» Science Fiction » My Vampire Kidnapper, Lillith Devero [e textbook reader txt] 📗

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abilities had not worked because he still showed no signs of having and extraordinary abilities. Xavier demanded that the boy be sent home at once, he didn’t need anyone else to grieve for. Y only complied with his request because he had a list of other possible psychics.
After a few more years of sneaking behind Xavier’s back they finally found the correct stimulant, emotional and physical pain at the same exact time, and next on the list was a Jennifer Crest.
Y and Zena arranged for her father to be killed in the war, so it seemed only like an accident. A little bit of hypnosis on a seven year old was almost simpler yet. Then they began using Xavier’s tactic of watching from afar. Watching and waiting for her psychic abilities to mature with her age. They had decided on an age to take her at the time that Xavier discovered their plot to kidnap the girl. They had decided to grab her at age 16 saying that waiting for her to become 21 was way too long. There was only one thing that he could do…

“I had to get to you first, you see. It was the only way to ensure your safety. I had no idea what they would do to you.” Xavier said finishing up his life’s story in about two and a half hours.
“Really? That was you ingenious plan? Kidnap me so Y couldn’t? And why in the hell did you trust Zena anyway?” Jennifer said, slightly irritated at his logic.
“She said that she had changed.” Xavier said.
“And you believed her. Great, just great, pull over and let me out please…” Jennifer said to Gregor who took Ava’s place driving while she slept.
She was then interrupted by Xavier. “No you are not pulling over and you are not letting her out.”
“Fine if you won’t stop the car I’ll jump.”
“Stop the car.” Xavier said, defeat in his voice.
“Okay then.” Gregor said. “I hope one of you knows what you’re doing.”
Gregor pulled the truck over and before it even stopped Jennifer was out and running. She had made it to a clearing in the trees before Xavier tackled her to the ground, with Gregor and Ava a little bit behind him.
“Let me go!” Jennifer screamed at him.
“No! Not if you are going to run off again!” Xavier screamed right back.
Ava and Gregor ran up to them and began to tear Xavier off of her. “Come on Xavier. There’s no need to do anything rash.” Gregor said calmly. You’ll find her with the tracking device anyway.
“What?” With Xavier finally off her and having none of them making contact with her skin she rolled over onto her back and stared at the three. With tears beginning to blur her vision she reached down her right shin where she had discovered a bump in the skin where most of the pain radiated from; she dug her nails into the sensitive flesh until they drew blood and she pulled with all of her strength, which was really a lot since she was a newly transformed vampire, but the pain was more excruciating that possibly imaginable. Before the others could reach her she had made a hole slightly larger than a quarter in her skin, and beneath the skin laid and nickel sized tracking beacon. Wanting the horrible thing out of her body, she ripped it away from the muscle it was connected to, which only took a second, but none the less she let out a scream full of so much pain that there was no way that it could have possibly been human.
With a flick of her wrist she threw the beacon so that it landed at Xavier’s feet. The gaping wound on her leg was already beginning to heal because of her vampire healing abilities.
“What in the hell did you do that for?” Xavier screamed at her while Ava was releasing her lunch into a nearby bush, with Gregor comforting her. They are obviously a couple.
“Yes they are.” Xavier said picking up on her thoughts.
“I didn’t know that you could read thoughts.” Jenn said.
“Yes and it’s extremely easy when you broadcast like that.” Xavier said, standing there, not knowing what to do.
“So what’s so special about when I make contact with people and read their thoughts?”
“It is impossible to defend against, and you can read whatever you want about a person.”
“Oh. Cool.” Jennifer said not knowing what to do either. Once you rip a chunk of your own skin off voluntarily, your priorities shift a little bit, lucky for her though the wound was almost healed though.
Gregor walked back over to them with Ava who was looking paler than she usually did though. They both didn’t know what to do either so they just stood there.
Jennifer finally broke the silence when she asked, “So what do we do now?”
“I think there’s really only one thing that we can do,” Gregor said, “tell you what you have to do to survive and go our own ways.”
Xavier glared menacingly at him, but then his gaze softened a little bit. She assumed that some kind of mental communication had been going on, because he then asked, “What do you want to do Jenn?” Calling her by her nickname made her feel all warm inside, but he was thinking about giving her her freedom, she didn’t need to start becoming attached now. But aren’t you already attached? A voice inside her asked.
Something inside her made her reply, “I want to go off on my own.”
Chapter 20

Xavier had provided her with everything she needed; a house, a decent car because she wouldn’t accept a fancy new car, a new identity, more money that she would ever use, and a new wardrobe.
The house was white with one story in the middle of a forest in Idaho, several miles away from the nearest town, which was insanely tiny. The little dirt road that lead up to the house started five miles away on the highway. The first room through the front door was a dining area, walk father into the house and you ended up in a living area with many books, a sofa and a small flat screen TV. Flip a U-turn and next to the dining area is the pristine white kitchen with tons of space and brand new appliances, and a fridge filled with bags of blood, Xavier had instructed her to have one a day to keep the bloodlust at bay. She thought to herself A bag a day keeps the bloodlust away! It made her laugh. Between the kitchen and the living room was a hallway that took you down to more rooms. To the left at the far end was her bedroom, it was magnificent, the color scheme was her favorite purple in five different shades. The bed was a very elegant four poster that when you sat down on it you swear that you are going to sink to the floor. At the very end of the room there was a walk-in closet. The closest door on the right led to a room filled with CDs and stereo equipment and at the end of the room there was another guest bedroom. At the far end of the hall on the right was a good sized bathroom with a claw footed tub. The house was filled with all of her stuff from the mansion plus all of the new things that Xavier had bought her.
Jean Cabell was her new name that Xavier had given her. She said that she didn’t want a new name at first but he had said with Yarwood chasing after her it wouldn’t be safe for her to use her real name anymore, so she went with it.
Jean didn’t really have a job, but the few people who lived in town believed that she was a composer of music, which fit with all of the music related stuff in the back room.
For the first month Jean didn’t make any new friends, none of the people in town trusted outsiders. Eventually though she was able to befriend the woman who worked at the library. Jean was in there a lot always looking for a new book to read, it was the only thing she really did during the day, other than sleep a lot, daylight was very draining of energy. The librarian’s name was Alexandria Tess. You’d think that the librarian was an old lady but she was actually only twenty-six, five years older than Jeans ‘age’. She was still actually only a teenager but completing the change made her look older than she really was, so Xavier said that she could pass for twenty-one. Once you go to the library every day you begin to develop relationships with the people who work there, and Alexandria was the only one who worked there. After her hanging around daily for a few months she was able to befriend her. They would hang out for a few hours during the day and then until closing once the sun when down.
They had done many girly things together from going out to the movies to going shopping on the weekends. They had also played card games at Jean’s with Alex’s friends once or twice. Jean was so excited to finally have an unconditional friendship with a normal person!
On the night before Alex’s Wednesday bi-monthly poker night, that Jean had the pleasure of hosting she discovered two things: 1. It is really hard when you’re a vampire to make food that is edible for PEOPLE. All the food that Jean used to eat just tasted terrible to her even though she had made it hundreds of times before! So, not wanting to feed people food that may or may not be terrible, she just bought some crackers and made lunchmeat sandwiches and others food and drink that’s you would find in a normal person house. 2. Where in the hell are you supposed to hide your freaking blood stash when you have company coming over! “You probably shouldn’t keep it in your fridge in the first place!” She said to herself. She ended up buying a mini-fridge to put in her bedroom to keep the blood.
Excited for the arrival of her first visitors, Jean almost forgot to lock her bedroom door, not that she thought anyone would go in there but she didn’t want to have to explain why there was a mini-fridge with blood stuffed into it. Oh! No guys! I’m not a vampire I just need blood transfusions every day! Yeah, sure, like that was going to work.
Alex arrived with her other poker buddies at 6:44 PM. There were six others, two girls and four boys. The girls had both brought their boyfriends who came every time, but they always brought a new guy. They were endlessly trying to set her up with someone different each time. Alex came with James Green, Alex’s friend Hana Quincy brought Eric Walsh, and Darleen

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