» Science Fiction » Power Rangers In Space/Power Rangers Lost Galaxy, Heather Ray [best novels ever TXT] 📗

Book online «Power Rangers In Space/Power Rangers Lost Galaxy, Heather Ray [best novels ever TXT] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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this coming, and I feel like smacking myself for missing something so obvious.

But this explanation doesn't make it hurt less. In fact, my stunned mind slowly works through whole new implications, even more complex than what I initially suspected. She didn't leave me because of boredom. Or a fear of commitment. Or even a threat from her past resurfacing. Those are issues we could've worked through and resolved. But this... this is so much bigger. Karone is an active Ranger. And I know from experience; that means everything else...everything

else secondary.

A weird combination of anger and ironic amusement twists my gut. It's like; some kind of perverse joke fate is playing with me. I'm finally free of that responsibility, free of the weight of the universe, ready to move on, eager to live my life as I want to...and what happens? I lose the person I wanted to live that life with!

This new information just feels too heavy for me. I lean into the back of my chair, trying to absorb the impact of this revelation. "You're not coming back, are you?"

Silence answers me, so long and oppressive I can hear the background drone of the communications relay. ^When my mission is complete; yes. But not before.^

I grimace. "What's that

supposed to mean?"

She lowers her eyes again. ^I'm here until Kendrix returns. They need me here, Zhane.^

I need her too, but my jaw clenches before the words thoughtlessly tumble from my mouth. An answer like that is childish and selfish, and once upon a time, I remember a similar duty putting my personal life on hold when KO 35 first came under attack.

It was an honor, at first, to be selected to wear the Silver morpher. I felt like something of a celebrity, and hey, who doesn't enjoy that? And most importantly, I was given the opportunity to defend my planet, protect my family, and support my best friend when he needed me the most.

Oh, but I paid for it. I experienced the unique horror of serving as the final line of defense for an entire planet...and failing. I saw friends die because I wasn't fast enough, or strong enough, or smart enough to see the sneak attack coming. And I lost two years...two years a block of ice. I woke up one day, and learned that KO 35 ultimately fell. That my relatives had died, or were missing, along with over half the population. The true scope of my failure.

"Do you have any idea what you've gotten yourself into?"

Surprise widens her eyes. ^What?^

My hands run through my hair, as if I could physically pull the right words out of my head. "Becoming a Ranger, taking on this responsibility...are you sure you know what you're doing?"

She frowns at me. ^Of course I do. I'm saving lives out here, Zhane. I'm doing my part to stop another Queen of Evil from crushing everything and everyone that stands in her way. Without a Pink Ranger to complete the team, Terra Venture hasn't got a chance of surviving.^

I sigh softly. "Look, I can understand you feel bad Terra Venture has run into some trouble, but it's a self-sufficient space colony with its own defensive capabilities. And on top of that, among its thousands

of residents there must be someone who can serve as the Pink Ranger. What does any of this have to do with you?"

^Trakeena used my Psycho Rangers --^

"They're not your Psycho Rangers!" I snap at her, the last thread of my patience snapping. "Karone, Dark Specter screwed up your mind! The Psychos were never your fault! You can't carry around this guilt forever!"

She bows her head just a little, closing her eyes. ^Zhane, let's not have this argument again. We never get anywhere.^

I bite down another snarl, folding my arms. She's right about that; ever since the Countdown we've been at odds over her responsibility for Astronema's less-than-honorable actions. Andros and I have been telling her for a year that she is completely innocent...that she was a young girl misled, brainwashed, and ultimately programmed with cybernetic implants...but we've never been able to convince her.

^Psycho Pink aside, this really is my fight now,^

Karone resumes, her gaze firm and implacable. ^Kendrix asked me to take the Saber. She passed on the Power to me. She... she knew who I was, and even still she found me worthy. Acceptable. No one ever did that before.^

I grimace. "That's not true. Andros, the Space Rangers, me...we all accept you. We all love you."

She shakes her head, causing blonde hair to flutter over her shoulders. ^It's not the same, and you know it. Andros is my brother. He couldn't give up on me. And Ashley and the others, they gave me the benefit of the doubt for Andros' sake. I know they genuinely care for me, but still...if I weren't their friend's sister, I wouldn't have gotten the chance.^

"And me? I loved you before

I knew your identity!"

She glances away from me, and I enjoy this small victory. Perhaps it wasn't as easy for her to leave as I thought it was. ^You love me, but you don't trust me.^

"Excuse me?"

I snarl, smarting from the fresh wound she's added to my collection. " did leave me, after all! Maybe I shouldn't have trusted you to begin with!"

^Zhane, you don't trust me. You don't think I'm capable of living my life, or making decisions, without your guidance. You've just proven it! I tell you I'm a Power Ranger, and how do you react? Not with pride or immediately assume I haven't thought it through. That I took this morpher on some crazy whim. That I'm in way over my head. Right?^

I open my mouth to deny it, but I can't. She's staring at me, eyebrow quirked in a manner that just screams "I'm right and you know it," and what am I supposed to say?

I take a deep breath, and slump back into my chair.

Karone takes my silence as grudging agreement, and finishes her point. ^Kendrix trusted me with something truly monumental: her mission, her most valued possession, and even the lives of all her friends. And I swore to her that I'd serve in her stead. That's not something I take lightly, Zhane. It would be a betrayal of her confidence in me to hand the responsibility to someone else.^

"If Kendrix knew what she was asking you to give up, she'd release you from your vow," I argue, keeping my voice calm with more than a little effort. "Seriously, did you think about this at all? What if Kendrix doesn't come back? The gods only know how many pocket dimensions are out there! You might be the permanent replacement. And then what? My service lasted over three years, two of which I was cryogenically frozen! I was only released when we took down the entire gods-damned U.A.E.! And many Rangers don't live long enough to retire their morphers! Terra Venture's in a worse boat than most: out in the depths of space, far from any of the planets who might give aid, facing a relentless bug-queen powerful enough to reanimate the Psychos. There's..." I swallow a lump that suddenly seizes my throat, "there's a good chance you'll never get home."

Maybe it's my imagination, but I think I hear a soft sniffle through the interstellar channel. ^I know, Zhane. And I really am sorry for hurting you...^

I can't contain a bitter laugh at that feeble apology. It's just so hard to believe her, when I think about all the choices she made that brought us to this soul-crushing moment.

"You know what hurts the most?" I mutter. "That you could just up and leave the planet, and take on this enormous responsibility that irrevocably changes both our lives, without my input, or even knowledge. You just ran away, Karone!"

She flinches at my accusation. ^It wasn't like that, Zhane. When I left Earth, I assumed I'd be back in a few days. I'd only planned on rescuing the Quasar Saber, and returning it to the Galaxy Rangers. Believe me...I wasn't

looking for this responsibility. If I had known what was going to happen, I wouldn't have just left without a word.^

That soft sniffling sound returns, and she runs her fingers through her hair in a rare display of anxiety. ^But Kendrix asked me to carry on for her...and I couldn't refuse her. This is my chance, Zhane; my chance to do something good

. Something I can be proud of. It was my choice to stay here, and I'm glad I did. Working with these Rangers, using my skills and knowledge to help rather than to hurt...I can't even describe how good it feels to know I'm making a difference here.^

Her hand moves to her wrist, tracing the edges of the morpher. ^I'm the Pink Galaxy Ranger, Zhane. And I will remain so until Kendrix returns, Trakeena and her forces are defeated once and for all, or until I die.^

So...that's it.

She stares at me with such conviction, I immediately feel foolish. Selfish. Conflicted.

Dammit, I don't know what to think! When I got here, I was so sure I was justified in my anger, but now...I don't know. I'm angry, frustrated, embarrassed, lonely...and hurt. I can't help it... it hurts to know that I'm not her priority. Call me immature, or a hopeless romantic, or whatever; but I've seen people do some crazy things for love. Andros left KO 35 for Ashley, and if Karone and I didn't follow him, he would've left us behind as well. Hell...I nursed Astronema back to health, disregarding the fact that she could blast my head off when she woke up, rather than take her to a detention center.

Remembering that day makes the loneliness more pronounced. Back then, my infatuation was hopeless...what chance could a Power Ranger and the Princess of Evil have of making a relationship work? But everything just worked out for us. For a while, at least.

I'm not so confident now. I can see her so clearly I can make out the individual strands of her hair, but she's billions of miles away. She's never been further away. And as Terra Venture continues its journey, the distance will only grow.

I fix my stare on the Pink morpher. I can't bring myself to look at her again, her face resolute, so confident that she made the right decision. No second thoughts...none at all.

Is she really

okay with this? And...where does it leave us??

I can't bring myself to ask.

"I' to go," I mutter, shaking my head. I need to think. Get my head together. Process all this...

I don't wait for a response before I terminate the connection.

Chapter Thirty-Nine


I watch his tormented face

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