» Science Fiction » BLOODWORTH IV: Peter Strikes Back, Tai Goodman [top inspirational books .txt] 📗

Book online «BLOODWORTH IV: Peter Strikes Back, Tai Goodman [top inspirational books .txt] 📗». Author Tai Goodman

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IS.... CAPTAIN PAIN-TRAIN! Issue #1, the Breaking Backs and Causing Cracks." 

A woman was shoved to the ground by three robbers. "HA HA HA HA HA! Lady, this purse ain't yours no mores! It's ourses, NOW! And you cain't do a THING ABOUT IT!" one of them taunted her. She screamed, "SOMEBODY! HELP! THESE MEN ARE CRAZY!"

One of the robbers pointed a pistol at the woman. "YOU TALK TOO MUCH!" he remarked, opening her mouth and inserting the barrel in between her teeth. "SAY GOODNIGHT!"

Then a punch out of nowhere knocked that robber out. "No, it is YOU WHO SHALL SAY GOODNIGHT, FIEND!" said CPP. Lightning struck elsewhere, and the flash revealed the costumed hero. His face was cloaked with a red mask. The center symbol was a train with a fist in front of it. The rest of his outfit was black as darkness. 

"OH MY LORD! BOSS, IT'S- IT'S- CAPTAIN PAIN-TRAIN!" the second one screamed in terror. He fainted and landed backwards. The last one standing ripped his shirt off and revealed the costume underneath. "YOU THINK I'M SCAREDS, CAPTAIN PAIN-TRAIN? WELL YOU'VE GOT SOMETHING ELSE COMING!"


Two dual-submachine guns appeared in the man's hands. Captain Pain-Train held up two fists, ready for a brawl. "Tommy Gunn, you foul criminal.... WHAT BUSINESS DO YOU HAVE ON THESE STREETS?"

"BUSINESS THAT AIN'T YOURS, PUNK! Now you oughta leave with bullets in you, or you oughta die HERE with bullets in you!" Tommy responded. He pulled both triggers and fired away at Captain Pain-Train. CPP's six-pack abs on his chest buffed out. "I EAT PAIN FOR BREAKFAST, FOOL!" 


The lead bullets were absorbed into the vortex of CPP's chest. Tommy stopped firing and complained, "WHAT IN THE WORLD?! HOW'D YOU DO THAT?"


CPP bent both of the barrels downwards and said, "You're facing the pain train, Gunn. NOW FACE MY FISTS OF FURY!" 

He gave him an entire beatdown with a barrage of fists launching repeatedly at Tommy's face. 

Police officers drove by the area and said, "Captain Pain-Train, glad to see you here! I bet if we tried to take him on, we would have been swiss-cheese!" 


"You're safe now. And YOU are too!" CPP told the officers and the woman-



The car came to a tough stop, and Peter shut the comic on accident. "The hell just happened?" Peter asked, rustled by the halt. He peeked over the seat and noticed Natasha staring through the windshield at a bunch of KKK members in front of a brick wall, legs spread as well as their hands. "Did you zhink zhat vas funny? Killing one of our men in public?"

"HE VAS COVERED IN MUD FROM A PAST OPERATION, YOU DUMMKOPFS! YOU AREN'T ONLY STUPID, BUT BLIND AS WELL! Are you telling me you don't know vhat each undesirable looks like? HUH?" 


Natasha whispered, "It's that stupid group... The Ku Klux Klan. They're like the Nazis, but they hate the blacks more." 

Peter peeked through his window and identified all of the people on that corner. "We should go kill all of them, RIGHT NOW," Peter demanded from himself and Natasha. 

"What? Why?" 

"Because I hate 'em. Those are the kinds of people I despise of. You know the Masked Terror? I worked with him. I know him personally, I HELPED HIM get to where he is now. My mission's to get him out of that tight spot." 

Natasha slinged a butterfly-knife around her fingers, and did a few tricks before she gripped the entire handle of the knife together. "You ready?" she asked. 

Peter, surprised she agrees, picked up his baseball bat. "Let's fuck 'em up." 

The two exited the vehicle and walked across the street. Natasha crouched down and started walking over to the Nazi's position, quietly. "Man, she's as silent as a fucking church mouse." Natasha crept up behind the Nazi, and stabbed him in the back. "AHHHH! MEIN RUCKEN!" 

The Nazi swung around with the knife still in his back and spotted Natasha. She wielded her pistol and fired at shot into the Nazi's head. Peter stole her pistol and said, "ARE YOU CRAZY? PEOPLE COULD'VE FUCKING HEARD THAT!"



The KKK members started to flee. "STOP THOSE IDIOTS!" Peter called out. He sprinted over to one of the members and bashed his skull in, desecrating his outfit in blood. Peter stomped in his face and turned to another one who had a kitchen knife. "Don't come near me unless you want t'get killed, y'hear?!" 

Peter gripped the bat with both hands. "Try me, I DARE YOU!" 

The KKK member sprinted over to him and plunged the knife past Peter on accident. Peter swung his bat and the KKK member ducked directly underneath it as it flew by. "ASSHOLE!"
Peter felt a sharp blade plunge into his leg. "GODDAMN! MY LEG! YOU'RE GONNA PAY FOR THAT!" Peter screamed out, breaking the KKK member's leg with his bat. He then slammed the bat into the other knee of the enemy, and then repeatedly slammed the bat down into the man's face. 

Natasha on the other hand was stabbing the life out of a KKK member on the ground. Peter watched her gut the man to death in cold blood. "He deserved it anyways. If it's one thing I learned, you can't leave gangs. Your mark is still in their snow. It'll haunt you for the rest of your life, even if it gets swept away." 


Chapter V: Acute



"Well, we're here. Home sweet home," Peter informed Natasha. A two story house with a garage and a driveway. Peter walked inside and said to everyone sitting in the living room, "Alright, guys, I brought a guest, her name is Natasha. You make her feel welcome, alright?" he told everyone. Natasha set foot in Phoenix's house. 

"Hello, everybody... I guess."

Tyler dragged Peter into the garage. "C'MERE FRANCINE, TELL ME WHY YOU THOUGHT IT WAS A GOOD IDEA TO BRING SOMEONE ELSE HERE. It could be a fucking GESTAPO for all we know!"

"Fuck off, man. She's got nowhere to go. I found her outside the building you sent me to."

"WELL... Is she a Nazi?"

"I'm not stupid, I wouldn't bring a Nazi to a place that produces and posts anti-Nazism propaganda."

"We've already got goddamned coyotes scratching at our door. Don't need another fucking one."

"Well let her stay the night in my room and we'll she what she does."

"Alright, FINE. But only this once. We don't run a fucking bed-and-breakfast, we run a headquarters."


Peter was then shoved over to his workbench. "Jerk." He placed his bat onto the workbench and looked at it. Barbed wire, cold steel, and a whole load of weight. "Let's give you another upgrade," Peter whispered to it. He looked at the side of it. "Takes a lot of effort to swing, can tire me out. Better fix that issue right away." That entire night, Peter stayed up late modifying his baseball bat. His workspace became more crowded and crowded with blueprints and metal objects. Peter bolted a place for a trigger alongside the bat's grip. "Structure looks good." He wired the trigger to the back of the grip, that traveled up the bat to near the top. The wire hooked up nicely to a miniature thruster in the back of the bat. Peter wielded the bat and then pulled the trigger, causing the thruster to let him swing the bat around a lot quicker than before. "DAMN this thing is quick. It's perfect."


Abhy walked into the garage where Peter was working. "Peter.... What are you doing down here? It is 2 in the morning... Go get some sleep!" she said, staggering around drowsy. 

Peter showed her his new weapon. "I was tinkering on my bat."

"Well tinker tomorrow, you scared me with whatever you were doing."

Peter reviewed a blueprint he had for tomorrow. "Kommandant's gotta be stopped.... Blah blah blah, plan you don't wanna listen to, AND BOOM. Perfect. BUT IN CASE YOU DO want to hear it, here's the detailed version:


Phoenix is on an electronic freezing platform. We can destroy the connection and the flow of the platform with an electromagnetic pulse grenade or device. Once that's done, I use a heating device to melt the molten nickel. So I need two things. But I also need to clear my name from this place." 




Chapter VI: The Gate





Peter walked over to his car, but before he stepped inside, Natasha spoke, "Peter! Wait! Don't go yet!" 

He stopped and faced Natasha. "Mhmm?"

"Let me come with you."

Peter tossed his baseball bat into the back seat, and answered, "You sure you want to come with me? Whatever I'm doing is extremely dangerous and could get you killed." 

"I've been through worse."

"Alrighty then... I guess you can come with me." 


Natasha entered the vehicle and strapped herself in. Peter climbed into the driver's seat, wearing new apparel to fool the security forces. A fur coat, a white fiber tanktop, gloves to cover up leaving fingerprints, combat pants, and the same boots. "Let's get ready to roll." 

Peter and Natasha drove off into Neu Orleans. "Alright, so let me go over what we're doing: The Kommandant on the comms system, he's looking for me. We need to find the location of the frequency and track it."

"Okay I don't know all this technological shit, what are we doing in more SIMPLER terms?"


"UGH. Alright: We go find the station broadcasting the guy who talks to find where the guy is talking. And we kill him." 

"That's better."


Peter stopped at a red light and looked both ways. Four people crossed the street once the alert sounded. Once all were across, the stoplight turned green. The signal inside of the car spoke, "Proceed." Peter stepped on the gas and drove forwards. As he was cruising by, a Nazi was on the side of the road, writing someone a ticket. "Feel bad for that guy, but I'm betting what he got in trouble for wasn't for speeding." Natasha flicked her fingers against the bobblehead of Phoenix that Peter kept on the dash. "You like that? Made it myself."

"It's cool."

"Yeah... Took me a while because i had to carve out the wood and paint it specifically and all that jazz." 

The Phoenix Bobblehead's head was swinging around, then slowed down, while still rumbling to the symphony of the surface Peter was driving on. Peter popped his neck in place. Then he noticed a speaker on the side of a building. "Alright, there's a speaker. We're gonna go in there, and we're gonna ask for where it's coming from. If he doesn't spill, we'll make him." 

Peter parallel-parked between two cars and stepped out of the driver's seat. He was holding the weapon he stole from days ago. The

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