» Science Fiction » Power Rangers In Space/Power Rangers Lost Galaxy, Heather Ray [best novels ever TXT] 📗

Book online «Power Rangers In Space/Power Rangers Lost Galaxy, Heather Ray [best novels ever TXT] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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the armor of Astronema. I've wanted to know which "me" was truly stronger. As Astronema, I had powerful magic, but I have skills of my own. Ever since Zordon purged me of the evil energies Dark Specter cultivated, I became more reliant on my natural abilities. I am more efficient a hand-to-hand combatant than I was before, when I had Ecliptor at my side and the Darkness augmenting my body.

Also, I have a new source of strength. I have a family now, friends, and a desperate need to make recompense for my former life. Then, I only fought for selfish conquest. I was almost nonchalant in my battles, since for the most part they didn't really matter. My early attacks against Earth were almost a game to me, as I lined up my Quantrons and varied monsters as pawns to use against the Space Rangers. When I lost, I simply reset the chessboard and played again.

But now, I don't fight for myself, or for shallow aspirations like ruling the galaxy or showing up Divatox. I fight to defend. I fight for the very tangible lives of thousands of people. I know there is no room for failure. If I lose, they all die. There is no second chance.

I let my determination fuel me, and the adrenaline lends me a burst of strength that startles Astronema. Is it my imagination, or is the Saber glowing as I swing at my enemy? Steel screeches against steel as the Wrath Staff snaps right down the middle.

I stare in shock at the smoking remnants of the Wrath Staff. Did I really do that?

Astronema snarls, delivering a sharp snap kick I really

wish I'd seen coming. It hits me in the gut, startling me just enough for Astronema to retreat to a safe distance...right to Kai, who still struggles frantically against the magical coils that restrict him.

"No!" I gasp, mortified. "What are you doing? I won!"

Her smug smirk makes me shiver. "Oh, I still have a trick or two up my sleeve." She reaches out, grabbing Kai by his collar. He moves to kick her in response, but the magical coil suddenly stretches, binding him neck to toe.

Her free hand draws closer, glowing a vivid, deadly purple.

"Let him go!" I plead, turning to the ghostly skeleton. "Please! This isn't fair!"

"Is this not the same tactic you used against my master?"

he counters. "Killing me to infuriate him, and force him to attack with his heart instead of his head? Admit it -– if you hadn't murdered me, my master would have beaten you in a fair duel."

I...I can't respond. I close my eyes, trying to remember the battle precisely. I don't think I consciously

killed the young man simply to anger the warrior, but it did have that effect. His attacks became desperate, his fluid, disciplined form dissolving into erratic strikes as tears for his fallen friend blinded him.

"You set the rules for this confrontation the day you murdered me, Astronema. Now you cannot live by them?"

No. No...he's wrong

! This is not

what happened that day! He can't compare me with that illusion he created! That

Astronema was born of his bitter memories...I was never this cruel! At least, not before the Countdown...

I shake myself, and stab my finger at the witch holding a burning sphere of energy near Kai's head. "I was never

like this!" I glare at the skeleton. "When I killed you, Apprentice, you were an armed combatant. I confess that I shouldn't have killed you, and I regret it deeply, but I have never hidden behind a bound prisoner when pushed into a corner."

My words seem to fall on deaf ears, because "Astronema"

doesn't loosen her grip. Instead, her smirk deepens, the fierce lines in her face emphasized by the increasing brightness of her gathering attack. She looks like a demon, and I can even see smoke rise from Kai's hair! If she draws her hand any closer...

"You win!" I shriek, the words so raw they sound like they were torn from my throat. I can't stop from trembling as I throw the Quasar Saber to the dirt. "You win."

Kai's eyes widen in shock as Astronema casually drops him to the ground. Then, shock gives way to anger. "What the hell are you doing??"

"I'm losing, obviously," I snap, frustrated.

Astronema's laugh is high and piercing, and suddenly she raises her charged hand to me. Light blinds my vision as sharp, burning pain explodes below my ribcage, throwing me off my feet.

Chapter Thirty-Five


I hear her body hit the ground in with dull thud, and then that shrill laughter returns above me.

"And there you have it," Astronema chuckles, taking a gallant bow. "Winner take all!"

I would love

to punch that evil smile off her face, but I can barely move. The magical chains burn where they touch my skin, and the heat only increases when I struggle against them.

Then, suddenly, Astronema disappears in a flutter of lavender light, and with her go my bonds.

I jump to my feet the second I realize my freedom, bending to lift my fallen Saber. But as soon as my fingers touch the gilded hilt, the wind picks up, trapping me where I stand.

"I am the victor," the ghost gloats, his mocking tone making me see red. "Your life is mine."

I face the bleached bones of the warrior's apprentice. "And you'll really take it, won't you? And you think she

is the monster??"

The wind begins to howl, its bite forcing me to close my eyes. Is this his way of showing his anger? Or will he use the wind to throw me off a cliff somewhere?

Maybe I hit a sore spot. Maybe I can reach him...after all, it's not like I can't understand what he's feeling.

"In your life, you were the apprentice of a great warrior!" I shout over the wind's cries. "You were learning the ways of a hero, weren't you? To fight for justice, and protect the innocent! To defeat evil in all its forms!

"But look at you now

! You want to kill me, a stranger who has never done you harm! And you cheated

to beat Karone, just because you lost your own game! And to top it off, because you'd rather kill us than hear us out, thousands of innocent people will die! Have you forgotten what being a hero is all about??"

The wind suddenly pushes me, throwing my face into the dirt. I cough on the dust I've inhaled, propping myself up with my Quasar Saber. Squinting to see through stinging eyes, I watch the skeleton slowly approach, walking on bony feet with outrage boiling in his enormous eyes.

I hold my Saber with both hands. "I am a Power Ranger, defender of Terra Venture. I don't want to fight you, but I'll do it to save the lives I've sworn to protect."

I swallow, biting down my pride. "Please

help me save my people. I didn't come here looking for an enemy."

Those creepy eyes impale me a few moments longer, but I refuse to break eye contact. When a bony hand reaches toward me, I hold steady, lowering my Saber.

The hard fingers graze the blade of the Saber, and I watch in fascination as the steel gleams blue in response.

Then, he jerks his other hand. A gust of wind carries the Pink Quasar Saber, drawing it slowly into my reach. "I sense your heart is noble, Power Ranger, and so I grant you your life. You may take her Saber, and you may present yourself before the sacred Keys."

I blink in surprise at the capitulation. I didn't expect it, and for a moment, I consider it. I can't deny that it's tempting... I can save Terra Venture myself, and at the same time be rid of Karone and all the anger and confusion she stirs in me. I'm sure we'll be able to find someone else to serve as the Pink Ranger. Anyone

would be better than the murderess of millions of humans and creatures. Maybe I can convince Hannah to take up the fight? I think she'd be more than willing, and definitely preferable to our current incumbent...

But...if I agree, what does that mean for Karone?

I find the willpower to face the spirit again. I can see the hunger in those eyes, the grotesque anticipation. Whatever he plans to do with Karone, it won't be right. It won't be just. Justice and vengeance are not synonymous, and this ghost has already shown me where his intentions lie. The simple fact that he used me as a bargaining chip proves that he's lost himself. He is no longer the pure-hearted hero he must've been in life.

If given the chance, he'll torture Karone. He'll try to win peace of mind through blood and pain. It doesn't even make sense

, when you stand back from your feelings and think about it.

It's almost like a light switch flipped on in my mind, as comprehension dawns on me. This creature has truly become a hateful monster. Is this what lies in my future, if I don't come to terms with Karone? How far would I go for vengeance? For hate? Would I sacrifice innocent lives for them?

I wouldn't think so...but my behavior so far makes me wonder. If a single person dies on Terra Venture because I can't fight with Karone, then it's my fault. And if Karone herself dies because I refuse to help her, then her blood will forever be on my conscience.

If I agree to this devil's bargain, I'd be betraying Karone, whose life is in my hands now. And Mike, who trusts me enough to send me on this mission. And Kendrix, who chose Karone to hold her Saber.

No way...there's no way

I'd do that!

I shake off an icy fear...a fear of myself. I see where the line is now, and I won't cross it. I'm a Power Ranger! And I'm a human being. I won't barter with my fellow Ranger's life.

"I won't

leave without Karone."

The determination in my voice startles me, but nowhere near as much as it startles the ghost. His wide, lidless eyes slide to the right, where Karone lies motionless on the bloody dirt. "Why?"

he suddenly demands. "Why do you care for this evil princess?"

My eyebrow rises at his choice of words. "Don't misunderstand me. I know she has killed countless living creatures, and I hold her accountable for their deaths. But it isn't my place to kill her to avenge the fallen. And it isn't yours either."

The skeletal fist clenches. "Don't tell me my place, Power Ranger."

I know I'm pushing my luck. This creature has the power to kill me, and here

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