Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Heather Ray [best autobiographies to read .txt] 📗

- Author: Heather Ray
Book online «Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Heather Ray [best autobiographies to read .txt] 📗». Author Heather Ray
How can I say this enough? Thank you to everyone that has kept up with all my books! You all are awesome! When I started adapting my fanfiction to these books, I was just doing it in order to introduce the Power Rangers to a new generation and to also help reluctant young readers to find a new love for reading. But I have found out that with each new book there is resounding success! Thank you all so much!
The Power Rangers belong to Saban Entertainment... no questions asked. This fanfic takes place during the first season, before "Green With Evil."
"...and so Juliet killed herself, by piercing her heart with Romeo's dagger," answered a tall, slender Asian girl.
"That is very true, Trini," said Mrs. Applebee with a smile, "Now class, the question is... why did both Romeo and Juliet have to die?"
Mrs. Applebee, an English teacher at Angel Grove High School, surveys her class of sophomores. She notices that the majority of the class seemed unconscious, and weren't paying attention to the lesson on Shakespeare. She sighed inwardly. Well, who can really blame them? It is the final period of the day after all.
Mrs. Applebee focuses on an energetic young girl with caramel hair and a twinkle in her eyes. The girl is waving her hand in the air excitedly.
"Kimberly," she says finally, "what do you think the reason is?"
"Well," said the girl, "because they were so in love, they couldn't stand living without one another. Romeo killed himself because he believed his love was dead, and when Juliet found Romeo's body, she cried in agony and killed herself. She didn't even need to think about it. Oh, its so romantic!"
"That's true, Kimberly, the tale of "Romeo and Juliet"
is a romantic tragedy. But, on a literary level, why did they both have to die? What is the significance of their deaths?"
Mrs. Applebee once again scanned the room, and this time chose to call upon one of the students that wasn't paying attention. She frowned when she saw a rather large young man in the back of the room, his head down on the desk, snoring loudly.
"Farcus Bulkmeyer!" she yelled, instantly waking the slumbering teen, "I hope you realize class participation counts for twenty percent of your grade! If I were you, I'd participate as much as humanly possible!"
The rest of the class chuckled at Bulk's expense. Bulk sat up, and fixed the collar of his leather jacket.
"I heard ya," he said confidently.
"Oh really?" asked Mrs. Applebee, raising her eyebrow, "Then, what's the answer?"
Bulk fidgeted under the teacher's gaze, and looked desperately at his best friend, the skinny young man sitting next to him. But instead of coming to Bulk's aid, the young man began laughing his often annoying, nasal laugh.
"Oh, shut up, Skull!" snapped Bulk angrily.
"We're waiting for an answer, Mister Bulkmey--"
Then, the bell rang, signalling the conclusion of the days classes. Everyone immediately piled out of the room excitedly. Bulk breathed a sigh of relief, and began collecting his things.
"Just a minute, class!" called Mrs. Applebee, "You have to write an essay about Romeo and Juliet for Tuesday! At least three pages in length, and use samples of the text to prove your theses! The rough draft is due Tuesday!! Monday, there's no class. Instead, the last two periods, all students will attend a special assembly on the theory of interstellar travel. Have a nice weekend!"
Once the teacher had finished, the class continued out the door. A group of five students grouped just outside the classroom, and together headed down the hallway.
"Interstellar Travel?" said Kimberly, "I don't remember hearing about an assembly on Interstellar Travel!"
"It was in the school paper last week," said Jason, the tall, muscular young man with dark hair and eyes, "All classes will be in the auditorium during periods seven and eight. Doctor Arthur Darius will be lecturing."
"Who's he?" asked the young African American man in the group.
"Doctor Darius is a Nobel Prize laureate, Zack," explained Billy, the slender young man in blue overalls with wire-frame glasses, "He is an expert in astrophysics, and his entire life has been devoted to proving matter can travel at the speed of light. He hasn't succeeded yet, but he has accomplished much in his over twelve years of research and experimentation."
"I've read about him," said Trini, "Isn't he the South African scientist who was blinded in an accident several years ago?"
"Wow," said Zack, "really? What happened?"
"If memory serves, he was experimenting on light," said Billy, "He was trying to study the particle nature of light, and used sunlight as the subject, because it contains so many different bands of light. However, there was an accident, which resulted with an acute burst of harmful rays of visible as well as ultraviolet light. He survived the blast, but his retina was irreparably damaged. He hasn't been able to see since."
"That's horrible," gasped Kimberly, "What did he do?"
"The only thing a dedicated scientist would do: he kept on working. Obviously, he cannot conduct light experiments on his own, because he cannot see, but he does still advise other scientists, and studies their findings. He also designs numerous experiments. That's why he won the Nobel Prize."
"That's unbelievable," said Zack, "How could a blind person accomplish so much? I mean, not being able to see--?"
"There are many people that can't see, Zack," said Jason, "and many who can't hear. Just because they can't experience life in the same way that we do, doesn't mean they can't live a full life. Its just a matter of conquering the challenges that you're faced with."
"Perhaps you should meet Doctor Darius," suggested Billy, "We all can. Since I'm a member of the Young Scientists of America, I was fortunate enough to meet Doctor Darius last night, when his flight from Washington came in. He is a very pleasant and inspirational gentleman. He's staying at the Marriot here in Angel Grove, and he invited us to come visit anytime."
"That would be an honor," said Trini with a smile, "He's such a remarkable man. He endured so much, but he didn't let his trials hinder him in the least."
"In the meantime," said Kimberly, "let's go to Ernie's! I really have a craving for one of his Kiwi-Strawberry Spritzers!"
Meanwhile, high above the Earth, on the dark side of her only natural satellite, there exists a stone castle. This castle defies all the laws of nature-- it has its own self-contained atmosphere and climate. Within this mysterious castle is an even more amazing sight-- a group of aliens who have decided to conquer Earth. The leader of this alien army is an ancient witch called Rita Repulsa, who is the self-proclaimed Empress of Evil. The only thing stopping this sorceress is a team of five young teenagers, who wield the power of the ancient Dinosaurs. So Rita spends a good portion of her day spying these five through her Repulsascope, in a desperate attempt to find out the Power Rangers' weakness. She believes she has found one.
"What a brilliant idea!" she screamed, skipping away from her telescope, "Why didn't I think of it sooner? It solves all my problems, with no hassel!"
Then, a golden armored warrior with the face of a canine entered the throne room and bowed humbly.
"What is your idea, Empress?" he asked, standing up to his full height of six and a half feet.
"The Power Rangers themselves gave it to me, Goldar," she said, "What I need is a monster. A monster who can create powerful beams of light. Blinding light. Where's Finster?"
"I shall find him for you, Empress," said Goldar, bowing once again. He then left the chamber, and Rita took a seat on her throne, tapping her foot impatiently. Soon, a short white goat-like alien with a blue apron and glasses entered the room and bowed before the throne. He was holding a large leather-bound book.
"You summoned me, Rita?" he asked politely.
"Yes I did," she said with an evil grin, "Finster, do you have a monster that can create powerful beams of light?"
"Light?" asked Finster, "Light isn't much of a weapon, Empress."
"Well, neither is the ability to eat the whole world's food supply," snapped Rita, "and you
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