears and he sat up waking Kirsten by asking what was going on.

"It's Lord Jacob! He requested to see you both right away he's dying."

"How is that even possible?"

"Just hurry up and get dressed."

Kirsten jumped out of bed throwing Riverr a pair of boxers and putting on her own under clothes quickly. Riverr slides them on under the covers and stands up walking into the closet and getting dressed. Kirsten puts on a pair of his shorts and one of her shirts. She brushes her hair quickly and kisses Riverr softly as they slip stream together into the great hall of the angel lord. Lord Jacob's assistant Whitney comes in and directs them to his bedroom worryingly. They walk in the room to find Lord Jacob in his bed looking really sick. They stop talking as the group walks into the room.

"Come in girls, Riverr."

"Oh grandfather what happened?"

"Poison." Riverr states looking at Jacob.

"How did you know?" Jacob questions.

"I was a tracker."

"Ah so you can smell it then?"

"Yes. You don't have long left."

"I know which is why I have called you all here. Whitney, bring in the others."

Whitney opens the door and two tall angels walk in.

"Everyone, these are two associates of mine. They helped me start a few orphanages on earth. They are here as witnesses."

"Of what?" Xena asks.

"Any angel lord must name a heir before he fades or it will be up to the council to name one for him."

"Who is your heir?" Charlotte asks cautiously.

"Kirsten come here. Give me your hand and show your wings. The true color if you would."

Kirsten steps closer to the man in the bed and allows her wings to show behind her as she offers him her right hand. The two men who had entered the room look at her wings in amazement. Jacob takes the gold ring with the pearl off of his right ring finger and places it on hers.

"Kirsten Zaffiro in front of all those present today by the power given to me as angel lord I pronounce you my heir and successor do you accept?"

"Yes sir."

"Then so be it."

Suddenly Kirsten's wings begin to glow a brilliant white. The light begins to fade and the white in her wings becomes outlined in gold.

"What happened to your wings!?" Xena questions anxiously.

"They are the wings of the angel lord or lady in this case." Jacob answers softly.

Slowly he begins to fade from sight and they all watch as he fades from existence.

"What now?" Auntie asks

"We have to tell the council that he faded. But do not tell them that he named me his successor." Kirsten answers thoughtfully.

Tom walks into the room and Kirsten hears voices speaking in her head.

:Hello?: She thinks trying to find out where they are coming from.

:Oh you must be the new angel lady that Jacob was telling us about. We are the angel lords and ladies of the past. You can speak to us at any time through the connection that the ring provides.: A voice answers her.


:Yes dear?:

:Am I going bonkers?:

:No dear the ring I gave you provides a bond and it allows you to speak to us.:

:But you faded.:

:Yes that is true, but the ring captures our essence and we are able to live on through it in a form at least.:

:Oh. How do I get the voices to stop?:

:Just close the link. Kind of like you just ignore it. You can open it completely or you can wish to speak to just one of us. You will know us all by name soon enough dear now go, your father needs to speak to you. If you have any questions ask him.:

Kirsten blinks and looks at the group.


"You kind of zoned out are you ok?" Auntie asks her.

"It's the ring. She's fine." Tom answers the question.

"How did you know that Tom?"

He holds up his hand and they see a silver ring with a black stone in the middle.

"I have one too."

"Jacob said ask you if I needed any help."

"Oh course the old coot would say that."

"HEY!" The group of angels and humans shouted at him.

"What? He was an old coot. He was a friend of mine though I have every right to tease him. My nickname was worse."

"Tell us yours?" Kirsten asks.

"NO!" He mock shouts laughing.


He puts his arms up and does a little chicken flap and scratches the floor with his foot. The whole room cracks up laughing.

"Never do that again." Kirsten says as she composes herself.

"Alright. I don't mean to bog you down but I met with my council before I came here."


"They feel that the angelic council will start a war."

"What will the demons do?"

"We will fight them."

"Just the council and the ones that stand by them?"

"Yes. We believe that most of the angels will fight back against the council. From the amount of angels that are currently living on earth with there children in human school rather than the angelic academy, I think most of them will rebel."

"You agree that we shouldn't tell them he had a successor?"

"Indeed. They will attempt an attack on your life if they find out. Do you know who poisoned him?"

"Stephan the young council member stopped by last night and they had tea." Whitney offers helpfully.

"Stephan wouldn't do it unless somebody made him. I'll bet it was that monster Dolores." Auntie growls

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