» Science Fiction » BLOODWORTH IV: Peter Strikes Back, Tai Goodman [top inspirational books .txt] 📗

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got away but I found a place in Neu Orleans where there was a Nazi hideout or some shit. Fiddler's Drive. Apartment building. You should go over there, pay them a 'visit' and tell them who really runs things here." 


Peter nodded and then answered, "I can't deny the entertainment in that." 

Chapter III: Breaking and Entering




10:35 P.M


Peter arrived at the location in his car. The apartment building looked trashed and abandoned, but it wasn't. He patted the grip of his bat in his hands. "Can't wait to try you out." And then a figure walked by his door and pointed a pistol at his head. "And I can't wait to try my new gun out." 

Peter, without looking the person in the eye, stayed still. "Yeah. You can try it out on a clay pigeon or a tin can, but not me. What do you want?" he offered to the figure. The figure's thumb knocked the hammer down on the back of the gun. Peter saw the face of the figure in the mirror. It was a woman. Hair shaped like a ball, black lipstick covering her lips, scars on her cheeks. "Hey, wanna hear something funny? Objects in the mirror are closer than they appear. So you're a pretty big ASSHOLE if you don't let me go." 

"Was I supposed to be ashamed or threatened?" 

"I dunno, both?"


The door swung open and Peter was snagged by his jacket. "HEY! HEY! WAIT! DON'T SHOOT- I'M SORRY! ALRIGHT? I'LL GIVE YOU WHAT YOU WANT, JUST DON'T HURT ME!"

The woman yanked Peter by his shirt collar close to her face. "What I want is to tell me why you're here. And if you don't, I'll call for help and the shitbags in the building will come outside." 

"Alright, alright, calm your tits! Jeez! I was sent here to clear out this place of the Nazi scumbags."

She dragged him closer to her face. "Sent? BY WHO?"

"Actually, scratch that, I wasn't sent, I was just told about this location," Peter answered her. He felt the barrel of a handgun push against his ear. 

"So you're a liar?"


Peter was then released by the woman. "I like your attitude. I'll give you a pass for that. Go on in and kill 'em all, not like I'm gonna stop you."


Peter twirled his bat around. "Time to fill up the graveyard." He walked through the empty entrance to the building and took a corner around a trashed hallway. The first room to his left had a fluorescent light on inside, shining out into the hallway in a vertically tall rectangle of yellow light. "Ist das der letzte von ihnen?" 

Peter's eyebrows rose as he concealed himself by the frame of a doorway. "Wow. Someone's not very discreet, are they?"

"Ja, ja. Beeil dich und geh rein!" 

Peter peeked past the doorway and watched two Nazis out of uniform climb into a hole in the floor. "What the fuck?"

Then from another direction, someone screamed, "JUNGS! Jemand hat uns gefunden!" 

Peter spun around and noticed a Nazi with an assault rifle standing there in terror. "Should've kept your trap shut, asshole!" Peter insulted him, sprinting in the Nazi's direction. He charged forwards and smacked the Nazi in his face, leaving a huge mark on the man's face. "Argh..." 

Peter kicked him in the chest and then continued to give him a beatdown with the bat. "NAZI- BASTARD!" he grunted at him, smashing his head to a pulp. He then heard an elevator in the center of the hallway go DING DING! 

"Think fast, Peter. You've got under a second." Peter looked down and snatched the assault rifle. "HALLO! Was ist mit all der Aufregung?" Nazis in the elevator said, walking out. These Nazis didn't look similar to the others Peter has seen. They were out of uniform as well. One had a skateboard on his back, and swastikas facepainted on his face. The other one besides him had a tanktop with huge muscles. Peter took aim, and shot the first one three times in his face, and missed two shots. The acquaintance of the other one sprinted back into the elevator. "OH NO YOU DON'T!"

Peter darted to the double doors closing, and shoved the barrel of his assault rifle in between them. The doors detected a disturbance between them and opened again, revealing the Nazi hiding along the side of the elevator. "NEIN! STERBEN!!!!"

The Nazi pulled out two handguns and began a barrage of gunfire, causing Peter to sprint out of the way of the double doors. "SON OF A BITCH!" 

He looked out from the doors and spotted Peter standing there. He fired one shot, and hit Peter in his arm. "Holy fuck, that actually hurt." Peter, out of anger, flung his assault rifle at the man and the tip of the barrel punched him in the stomach. While stunned, Peter whipped out the bat he had holstered. "YOU'RE GONNA FUCKING PAY FOR THAT!"

Peter gripped it with both hands as the Nazi composed himself, ready to fire again. "Fucker." 

He ducked and slid across the wooden floor, kicking the Nazi in his shin and knocking him over his head. The heels of his shoes prevented him from sliding anymore, and Peter rose up. The enemy was gripping his knee, and Peter showed his menacing face towards him. "You... YOU'RE A DEAD MAN." 

Peter slammed the bat down on the man's skull, and then again and again. He double tapped him, and then stomped the remains of his skull again. Peter wielded one of the man's handguns. "Tiny as hell, but pretty powerful if it did that much damage." Peter clutched his bleeding wound to block the bleeding. He then trotted upstairs. "Ring around the rosey, pocket full of posies." He arrived at the second floor, which was the top floor. The lights were all off on the floor. "Machen Sie sich bereit, er wird jede Sekunde hier sein!"


All doors were locked but one. Peter walked past a hole with light shining through it. "Wait... Go back." He reversed and then examined the hole. "What's in there?" He stared through the small hole. There was a methamphetamine laboratory inside. It was constructed with poor man's materials. On very cramped tables that were close together were various sets of beakers, chemical containers, powders, and pipes. Nazi soldiers were also around the room. Right in front of the hole, there was a meth table. Completely set up. Meth was brewing inside of it. "Not your day, is it?" he whispered to himself. Peter pointed the stub of the pistol into the hole, and pulled the trigger- 




The wall was destroyed by an explosion inside. Bricks and stone fell from the ceiling. "GODDAMN, MY EARS ARE RINGING!" 

With his hands covering his ears, Peter climbed out of the rubble and looked at the destroyed meth lab. Every soldier was dead but one, who was walking to the door to the lab. Peter aimed his pistol at him and said, "FREEZE!" 

The ringing was still present, however. The Nazi dropped his gun and started staggering around. Then he turned and showed the other half of his body, all charred and burned. "....Unngh... Mein leben..."

He fell face-first into the floor. Peter wiped soot and dirt off of his face. "Guess this place is clear." He headed back downstairs and then remembered, "Wait...." 

Peter strolled to the room on the first floor with the hole inside of it. There was a ladder going deep into a cave, where Nazis were disposing bodies in bathtubs of acid. "WHAT THE HELL? WHAT DID I JUST WALK IN ON?"

There were three Nazis in sight. He pulled the magazine out of the receiver of the pistol. Five shots. Loading back in, he alligned the ironsights with a Nazi's head, pushing a body deeper into a tub. "Alright, it's your time."


Peter shot the Nazi in the back of his skull, alarming the other two. "ACHTUNG!" one said, ducking underneath a table. The other one was stuck with no cover, but the bathtubs. He ducked behind one. 

Peter examined the ceramic tub, and fired twice. One bullet hit the rim. The other traveled through the hole pouring out acid and caused a hole in the other side. The startled enemy jumped up, grasping his foot. "AHHHH! AH! AHHHHHH!"


One round traveled through the man's throat. He landed in the puddle of acid that was eating at the floor. The last Nazi cocked his semi-automatic German rifle and stood up against Peter. "AMERICAN!"

He fired at the hole, but Peter ended the man's life with one shot to his head. 

Peter then heard footsteps behind him. “Bogey on your six.” He swung around, aiming the pistol with both hands at the woman from before. “Oh, it’s you,” he reacted, holstering the pistol into his pants.

“Yeah, sorry for the scare, but you mind taking me with you?”

“Umm… Who- Why?”

“I’ve got nowhere to go. That’s why- And NO, I didn’t live in this pile of trash. I’ve been on the street. Only reason I came around here is because those pigs had food and water.”

Peter shrugged his shoulders. “Sure. I guess. But what’s your name? I never got your name.”


“Natasha. Nastasha Poppinov. Yes, I’m Russian, but I was born here in the United States, so I sound like a full blodded American.” 

"Nice to meet you. Name's Peter. Peter Shkeppaltiger."

The two walked out to the car and then heard the city-wide intercom announce, “Attention. Residents of Neu Orleans, I am Kommandant Enrich Meindabann. Zhere is another murderer here in zhis city, one who is vearing the following items: Sunglasses, a red leather jacket, a baseball T-Shirt, and blue jeans. He also carries a baseball bat. If you spot someone matching zhis description, report it immediately.”

Natasha looked at Peter’s apparel. “I should drive, you give me the directions.”

Chapter IV: The Adventures of Captain Pain-Train

 Peter noticed a handle on the back of the seat. "The fuck's this?" he asked, pulling the handle down. A slot rolled out revealing a bunch of comic books and magazines. "Oh, so THIS is where Abhy put all my comics when she cleaned the car. Man, so many of these were some of the good ones!"

He yanked out one. The issue was labeled, "THE ADVENTURES OF CAPTAIN PAIN-TRAIN, ISSUE 1."

"What'd you find back there?" Natasha questioned Peter. Peter whipped the comic book open. "Found a bunch of antique comic books. I love these things."


He started reading... 









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