» Science Fiction » My Vampire Kidnapper, Lillith Devero [e textbook reader txt] 📗

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was the dark musky inner layer that lurked just underneath the nuttiness. I felt like biting into an inside out Snickers.
She took in a large breath of his amazing scent, “You smell amazing, you know that?” She looked up at him; he seemed to be at a complete loss for words.
They ended up not saying anything else for the rest of the movie, which was fine with Jenn. She was totally okay with not moving for the rest of her life. Snuggling on the couch, she decided, was the best thing that she had ever experienced with a man. She felt so safe and secure in his arms, it was the calmest and most relaxing night that she had had in a long time. Sadly though, nights like that aren’t meant to last.
Once the movie got over Xavier said that he had to leave, that he had important business to take care of. Jenn said that she had stuff that she had to get done too, but she lied. She wished that she could stay in his arms forever, but that wasn’t going to happen though.
A few minutes after he left she got out a bag-o-blood, poured it into a coffee mug that had never seen coffee before, and settled down on the couch, not sure what she was going to do for the rest of the night, when the phone rang.
Sighing she got up and answered it.
“Jean! Why didn’t you show up at the library today? You freaked me out! I thought that something had happened to you!” It was Alex acting the slightest bit more frantic than usual.
“I’m fine, I just stayed up late last night and slept for most of the day. Then … Xander can over and we watched a movie.” Jean said, taking a swig from the coffee cup after she replied, she had to be Jean now and not Jenn. Talk about confusing.
“I thought that you two would be perfect for each other!”
“Hey Alex. Where did you meet him anyway? Oh, and he is perfect by the way.” She said smirking into the phone.
“Hmmmmmmm…” Alex stayed quiet for a while, which was extremely unusual for her. “I, uh, met him one night when I was closing up and you had gone home early to compose.”
“Oh cool.”
They stayed quiet for a few minutes, but Alex quickly popped the bubble of silence. “So, have you kissed him yet?”
“What? No! I have only known him for one day!”
“Then what did you do while you ‘watched’ the movie?”
“We actually watched the movie!”
“Well that’s no fun!”
“It really was fun. It was one of my favorite movies, and I think that he enjoyed it.”
“Well that’s awesome. Now can you get over here! You promised me a girl’s night!”
Jean had completely forgotten! Every once in a while, Alex would call her up and schedule a ‘girl’s night’ when they would do each other’s nails and talk about a whole range of things, ranging from what movie was playing that weekend to talking about boys to admitting their deepest fears. Since Jean (Jenn) had never had many friends, she never got to have a ‘girl’s night’. She was always willing to partake in some ‘normal’ teenage fun.
There was one problem though, “Alex, you’re insane! Its waaaaaaay past midnight!”
“So? We’re both ‘responsible’ adults here.” Alex countered.
There’s only one problem though, Jean thought. I’m not an adult.
She sighed, “You’re not going to let me get out of this are you?”
“Nope. Not at all.”
Chapter 23

Xavier watched her until she left the house.
He wasn’t worried about her dying in some fiery car accident. There was no doubt that she would die if she caught on fire, but he figured that she would still be able to get out in time.
It took him more concentration and determination than he thought possible to follow her and watch her for the whole night and every day after that.
But she’ll be safe with Alexandria. She’ll watch her.
Xavier, taking his mind off of the only woman that he truly cared about, leapt out of his high perch in the pine and flew across the ground in search of his next meal.

After two hours full of nail polish and gossip, Alex was finally tired enough to send Jean home, which meant that she could be Jennifer in peace. Unless some handsome, good-smelling vampire just happens to show up. She thought to herself. To that I would not be opposed.
She smiled to herself as she flew down the highway at a ridiculous speed. Turning into a vampire seems to alleviate the worry of dying in a collision with a tree at high speeds.
Jenn slammed on her brakes. She had come way too close to missing the entrance to her house. The stupid road was almost completely surrounded by trees and shrubs. But she guessed that that was kind of the point so that stupid people wouldn’t end up driving up to her house and seeing something vampiric that would end her up killed or studied in a lab.
Jenn thought that that was the worst fate that anyone could have. Being strapped to a table, having skin ripped off for samples, and at the mercy of any insane man with a scalpel. The thought of it made her shiver every single time.
She pulled up to her house, got out, and walked into her house, not locking the doors of her vehicle. I’m in the middle of the forest. Who would go randomly driving into the forest looking for unlocked cars to break into?
Being one hundred percent sure that no one was going to steal her car she walked into her bedroom and passed out on the bed.

Jean awoke calmly and easily, realizing that she hadn’t even changed out of her clothes the night before. She didn’t really care about that though. She felt refreshed and strangely elated that morning knowing that Xavier/Xander would be waiting for her. Who knows, she might even learn something about him that he hadn’t wanted her to know. The thought excited her; because once they told each other everything about themselves they would actually have a chance to really fall in love.
After a soothing shower and fresh clothes, a purple t-shirt and jean capris, she finally looked at her clock. It was 2:46… in the afternoon! That meant that Xavier/Xander wouldn’t be up for about four to five hours! (Being an older vampire he didn’t get up until dark so he would be as strong as possible.)
Jean sighed. She had no idea as to what she was going to do today, so she cleaned. By five, the house was spotless, the lawn was mowed, everything was organized to a freakish extent, and she had learned how to stretch with yoga, which she discovered that she loved, but she still had about an hour until Xavier/Xander woke up. Lucky for her, that was when Alex decided to call.
She picked up the franticly ringing cell, “Hello?”
“What would you happen to be doing?” Alex asked.
“Honestly? I have just finished cleaning my entire house that was pretty clean to start out with.”
“Oh my God you need help.”
“I would have thought that I would have been extremely tired after your midnight plans but I strangely have not.”
“Well then get your butt down here and help me organize the library and then… my house.”
Jean laughed, “I’ll help you with the library, but you’re gonna have to tackle your house by yourself.”
“Awww… But I’ll see you in ten?”
“I’ll be there.”
After hanging up the phone she wrote a quick post-it for Xavier/Xander explaining where she would be, because otherwise he would probably freak out. Even thought that would mean that she would get to see him she still didn’t feel like being screamed at when he found her though. On the way out the door she stopped to grab two pieces of tape to stick the post-it to the door; she didn’t want it flying away after all.

Xavier laughed. Well placed on Jennifer’s front door was a sticky note for him that read:

Dear You-Know-Who-You-Are,

At the library.


P.S. Why can’t you just get up early for once!

After reading through it he chuckled again and pulled out his newly acquired cellular device, calling the number that he had given Jennifer. It only rang once before she picked up the phone; she had been expecting his call.
“Hello Xander.” She said sarcastically into the phone. “I’m assuming you got my note?”
He chuckled once again, “Yes, very amusing. Since when did you get so…” He paused, looking for the right word.
“Since I started hanging out with you.” She snickered quietly.
“Seriously? A bat joke?”
“Well, what’s wrong with bat jokes?”
“Nothing at all, just ironic. Sooo… are you still at the library?” Getting away from any topic that could be over heard by any passersby that would lead to the discovery of their identities.
“Yeah we just finished closing up, why?” Xander, for he was Xander now, had been asking himself that same question for several hours now.
“I was wondering…” His voice trailed off as it got stuck in his throat. Something about this woman always seemed to take the words out of his mouth, even if he wasn’t standing right in front of her. “… if you would like to go out to dinner w-with me.” Now she even had him stuttering, he didn’t stutter!
“I would but what about our… ‘allergies’?” She asked, her voice lowering to a whisper.
Xander sighed; he had been worried that she might refuse. “Taken care of.”
“Okay then. Where do you want me to meet you?”
“Go to the café on 2nd and I’ll pick you up. ‘Kay?”
“Okay, see ya then!” Then she hung up the phone.
He then discovered something that shocked him to the core of his very being. He had already admitted his love to her, but he only discovered his true love for her in that very moment; the moment that he realized that, without her voice, without her being his and truly loving him as he did her, he would never know true happiness and that without her, his heart would stop its beating of its own accord. Also in that same moment, he realized that he would willingly shatter his own heart to millions of pieces if he could keep hers’ safe and away from harm, he would leave her forever if he thought he could keep her safe, but that, in turn, would probably only cause her more potential harm. He knew with absolute certainty that he would never be content until her last name was replaced with his. He loved the woman who he hoped would soon be known as Jennifer Adalsteinn.

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