» Science Fiction » My Vampire Kidnapper, Lillith Devero [e textbook reader txt] 📗

Book online «My Vampire Kidnapper, Lillith Devero [e textbook reader txt] 📗». Author Lillith Devero

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Hansen brought Trevor York. Jean greeted them each in turn and welcomed them in, bracing herself against the idiot that they were trying to set her up with. When she saw him she couldn’t breathe. He was just as stunningly beautiful as he had been when she first saw him. The spikey blonde hair had been dyed a honey brown probably to protect himself, and he wasn’t wearing his usual skater attire, he was wearing a navy sweater with black jeans, but nothing could ever change his cunning mysterious deep eyes even though they now had a greenish tint to them from the contacts that he probably wore. He clasped his hand in hers and introduced himself, “Hello. My name is Xander Ashwood. Your name is?”
Jean just stood there in silence. All she could think was, His name isn’t Xander! It’s Xavier!
Alex, sensing the awkward silence introduced Jean for her, “Her name is Jean Cabell. She doesn’t usually get stage fright like this.”
Xavier nonchalantly replied, “Its fine. I have been known to have that effect on women. Oh and here is some wine.” He handed over a small bottle of very expensive, very old wine to Jean.
Somehow they all finally ended up inside and the wine was put down and the beer was pulled out, which Jean and ‘Xander’ declined. The intense game of poker began and went on into the night and was wrapped up around 11:20 after ‘Xander’ had swindled them all out of a small fortune of about one hundred bucks.
Everyone began cramming into James’s truck, griping about their lost cash when ‘Xander’ announced that he was going to stay back awhile and talk to Jean. They applauded him for his bravery, too drunk to wonder how he was going to get home. The soberest of the six, which was Hana drove them out Jean’s driveway and towards civilization, and Jean was stuck alone with Xavier… again.
“Okay. Now that all of the humans are gone, let’s get down to why I am here because that has obviously been bugging you, besides the fact that I dyed my hair.” Xavier said, since, as he said all of the humans were gone so she could call him Xavier now instead of Xander.
“Exactly, and now I can call you Jenn.” He said.
“Please stop reading my mind. I’m not in the mood.” Jennifer said, stomach fluttering at his use of her nickname.
“Well, that state of mind can easily be altered…”
“Xavier.” Jenn warned, butterflies dying in the acid in her stomach.
“... with some blood and wine. Really Jenn, you shouldn’t be so quick to judge.” Xavier said, scolding her playfully.
“You’re kidding right? Human food is disgusting!”
“No I am not kidding and that is why you add the blood. If you want to eat human food just add blood in the case of another liquid. So where’s your stash? We already have the wine.”
Jennifer grabbed her key for the bedroom and went to unlock it, with Xavier close behind. Key in the lock she turned around and said to him, “I would really prefer if you stayed here.” Pointing to the exact point on the floor where he was standing, and walked into her bedroom and pulled out two bags of blood from the fridge. As she walked back to the door he asked, “Whatever do we need two bags of blood for?”
“I’m hungry.” She calmly replied as they meandered back into the kitchen. Reaching up to one of her cabinets she pulled out a black coffee mug, but Xavier walked over and gently grabbed her wrist.
“No. You won’t need that. Where do you keep the red wine glasses?” Xavier asked as he took the mug from her hand and returned it to its place on the shelf.
“Does it look like I have red wine glasses?” Jenn asked rolling her eyes at him.
“I know for a fact that you do. I bought you some.” Xavier said digging through her mostly unused but still full cabinets. Jenn hadn’t felt a need to use more than one cabinet after she dug out the things that she actually needed on a daily basis. Xavier continued, “I didn’t know if you liked wines, red or white, so I bought you glasses for both.”
“Really? In actuality I’m still sixteen even though my driver’s license says differently. Do you think I’ve had much of a chance to sample fine wines?” Jenn said.
“Well your day of birth is coming up, which means that you will soon be seventeen, and about the wine, I guess I started to believe what that license says. I promise though, you will absolutely adore this wine, or at least that’s what Gregor thinks, and he is just about as close to a wine expert as you could possibly get.” Xavier said, flirting with her ever so slightly as he pulled the correct red wine glasses out of the cupboard.
Xavier motioned for Jennifer to sit at one of her fairly unused bar stools as he opened the red wine with a pop of the cork. The preparing of the wine basically included gracefully pouring the wine glasses half full with the wine (which she was apparently going to adore), cutting open the top of one of the bags of blood, and filling the glass almost to the top on both glasses. After the concoction was partially stirred, both of the liquids settled odd because of their differences so when you drank it you sometimes got more blood than wine or more wine than blood, but none the less it was the most absolutely delectable drink she had ever had.
“So? What do you think?” Xavier asked.
“Well, Gregor definitely knows his wines.” Jenn replied.
“I have had this same wine many times, but never has it tasted as good as it has tonight.”
“And why would that be?”
“I had previously thought that, to get the full effect, that wine had to be savored in taste only, but I have now realized that that is false. To feel the full effect of a wine you must appreciate true beauty.” Xavier said in almost a whisper, never taking his eyes from Jenn’s as he did so.
No matter what her brain had been telling her before she couldn’t pull her eyes away from his nor could she ignore any longer the fact that she wanted this man, mind, body, and soul.
Xavier pulled his eyes away from Jenn’s as soon as that thought had left her mind. By that time they had both finished their glasses of wine. Xavier took Jenn’s from her hand and began to wash it in the sink as Jenn picked up the leftover bag of blood and returned it to the mini fridge.
As she walked back into the kitchen she asked Xavier, “What do I do with the wine?” She asked.
“You can just keep it in the fridge.” Xavier said, as he walked to the door.
Jennifer started to panic a little, “Will you come back tomorrow?”
He chuckled, “Do you want me to come back tomorrow?”
Jennifer nodded frantically.
Xavier full out laughed, “Okay then love, I’ll come back tomorrow night around eight-ish. Okay?”
“Yeah. That’ll be great.” Jenn said, slighting breathless as the butterflies reincarnated in her stomach and she closed the door behind him as he turned away after he smiled at her one last time.
After she was fairly certain that he was gone, she thought to herself, He called me ‘love’. Oh God! What does that mean? “Well. I guess I’ll find out!” she said to herself after she crawled into her bed, exhausted after today’s events.
Chapter 21

She only thought that he had left, but he had actually stayed until she had fallen into the deepest part of sleep. Even then he was still wary to leave his post in the tree.
It wasn’t supposed to happen like this! He thought to himself. I only meant to be her guardian angel, but I’m so stupid! I just couldn’t stay away! I had to fall head over heels in love with the girl!
Xavier’s cell vibrated against his hip. After he jumped out of the tree as graceful as a cat, he answered the call, “Xavier, are you almost done with those ‘errands’ that you had to do?” Gregor asked.
“Yes I’m done. I’ll be home in 20.” Xavier replied and then hung up. Gregor didn’t know about his predicament, he wasn’t about to inform him about it either. If Gregor knew that he still felt for the girl, he would never hear the end of it, but he just couldn’t stay away. There was something about her that intrigued him. He couldn’t stop thinking about the beauty of her deep lilac eyes with dark accents that made his heart melt, the silky smooth textures of her long, thick, ebony hair, and the fullness of her full, silvery moon, pink lips…
Yeah, he needed to get as far away from this woman as possible…
Like that’s gonna happen. I don’t have that much restraint.

Xander. Xavier. Xander. Xavier. God this is confusing! Jean thought to herself. For at the moment she was supposed to be Jean, but life had become much more confusing now that Xavier, Xander, had walked back into her life. Which was, in all actuality, only about eleven hours ago. Hmmm… “God this sucks!” She yelled into her pillow. Lifting her head up out of the pillow she said, “Wow. That’s actually literal!” A muffled “Aaaahh…” was also yelled into the pillow.
She had to get up and do something. It was already 11:30!
“Praise the Lord I don’t have a job! If I did I would be soooooooooo fired.” After that obvious statement she felt lethargy nagging at her brain and she decided to give into it, not sure of what else she could do.
She ended up dreaming about the last week before she was thrown out on her own at her own request by Xavier.

“Jennifer. I know that this is extremely boring, but it is also extremely important.” Xavier addressed her, for at this point in time he still had been Xavier, and not Xavier/Xander.
“For the record, teach; I’m not the one yawning.” Jennifer replied trying not to break out in a fit of laughter.
“What? It’s not my fault! You’re just a very boring teacher! Gregor explained it in 5 minutes better than you do.” Ava said, definitely bored but also having excessive amounts of fun as she teased the teacher. It the four weeks that they had both been ‘enrolled’ in ‘Professor’ Xavier’s ‘class’ they had become the best of friends.
“Thank you dear.” Gregor said placing a kiss on Ava’s cheek, who was sitting to the left of him while Jenn was on the other side of Ava.
“Hey! Not PDA in class.” Xavier snapped.
“There are no Personal Digital Assistants in the room! And why for the love of God, do we have to sit in these stupid little desks?” Gregor voiced his usual

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