» Science Fiction » My Vampire Kidnapper, Lillith Devero [e textbook reader txt] 📗

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passed the message everywhere. Honestly? I only know a small amount too.” He smiled as Xavier hugged him again, “Nobody likes it when damsels are in distress, especially when they are the leader’s.”
“Oh Gregor… What would I do without you?”
“Die.” He said, “You would die.”

She tried to catch her breath as he turned around but everything was getting harder and harder to do as they pressed on with her torture.
He had taken skin samples, blood samples, pulled out a whole wad of hair for hair samples, and he was about ready to move to bone marrow samples. Her clothes were in complete tatters, barely covering her where they still were. She tried to look at herself as he prepared the drill but she failed, her head was still strapped to the damn table. But she was pretty sure of what she would see, bleeding two inch holes in her skin, various cuts where he maliciously dug into her skin with the scalpel, and bruises everywhere where he had gripped too hard to keep her from even twitching when he cut.
He turned around and asked her, drill in hand, for what seemed like the thousandth time,
“Where are the rest of the vampires?”
As she did each time, she didn’t reply, knowing that even if she told the truth, that she had no idea where any vampires where, he wouldn’t believe her. She braced herself for the pain as he walked over to her leg and held the drill over one of the few patches of undamaged flesh, and began causing indescribable pain to Jennifer. And the only thing she knew in her barely sane mind was that, even if she screamed, no one on the planet would ever know.

The vampires had surrounded the electric fence that surrounded the base and were ready at his signal.
Xavier reached out with his mind and tried to sense Jennifer to no avail. He growled in frustration and screamed. At that signal all of the vampire surged forward as one and jumped the fence. Gregor was holding Ava and assisting her, but Xavier saw none of this he had his sights set on one goal. His wife.
As they touched down on the ground, huge lights lit up the area and alarms began blaring. He only kept walking forward, even as the men with guns began filing out of the facility. Then, once in the middle of the open area he held up his right hand and snapped his fingers. All of the vampires screamed their war cries and became blurs as they attacked the men with inhuman speed. The puny human were no match for hundreds of vampires and blood began flying everywhere. Xavier had been in enough battles to know, that with this much blood, the ground would be stained red for a long time.
After most of the armed personnel were dead or near, he proceeded to look for the girls.
He ran down the stairs and into a stairwell, sensing something vampiric. He ran down the stairs, floor after floor looking for them.
Once he had hit the negative third floor he could finally feel one of them. He shoved the door off of its hinges and proceeded into the hallway. It had white tile everywhere, making it fell like a hospital, but if it was a hospital he was pretty sure that it was the hospital from hell.
On this level there were four doors, one to the left, one in the middle, and two to his right.
He went to the left one first. He kicked it open, but it was a broom closet. Going clockwise, he proceeded to the one in the middle. Before he could get there though, he heard a scream.
He immediately ran to the door and shoved it open, revealing an old man with a bloody scalpel in his hand, over a young girl. Before he even knew the identity of the girl, he grabbed the man’s scalpel and shoved it deep into his heart, almost killing him. But with one final twist, the deed was done.
He heard a quiet gravely whisper. “Xavierrrrrr...”
He went to her, tore off all of her restraints, and cradled her head in his arms, actually looking at her for the first time. “Oh no… NOOOOOOO!!!”
Chapter 27

“Xavier… must… stay calm…” The blonde woman took a shaky breath, her stormy blue eyes full of pain, “Jenn… needs…” As she breathed again, the holes in her skin started bleeding much faster than was safe for a mortal.
He cried. A waterfall had begun on his cheeks. “No you can’t die! I won’t let you!” He screamed as he held the scalpel above his wrist.
Alexandria rested her hand on his shoulders and squeezed lightly. “No… know it… won’t help… Jenn needs… needs…”
“Needs what?”
“you…” She smiled at his shock. “She will… always… need… y-you…”
“This is all my fault! If it weren’t for me you and Jennifer wouldn’t be in this mess!” He yelled at himself.
“No… you love… her... what’s best…”
“But what about you? I can’t just let you die!” He said, choking back tears.
“I… fine… better... place…”
She coughed a heart wrenching cough. “Save Jenn…” She drew one last shaky breath before sighing and lying still in his arms.
He carefully stood, trying not to move her too much, as he let his final tear fall. Xavier then carefully adjusted her on the table with her hands on her stomach. After he stroked her face, he went back to the broom closet and grabbed a tarp to lie over her body.
Once he said a last farewell he proceeded onward to look for his wife.

She really wasn’t sure how much more of this her body and her mind could stand.
Every time she looked like she was even relatively near passing out he zapped her with a Taser.
After everything he had taken from her body, she was pretty sure that he had all of the possible samples for any kind of test that he would ever consider running.
“So? Willing to tell me anything now?” He asked, smiling a Joker worthy smile.
After coughing up a mouthful of blood that only ended with her almost choking on it, she just swallowed it. She was desperately in need of blood, near the point of bloodlust taking over her pain stricken body. She could hear his heartbeat racing in excitement as she whispered in a raspy voice, “Never…” She spat what small amount of blood she could at him.
Apparently he had taken that as an insult, because he was fully prepared to brutally stab the scalpel into her stomach. Seconds before the scalpel made contact with her stomach, she heard a large crash outside of the room.

He had almost given up all hope of finding his beloved wife alive when he caught the scent of her delectable blood on the seventh sublevel.
Above his head he could hear screams of the mortals as the vampires succeeded in entering the building. They would continue murdering everyone in sight until he signaled for them to cease and desist. Which he would never do if he didn’t find Jennifer alive, then they would all deserve to die.
On this floor there were only three doors, or safes seemed more precise. Each of the doors on each wall was bolted to the wall, looked as if they were made of solid steel, and had password panels.
He knew for sure that if he tried to break down every door he wouldn’t have enough energy to save her when the time came. He only had one chance without calling in backup. He didn’t want anyone else to help him, this was his mess and he was going to be the one to clean it up.
Xavier sniffed the air by each door, trying to discern where she was. He deduced that the door on the right held more of her scent. He then backed up as far away as he could from it and crouched on the floor, ready to charge. He counted down.
He ran full speed at the door, knowing that this was going to hurt his shoulder like hell. He smashed into the door, successfully knocking if off of its hinges. Once the door crashed into the wall on the other side of the wall breaking off some pieces of concrete, an alarm began blaring.
He looked around the room searching for any sign of his beloved. He saw nothing. The walls and floor were made of concrete, and all that was in the room were a couple of chairs and metal bookcase.
He almost broke into tears and walked out the door, until he heard a scream.
It was Jennifer.
In a fit of rage he walked over to the bookcase and ripped it off of the wall. Behind it laid a torture chamber similar to the one that Alex had been in. The walls were the same as the previous room except they were covered with dangerous instruments, medical and non. With a lone light bulb that lit the room and all of its contents. To the right was his wonderful Jennifer, who was covered in bruises and holes of various sizes in her skin and barely conscious. What sent him off the edge was the knife sticking out of her stomach and bleeding scarily. He turned to his left were her would be executioner stood. And he looked like there was no way that he was going to go down without a fight.
Xavier rushed at the man, hoping to confuse him with his vampiric speed. But that plan failed when Scarredface grabbed another knife, dodged the attack and wedged it deep in his left side. He would have considered pulling it out immediately but he had his eyes set on his attacker.
Shocked at the mortal’s use of force, he was barely able to dodge to the left before he could be socked right in the jaw.
From that attempt Xavier recovered quickly and he delivered the punishment to them man that he had tried on him, and the force of his punch sent Scarredface slamming into the wall.
The man was on his feet before Xavier could even get to him though, and he was wiping the blood off of his mouth, “Is that all you’ve got, vampire?” he spat at him, leaving bloody spittle on his chin.
Before the man could even blink, Xavier had sped over to the man, grabbed a large quantity of his hair and pinned him against the wall.
Feeling pleasure at the fact that the mortal was finally frightened as his fangs extended to their fullest, he bitterly replied, “No.” as he sank his fangs deeply in the man’s throat, gorging himself on his blood. Barely, over the noise of the man’s gurgling as he struggled for air, he heard a distressed whisper, “Xavier?”
Before he went to his beloved,

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