» Science Fiction » Power Rangers In Space/Power Rangers Lost Galaxy, Heather Ray [best novels ever TXT] 📗

Book online «Power Rangers In Space/Power Rangers Lost Galaxy, Heather Ray [best novels ever TXT] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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I am, provoking it. But I won't shut up. I can't. "You aren't much different from a Power Ranger; or at least you weren't in your lifetime. And Rangers fight to protect the universe from evil. If she were still a threat to the universe, then we would have to eliminate the threat. But...she's changed."

I reach out, taking the hovering Pink Saber into my hand. "When you touched my Saber, you were able to tell that I had noble intentions. Will it work for this one as well? Can you see her heart through this blade?"

I study his face carefully, hoping to see if anything I've said sinks in, but it's hard to see emotion on the rigid surface of a skull. However, I do notice him take half a step backward, his hands far from the Saber.

He won't touch it. Which leads me to believe that he can

determine once and for all if Karone is unequivocally evil. He just refuses to do so.

Hn...and they say I'm


Chapter Thirty-Six


That terrible ringing sound finally fades, allowing me to sense something beyond its cold drone. I hear a clashing sound, rapid and irregular, accompanied by gasps for breath and snarls of anger. The familiar accompaniment to a sword fight.

"Surrender, Astronema!"

a deep voice demands, "Dark Specter will never have the Keys."

I feel the heat of anger as my voice snaps, "Never is quite a long time, Warrior. How long do you think you can stand in my way?"

The swords clash again, and I can feel the burning in my limbs. His strength is tremendous! Each blow makes my arms quiver. And momentum is on his side. My heartbeat quickens as I take a step backward, then another, and then another. He has me on the defensive, and I can't get a decent attack in to throw off his concentration.

I snarl. I am Astronema, one of Dark Specter's most capable warriors! I will not lose to this reclusive barbarian on a backwater world!

I dodge a heavy swing, turn, and dig my sword's edge into his side. He manages to twist just enough to protect his vitals, but a long ribbon of blood pools on his bronze skin.

He stumbles slightly, but quickly recovers his balance.


We both turn, and I stare in surprise as a tall, slight man races toward us from the misty jungle. He tears through my escort Quantrons, brandishing a thin saber as he hurtles toward me.

The closer he gets, the clearer I see him. Dark skin, fierce snarl, a wild mop of rich brown hair hanging over dark brown eyes. I had thought he was a man, but his full cheeks and thin musculature prove he is still young.

He means to save the warrior. Distract me and let him recover from his flesh wound more fully. He runs at full speed, no fear in his stride.

Foolish boy. Your master should have taught you better than to run headlong into a confrontation with an opponent you do not know.

I raise my hand and casually toss a flare of energy. My attack is so sudden and unexpected, the boy can't dodge, and the warrior can't stop me.




the warrior screams, rushing to intercept the sphere. Of course, even his incredible speed cannot carry him fast enough.

The howl of pain rips through my ears, and the stench of burnt flesh soon follows.

I then shelf the distraction into the back of my mind. "Shall we finish this?"

I demand of the warrior.

He turns at me, and it almost looks like his eyes are bleeding. Tears and anger darken the whites of his eyes, and for a moment, I feel like I'm staring directly at his broken heart...


I close my eyes, suddenly ashamed of myself. And then, agonizing pain and sudden determination draws me to another place altogether.

Beruch. His name is Beruch.

The pain makes me dizzy, and I feel my body begging me to stop trying to wake up. But I persevere, cutting through the cobwebs as my eyes finally open.

At first, I see the clear blue sky, with the sun shining brightly over the deep forest. I groan sharply as I try to move, my hand immediately cradling my left side. I hiss in pain, instantly regretting that


I swallow down my fear. Fight passed my pain. Muster my strength. And force my eyes open.

Kai stands only an arm's length from the remains of Beruch, holding both our Quasar Sabers. What intrigues me is that he seems to be holding the blade of my Saber toward Beruch, only his posture is far from threatening. It is almost... pleading.

"I'm not convinced she is still evil," Kai states, his voice firm. "If I'm wrong, you have the power to show me the truth."

Perhaps it's a result from the blow that knocked me unconscious, or maybe the pain that dulls my senses... but I could swear I just heard Kai give me the benefit of the doubt.

I watch in fascination as the face-off continues, the two contenders squarely meeting each other's gaze, neither one moving.

Then, incredibly, I see the bony fingers reach toward Kendrix's Saber.

A rush of panic sweeps over me, lending me strength. What will he do? Steal the Saber? Attack Kai with it? Break it? I cannot guess what Beruch is capable of in this otherworldly form.

"Kai!" I croak, wincing at the pitiful sound of my voice.

He turns toward me for a brief moment, and then resumes his challenging stare at Beruch.

"Stay down, Karone."

I bite my lip to silence a squeak of pain as I try to sit up. "This...isn't your business."

If he is at all affected by my throwing his words back at him, he doesn't show it. Rather than spare me another glance, he inches the Saber closer to Beruch. "I need to know if she is a wolf in sheep's clothing, or a true penitent. You can tell me."

The skeleton hesitates a few moments longer, before finally touching the blade. The enchanted Saber reacts with a flash of pink energy, and suddenly, the winds pick up around us.

"What did you see?" Kai shouts, barely loud enough to penetrate the howling wind.

An infuriated roar. "Her disguise runs deep, but I will not be deceived!"

His hands flash with power as they turn in my direction, but Kai bodily tackles the spirit, sending the energy blast screaming way above my head.

"Then you're only deceiving yourself!" Kai grunts.

The dust flies wildly, and the sting of it entering my open wounds makes me grind my teeth. My body wishes nothing more than to drop back into a numb sleep...but I won't let it.

Instead, I drag myself along the ground, slowly but steadily approaching the fighters. My vision clouds and my every muscle screams protest, but I ignore them all. Discipline forces my gaze to the skeleton, and I refuse to let my pain hold my tongue.

"Beruch! Please, stop this!"

The skeleton falters at the sound of his name, and the howling winds begin to ebb. Perhaps it is the first time he's heard it since his...death.

"I know who you were! You were brave, and you were heroic! You loved your master, and were willing to die to protect him! What would he say now, if he saw what you've become?"

"He can't see me,"

Beruch snaps bitterly. "He is still bound by the spell you cast, Witch."

I nod slowly, ignoring the throbbing in my head. "I am truly sorry for wronging you, and the warrior. But please... don't let your anger darken the heart of a hero. Don't let your hatred of me stop you from saving lives."

I swallow, trying to moisten my parched throat. "Please, don't let your hate consume you."

Complete silence falls, and it lingers for a long, long time. I feel my body slackening, and I fight with all my might to keep from falling face-first into the ground.

Kai inches toward me, holding the blades of both Sabers at the unmoving spirit as the latter stands in contemplation.

Finally, Beruch responds. " have proven yourselves worthy,"

he murmurs softly. "Both of you."

And with that, the skeleton clatters to the ground, lifeless and empty.

Kai blinks owlishly. "We...did it?"

I respond with a weak smile. "Let's find out."

He nods as he turns his full attention to me. A grimace tells me quite eloquently how bad my injuries appear.

"You're a mess," he comments, his voice clinical as he kneels to inspect my wounds. "It looks like second, maybe third degree burns." He then rolls up his sleeve, and presses several buttons. "I'm calling the Jet Jammers to our location. They have to travel through the jungle, so it'll take them a while. You wait here, I'll get the Keys."

My eyes narrow. "I need to go in that cave. My test isn't over yet."

He meets my stern glare with one of his own. "If you go in that cave, you'll probably wake up another

vengeful ghost. We'll never get back to Terra Venture at this rate!"

I bare my teeth and lurch forward to snap at him, only a tearing feeling in my side makes me shudder.

Pride makes me swallow a yelp of pain, and tears cloud my eyes before I can hold them back. I bow my head, my breaths coming in shallow puffs as I struggle for the strength to stand on my own.

Then, to my astonishment, his hand takes my wrist, carefully draping my arm around his neck. His other arm holds my side, distant from the charred mess Astronema made of my flesh, and slowly draws us upright. "I shouldn't have said that," he murmurs. "It was uncalled for."

I stare at him, too stunned to acknowledge his pseudo-apology with words. Instead, I nod once.

We stumble our way into the mouth of the cave, where an almost consuming blackness swallows us. But there is enough light to make out the stone statue, covered in dust and cobwebs, his arms forever holding the Keys four inches apart.

My heart wrenches as I absorb the fierce determination in his face. He would have beaten me, had I fought fairly. He should have beaten me. He was only protecting his sacred weapons, and I mercilessly trapped him here, a fate worse than death...

I turn to Kai, my sorrow written plainly on my face. "Can you bring me closer?"

He nods, and we approach the stone husk that was once a great warrior. Shaking fingers reach out, touching the porous

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