» Science Fiction » My Vampire Kidnapper, Lillith Devero [e textbook reader txt] 📗

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complaint that he voiced it every day.
“Because it makes for a more school like environment, do I have to tell you this every day?” Xavier said, getting impatient.
“I shall keep asking until these stupid things are removed!”
“Back to the lesson! A vampire obviously does not explode or catch on fire, but the older the vampire the more prone they are to have a deathlike sleep fall over them when the sun rises. Which accounts for the usual ‘vampires have to sleep during the day’ but that is not true. The truth of the matter is that a vampire can stay awake if they have the will to or if they are very young, what we would call a newborn. Jennifer you will still be considered a newborn until you have been a vampire for almost a half a century…”
“Holy crap! That’s like forever!” Jenn exclaimed.
“No, that’s only fifty years. Then you will be considered a fledgling, and then you will just be considered a vampire until you have been a vampire for over five centuries then you will be considered an elder. There is no other term after that because the majority of most vampires either: go insane and has to be put down, commit suicide, or get killed by some kind of vampire hunter or ‘scientist’. That is why we rarely change someone. Any questions?” Xavier asked as the dream began to fade into blackness with a peculiar banging noise.

Jennifer rolled over and looked at the clock on her nightstand. It was nearly 10:45!
A loud banging came from the front of the house. “Oh God, really?” Jenn exclaimed. She was going to answer whoever the frantic person was who was trying to break her door down, in a grey tank top and Mickey Mouse pajamas!
“Whatever.” She walked barefooted down her hallway and up to the front door. Xavier/Xander was standing outside looking pissed.
“What the hell’s wrong with you? I’m the one who’s supposed to be pissed. You woke me up.” Jenn said walking back into her house and to her bedroom to get some blood, hoping that it would help wake her up, while Xavier/Xander followed behind her.
“I left you ten messages.” He said, “You didn’t answer so I thought something may have happened. Can I have one of those?”
“Help yourself.” Jenn said as she finished off one and threw it in a waste bin as she proceeded to her walk-in closet and shut the door behind her. No matter how tire she was, he wasn’t going to watch her dress. She ended up putting on a pair of dark skinny jeans, a green T-shirt that said “Save the Earth Eat a Human”, and a pair of insanely fluffy socks.
As she walked out of the closet Xander/Xavier burst out laughing so hard that he was crying, “That is the most ironic shirt that I have ever seen!” He said between laughs.
“Yea. It was on sale, and I couldn’t let it go. I broke out laughing in the store.” Jean/Jenn said.
“So who are we right now?” She asked.
“What do you mean?” Xander/Xavier asked right back.
“Are you Xander right now and I’m Jean, or…” She said, letting her voice fade out at the end so he could fill in the blank.
“Oh right…”
“Yea. It’s extremely confusing.”
“Well,” He said, “You could always come back.”
“No. I can’t do that.” She whispered.
“Why not?” He whispered back.
“I just…”
Her answer was interrupted by the sweetest kiss she had ever experienced. It was soft and rough at the same time, and his embrace was just the same. She felt as if she could melt away in his strong arms and never come back again. But I can’t do that. I can’t love this man.
Why not? He asked; for she had let the barrier around her mind down as she was pleasantly surprised by his kiss.
Pulling away from his embrace she whispered, “That’s why. I can’t control myself around you. You get though all of my defenses.”
“That’s not your fault, love.” Once again, him calling her ‘love’ melted away the steel around her heart. “I shouldn’t even be here; Gregor and Ava don’t even know that I’m here, with you.” She had only pulled and arm’s length away, so it was easy for him to pull her into his warm embrace once again and they both sank to the floor, completely ignoring the fluffy bed right next to him.
“Why did you come here anyway?” She said looking up at him after they had just sat there a while.
“I didn’t want to leave you alone. It’s not safe.”
“Why did you let me go then?”
“I could feel that it was important to you.” He said, squeezing her against him.
That made her feel all warm and fuzzy inside, she didn’t get to enjoy the secure feeling of being in a man’s arms. She had never felt safe with the few boyfriends that she had had, than she did with him. She realized that she was too relaxed to guard her thoughts, but she didn’t care, all that mattered was that they were together, with no forced contact. They both wanted to be together.
He whispered lovingly in her ear, “I love you Jenn.”
Jenn was about to reply that she did too, but he stopped her, “No. I need to tell you this. I have been in love with you since I first laid eyes on you. You were the most beautiful and most compassionate woman I had ever seen, and although your compassion was hidden deep within, I felt a need to feel your compassion and your undying love, directed at me. I felt that there could have possibly been a way, until I heard of my siblings’ plans for you. They were so vile and cruel that there was no possible way that your loving heart would survive the torment. You see, I had to take you. I had to save you. I still loved you through the duration of your imprisonment, no matter what you think. Anything that I did to you was for your own good, even if you were extremely headstrong, but that only strengthened my love for you and you beautiful heart.” Xavier and Jenn both had tears streaming down their faces. Xavier pulled Jenn to her feet, and he kneeled down on the ground taking her hands in his, “I love you Jennifer Crest, and I ask; Will you be with me through all eternity?”
Chapter 22

Oh God. What could she say? There was no way in hell that she was going to let this hunk of a man walk out of her life, but this all seemed to be moving way too fast.
“Yes, but…” Jenn said.
“But what, love?” Xavier asked slightly broken hearted.
Once again, Oh God. That look in his eyes broke her heart. She sighed, “Don’t you think this is moving way too fast?”
Xavier stood, “There is no way in hell that I am going to let you get away from me, even if you don’t love me back, I’ll always be watching you.” He started to walk out of the door.
“God dammit! I didn’t say that I wanted you to leave! I couldn’t live without you Xavier!” Jenn said, jumping up and grabbing his shoulder, turning him to face her. “I just think this is moving too fast!”
“But we’ve known each other for over a year at the least. I’m not sure exactly how long that it has been only because, when I’m around you, time just doesn’t seem to matter very much anymore.” Xavier said, as he started hugging her a stroking her hair lovingly.
“Yea, but you have to remember, for most of that year I was still being held hostage.”
“But I only had your best interest in mind.”
“Okay, but was that your only option in the matter?”
“I saw the choice has having you dead or having you hate me, I decided that I would rather have you hate me.” He said after he kissed the top of her head. “That is how much I care about your sanity and your wellbeing.”
Jenn sighed. She appreciated not being dead, a lot. Even though she was still kinda dead, but kinda dead is still better than all dead. “I love you.”
“I love you too, and if it makes you feel better I will try to slow down a little bit.”
“Okay, that’s probably the best that I’m gonna get isn’t it?”
They stood there in silence for a while, just enjoying each other’s embrace. Xavier broke the silence after about ten minutes. “Do you want to on a date, since we are supposed to be taking this slow?”
“Yea sure. Where are we going to go?” Jenn asked looking up at him.
“Since neither of us eats human food, I guess dinner is out of the question, unless you want to go find some fresh human?”
“Um, no.” Jenn had been trained in the ‘art’ of feeding from humans. The blood was undoubtedly better, but she just didn’t feel right taking from unwilling humans, it didn’t really hurt them and they didn’t remember it afterwards, but it still made her feel bad.
“We could go to a movie.”
“There are absolutely no good movies out right now. I have an idea, if you up for lots of irony.”
“More ironic than your shirt?”
“Yes, totally.” Jenn laughed as she pulled Xavier out the door of her bedroom and into the living room. “Sit.” She commanded him as she gracefully skipped over to the bookshelf where she kept her movie collection.
Keeping the cover hidden from him she pulled out the disk and walked over to her DVD player that sat on a coffee table under her wall mounted flat screen, and put the disk in.

Grabbing the remote that was sitting on top of the player, she walked over to her loveseat and sat down next to Xavier. She skipped all of the commercials and covered his eyes when the menu popped up. After she pressed play she let her hand down and put it in her lap, waiting for the main title to show up.
“Interview With a Vampire? Really?” Xavier asked.
“What’s wrong with Anne Rice?” Jenn asked. “I absolutely love this movie! I wish I could read the book but I haven’t had the chance, with the whole being kidnapped thing and all.” She let her voice fade off at the end with a huge smile on her face. “You ruined my reading plans!”
She had expected him to laugh, but he only sighed.
“Hey, lighten up. It was supposed to be a joke.” She said lightly nudging him in the ribs.
Xavier draped his arm across her shoulders and pulled her close to him.
He smelled amazing! Jenn had never noticed his scent before. It had a nutty outer layer to it that had a woodsy, homey feel to it, but that wasn’t even the best part. The best part

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