» Science Fiction » BLOODWORTH IV: Peter Strikes Back, Tai Goodman [top inspirational books .txt] 📗

Book online «BLOODWORTH IV: Peter Strikes Back, Tai Goodman [top inspirational books .txt] 📗». Author Tai Goodman

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guard spun around and pulled the trigger three times at Natasha. "VHAT?"

She then uppercutted her blade directly through the enemy's chin, and broke his neck sideways. A person walked by a lightswitch, but it was an innocent studio-worker. Peter watched something moving get closer and closer and then BUMP! "Whoa, hey, you know what's happening?" the man asked Peter.


"Uh.... No?" Peter responded. 


"Alright, I guess I'll just get back to finding the reserve power..."


Peter shrugged his shoulders and continued through. He walked into a huge dark office, and then from feet away, two eyehole-sized green lights switched on, floating in mid-air. Then they swung around. "Goddammit!" 

He took cover behind something wooden. Peter looked around the corner and spotted the guard walking down the aisle. Peter then felt the twitching fingers of a moving hand pat the top of his head. "What is this by my desk?"

Peter turned around and then slammed a person's head down on a flat desktop. "ACHTUNG! WHO IS ZHERE?"

Natasha approached behind the guard and sliced the guard's back open. "AHHHHHHH!"

She plunged her hands deep through the cut and ripped out several organs and a spine. Peter watched it all go down. "Whoa... That is, uh... Amazing." 

Natasha stopped and spotted Peter through the darkness. "Hey. You saw that?"

"Yep, I did. Nice one."


She smiled and then proceeded. "Where the hell are we even going?" she whispered. Natasha then tripped over an object in the center of the room. "WHAAA-"

Peter sprinted over to her. "You alright?"



Peter helped her up and continued their journey to the broadcast room. "Alright, here it is. On the count of three, we're gonna-" 




The lights turned on, but not electronic appliances. "SHIT- GO IN! GO GO GO!" Peter said, hurrying. He kicked open the door and Natasha sprinted inside. A flexible leash hit her in the shoulder and yanked her across the room. "PETER! HELP!"


A light flashed over Kraut, holding Natasha. Peter's eyes enlarged at the sight of an insane-looking Nazi. "DON'T YOU TOUCH HER, MOTHERFUCKER!" Peter threatened Kraut. The Kommandant pulled a single barrel, single shot revolver out, and pushed it against the side of Natasha's skull. "I von't. But only if you meet my demands."


"Alright, I'll hear you out, what do you want?"


"Umm... Another hostage?"


Peter heard a bump underneath the table and spotted the host. "Get out and go over there to him," Peter told him. The host, with his hands in the air, revealed himself and walked over to Kraut. "Alright, you got two hostages. What'll make you release the FIRST one?"


"Another hosta-"


"I'm not gullible enough for that bullshit, what PHYSICAL OBJECT do you want?"


"Umm... I vant a uhh... Arm and a leg."


"You can cut one off of that bald guy I just gave you. Give me a REAL demand." 


"Actually, instead of YOU giving me something... Let ME give YOU something..." 


Kraut stood up, releasing Natasha but shoving her to the floor, and twisted the cranium of the decapitated head in a circle. "What the fuck is wrong with this guy?"

Once Kraut released the cranium, it started spinning in the opposite direction and fired explosive eyeballs at Peter. Luckilly, Peter dodged the projectiles and took cover behind a chair. "Wait a minute.... CHAIR!"

Peter tossed the chair over the table and missed Kraut by about an inch. "REALLY? YOU AREN'T ZHAT INTELLIGENT, ARE YOU?"

Kraut pulled the trigger and shot Natasha in the head. 



Peter leaped over the table and slammed his baseball bat into the wall. Kraut had already reloaded by then. Peter repeatedly attempted to yank the bat out of the crater he created. "Come on, COME ON!"

Then he noticed the square barrel of Kraut's pistol. "Your friend is dead. Vhat are you going to do now? One shot, and I can kill you, VERMIN!"

Natasha then stood up behind Kraut. "Wait... then what...?"

Peter looked down and saw the host's corpse on the floor. "OH..... That makes sense." 

Kraut's eye rolled to the side for a second and then fired a shot into Peter's side. "AH, GOD! WHAT THE HELL?" 


Peter hit the ground, clutching his side. "Mother.... AAAAH! I'll kill you!" Peter screamed at Kraut. Then Kraut was stabbed in the back by Natasha. Kraut dropped his pistol and then fell over on the desk. Natasha removed the blade and sprinted over to Peter. "Oh my god, Peter, are you okay?" 

A green liquid leaked from Peter's side, and landed on his hand. Lifting two fingers, Peter analyzed it. "What the fuck is this?" he asked Natasha. Natasha ignored it and helped him up, then immediately afterwards, she removed Peter's baseball bat from the wall. "Alright. It's time to go." The two staggered out of the room, having Peter leave behind a trail of glowing green paste. Natasha heard an extra set of footsteps behind her. She stopped immediately, and the footsteps she was hearing stopped with delay. Natasha dropped Peter and instantly swung around. 


Kraut was still alive. He pulled the bottom of his shirt upwards, and revealed the stab-vest within his tanktop. "Ever heard of protection? Apparently you haven't. You zhink I didn't WATCH you switch yourself out vhen you vere RIGHT underneath me? You zhink I would die that fast? You are foolish. And here, ve don't like foolish people." 

Kraut held a heated assault rifle with both hands. "Zhis veapon I have fires flaming shrapnel. It burns so badly, your skin will glow orange. Oh, and don't even try to escape, your friend has a wound from a tracking bullet. He'll be getting away, but I'll be getting closer the further he gets."


Peter stood up with an assault rifle, trying to stay in place, and cocked it back. "And this thing is an assault rifle. It's not a pile of shit, unlike your 'gun' you got." 

Kraut fired four shots around Peter and Natasha. "GET HIM!"



Kraut watched the two scurry into the office. "You cannot hide!" 




Kraut blasted open the wall and stepped on through right as the two went through the other side. "SCHTOP!" he screamed. Kraut spotted Natasha in the side of the room. "KRIMINAL!" 

Natasha slid underneath a line of finger and slid over to Kraut's foot. She stabbed him a few times and tossed Kraut over her head, behind him. "AGH! Hahahaha!" 

Kraut launched her through the hole in the wall and caused her to hit a desk on impact. Peter then sprinted out from behind cover. "CAN YOUR VEST PROTECT YOU FROM THIS?" 

Peter shot Kraut a few times in his vest. Kraut actually received damage. "MMMGH! You haven't killed me... You terrorist!" 

Peter then shot up Kraut's weapon and then shot the decapitated head by Kraut's side. "SCHIS-"

Kraut's right leg was blown off. "AGHH...." 

He endured the pain and pulled out his one-shot pistol. Tick tick tick! The gun's chamber was empty. "Alright, Enrich... Where the fuck is the information on me located?"


"Enrich? Das ist not me... I am... Ungh.... Kommandant Kraut... Detroit, Michigan... Kommandant Meindabann left, MINUTES ago, you stupid idiot. And if you're vondering vhere your file is, it's in Der Police Filing Station."


"Wow. Not a very creative name. If it was that obvious how come I never heard of it before?"


"And plus... I already called in BACKUP!"


Skinny Nazis in dark black outfits and reconaissance gear sprinted in through the doorway. Peter aimed his rifle at them. "SHIT! GESTAPOS! TAKE THEM OUT!" he yelled to Natasha. 
Natasha picked up a dead Nazi's rifle and started firing away. The gestapos split up individually. One darted right past Natasha, whacking her instantly with an electrified baton. "ARRGH! THEY'RE TOO QUICK!"

One pounced on Peter, holding his baton with both hands. "Hören Sie auf zu widerstehen, Sie sind schon immer verloren!" the gestapo yelled. Peter blocked a blow from the baton with the rifle and kicked the gestapo off of him. With spare seconds, Peter shot the gestapo in the chest and the head. Then he turned to the right only to be smacked from the left by a baton. "Jeez, I can feel that pain EVERYWHERE!"

Peter fell over on his side and then attempted to aim at the gestapo. A throwing knife struck Peter in his knee. "NATASHA! HELP ME OUT!" 

There was no answer. 


Kraut was crawling out of the battle zone, and Peter caught him doing so in the corner of his eye. "Where do you think you're going, you fucking mental patient. Smile for the camera." He leveled the barrel with Kraut's head and missed once a gestapo counter-attacked him. "SUMBITCH!"

Peter kicked the gestapo in the head, knocking him back. Then he continued firing until Peter's weapon went TICK! Peter watched the gestapo's body full of holes fall backwards. He attempted to stand, and felt a deep pain digging into the kneecap of his leg. "FUCK! AH!" Peter screamed in agony. The throwing knife was still lodged in his leg. Peter yanked it out of the crevice in his leg. The feeling of blood-stained steel being hauled out of a limb of Peter's was excruciatingly painful. And the second the knife completely came out, Natasha walked over to Peter. "I'm alright, are you?"


"Yeah, now."


Peter then pointed over to Kraut, crawling away, still. "Get that asshole so we can take him home." 



Chapter IX: Punching Bag



Peter splashed Kraut with a bucket of ice water. "OHHH! OHHH! SO KALT! AH!" he cried, freezing and drenched in cold water. Peter then grabbed Kraut by his chin and forced him to face him.

"I bet you're wondering where you are. You're at one of my friends' house. I blocked the nasty wound you got from bleeding out. Don't thank me though, because there's a pretty bad reason why I did that," Peter informed Kraut. The Nazi shook his hands around, only to hear chains jingling. He was hanging by his hands from shackles tied to the ceiling. "RRRGH! FICK SIE UND IHR LAND!"

Peter kicked Kraut in his stomach. "You'd make a good target for target practice."

Then he punched Kraut in his crotch. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!" he cried in fear and pain.


Natasha strolled over to Peter. "Can I have a turn, Peter?" she questioned him. 

"You sure can, fuck him up as much as you like- Keep him alive, though."

Natasha whipped out her butterfly-knife. "You... You zhink I'm scared of a knife, you... WHORE!" Kraut insulted her. Natasha cut a line down Kraut's cheek. His teeth were churning back and forth across each other. "Keep going, woman! You can keep cutting me up but VILL IT DO YOU ANY GOOD?" 

"Nope. But it'll make me feel a lot better."

Kraut kicked Natasha away with his single leg. Peter approached Kraut with his baseball bat. "YOU WANNA TRY THAT AGAIN? Don't think I motherfucking won't, I'll fuck you up 24/7 you little MEAT-BAG! Besides, we gotta go to the filing station anyways."





Peter looked around. "Uh.... Umm... Shut the fuck up or I'll kill you or.. something- ALRIGHT LET'S GO!"




"But that doesn't make any sense!" Kraut informed him. Peter got up in his face. "Listen to me, shut your FUCKING mouth. And YOU shouldn't even be in our business, so let me inform you in PRIVATE: ************************************. Alright, you understand, cause I'm not doing it again!"

"Ja, ja, just get it over with."



 Peter walked by the front of the station and then found one of Tyler's propaganda posters. It was a poster of a crow in a Nazi uniform pecking at an American soldier's corpse. "Jeez, this thing looks like crap." He proceeded

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