» Science Fiction » The Terran Ranger Saga Volume 3, Heather Ray [feel good books to read .txt] 📗

Book online «The Terran Ranger Saga Volume 3, Heather Ray [feel good books to read .txt] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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Davis demanded. "Someone's pirated the television frequency?"

^Not exactly,^

said the figure on the screen, ^I used magic to patch into your television, so I could communicate with you face to face, President Davis. I am Lord Zedd, the Master of the Moon, and soon to be the ruler of Earth.^

"What do you want from me?"

^I want the United States of America to surrender to me. If you don't, I'll send my pet monster Verdus to Washington DC, where he will wreak havoc. Oh, and do take me seriously. I've laid waste to a small town called Angel Grove dozens of times, and its not much. And if you somehow manage to destroy Verdus, I can magically create an infinity of monsters, who obey my every whim. You have ten minutes to decide, before Verdus is released. ^

The image faded, and President Davis snarled at the screen.

"Who does that creature think he is?" she snapped.

"Well," said one of the military generals. "It's possible that this 'Zedd'

character is responsible for the disappearance of the Endeavor. After all, he did say he was the Master of the Moon, and the Moon is where the Endeavor vanished."

"You're not suggesting we take him seriously," said the President.

"Not until he can prove he's an actual threat."

Chapter Twenty-Five

Inside the ventilation system in the Moon Palace, William Mitchell, James Mitchell, and Natasha Slovensky quietly listened in on Lord Zedd's message to Earth. All three astronauts were stunned as they realized the severity of the situation.

"What do we do?" asked Natasha quietly.

"We've got to make sure President Davis doesn't surrender," said James. "If Zedd conquers America, he'll have a foothold on Earth, and from there, he can take over the entire planet."

"What do you think, Will?" asked Natasha, turning to the silent commander. James glared at him.

"Yeah, Will, what do you think? After all, you're the Power Ranger here! You should know what to do."

Will looked down at his feet glumly. Man, I had hoped they didn't hear that!

"Why didn't you tell us you're the Blue Ranger?" asked James, "I mean, I thought we were your friends! You can't trust us with your little secret?"

"James, it's not about trust. It's about a promise I made over a decade ago."

"What's more important, a promise, or our lives?!" James snapped. "This is all your fault, isn't it? These two aliens wanted revenge on the Power Rangers, and me and Tasha just got caught in the middle of it!"

"Hush James," said Natasha. "They'll hear you. And besides, that's not fair. You can't blame Will for this incident. How could he have known Zedd and Rita would return, and kidnap us?"

"Besides," said Will finally, "we don't have time to argue. We have to get a message to Earth."

"To who?"

"To the other Power Rangers, and to the President. You're right about one thing, James. We can't surrender. If the President learns the Power Rangers are on the case, she may be able to stall, or something. And, I've got to tell my friends what Zedd's up to."

"So, how do we contact your friends?" asked Natasha.

"We'll work our way back through the tunnels," said Will, starting to crawl, "and we'll head back to the lab. Hopefully, those Viper Putties have dispersed by now, or perhaps they have destroyed themselves. The only problem is, I have to figure out how to contact the President. I already know the frequency of the Terran Rangers' communicators, but how do I reach the White House?"

The three brilliant astronauts continued their trek through the maze of tunnels, thinking silently. Finally, Natasha thought of something.

"I've got it! Zedd said he'd contact the President in ten minutes, right?"

"Yeah," said James. "So?"

"So, maybe we can piggyback a signal! The message will probably reach the White House right after Zedd's."

"Ten minutes, eh?" said Will with a sigh, "I think we can make it, but we'd better get a move on."

In about five minutes, the three reach the grate that Will used earlier to visit the lab. One by one, they crawled out of the opening, and quietly crept to the lab. Fortunately, the Viper Putties were gone.

"The coast is clear," whispered Will, waving to his friends, who were right behind him, "Let's go."

The three entered the lab, and Natasha and James looked around curiously at the strange alien technology that surrounded them. Will went straight to the communicator, and tried to once again re-program it, this time to send a message to the President by piggybacking Zedd's signal. While he worked, Natasha and James explored the lab.

"Hey," said James, who was searching a drawer, "I think I found something useful."

"What?" asked Natasha, looking over his shoulder. James pulled out two small white pistols.

"I don't know what it does," he admitted, handing one to Natasha, "but it sure looks like a weapon to me!"

"Great," said Natasha, looking over the gun carefully. "Now if those Putties attack again, we'll be ready for them."

"Okay, gang," said Will looking up at his friends, "I think I have it. We'll be able to hear Zedd's message, and as soon as he's done, we can send a quick one to the White House. Then, I'll contact the Terran Rangers again."

Chapter Twenty-Six

In the White House, the President of the United States, along with a few staff members, anxiously watched the television, and counted the seconds. Right on time, the foreboding image of Lord Zedd appeared. He immediately began to laugh triumphantly.

^Hello, again, Madame President,^

he said, ^I trust you've had enough time to make your decision. So, do you surrender?^

"No I don't," she said defiantly. "And I'll let you know, 'Zedd'

, that the United States of America doesn't take kindly to threats."

^Oh, is that a fact? Well then, Human, you'll soon regret this decision, once you're busy picking up the charred remains of this city from the dirt!^

Zedd's image vanished, and President Davis released the breath she was holding. In only a few seconds, a flash of bright green light heralded the arrival of Verdus, Zedd's newest monster. Those in the Oval Office had an excellent view of the new creature, and all present gasped in horror.

"Its...Godzilla?" said the President. "Send in some planes, NOW

! And close off the streets! We're in a state of emergency!!"

Immediately, the staff got to work. Suddenly, her television once again turned on.

Not again she thought as she turned around. But rather than see Lord Zedd, there was only an image of static.

^President Davis?^

asked a voice coming from the television. ^This is William Mitchell of the spacecraft Endeavor. The communicator I'm using doesn't have visual capabilities, but I assure you, I am who I claim to be, and I'm in good health.^

"What happened to you, William?"

^Lord Zedd kidnapped me and my crewmates. We managed to escape the dungeon, but we cannot escape the Moon Palace. I'm contacting you to tell you not to surrender to Lord Zedd, no matter what he does.^

"But, his monsters," she said, looking out the window. "One of them's already destroying Washington!"

^I realize that. But I guarantee you, Madame President, the Terran Rangers will soon be arriving, and they can defeat Zedd's monster. They just need time.^

President Davis didn't look convinced, but she decided to give Will's Terran Rangers a chance.

"Okay, Will," she said finally. "But I don't know how long Washington can last against this kind of magic."

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Rocky was surprised when he heard the communications system beep again.

"Guys!" he called. "There's another message!"

"Well, play it," said Trini excitedly. "Maybe it's Will again!"


said Will's voice. ^The Verdus monster I told you about has been sent to Washington DC. Zedd is attempting to conquer the Earth, starting with the capital of the United States.^

"Wow," said Zack. "This is the first time Zedd's ever attacked anything other than Angel Grove. He's really taking the offensive."

"We have to get to Washington immediately, gang," said Tom quietly. "Let's retrieve our powers."

As the Power Rangers turned away, Trini stepped forward, and grabbed the microphone.

"Will?" she says softly, "Will, are you alright?"


he says in an excited, but nervous voice. ^What...what are you doing in the CAC? You should be in Bay City, where its safe!^

"Oh, Will, you know me better than that! You should know I'd be the first one to try and find you."

There was an awkward silence. The kind that always seemed to come whenever Will reached a certain, sensitive topic. But rather than say what he's been dying to say for years, he once again can't utter the words.

^Although I love to hear your voice, I'm afraid I'd better get off the line. Zedd and Rita may soon discover my actions.^

"Okay," said Trini. "Just promise me something before you go."


"Come back to me. In one piece."

^I...I will,^

he said in a sure tone, ^I have too much to live for to die now.^

Trini deactivated the communicator, and looked down on the console sadly. Rocky placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. She looked up

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