» Science Fiction » Star Wars v.s. Classic Battlestar Galactica., John Damocles Smith [most read books in the world of all time TXT] 📗

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to finish them off.

Master Damocles cautiously followed the left-hand bend at the end of the corridor and found no sign of any danger. Knowing that The Sith were all too unpredictable he took no chances. Shortly after, the corridor bent to the right, he passed the corner with such stealth that it was as if he was not actually there. A split second later, he saw part of the corridor roof opening 25 feet ahead of him and Lord Bruticus landing on the floor from out of it. He stared at the Jedi Master defiantly, sabre ready, head bowed with a challenging stare.
"Prepare to meet your doom Jedi slime." He ignited his lightsabre, the red blade shot out with a spitting, hissing sound. "Let's see how you are in battle."
Master Damocles responded by drawing a lightsabre in each hand. Both hilts appeared the same design, eerily similar to Darth Vader's, only instead of chrome, one of them has a copper finish and the other brass, and black everywhere else. The weapon activated in his right had a dark, emerald-green blade and the one in his left, the brass one, a rare black blade. The unusual dark glow around the white core gave it a unique yin-yang effect only with light.
"Let's see what you can do, Jedi master swordsman." Said Lord Bruticus, eager to test him out.
"Two can play at that game." Master Damocles responded in his distinctive Southern-Coruscanti accent, and from the corner behind him came his Destroyer Droid rolling in and rose from it's wheel mode to unfold into it's droid mode and activated it's shield.
"Did you say... two.

" Lord Bruticus said as he took out another lightsabre, activated it pointing down past his right foot, not letting go of his challenging stare for a moment. Not until his Destroyer Droid commenced firing and Master Damocles used The Force to take out all ten of his heavy war darts from out of his utility belt. The war dart usage a signature trick of his. He'd use his Force powers to aim them and accelerate their movements so that he could fire them like projectiles.
With the combined efforts of everything at his disposal, Master Damocles did whatever he could to keep the brutal one occupied, hoping to buy time so that the others would somehow arrive soon. With his formidable force abilities, Lord Bruticus deflected the Destroyer Droid's dual cannons at the end of each arm and dissolved the war darts he evaded with the energy of his sword blades. Despite the difficulty even the Dark Lord faced, he evaded the flight of each dart he didn't dissolve with the length of his blades and dealt with the remainder with each attempt to avoid being shot through with them. Even without force abilities, one could tell that each of those darts had more power than any projectile weapon ever made had.
Master Damocles deactivated his black-bladed lightsabre and drew his DL-18 blaster pistol-the very type associated with Hutt crime gang members-and fired at the Dark Lord until it ran out of energy then redrew his second lightsabre as Darth Bruticus leaped over the Destroyer Droid and landed behind it. He stabbed with a powerful lunging stance to weaken it's shield and damage it at the same time. Half the droid brain dissolved by the red tip of Bruticus' right-hand lightsabre.
"What else do you have?" Said as the Damocles' Destroyer droid collapsed. "Do you think you could handle me nooow

Jediii?" Stated as he hacked the Destroyer as soon as the shield stopped generating. "You're supposed to specialize in sword-to-sword combat. Use them...

(he spat out the previous two words) ...they

are now your only means to destroy me." Each word in the statement a defiant threat and challenge.
Neither of the combatants relaxed their stances. Each knew what the other could use to their advantage. At a slightly over 6 feet, Master Damocles stood more than four inches above the Sith Lord and well aware of how to counter effective techniques used by shorter opponents, and as for his force abilities they have an emphasis on combat reinforced by his knowledge of military strategy. The power of the Dark Side surrounded Lord Bruticus like an event horizon, evil visibly burned in his now-yellow eyes. With such devastating power at his disposal, this notorious Sith Lord would be a strenuously difficult opponent to defeat even for this ultimate combat Jedi.
The two combatants sensed the intensity of the fight as they faced each other. Their force powers amplified while still in stance and heightened even as they charged toward their opponent.
Lord Bruticus, Dark Lord Of The Sith, Master Damocles, Jedi master swordsman locked sabres, pushed each-other's blades away, and wielded them in complex movements. Sparks sounded as their swords clashed. Their techniques made the two appear as if they were displaying elegant, yet extreme forms of showmanship instead of a battle. Their formidable lightsabre techniques all too lethal. Their strikes devastating.

Darth Shivilow sensed that the Stormtroopers outside the door had perished. She watched the security monitor as Seaco Buroc and Delpa Gival commenced moving farther down the corridor. Upon seeing them reach half-way down, she activated defense turrets from both ends of the passage and used The Force to lift the twelve dead Stormtrooper's blasters and fire at the two. Delpa Gival force-pushed at the blasters at the same time he deflected the shots from the turret ahead, but not before receiving two shots from the rifles at his chest and lower, right ribs. His Jedi endurance ensured that he took the injuries. Seaco used a force gesture in the form of a left-hand grip to rip the opposite turret from the roof to the floor after deflecting it's shots. He then spun around to aid Delpa until all of the Stormtrooper blasters were rendered useless by the blades of their weapons.
Darth Shivilow saw on the monitor that they knew that they were unable to cut through the vault made of phrik

alloy and appeared to be contemplating a way to get through. A telepathic message came from her Master.
"Shivilow, the attempt to trap the Jedi within the crossroads has failed. Not one of them has been sealed within the intersection. There's a way through to where I am now, who's made it past the blast doors?"
"Buroc and Gival. They're right outside your lounge, Master."
"They must not find their way toward me, let them in and play for time as best as you can. It's the only way. Meanwhile I'll deal with Master Damocles and I'll be there as soon as I can."
Shivilow sensed her Master's thoughts go into battle mode for confronting his target, and she wasted no time to back way from the vault and somersaulted 20 feet behind to give herself room before opening it.
The two Jedi Grand Masters were surprised to see the entrance to, what turned out to be, Bruticus' lounge, open. Bruticus' notorious apprentice stood theatrically with her fists resting at the sides of her hips, her nose in the air. Four of Bruticus' royal guards stood at either side of her. The only eight left in existence. Many of the others killed by Seaco and Delpa and others of the remaining Jedi Order. They appeared identical to the Royal Guards who served Emperor Palpatine, only, the personnel who wore the uniforms were always with Lord Bruticus' side of the once two-faction Galactic Empire. They also used the same weapons.
"Prepare to meet your doom Jedi rebel scums. It's about time." She looked at them as if they were beneath her in value while she held out her lightsabre at waist level. The dual blades ignited at the same time. The Royal Guards already in stance beforehand with their force-pikes.
The two Jedi Grand Masters dashed through toward either side of Darth Shivilow to attack the guards at first. Unsurprisingly, the vault closed, but what the two didn't expect were the eight defense turrets lowering from their hiding places in the roof. One at each corner and one at each cardinal point from above Shivilow.
Delpa Gival used The Force to lift one of the four Royal Guards attacking him and threw him toward the turret behind him to block it's fire while using the other three as cover from the central turrets. The other one in his area fired from within just into Delpa's front left side and the blue blade of his old lightsabre deflected the shots as he took out the weapon fastened to his back. It was the force pike which Master Damocles took from the Shadow Guard he killed earlier. He ignited it and the metre-long blade activated from one end. The artificial Sith crystal it originally contained was replaced by one of the dark emerald-green adegan crystals Damocles used. He threw it at that turret and moved the guard held in mid-air by his force powers away from the first to deflects it's shots at an angle to destroy the central turret facing him. All this an action the great Jedi Grand Master committed in two seconds.
Seaco Buroc took a defensive measure at the opposite side of the room. He, too, used The force to lift a Royal Guard in front of a turret, specifically the one behind him. Backing into the corner, but not too close to the enemy held behind him, he deflected other turret blasts as the other three Guards approached him out of the way of their defenses in order for them to keep firing. They were programmed to never shoot any of the guards.
More freedom of movement came as soon as Delpa caught the force pike he summoned back into his hand and threw it at the nearest central turret facing Seaco. Seaco was now able to move farther to his left, still with one guard in front of the turret once behind him and deflect the shots from the one in the corner in front of him at the opposite side of the room. Seaco used this deflecting to allow the blaster shots to take out one of the guards attacking him with his force pike and then the next. He decided against running for the "uncovered" turret because of Darth Shivilow in the way with herself and the third Guard attacking him as well as the fact that one of the central defenses covered the path to that area. He chose an alternative tactic to run back closer to his opponent held in mid air and used that far turret's shots to be deflected into the central ones, which took the remaining two out of that area. In order to eliminate the need to run past Shivilow and the third Guard, Seaco used a force gesture to rip the turret down from it's emplacement-like he did with the one in the passage-then moved the guard in mid air to the other side of the room and slashed the defense nearest to him. With freedom to move, he rushed sideways to his right as he blocked blows from the third Guard's force pike, increased his physical strength with The Force to move the pike to the right, angle his lightsabre downward to drive the pike lower to then slash the Guard's forearms as he brought his weapon away in a wide slash and then back across the stomach level and back again across the neck. Seaco force-choked the fourth Guard as he stayed in mid-air, the other hand simply blocking the blows of Darth Shivilow's dual-bladed weapon.
With his opponents out of the way, Seaco Buroc's left hand once again held the hilt of his lightsabre with a two-handed grip. The white blade locked in a low angle with one of her red blades.
Delpa Gival rushed back out of the way toward the other side of the room, toward the wall dividing the lounge

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