» Science Fiction » Star Wars v.s. Classic Battlestar Galactica., John Damocles Smith [most read books in the world of all time TXT] 📗

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to report which ships were real and which were not. The wise Sith Lord knew when to alter a tactic in the face of danger. Twelve Colonial Vipers came at the dark lord's Sith Meditation Sphere, his laser cannons fired, their elimination aided by the Magnetic Accelerator mounted on top of his craft. The metal ball it shot with the aid of magnets embedded in a machinated track to launch it at great speeds collided dramatically. His favourite being the second hit shattering the protective cockpit coverings as he sensed the Warrior's distress at being exposed to the lethal vacuum of space.
Bruticus veered under the middle port side of his Super Star Destroyer, a Rebel Nebulon-B Frigate came into view and in the way. He fired at it intently to stop it from taking out his command ship's turrets and aided his followers in destroying it.
A grin spread across the dark lord's face, yet another ship full of Rebel scum gone. Excited as he flew on his way to the hangar, taken out four X-Wing's as he approached.

The fleet of Star Destroyers above and below Lord Bruticus' command ship attempted to change formation into a smaller spherical one as best as they could. The ones starboard of it too occupied by the number of Rebel and Colonial ships which engaged them closely. The Super Star Destroyer tilted 20 degrees so that all it's turrets on both sides faced that way. Some Coalition ships broke through that side of the formation of the arrowhead-shaped Imperial vessels to, at last, aid the Rebel Starcruisers. Among them, the Battlestars Pegasus

, Columbia,



and the legendary Galactica.

Their supporting Colonial Destroyers which remained covered them as they all aided the two Rebel capital ships already there. The Battlestars fired their Mega-Pulsar cannons at the Super Star Destroyer as fighters and other Coalition craft engaged the nearby Star Destroyers to allow the converted Rebel Transports through to the command ship.
Seaco Buroc lead Apollo, Starbuck, Boomer and Bojay away from the turrets their capital ships fired upon and flew closely to the deck plating from the rear starboard corner. Master Damocles, Sheba, Jolly, Ortega and two B-Wing Fighters approached from the opposite corner. Delpa Gival, Orion Knight-Star lead a squad of five X-Wings and three Y-Wings along the prominent tail-end. The first two groups headed for the bridge, the role of the team lead by Delpa and Orion was to take out all the aft turrets they could in order to make approaches toward the monstrous 19-kilometre dreadnaught safer.
The first two teams navigated through the hazards of the Super Star Destroyers' defenses and explosions from Coalition ship fire. Upon Seaco's signal, they all ascended and fired at the bridge intensely from both sides, Seaco used the remaining four proton torpedoes for his B-Wing and Damocles fired the last four proton torpedoes from his Predator Mark 1. The bridge of the Dominator

blasted out of existence from the combined efforts.
The last remaining three converted Rebel Transports bombed the Super Star Destroyer. One of them taken out from many of their turrets and the nearby Imperial ships. It exploded shortly after the Star Destroyer nearest to Master Damocles blasted apart.
The turrets of Lord Bruticus' command ship, initially numbering 250 Turbolasers, 250 Heavy Turbolasers and 250 Ion Cannons, slowly diminished in number as the Transporter/Bombers exhausted it's supply of bombs and the Battlestars Lemuria

, Olympus,


and Phoenix

approached after blasting through two Star Destroyers in their immediate way.
An Imperial ship successfully boarded by a mixed team of Colonials and Rebels turned to fire upon the nearest of it's kind.
Multiple fire from the Mega-Pulsar Cannons of Battlestars, the smaller Colonial Destroyers and Rebel Starcruisers and fighters of all classes including the four Jedi's personal starfighters attacked the Super Star Destroyer Dominator

with all their might. The monstrous ship of Imperial terror endured massive damage. Hull plates ripped out. Explosions from scattered internal sections caused much of it's insides to be exposed. Entire sections a kilometre wide collapsed. Reinforced inner armour plating gave-way, entire sections lost atmosphere and Imperial personnel met their deaths in the vacuum of space.
Lord Bruticus threatened the Coalition with a transmission.
"Cease fire or I'll kill the Sorgarn. We've captured them and their base."

Part #17 "Raiding The Dominator."

-Patrick Delieto as Grand Jedi Master Delpa Gival and Admiral Targeta.

-Alex McKeel as Orion Knight-Star.

-Sean Connaughton as Grand Jedi Master Seaco Buroc.

-Colleen Driscoll as Darth Shivilow.

-Joe Mignano as Darth Bruticus.

-John Damocles Smith as Master Damocles.

After the threat by Lord Bruticus to kill the Sorgarn, many from the Rebel Alliance and Colonial Warriors felt horrified as soon as the Jedi lead a large strike force to board the Super Star Destroyer Dominator

in response.
"Why are you boarding my flagship? A battalion of my best troops have them at blaster-point and you defy me?

I will carry out my threat now if you don't turn back-IMMEDIATELY."
"That's what you

think Darth Bruticus..." Delpa Gival transmitted almost immediately via his comlink. "'ve underestimated my Jedi powers. I sensed a disturbance in The Force and I knew it had something to do with the Sorgarn, so I made preparations to protect them. As for those things you captured, they're droids made with spare parts, extended limbs and fitted with prosthetics aaand

explosives the Colonials call solonite." The Grand Jedi Master then transmitted the command to the disguised droids to trigger their explosives. The three relays required to do so did their work as Darth Bruticus discovered when the Imperial strike team upon the Caprican red moon failed to respond.
Delpa Gival then took his turn to make their demands.

up, Bruticus. Your Death Star is gone, we now outnumber your fleet by 47 more ships and we dispelled more than enough of the force illusions from your Sphere and many of your short-range fighters will run out of fuel if you continue. Do you think that 25 Star Destroyers is enough to take us all out? Even if you could, what's to stop other Colonial ships from sending more forces to defend their worlds-especially

with that battle station of yours rendered useless. You have no

way to get the Sorgarn technology you want so much anyway." Said while their mixed Rebel and Colonial squads advanced and shot their way through groups of Imperial Officers and Stormtroopers alike.
"Come and get

me!" Was the only response by The Brutal One. Delpa Gival truly felt as if the dark lord was unfazed.

Within Lord Bruticus' private lounge, the dark lord conferred with his apprentice.
"Shivilow, we will not die in this battle, I have forseen the Sorgarn-wherever

they are-sending us back to our dimension. Nevertheless, whatever happens between now and that time, keep the case in that vault away from the wrong hands. Remain here and do not hesitate to destroy anyone who manages to break through."
"Yes My Lord, I foresaw it as well." Darth Shivilow responded. Although crazy, he could always rely on her, for she possessed her Father's tactical wisdom.
"Good luck Master." She said as he left. Then gave the Stormtroopers outside some last minute instructions and went on his way to kill the hated Jedi.

"I can no longer sense him. He's camouflaged himself with The Force, so has Shivilow." Delpa Gival said to Seaco, Orion and Damocles as the mixed team of Rebels and Colonials shot at the Stormtroopers at the end of the main passage.
Apollo, being left-handed, shot from behind the right-hand corner of the corridor as Starbuck, Boomer, Jolly, Greenbean, Sheba and Bojay shot from behind the opposite corner with the aid of other Colonial Warriors. The four Jedi supported Apollo's side with Rebel Troopers and their lightsabres deflecting the gunfire from the Stormtroopers' BlasTech E-11 rifles. Master Damocles did not draw his DL-18 blaster because it was not strong enough to penetrate Stormtrooper armour, so he had kept his rare black-bladed lightsabre in his left hand alight.
"Well, there aren't many places they could hide with all the damage this ship has taken." Orion Knight-Star said. "Besides, to separate themselves against the four of us, it would be foolish. I don't think that this Bruticus would risk fighting all of us by himself when, tactically, they have a better chance by fighting together." Orion took away a Stormtrooper's blaster with The Force and used it to shoot other Imperials as he talked.
"Whatever the case, we're getting closer. Those two will not be easy to take down, but whatever we do, this is our opportunity to stop them once and for all and I don't want us to waste it." Seaco Buroc said, then addressed Damocles-his strategist-his thoughts.
"I think we definitely have him cornered, but, there's always the possibility of a weapon, a trap or some form of deception he might use in case of great danger to themselves. If it's not by technical means, it will be through The Force. (He paused.) Or vice versa

Sheba had shot down the last Stormtrooper and the four Jedi ran through, on the lookout for any hidden enemies or any other danger similar to anything Master Damocles suggested.
The four Jedi spread out, their Force senses had not detected any hidden danger and Seaco signaled their allies to proceed to their area. Apollo, Starbuck, Boomer, Jolly, Greenbean, Sheba, Bojay and 20 Colonials and 25 Rebels proceeded to follow.
Seaco, Delpa, Damocles and Orion watched each branch of the crossroads vigilantly, sabres drawn. Their blades hummed, held absolutely still as they force-ran.
In a split second, the blast doors slammed shut in the south corridor behind them which separated Orion Knight-Star and all members of their strike force from the others. Another trapped Seaco and Delpa in the eastern branch. Damocles got trapped in the northern branch. He thought that Lord Bruticus and Darth Shivilow must have concentrated their Force skills well to conceal this trick from all four of them. Unable to open the blast door with either The Force or his lightsabre, the Jedi Master proceeded with caution.

Orion Knight-Star asked the strike team to stand back, he stabbed the blast door to cut a hole through with is lightsabre blade only to find he could not push it through. He checked the walls, again the same result. Surprised, he announced to those behind him:-
"I think I know what this is. It's rare but I'm quite sure these doors are made of phrik

alloy. Some Jedi and Sith have been known to use it to make their lightsabres out of it. For an entire section to be made of this much of it, we must be

near our objective. Our laser blasts wouldn't do either. (Then paused.) But I think I know what would."
"In case that doesn't work, I have a back-up plan." Said Apollo.
"What are you suggesting, Captain?"
"A thermo-drill or a diamond saw. I'll contact the Galactica.

"Proceed, I'll go back to my Starfighter and come back as soon as I can."

Seaco Buroc and Delpa Gival, after discovering the same thing as Orion did regarding the blast doors, decided to try cutting through the corridor wall only to find that they were also made out of phrik

alloy. There were no other doors to try cutting through along the way. Delpa Gival tried opening the blast doors using Force gestures but it didn't work either.
"It's no use, it's like that day on that Trade Federation ship when I tried using The Force with it." He said to Seaco.
"There's only one thing we can

do and that's let The Force guide us." Said Seaco.
The two continued east, and followed the bend to the left. They deflected the multiple shots from the Stormtroopers at the end and as soon as Delpa Gival was free to use a force push, he did so and Seaco Buroc threw his lightsabre

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