» Science Fiction » Star Wars v.s. Classic Battlestar Galactica., John Damocles Smith [most read books in the world of all time TXT] 📗

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with his customized Predator Mark 1 Heavy Fighter with the support of Sheba's, Bojay's and Ortega's Colonial lasers. The powerful explosion within made it appear as if a saboteur had left a charge to detonate within the neck to make it spread toward the head and front torso. The five came down for another pass to aim at the next AT-AT behind it as ordered by Apollo. Seaco, Bojay and Sheba returned, this time with a lower flightpath witnessing an AT-ST Scoutwalker being shot away, head on, the first by Boomer, the next by Starbuck and the third by Jolly. The two-legged walkers momentarily leaned back as if about to fall backwards from the lethal shots by their opposing viper pilots. Then Apollo, Starbuck, Boomer, Jolly and Greenbean maintained intensive fire upon the next AT-AT hoping to take out it's armoured cannons.
Mega-Pulsar Cannon shots came from the sky and instantly destroyed the walker Seaco, Damocles, Bojay Ortega and Sheba were about to strike. It was the Battlestar Triton.

The Imperial Walkers were gone, all Colonial Warriors hit their turbos, following the ascent by the Jedi.
Little did they know that the walkers were dispatched as a diversion for The Empire to enable their ground forces to covertly infiltrate the Sorgarn facilities. Their stealthy guidance aided by the Sith Meditation Sphere piloted by Darth Bruticus.

Apollo ordered their squadrons to split up and assigned them to separate areas. Apollo, Starbuck, Boomer and Bojay would be lead by Seaco Buroc's B-Wing against the nearest Star Destroyer to take out the turrets on the top port side. Jolly, Greenbean and Ortega would follow Master Damocles' Predator Mark 1 to take out the turrets on the starboard side at the same time. Delpa Gival and Sheba would lead Silver spar squadron to cover them. Orion Knight-Star lead Bronze Spar Squadron farther East-North-East of that same Imperial ship to deal with the Imperial Fighters closest to the surface and Sorgarn facilities. It appeared that The Empire wished to capture the area and those elegant beings within.
As the arrowhead shape of Orions' Clone Wars-Era Jedi Starfighter took his Colonial allies toward the heavy group of TIE-Fighters in several delta formations, their turbo boosts nearly matching his extreme speed, he ordered them to aim for any TIE-Defenders first because of their ion cannons.
The surface of Caprica's red moon seemingly raced below them so fast that it appeared as a dark blur. The green blaster fire from some of the nearest TIE-Fighters fired toward them. The Colonials responded with their red and orange lasers of their Vipers.
"Break!!" Orion signaled and climbed higher at 20 degrees to starboard, his ship's blasters took out a TIE-Fighter in front, then one slightly to his left and another much higher to his right. A delta formation of Vipers streaked below his starboard and climbed steeply in a right arc and attacked a Skipray Blastboat and the eight TIE-Fighter wingmen. Orion turned 70 degrees to his port side and flew due west. He sensed a great danger threatening the Vipers, even witnessed eight of those agile craft being blasted away all too easily as he approached. It was Darth Shivilow's Sith Infiltrator. Orion recognized it as the same class of craft used by the Sith Lord which attacked Master Qui-Gon Jinn and the then Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi.
The Jedi Knight engaged Shivilow's fighter before any of it's six solar ionization cannons could take out another Coalition craft. He fired, spun, sped in complex directions and although he didn't get a single hit, he did, however, prevent Shivilow from targeting others as intended. She dived in almost a full circle behind her, fired at Orion and passed below him after he dodged her shots. The Jedi Knight turned to follow her only to lose sight of Shivilow. Strange she left her Fighters to fend for themselves. She was nowhere in the area. Did she engage it's cloaking device? Could Lord Bruticus have ordered her elsewhere? Orion wasted no time and simply shot down TIE-Fighter after TIE-Fighter, aiding his Colonial allies as he heroically defended the Sorgarn base.

Apollo and Starbuck sped above the port side of the sections of the Star Destroyer-the turrets of which they eliminated-above the multi-layered structures which lead below the bridge. Ten interceptors tailed them, the two seasoned warriors hit their "turbo" buttons and tried to evade their laser fire by taking cover behind the higher aft section of the Star Destroyer. As the Interceptors turned to follow, they were met by Sheba and Silver spar squadron traveling the opposite direction and their red laser blasts. Seven got destroyed and the three remaining targeted by Delpa Gival and the four X-Wing fighters following him. Apollo and Starbuck turned around to the top starboard section and fired intently upon the Star Destroyer's hull plating as they went.
Damocles and Seaco Buroc, followed by Boomer and Bojay dived steeply toward the top of the bridge section. The Predator Mark 1 fired a pair of concussion missiles and it's four heavy cannons. Seaco's B-Wing fired it's heavy laser cannon and twin autoblasters. The repeated fire by Bojay and Boomer added to the destruction and the combined attack by the four resulted in the entire top plating of the bridge section rendered useless.
Apollo and Starbuck passed the pointed tip of the Star Destroyer's bow, and made a hairpin turn to port and fired along the deck plating on the ship's opposite side. They saw the Battlestars Acropolis

and Medusa

-visible behind it's starboard-firing upon the Imperial Star Destroyer. The two Battlestars faced the port corner, no supporting Colonial Destroyers left. Every single battery emplacement aimed at the side of the multi-layered sections as all fighters pulled up to vacate the area. The Star Destroyer lost what was left of it's endurance and blasts erupted from many points from within it's deep core forming an earth-shattering explosion which reached two kilometres close to the Acropolis

and Medusa's

bow sections. The brilliant ball of light obscuring most of the debris from view.

Sith Lord Draconis lead two formations of TIE-Bombers toward the Battlestar Medusa's

bow. The escort of 40 TIE-Fighters covered them as they fired their concussion missiles at the Medusa's

two main engines. Draconis concentrated upon the auxiliary engines before flying along the top. The Colonial Vipers which just took out the nearby Star Destroyer headed toward them. Red and green laser blasts intermingled as the TIE-Bombers did their work virtually undisturbed. Lord Draconis ascended as soon as he reached the Core Command Section to create distance between himself and the bridge. When ready he dived and fired intently as the last 15 of the TIE-Fighters attacking that Battlestar fought to protect the Bombers. Even they got eliminated by those swift Colonial Vipers-which seemed to Draconis to match or possibly exceed that of those TIE craft about two decades ahead of his time-but not before he got the chance to finish their work by applying the last few intensive shots for a full two minutes destroying the Battlestar Medusa.

If only Lord Draconis knew the irony of the fact that that particular ship he eliminated himself was once in command of Sire Minos Darius.
Having no squads left in the immediate area, he manoeuvred his Clone-Wars Era modified Jedi Star Fighter to take out any fighter defending the Battlestar Acropolis.

He requested another strike force from Admiral Targeta to be assigned to him. As he waited, he busied himself against the Coalition fighters. After shooting away eight Vipers and an X-Wing, he chased a Colonial Warrior who proved troublesome to target. It was Flight Sergeant Ortega, Draconis judged that such a good pilot to evade him a great danger against Imperial forces so he continued targeting him.
Lord Draconis, despite his great force senses, reacted in surprise as Apollo got a good shot at him. The two red laser discharges hit the aft section next to the port engine. It seemed he came out of nowhere. The Sith Lord dived down out of the way and resumed his pursuit of Ortega, fired as he received a direct hit on his fighter's ventral section by his twin Brother Orion Knight-Star. The shots saved Ortega, but not many of his fellow Colonial Warriors would have considered that a great loss had he died since he was despised by them because of his immature behaviour. Not being able to take another hit, Draconis had no other choice than to retreat.

Lieutenant Starbuck suffered a similar pursuit but by Darth Shivilow's Sith Interceptor, trying in vein to evade the firepower of her six solar ionization cannons. Even his legendary piloting prowess rendered him unable to shoot at enemy craft because he needed all his skills to stay alive. It was like being intercepted by a compact capital ship. When Starbuck spotted an area free of any fighters from either faction, he pressed his "Turbo" button and climbed very steeply, finally escaping as other Colonial Vipers converged and fired altogether. One of them scored a hit on the top central area of the Sith Interceptor's bow section, knocking out most of the shielding.
"Great shot Bojay!" Sheba said excitedly.
The simultaneous shots from Seaco Boruc's B-Wing Fighter knocked out all of her shields and caused severe hull damage. He came at her from a steep, diagonal path behind her cockpit. She too, had no other option than to retreat. Darth Shivilow ensured her escape by going to lightspeed and eventually returning to the scene to dock with the Super Star Destroyer Dominator.

The nuclear missiles launched by the various Battlestars had taken away much of the The Death Star's surface and consequently, their turret defenses. Power throughout the mighty battle station stopped being distributed and it's main reactor ceased functioning.
Battlestars and Colonial Destroyers continued firing their Mega-Pulsar cannons at the Imperial Star Destroyers, exploiting an advantage The Empire's capital ships didn't have.
The Death Star, weaponless, no longer attacked, and all forces from the Colonial side of the temporary Coalition Forces-which fired at the spherical weapon of terror-changed courses to aid the depleting number of ships by both factions. President Adar of the Battlestar Atlantia

ordered the last of the nuclear missiles by the division lead by Commander Cain to be directed at The Imperial Fleet itself.
The still-remaining abundance of Imperial Fighters prevented all but two of the remaining 15 rockets from impacting against a Star Destroyer each.
The gigantic blast radius obliterated 50 from Lord Bruticus' fleet and nearly 4,000 Fighters.
The Coalition forces safely situated at the other side of the spherical formation of enemy ships so they received no damage.

Delpa Gival's Jedi interceptor was in pursuit of a Lambda-Class Imperial Shuttle. He sensed through The Force that it's intention was to escape. He utilized his Fighter's superior manoeuvreability and Force skills to avoid being hit by the aft cannons. It's alternate military configuration had two instead of the usual one. He rolled alternately form left and right, fired continuously to take out it's strong shields. This Delpa Gival did rapidly. The three minour ion cannons from Seaco Buroc's B-Wing Fighter hit the cockpit from a low dive toward the shuttle's front starboard flank, rendering the craft very much inoperative.
"Brilliant plan." Seaco transmitted to the other Grand Jedi Master.
Delpa Gival towed the craft containing the captured Imperial Chief Of Staff Admiral Targeta and Ari'eshna to the nearby Battlestar Galactica.

From within his Sith Meditation sphere, Darth Bruticus saw the nuclear explosions reach as close as 15 kilometres from his port side. With the vast empty battlefield in the aftermath, and more Coalition ships approaching in ever greater numbers, he made his retreat into the hangar of Dominator.

The illusions of Imperial Fighters he cast with his ship's aid to confuse the enemy continued to be detected by the Jedi. Their flying of their personal fighters may have been made more difficult but they managed

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