» Science Fiction » Star Wars v.s. Classic Battlestar Galactica., John Damocles Smith [most read books in the world of all time TXT] 📗

Book online «Star Wars v.s. Classic Battlestar Galactica., John Damocles Smith [most read books in the world of all time TXT] 📗». Author John Damocles Smith

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to his executive officer:- "Good, inform Commander Cain that The Death Star is now in position."

From within the captured Cylon Basestar, Commander Kronus received the same order to commence attack as all 100 Battlestars and 300 Colonial Destroyers and 30 Rebel Starcruisers had.
"Launch fighters." The distinguished Commander ordered. The Basestar at the time of battle had been fully repaired and all 300 of the raiders converted into remote-controlled craft operated by the skeleton crew within. And old trick by the Colonials, although seldom used since it was rare to have commandeered more than a few Cylon Raiders at any time within "The Thousand-Yahren War." As Commander Kronus' Rebel adviser, Jedi Knight Orion Knight-Star selected targets for both the captured Basestar itself and the remotely-controlled Raiders. The two watched as Coalition star fighters approached the oncoming Imperial TIE Fighters.
"Attention all craft..." came the urgent transmission to all capital ships by President Adar from the Battlestar Atlantia.

"...Commander Cain has been delayed for reasons unknown. He should have come out of light speed according to plan. Do not abort plan alpha, repeat, do not

abort plan alpha."
Commander Kronus did not allow the demoralizing news to phase him, he focused upon carrying out his orders and directed his energy toward the battle at hand like the great military leader he always had been. He watched plan alpha in progress, Colonial and Rebel fighters escorted the modified 300 raiders hoping the initial manoeuvre would give the Coalition the advantage after learning exactly what they're up against.

Imperial Admiral Targeta ordered the first target for the Death Star's superlaser. Darth Shivilow standing quietly near his left, away from his scanners, supervising the battle station's operations. The crew at their stations, all cross-referencing the data upon their scanners with the display of Caprica's system and coalition forces upon the titanic view screen.
Targeta transmitted to the superlaser's control room. "First target selected. Fire when ready."

Death Star Superlaser Control Room.

The fully helmeted Death Star Gunner reached up to pull down a lever from the control panel above him, the long curve of the lower half of his helmet protecting his face against the brightness of the massive blast yet to come. Others, similarly geared with the impressive-looking helmets, gripped the levers in front of them, moving them back to carefully prepare the titanic shot.
Everyone who stood at platforms built at the sides of the huge, tunnel-like apertures covered their ears as each branch of the superlaser charged.
Outside in space, each division of the superlaser converged at a point and formed a single, thick, devastating beam of green light, it's planet-shattering power totally obliterated it's first target to the cheering delight of the Death Star's crew.
"Rebel Flagship destroyed, my Lady!"
Darth Shivilow held her bent arms high with a tense fist each, shrieking. "Aaahhh the Rebel Scum."
The Imperial fleet's morale rising already.

"Admiral Chertoros!!" Apollo, Starbuck, Boomer and Greenbean heard Grand Jedi Master Seaco Buroc exclaim in horror through their transceivers. The once-majestic Mon Calamari-built vessel gone in the bright explosion. The first loss by The Rebellion being the worst possible.
Seaco's Colonial wingmen heard his transmission to the Rebels who piloted an X-Wing or a B-Wing Fighter to open their S-Foils, upon hearing his command to accelerate to "attack speed," the Colonial Vipers followed the Rebel's lead by pressing the "Turbo" buttons upon their control sticks to meet with the TIE Fighters who commenced fire upon the Coalition Forces.
Apollo spotted an Imperial fighter with three wings heading in an upward arc and then downward toward an X-Wing pilot. The wings appeared as that of a TIE Interceptor except that they were turned around and joined to the main body of the craft from the other side. He recognized it as a TIE Defender. Knowing it possessed extra firepower as well as ion cannons which could disable craft, Apollo veered upward to his port side and watched the diagram upon his targeting computer to quickly take out that dangerous fighter. The X-Wing it targeted blasted the Standard TIE directly in front. The two probably worked in pairs.
Starbuck, someplace at his starboard side, tilted slightly upward to shoot down two other standard TIEs streaking high above Seaco Buroc's B-Wing. He could not tell who Boomer and Greenbean shot at until he saw them overtake the Grand Jedi Master in an arc passing in front of his B-Wing's port. Their ion vapours showing as clear as day.
It was a Lambda-class shuttle. Although used mainly for transport, it's two steerable forward laser cannons and other two twin cannons and it's aft retractable twin laser cannons rendered it as a craft which far outmatched any TIE Fighter. Boomer and Greenbean's Vipers tried taking out it's shield powered by multiple generators as the powerful B-Wing Fighter belonging to Seaco Buroc (designed to attack capital ships) scored a direct hit with it's heavy blaster cannon and twin auto blasters in one simultaneous shot. Greenbean cheered and he and Boomer dealt the finishing blasts.
The four Colonial wingmen backing Seaco Buroc approached the Star destroyers under his leadership. At 1,600 metres, each Colonial pilot knew that those formidable craft exceeded a Battlestar in length by at least 350 metres, or "metrons" in their terminology.
"Ready 'Plan Alpha' " The Grand Jedi Master stated.
Fighters broke formations and became smaller groups, Apollo and Starbuck streaked along the starboard edge of the Star Destroyer Seaco headed for, starting from just 100 feet past the pointed tip. They stayed under the partial protection between of the top deck plating and the bottom deck plating. Their Jedi leader just outside to take out any fighter targeting them as the two shot their way through turrets along the way, hoping that the remote-controlled Cylon Raiders followed them.
"Initiate 'Plan Alpha' now!" All accelerated away from the 193 of the surviving Cylon raiders upon Seaco Buroc's orders. The remote-controlled heavy fighters manoeuvred into place by the skeleton crew aboard the captured Basestar, colliding with the formidable Star Destroyers and detonating the solonite explosives heavily loaded into them. 18 of each being sufficient to destroy one of them.
The elimination of 10 Star Destroyers and heavy damage of two others had only given the Coalition Forces reason to celebrate the success of "Plan Alpha" for a very short time. The Death Star's next three-minute charge of their superlaser had been used to destroy a second Mon Calamari Star Cruiser.



?" Commander Adama's voice came through the communications. According to plan, his forces should have come out of light speed centons

ago. Seaco attempted to contact Delpa Gival, who had been assigned to lead their fighter squadrons-but, curiously, there was no response by his reliable friend.

Lord Bruticus manoeuvred his personal fighter craft to behind the protection of the bridge of his Super Star Destroyer Dominator.

The unique craft a Sith Meditation Sphere. It resembled a sphere ten meters in diameter with vertical, bat-like wings at each side (almost like a TIE Fighters') and a single eyeball in the middle. At the heart of the meditation sphere Lord Bruticus sat in his meditation chamber. The interior had jagged walls that sloped inwards and at the center the Sith Lord would crouch and focus his dark side powers that allowed him to amplify his intentions and send them out over great distances to control his army and ensure victory for his forces. Thanks to the Sphere, the Dark Lord could create Illusions and make them real enough to cause damage, giving him an edge in battle.
Had this been his own galaxy, the Sith Lord would have been able to see the whole galaxy laid out, though he lacked data of The Cyrannus Galaxy he was still, however, able to monitor the progress of his army. The giant holoscreen on the wall displayed more detailed tactical information. He used it to watch a squadron of TIE Interceptors escort 20 TIE Bombers toward the nearest Battlestar, Hephaestus

and it's support ships. His battle meditation guided the Interceptors to evade the turrets of the Battlestar Amazon

four kilometres to it's starboard and the supporting Colonial Destroyers. The tactical data upon the holoscreen told Lord Bruticus that all of the 100 Battlestars had the support of three Colonial Destroyers each. The 50 Interceptors fought their way through the squadrons of the long, swift Colonial Vipers before they commenced taking out the turrets of the Battlestar Hephaestus and the nearest destroyer starboard of it's command section in order to allow the Bombers to get through to the Capital ship, firing their concussion missiles as they approached. Their payloads dropped with surgical precision upon the hardy Battlestar. Among their fist targets , Hephaestus

Core Command.
The dark lord enjoyed the way the Battlestar's superstructure weakened and eventually exploded from the constant impacts. The TIE Bombers made their run over their supporting destroyers, taking the three out as another squadron of fighters and bombers shot down much of the remaining Vipers coming from the capital ships within that vicinity and gave the Battlestar Amazon

and it's supporting Colonial Destroyers a similar fate.

As capital ships eventually approached each other, The Imperial fleet changed to a spherical formation around the Super Star Destroyer. Some close, some near but most farther away. Rebel transports from one of the Rebel fleets, specifically the ones which were converted into heavy bombers from the Alternate Star Wars Timeline, were escorted toward the Star Destroyers by some of the Battlestars and their supporting Destroyers to aid a bombing run of their own.
The Death Star superlaser fired and destroyed a third Mon Calamari Cruiser. After that blast, many among The Coalition realized that the gargantuan battle station would reach Caprica in a mere four centons.

Starbuck recognized a Skipray Blastboat, obviously from one of The Star Destroyers since the ones which came out of The Death Star remained between the Imperial Fleet and the gargantuan battle station along with all other craft launched from there. Just as Captain Apollo felt concerned of the dangers the TIE Defenders presented and felt motivated to concentrate upon them, Lieutenant Starbuck felt concerned of the threat the Skipray Blastboats presented being such heavy fighters. He prepared to fire upon it with his targeting computer. Unlike Cylon Raiders, they possessed shield generators, so Starbuck made sure he hit it with a few more shots before it's pilot had the chance to launch it's concussion missiles at the nearest Rebel Transport.
Just after that, he saw Master Damocles' customized heavy fighter flying in a narrow arc, tilted almost 90 degrees. He shot past his viper's nose by half-a-kilometre ahead toward the Star Destroyer nearest to the one directly below, which was under bombardment by the converted Rebel Transport Starbuck just protected. Being designed as a versatile craft for attacking both capital ships as well as fighters, the Jedi Master had no problem taking out the Lambda-Class Shuttle in the way with it's four heavy cannons. Two above either side of the cockpit and one at each tip of its wings. Starbuck had only enough time to see Master Damocles change course in a steep dive to his port side and fire at the neighbouring Star Destroyer's capital turrets.
The Rebel Transport Cruiser converted as a heavy bomber had already half-killed the Star Destroyer below it due to the enormous payload it contained, Starbuck flew closer to the Transport, witnessed Lieutenant Boomer fly close to it's hull, climbing to shoot away a TIE Bomber attacking it and saw the distinctive blasts from the captured Cylon Basestar's Mega-Pulsar Cannons aid the Rebel Transport against the target Star Destroyer from extreme range. The durable Imperial vessel exploded from various points below it's hull seconds before blasting apart in all directions.
The division of Coalition Fighters within the area climbed and commenced attacking the above Star Destroyer from underneath. The captured Cylon Basestar commenced firing upon the neighbouring

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