» Science Fiction » My Vampire Kidnapper, Lillith Devero [e textbook reader txt] 📗

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and she froze in fear.
Xavier gripped her tighter and whispered, “Don’t worry. My brother is nowhere near here.” He then continued down to the edge of the lake, preventing her from falling straight into it.
Down a little ways from where they were she could see the flickering of flames. Once in was in sight, Xavier started leading them towards it. At a closer distance she could see that there were several white candles spread around a blue picnic blanket, and to the right there was a basket which she hoped contained blood. She only had to wonder for a second because he replied to her mentally, “Yes it is. I figure that you might need some. Even though we had dinner.” He smirked at her.
She replied back, “Thanks. I was getting kind of famished.” She then smiled back at him, but just kind of looked at her in shock. “What? Is something the matter?” She started glancing around hoping that something wouldn’t jump out and eat them.
“I’ve just never seen someone adjust so easily to mental communication before.”
“Well it’s not that hard. I knew that you could read my mind if I wasn’t blocking my thoughts, and if you can hear them I just figured you could send them as well.” She shrugged and sat on the blanket and dug through the basket to find a blood baggie.
He still just stood there, looking lonely and confused. “Come on Xavier. It’s not that hard! Either that or I’m just mental.” She smiled at him as she downed the blood. After she finished and put the bag back in the basket she patted on the ground next to her, inviting him to come join her.
He smiled at her joke and took her up on her invitation.
After several minutes filled with mindless chatter about her abilities, Xavier asked her an off the wall question, “Have you ever looked at the stars?”
“The stars? Yeah sure. Everyone has.”
“Ah. But not everyone has vampiricly advanced eyesight now do they. Hum?” He said as he blew out the candles around them.
“No of course not. That would just be…”
“Shhhh…” He cut her off with a finger to her lips, and he then lay down on the blanket and crossed his arms underneath his head.
She lay down next to him, still not really getting the point until she looked at the stars. They were ten times brighter than she had ever seen them before. She could see every single twinkle as she looked across the sky. Then she looked back at him, she could see the reflections of them in his eyes, which seemed bluer than she had ever seen them.
Wanting to be closer to him she bravely moved closer to him, and in response he move closer to her too. They kept getting closer to each other until he gave it up and pulled her to him. Once where she wanted to be she rested her head on his chest, taking in his magnificent scent. They stayed there for what seem like a wonderful slice of forever, until her eyes closed on their own accord.
Chapter 25

Jenn rolled over in her soft warm bed. The cotton sheets rubbing against her legs…
Wait a minute… Cotton sheets? When she had fallen asleep she was next to a lake, and in Xavier’s arms.
She sighed. That wonderful dream of a night was now only a memory, the almost worst part was, now that she was up, she wouldn’t be able to fall back asleep. She was still happy though.
She looked at her clock but there was a sticky note over it that read:

You looked so peaceful; I didn’t want to wake you. So I just brought you home.


“Awwww… Well that was sweet! But I know that I wasn’t wearing this at the lake.” She looked down at her tank top and shorts. “Pervert.” But after she thought about it she said, “It’s still sweet though.”
After showering and changing into sweat pants and a comfy lavender sweater; the leaves in the non-evergreen trees were beginning to change into their lovely autumn hues; and her elatedness was near reaching an absurd amount.
It was when she was going into her kitchen to warm some blood (because to all vampires, blood is best when warm) that she noticed a small brown package on the counter with an envelope taped to it.
Frightened slightly of the mystery of its contents, she finished off her blood before moving any closer to it.
God dammit! Xavier’s mass paranoia is rubbing off on me!
After that thought left her mind she walked over to the package and gently took the envelope off of it.
She still wasn’t going to disturb the package before she read the letter first, she’d seen what happens on crime shows to an over excited person when they rip open a mysterious package and then their face gets blown off.
The envelope wasn’t signed on the front but on the back there was a wax seal that almost looked as if a droplet of blood had fallen on the envelope. It had an elegant capital ‘X’ on it with ribbons or something like it wrapped around it. Jean thought that she might have at one point in time seen Xavier with a ring on that matched this insignia, which would make sense because it was an “X” that she was looking at.
The sight of the ‘X’ made her feel a little better, but she wouldn’t have been surprised if Y had stolen his ring when they had been kidnapped so she still proceeded with caution.
After carefully peeling away the wax she slowly pulled out the letter and began to read:

Dear my love,

I wish you a very happy birthday today with a heavy heart for I cannot be in attendance.
I have some extremely urgent business involving my siblings that absolutely has to be taken care of today. Don’t worry. I won’t actually be seeing them. It is just some aftermath of one of their recent visits to one of my friends that has to be worked out. I have to assist him in relocating to a safe environment.
I apologize my dear to the fullest extent of my heart. I hope to be returning to you on the marrow and I also hope that you enjoy your attached gift. You said that you wanted it and I wish that there was more that I could have written.

Yours forever,

P.S. I hope that you enjoy your gift; which is, in its own way, an apology and a promise.

Oh my God. He knows when my birthday is. Was her first thought but then her curiosity was totally peaked. It even made sense that he signed it with an ‘X’ instead of his name because his real and fake names started with an ‘X’.
Totally and completely forgetting about her stupid bomb worries she carefully ripped off the brown paper so she could see the ‘apology and a promise’ that Xavier had given her.
Once she saw it she began crying silent tears. Tears where the only things that she could use to express the love that she felt for this man. The book that he had given her was most definitely an apology and once opening the cover she saw his promise.
Written on the inside cover of Anne Rice’s Interview with a Vampire in Xavier’s beautiful cursive was written:

I will always love you no matter what will ever stand in our way and I hereby vow that I will never hurt you physically or emotionally ever again.

At the bottom was what must have been his signature but all she could really make out was an ‘X’ and the rest of it was just squiggles.
She had to sit on the couch though to let it all sink in. He really has been listening all this time… He truly cares for me… This isn’t just an absurd crush… He loves me… and I love him…
After sitting there staring at the wall for a while she picked up her book and read, but her reading was quickly interrupted when her phone rang with a loud shrill note that, she felt, was close to shattering glass.
Alex was requesting her presence at the library to help her close up, Jean told her that she would be there in a few minutes. She had to reluctantly set her book down carefully on the coffee table and then she proceeded out the door and off the library.

“Jean?” Alex asked as she locked the doors to the library.
“Yeah Alex?” Jean replied.
“What made you want to become a composer?”
Jean thought for a bit. What had made that her chosen fake career? She finally decided, “It was of this guy I knew. He taught me how to ballroom dance.” She said, hiding her smile at the irony of the fact that she was actually dating the same guy at the present moment and there was no way in heaven or Earth that she was ever going to let him go again.
“Well, what happened? Tell me all the juicy details!” Alex asked, thinking that Jean was talking about a guy she had broken up with, which is what she wanted her to think.
“There aren’t really many details. I thought I loved him but he betrayed my trust.” But then he regained my trust when he told me all of his secrets. Oh, and falling in love after he saves your life, helps improve trust. She smiled. He truly had gained her trust after he saved her from how terrible her future could have been if Y had gotten to her first.
“Oh, come on there’s more than that!” Alex was practically begging.
“Not really.” There wasn’t much else that she really could tell her without compromising herself and the one she truly loved.
“Oh come on Jenn!”
“What did you just call me?” She said, turning on her instantly. Xavier had said not to trust anyone, but she thought he was just being paranoid, obviously once again, he had been right.
“Dammit! I shouldn’t have said that.” Alexandria looked in fear at her. “No! Please! Wait!”
Jennifer ran, leaving her car in the dust. Her cover was blown wide open and she had barely started a new life. Her vampire speed had gotten her home way faster than her car ever would have. Still feeling more human than vampire, she packed a book bag that was more travel efficient than a suitcase which she really didn’t need, and double checked that her cell was in her pocket. No matter where I go Xavier will find me. She thought to herself as she packed.
She had already shoved bags of blood into the bag and was layering on clothes and the book that Xavier had given her, when

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