» Science Fiction » My Vampire Kidnapper, Lillith Devero [e textbook reader txt] 📗

Book online «My Vampire Kidnapper, Lillith Devero [e textbook reader txt] 📗». Author Lillith Devero

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the doorbell rang. That one little ding shocked Jenn more than a semi bursting through her kitchen ever could have. She knew she really shouldn’t but adrenaline had taken over her mind and logic told her. There’s no way that she could have followed me here so fast.
But logic forgot to tell her one piece of crucial information… What if she wasn’t alone… That one thought went through her mind, right after she opened the door. Survival instinct kicked in and she ran, book bag in hand strait at the sliding glass door.
Seconds before she hit the door, she outstretched her hand and shattered the door outward with her telekinesis so she could run for it without being slowed down by the pain from the glass shards, plus, she now had weapons.
The adrenaline in her blood made the seconds pass by like minutes so it was easy for her to analyze the situation around her. She could feel a heartbeat behind her, gradually getting nearer, gradually due to the adrenaline rush. The man was incredibly fast, for a human. But not for long.
She flung all of the glass shards behind her. Surely at least one of the shards would meet their mark and slow him down. From the following screams it sounded like they did.
She halted her steps, and looked around. She was completely surrounded by men with guns. There had to be over one hundred of them.
“Surrender! You’re out numbered Jennifer Crest!” Someone yelled.
Jenn laughed and said, “It’s Adalsteinn.”
She kneeled on the ground, palms against the soft grass, and pushed. The sheer amount of energy she exerted was excruciating but beautiful at the same time. She could sense everything around her for several miles, a deer eating grass, ants building their anthill, and all of the terrible men around her. But that knowledge and strength came with a price. She screamed a bloodcurdling scream that was enhanced with vampiric power that could make them deaf even if her telekinesis didn’t work. The high pitch of her voice even shattered all of the windows.
As she was staring at the ground, she didn’t actually see them hit the ground, but she heard them thud when they fell. She had successful disabled all of them one way or the other, but she also disabled herself in the process. Jenn collapsed on the ground, her breathing shallow. To some it would seem as if she were dead. All she could do was hope that Xavier had heard her and would get here soon. He’ll save me.
Apparently they had been wearing helmets that had blocked most of her scream, and they were actually able to recover relatively quickly.
Then she heard screaming.
Jenn looked up to see who was screaming for her, now that she had the ability to lift her head. Vampire healing was one of the most miraculous things ever, in her opinion.
The world was blurring in and out, making it difficult to focus on the person yelling at her. From what she could see near her all of the grass in a ten foot radius was flatted to the ground. That showed anyone how much sheer power she had just exerted from her body. After a few seconds that seemed like a lifetime, she was finally able to focus on the face of the woman, the sound of her voice gave the sex of the person away.
Alexandria was being held back by the helmeted men. She was struggling incredibly hard against the men for being a mere mortal woman, and in between her struggles she was reaching out to Jennifer. She didn’t know why though. It wasn’t like she was in danger for all Jenn knew she was in league with these men and had been from the beginning but she decided to back out now.
She couldn’t analyze two much though. The world still seemed to be spinning at a terrifying rate and there was no way that she would be able to fight her way through all of these men. If anything she would most likely throw up on them if she tried to stand up.
After a word from a man that Jenn didn’t catch, they stabbed something in Alex’s neck and she went limp and eerily still in the men’s arms. They came towards her next. She tried to fight back, but all she could do was barely move her limbs. Soon she was injected with the same serum that Alex had and the world went dark quickly and frighteningly.
Chapter 26

Something was wrong.
He could feel it from the edge of town, and he knew one thing; this vehicle wasn’t going to be fast enough. He immediately pulled to the side of the road and jumped from the vehicle before it could completely stop. The car didn’t matter. What did matter was if he would get to her in time.
With more speed on foot, and the ability to skip over the roads he was able to run directly to her house. He stopped right before the trees cleared, double checking if anyone was there. Not hearing a heartbeat, not even an animal one, he assumed all was safe and proceeded with caution.
That was shot to hell though when he saw that the front door was open. He ran into the house taking in everything. The kitchen was ripped apart, hell, everything was ripped apart. Nothing was intact. The sliding door was shattered outward form what he could see from the breaks in the glass, but it wasn’t made from a body going through it and there was glass inside the house too. No to mention the huge stain of blood on the carpet, it wasn’t her blood, he could tell by the scent of it, but that didn’t make him feel any better though. It still meant that someone else had been inside the house, but the upside was that it looked like she had killed whoever it was with the glass from the door.
He snickered, “Good girl.”
After going through the rest of the house he saw a terrible mess everywhere. “Whoever it was, must have tossed the place looking for something…” Or someone…
No. He couldn’t even think about that this had been his fault. He had to keep looking.
He worried his ring as he stepped cautiously through the broken glass, but, once again, he forgot his care and rushed outside when he saw tire tracks and flattened grass. The tire tracks would lead him to her but what broke his soul was the flattened grass going outward from a focus point. He had only seen a circle like this when a telekinetic human had attempted to knock down a large arm of guards to escape his brother’s clutches. With all of the power exerted, the human’s head exploded inward on itself when all of his life force was quickly used up. All he could hope for was that, because she was a vampire that she had survived.
From where he was he could smell her scent and many others that he couldn’t recognize but there was one more that he did. Several feet from where Jennifer must have been he smelled her. Jennifer wasn’t the only one in danger, Alexandria was too.

She awoke slowly and none to gently. She was scared to open her eyes out of fear for what she might see. She slightly twitched her arms and legs, discovering that she was indeed strapped down to a surface, most likely a table. She also tried to move her head but it wouldn’t budge, just like her other appendages. No… oh God… oh God PLEASE… NOOOOOOOO!!!
Jennifer then heard some slight murmuring as she tried not to hyperventilate. They voices were too far away to make out any words. She could gradually make out more as the voices came nearer. “… girl… power… vampire… dangerous…” “what… no… safe… find…” She heard a large deadbolt slide and then a large creaking door open, scraping on what sounded like concrete. They’re going to experiment on me… THEY ARE GOING TO KILL ME!!!
“Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine. It’s just a girl.” A voice said.
“You of all people know that it’s not just a girl. I’ll be with the other one.” A gruff voice said, he sounded like the older of the two.
Maybe the younger one will be sympathetic…
“Open your eyes. I know you’re awake.” The man said punching her stomach.
Eyes open, gasping for breath she saw the man and all of her hopes were shot to hell. He had red hair and green eyes, but that’s not what stood out. It was the huge scar starting at the middle of his forehead and snaking a grisly path down the left side of his face, going over his eye, touching the edge of his lip, and finally ending at the middle of his chin. She gasped at it in horror. This man had known horrors of the likes that she had never seen.
At her gasp he roughly grabbed her chin. “You know how I got this? From a monster just like you.” He threw her chin away, or as much as he could with it being strapped down. He was insane! “It was even from a woman. So I will take pleasure in making you talk.” He cruelly replied. With a devilish smile on his face he turned away from her and shortly returned with a scalpel. “Oh yes… Yes I will…”

Once Xavier had found the military base he called Gregor and told him everything, completely everything. Gregor hadn’t seemed at all surprised. He had instructed him to call everyone and meet in a field several miles from the base, but he hadn’t expected this.
There were literally hundreds of vampires in attendance. He had expected at most one hundred, not this. He didn’t even know half of these people! The few near him that he recognized were Ava (who didn’t really count because she was a plant), Gregor, Marissa Breant, Christopherson Finch, Lucy Sancheta, and Reggie Everson, who he was surprised to see, since last time he saw him he was in the clutches of his brother after being caught spying for him.
He went up to Reginald, “Hey Reggie! How’s it going?”
“Pretty good, all things considered. When you and Jennifer, bless her heart, managed to escape it distracted Yarwood enough that I was able to escape as well. I hope we get to her in time, but it was great seeing you again.”
“Well it was great to see you again too.” Reggie waved as he started to back off.
He just stood there until Gregor came up to him and asked, “Well? Is this enough?”
“Enough? This is more than enough!” He hugged Gregor. “Where did you find all of them? I only know less than half of them!”
“Well, I called all of the vampires in your coven’s phone numbers that we had and I told them to pass along the message. Apparently they

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