» Science Fiction » Star Wars v.s. Classic Battlestar Galactica., John Damocles Smith [most read books in the world of all time TXT] 📗

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and the passage the two came from. He let go of the first Royal Guard and destroyed the final remaining turret the same way Seaco did with the one in the passage. The other three charged toward him and he threw his blue-bladed lightsabre at the one on his right, the weapon impaled him like a think, heavy arrow, and gripped the first Guard again to pull him toward his opponents, hitting their backs. As the three fell, he side-stepped and with his two hands turned the force pike downward and impaled the first guard in the back through the heart. Delpa, with the use of telekinesis, took the blue blade of his lightsabre from out of the first Guard he killed, deactivated the blade and holstered it before the remaining two guards got up. He used the lightlance which he borrowed from Master Damocles to fight against the last two of Lord Bruticus' Royal Guards. The Force had told him during his last meditation that Delpa Gival would need it. Damocles hadn't forseen the turrets but knew it would make the battle much easier toward the end. Delpa used the weapon to block a force-pike and trip over the other opponent, force-pushed the one in front of him hard against the wall, killing him. The impact of the shock equivalent to falling from 300 feet. His final opponent jumped back up into stance and Delpa waved the five-foot hilt in elegant ways against the Royal Guard, used his great force-strength to deflect the force-pike away at the right time, slashed across the chest and then brought the lightlance up high for a finishing bow down from the left shoulder to the right rib cage.
Delpa Gival reattached the lightlance to his back and drew his lightsabre at the same time. He somersaulted toward the area just right of the destroyed central turrets as he reignited his sword. Darth Shivilow went into a drop stance which kept Seaco's white blade down at a low angle while blocking Delpa's blue blade at a higher angle with the other end of her dual weapon at the same time. With two opponents and everything else at her disposal gone, Shivilow moved her blades away from that of her opponents, and separated the hilt into two single lightsabres. Each hilt resembling that of her Father's-The Emperor Palpatine.
The two Grand Jedi Masters stayed at either side of her whenever possible in order to make it more difficult for Shivilow to defend herself. To counter this, she flipped into the air to a space out of the way as soon as one of her two red blades diverted one of theirs.
She landed in a crouch, blades parted, then closer together in a ready stance. Seaco stood at the opposite side of the same wall near the entrance vault, Delpa more to Shivilow's right and closer. Both approached, she blocked their first strikes, blades locked, Seaco thrust a right kick to the left side of her waist and she dropped her left-hand sabre. While upon the floor, Depla maintained his lock on her other lightsabre as she used her empty hand to force-push Seaco back to the opposite side of the room. She spun on the floor and her left heel hit behind Delpa's knee which tripped him to the ground. She summoned her lost sabre and alternated her next set of strikes against him as soon as he leaped up into stance in a split second. Those drove him back a few feet, he maintained defensive tactics to wait for Seaco to come back, which he did with a long somersault.
Back to using tactics to block a lightsabre blow from each opponent, she divided her defenses and after deflecting two blows at the same time, she flipped facing forward and slightly to her left, then landed behind Seaco's left flank with a slash striking him across half-way deep into his two lowest rib bones. His reflexive movement preventing any greater injury. His downward strike to block the next thrust took Darth Shivilow's left sabre down and she used her right one to hit Seaco's white blade on top and keep it lower as she released her left and managed to thrust it an inch into his sternum. Taking both injuries with his Jedi endurance, he backed up slightly and hit that very sabre blade away and went back into stance as Delpa readied himself at his side. Although both faced Shivilow, only Seaco Buroc advanced, she blocked his combination of strikes with her two blades and as the noises of their lightsabre clashing sounded Delpa Gival flipped into the air, moved his blue blade in a downward arc, knocked Darth Shivilow's left-hand sabre upward, grabbed her wrist as he swung his blade away. He blocked her side-kick with the side of his knee and stabbed her into the left side of her midriff, narrowly missing her stomach organ and burning the lowest layer of her lung. The edge of the lightsabre puncturing it almost an inch across.
After Darth Shivilow screeched from the excruciating injury, immediately having great trouble breathing, Seaco simply moved his hand quickly to grab her right hand and take the sabre away from her. Instead of withdrawing his weapon from her torso, Delpa Gival simply deactivated it. Only Darth Shivilow's Sith endurance with The Force saved her but Delpa used his force healing techniques to ease the pain while still holding her left wrist to enable Seaco Buroc to confiscate her other lightsabre.
With Darth Bruticus' notorious apprentice defeated, Seaco Buroc looked for the controls to open the phrik

alloy doors but couldn't find them. Shivilow was too badly injured to tell them even if she would ever agree to do so-which both the Grand Jedi Masters knew she wouldn't.
"Master Gival." The head of The Jedi Council called. Delpa looked up, his hand still over the opening in Darth Shivilow's midriff, healing as best as he could, Darth Shivilow still of course had trouble breathing but at least the pain was at last gone.
"I haven't found the controls but look what I've found in this safe."
Delpa Gival stared in amazement at one of the items he held up in his right.

Lord Bruticus and Master Damocles still hadn't scored a hit against each other with either of the lightsabres in each of their hands. The only blows which got though involved martial art strikes with parts of their bodies. At one time Bruticus managed to cast Sith lightning against Damocles after he somersaulted to avoid certain bows. He fell to the tough metallic floor, also made of phrik

alloy, and willed himself to throw the Sith lightning back to the dark lord. Bruticus ceased casting it before he could use it against him. Then their lightning-fast strikes from both their two lightsabres continued, vicious, lethal, deadly. Each rapid, continuous strike sounded with ever so intent clashes, sounds of which would drown out any background noise due to the intervals between them being so frequent. Each devastating strike powerful enough to seriously damage a Trade Federation AAT Tank with one slash. As the two locked sabres once again, intently trying to push each other away, the two leaped back. Darth Bruticus approached the Jedi master swordsman farther down the corridor, the battle seemed to go nowhere, but the brutal one was patient-one of his greatest advantages. The intensity of the fight suddenly continued as if the brief calm never existed. The vibrating of their lightsabres through the air and strikes all to rapid, just as before.
Minutes passed, their vicious, and at the same time, elegant, movements of their swordplay continued with neither of those formidable opponents slowing down against each other. Much Force energy expended by the two as they tried in vain to destroy their opponent. Then the dark lord sensed multiple presences rushing through the corridor, and once turning the corner, he saw Rebels scums, brown-uniformed Colonials lead by Captain Apollo and Lieutenant Starbuck and three other Jedi. Seaco Buroc and another Jedi somersaulted to Master Damocles' side to prevent the brutal one from escaping down the corridor, lightsabres held out. The fourth Jedi looked exactly like Lord Draconis only in a Jedi robe. He correctly assumed that the Jedi Knight was none other than his twin brother Orion Knight-Star.
Seaco Buroc approached Darth Bruticus, the white blade of his sabre held out defensively.
"You know you can't fight us all, now come with us-there's no-where to run. Your fleet is defeated, Master Gival has Darth Shivilow in custody, she can't help you because she's been sedated and is now being rushed to a bacta tank due to life-threatening injuries." Seaco approached even closely. "Not even you could deflect over 45 laser blasts and our lightsabres altogether."
The brutal one deactivated his lightsabres knowing he had no choice. Orion Knight-Star, with telekinesis, took the sabres he dropped and kicked away as Seaco Buroc arrested Lord Bruticus.
"How did you get though?" Master Damocles asked Orion.
He answered as he called his astromech droid R2N6 who rolled in from behind the corner.
"It's all thanks to good old R2. The unlock codes were more complex than most he had ever encountered and each door had a different one but he figured it all out."
Then Damocles turned his attention to the Grand Jedi Master.
"Good work in capturing Darth Shivilow Master Buroc."
"Thanks Master Damocles. You also did a great job at keeping this dark lord occupied for long enough until we got here." Seaco said as he gestured to Bruticus, now in binders, to move along with the strike team.
Darth Bruticus could only feel all but annoyed at the success of their missions and groaned toward them in a low, unenthusiastic tone.
"Jedi slime."

Part #18

"Epilogue -Time And Parallel Dimensions."

-Sean Connaughton as Grand Jedi Master Seaco Buroc.
-Patrick Delieto as Grand Jedi Master Delpa Gival and Imperial Admiral Targeta.
-Colleen Driscoll as Darth Shivilow.
-Eric Johnson as Darth Bane.
-John Damocles Smith as Master Damocles.
-Alex McKeel as Orion Knight-Star and twin brother Sith Lord Draconis and Snow Trooper TS 4142.
-Joe Mignano as Lord Bruticus.

Battlestar Atlantia

The fleet commanders had been informed of the capture of both Sith Lords. The time for celebration was not yet as a new danger arose, not from the Imperial Fleet, but from the Death Star once again. Having lost all means of power distribution due to the nuclear damage it was no longer able to change course so it simply drifted at the speed it had while it still functioned. The main reactor no longer had sufficient connections to other systems in order to generate any power so it inevitably shut down.
"This is President Adar. The Death Star is on a collision course with Caprica. Give it everything you have." The Colonial leader announced urgently.
No ship from Commander Cain's fleet had any nuclear missiles left but 11 Battlestars still possessed their unfired four and used them without hesitation, they had only the problem of turning their capital ships around in order to launch their other two which fired only from the other side.
They hit their target, although significant damage resulted, the entire superstructure was still too big to be blasted into smaller pieces. The out-of-commission battle station reached within 100 kilometres of the planet, no missile left from any ships powerful enough. Tension arose throughout both sides of The Coalition as no action was able to be taken. The anxiety of hopelessness only had minor relief as the missiles from both Caprica's ground-based and satellite defenses finally reached their target. The gravitational force The Death Star generated due to it's immense size created tidal waves upon Caprica's oceans as it approached the planet more quickly. The missiles continued to hit their mark. Islands on the hemisphere facing The Death Star became flooded and coastlines

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