» Science Fiction » The Terran Ranger Saga Volume 3, Heather Ray [feel good books to read .txt] 📗

Book online «The Terran Ranger Saga Volume 3, Heather Ray [feel good books to read .txt] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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costume, but it didn't touch my skin yet."

"That doesn't mean it won't. Quick, wash it off with the water on the ground. It may be muddy, but at least it's not a poison."

Tom began splashing the muddy water onto his costume in an effort to wash away the green slime threatening to eat him alive. While he tended to his wound, Kimberly, Zack, and Rocky managed to keep the six Putties at bay.

"Man," grunted Zack after punching a Putty in the face, "this sure was easier when we had our powers!"

"It doesn't seem so bad," commented Rocky while performing a powerful roundhouse kick, knocking back two Putties, "I kinda miss all the action. In my line of work, all the fighting is fake, ya know. Just a bunch of stunts to make a movie exciting. But there's nothing comparable to the rush ya get when you're fighting for keeps."

"Sure," said Kimberly, just managing to block a Viper Putty's attacks with her armbands, "if you like putting your life on the line."

"You can't tell me ya didn't miss this!" said Rocky, leaping back from a Putty. "This is the life!"

"Enough games," said Tom, standing up, his uniform dripping with murky water. "Let's finish these guys off. Stand back, guys!"

Kimberly, Zack, and Rocky leapt out of the way, and Tom pulled a small laser pistol from his belt. He shot powerful rays of red lasers, which managed to disintegrate the Putties. At the same time, though, the whole area began to shake.

"Tom!" yelled Zack. "Turn off the laser! You'll cause a cave-in!"

Tom released the firing button, but the shaking continued. The rangers braced themselves against the moist wall so as to not fall to the muddy ground.

"Its not me, gang," said Tom. "Something's here."

"Something big," commented Rocky. "It sounds like its...under us."

Just then, a powerful roar shook the caverns, and the rangers' eyes widened.

"That's no Putty," said Zack.

Suddenly, the floor began to crack. Kimberly managed to utter a final yelp as the floor crumbled from beneath her, and she fell into the consuming darkness.
Chapter Nineteen

Not far away, inside one of the other dim tunnels that constituted the underground labyrinth leading to the Central Access Complex, Jason Lee, Katherine Hillard, and Adam Park continued their own rather uneventful journey. The three walked in a grim silence, for they all had deep thoughts on their minds, first and foremost their missing friend Will Mitchell, and the impact Zedd and Rita's return will have on their already complicated lives.

"So," said Kat, trying to lighten the mood a little, "what've you been up to, Adam?"

Adam turned around, slightly surprised to hear someone talking. He shrugged, and tightened the band tying his dark, curly long locks.

"Well, I've been working on a new movie. Its actually pretty cool, since Rocky's the stunt coordinator in this film. But other than that, nothing much is going on. How about you, Kat?"

"Oh, nothing much. I'm just working at the Anglo-Australian Observatory. Though I admit, I'd like to move back to America. I kinda miss it here."

"But, what would Sheldon think about that?" asked Jason, deciding to join the conversation. "Isn't he the reason you moved back to Sydney?"

"Well, part of the reason," said Kat, blushing slightly, "but he's no longer part of the picture. We split up, about a year ago."

"Wow," said Adam, "I thought you two were so happy. What happened?"

"Sheldon and I just had irreconcilable differences," Kat said with a sigh. "It turned out we aren't so compatible. I guess its my curse -- I've never had much luck in matters of the heart."

"Me neither," said Adam, "I mean, I met the woman of my dreams when Tanya Sloan came into my life. But, she moved back to Africa before we really became close, and I guess we just lost contact. It happens."

"I didn't know how much you cared about Tanya," said Kat, slightly surprised. Now it was Adam's turn to blush.

"I didn't know either, until she left," Adam admitted. "Love is a funny thing, ya know? You don't know its there until its gone."

"We may know how to fight evil," said Jason, "but expressing love is another thing entirely. I was lucky that Emily was so patient with me. I mean, we've dated since senior year in high school, and I finally married her two years ago. Man, I don't know how she put up with me."

"Yes," said Kat, "and Zack could never seem to get over Angela, and then Kimberly and Tom split up, and Will and Trini never quite got together, and I fell in love with the wrong man. It's amazing how inept we are when it comes to relationships."

"You got that right," said Adam, continuing down the dark tunnel, "I almost wish something would happen, ya know? At least we'd know we were going in the right direction."

Suddenly, the darkened cavern mysteriously lit up, revealing thirteen deadly Viper Putties. The three heroes stepped back in surprise at the sudden attack.

"Be careful what you wish for, Adam," said Jason with a frown, striking a martial arts battle stance. Adam mimicked his movements, and the two men defended themselves against the charging Putties. Katherine, who had never mastered the art of unarmed combat, quickly pulled out her laser blaster, and fired powerful beams of blue light at any Viper Putty that dared approach her. However, the trio was quickly being drowned by Putties. Kat watched helplessly as the nine remaining Putties encircled Adam and Jason, not allowing her a clean shot. Jason looked up and noticed how the Putties almost seemed to ignore Kat.

Of course,

he thought. Their strategy is to overwhelm me and Adam first, and then go after Kat! They know Kat won't dare take a shot at them so long as they're so close to me and Adam!

Jason quickly head-butted the Putty that was holding his arms behind his back, forcing the creature to let go. He then broke away from the other two Putties attacking him, and lifted a small silver sphere from his belt.

"The kid-gloves are off, Clay-Brains!" he declared, pressing the single button on the sphere. "Prepare to get blown away!"

Jason hurled the small sphere at the three Putties he was fighting, which exploded on impact, reducing all three Putties to dust. He then quickly ran over to Katherine, who was now attempting to help Adam by fighting some of the Putties aiming for him.

"Kat!" Jason called, getting her attention, "I think we're close to the CAC! That would explain the sudden attack! Keep going down the tunnel, while I help Adam take out the Putty Patrol!"

Kat nodded and broke into a run, leaving Adam and Jason to deal with the six remaining Putties.

"Thanks for the help, Jay," grunted Adam while kicking one Putty behind the knee.

"No problem," answered Jason, blocking a stream of venom with his arm bands. "Together, we can trash these things in no time!"

As soon as the duo finished off the last Putty, one dozen more materialized right before their eyes.

"I think Zedd's watching us!" yelled Jason, who immediately attacked the new Putties, "He'll probably keep sending more Viper Putties until we're dead!"

Meanwhile, just down the tunnel, Katherine stood at a fork in the road. Unfortunately, only one path could lead to the CAC, and she knew her friends needed her to locate the Terran Rangers' headquarters immediately.

"Oh, if only I could remember which path was the right one!" she sighed, rubbing her chin in thought. "Well, when all else fails...eenie, meenie, minie, mo!"

Kat began to hurry down the left tunnel, when the sound of footsteps caught her attention.

"Jason?" she called, "Adam? You there?"

When no one answered, Kat listened even more carefully, stopping in her tracks.

The footsteps are coming from...behind this wall! she thought, pressing her ear against the wall on the right side of the tunnel, So, that could mean Lord Zedd sent more Putties to attack me! Now, if they're in the other tunnel, then it's safe to assume they're guarding the CAC entrance! I'm going the wrong way...

Kat started to backtrack, but she then stopped again.

From the sound of the footsteps, there must be at least four Viper Putties in the other tunnel. I don't think I can beat them all by myself. But, maybe I can take them by surprise...

Katherine pulled out her laser pistol, and walked along the wall, listening carefully to the sounds of the Putties.

If I can hear the Putties' footsteps, then this wall can't be that thick. Now, once the sounds die down, I'll be far enough away from them to make a break for the CAC.

Kat stopped walking and set her laser for full force. She then fired a tight beam of blue energy directly on the stone wall, carving out a circle just large enough for her to pass through easily. Once she burned a full circle through the wall, she pushed against the rock, making a tunnel about four inches deep. She stepped through the hole, and quickly turned to see six Viper Putties running at her. She ran to the other end of the tunnel, where the gate leading to the CAC was, while at the same time recalibrating her laser pistol for the wide-beam setting. When she reached the gate, she quickly turned around and blasted the Putties with a continuous beam of powerful blue light. But, instead of destroying the Putties, the beam only managed to push them back, slowing their advance. Kat continued to fire, until a red light coming from the pistol began to flash.

Oh, no! The pistol is overloading! It's going to explode!

Kat continued firing until the red flashed turned into a constant red glow, and a shrill whistle screeched from the gun. Without thinking, Kat tossed the gun at the Putties. As soon as the lead Putty caught the gun, it exploded, destroying the front three Putties, and causing a cave in, instantly burying the remaining Putties under a ton of rock. Kat quickly turned back to the door while the ceiling fell all around her. She touched the large crystal decorating the gate, and waited while the computer system scanned her fingerprints.

"Come on already!" she shrieked as the entire tunnel caved in. The gates opened only seconds before the tunnel collapsed completely. Kat leaped through the door as soon as it opened, and looked around in awe. The gate closed behind her, and the lights automatically activated, illuminating the chamber with a soft white light.

"I made it! Now, to get Adam and Jason."

Kat hurried to one corner of the large Central Access Complex to the

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