» Science Fiction » The Terran Rangers/Final Fantasy VII, Heather Ray [desktop ebook reader txt] 📗

Book online «The Terran Rangers/Final Fantasy VII, Heather Ray [desktop ebook reader txt] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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/> Through tear-filled, weary eyes, Alexis stared at the ceiling in her small quarters. The room was surprisingly comfortable, considering it served as a sort of barracks in case the Rangers would ever need to live in the CAC. The bed was far more comfortable than the medical cots in the main room, and she was more than glad not to have all the other Rangers standing over her, watching her heartbeat and measuring her breathing to make sure it was regular.

Alexis hated being monitored. And she hated it when people worried about her, and tried to protect her.

It made her feel as if they didn't have confidence in her...that she was in over her head.

It became something of a pet peeve for her, resulting from the first week or so of her service as the Purple Ranger; when she used her Bomb Attack against the Dracola. She had succeeded in eliminating the monster, yet she also brought herself to the brink of death.

Yes, it was a scary situation, and no, she probably didn't realize the consequences at the moment. But, after that day, all the Rangers felt the need to keep an especially careful eye on her.

Now that the others were Terran Rangers, things only were worse. Now, she was easily the weakest Power Ranger. She didn't have the enhanced powers the Zeo Crystal gave the others. She wasn't quite as fast, her energy blasts weren't quite as strong, and her physical strength and durability weren't really at the same level as the Terran Rangers.

They had reached the next level. She was left behind.

She was like the kid sister who always wanted to help, but kept on getting in everyone's way. What kind of a contribution did she really make?

Alexis wasn't really sure...and that scared her.

A soft knock on the door pulled the Purple Ranger out of her depressing reverie. "It's open," she called.

Rocky pushed the door open gently, and peeked his head into the room. He grinned at Alexis when his eyes locked with hers, and entered the room, closing the door behind him.

"What's up?" Alexis inquired, sitting up on the bed.

"I just wanted --"

"To check up on me," Alexis finished darkly. Rocky jumped slightly at her unexpected reaction.

"Um, yeah," he finished. Alexis huffed slightly.

"Well, don't worry, I'm fine," she muttered, lying back down on her pillow. "In case you didn't notice, I'm not the one dying here. Maybe you should keep your watchful eye on Aisha."

Rocky remained silent, his copper gaze still locked on to Alexis. She muttered something to herself, and tossed her blanket over her head.

"Good night, Rocky," she said, anger tainting her voice.

Rocky blinked, still completely shocked by her inexplicable reaction. "What did I do?" he wanted to know.

Alexis sighed, pulling the sheets off of her head and gazing at Rocky again. This time, Rocky noticed the redness that marred her emerald eyes.

"Nothing," she said quietly, for fear her voice would crack, "I'm just a little cranky. It's been a long day, and I'd like to get a little bit of sleep, before I fall apart completely."

Rocky kept his eyes on her, his hurt expression tearing at Alexis. With a loud sigh, she leaned against the back of the bed, and gathered her legs close to her body, wrapping her arms around them.

She winced slightly at the movement, and rubbed a bruise on her shoulder.

"Are you okay?" Rocky asked immediately. He was answered by a cold glare that took him completely by surprise. "Look, I'm sorry if I've insulted you or something, Lex. I just wanted to see if you needed anything is all."

"So, are you asking all the Rangers if they need anything, or did you think I was particularly in need of assistance?" Alexis inquired.

Rocky's eyes widened slightly when he finally realized what troubled the Purple Ranger. "As a matter of fact, I am," he answered, "I just figured I'd come to you first, since your room was closest to the CAC."

"Well, I don't need anything, thank you."

Rocky nodded. "Okay, I'm leaving now," he said, backing towards the door slowly. Alexis turned her back to him, and lay down again on the cot. "But, I did want to congratulate you."

Alexis turned around, and looked at him quizzically. "For what?"

"For keeping Shade under control for so long," Rocky said. "You were a big help."

"No I wasn't," she muttered weakly. Rocky approached her again.

"I didn't catch that," he said, kneeling beside her bed. Alexis locked eyes with him again, a despondent expression on her pale face.

"No I wasn't," she repeated a little louder, "I wasn't much help today."

Rocky's eyebrows rose. "What do you mean? If it weren't for you, Shade would have run amok!"

Alexis swallowed, looking down at the floor. "None of the other Rangers needed help," she pointed out, "It was my ineptitude that forced the rest of the team to pick up my slack. The others could stand alone, but I needed help."

Rocky gently placed his finger beneath Alexis' chin, forcing her to look into his dark eyes. "Lex, you had a fever. You shouldn't have been in the fight in the first place. But you triumphed against circumstance, and put up a terrific fight. And I knew you could do it."

Alexis stopped sniffling for a moment. "What do you mean?"

Rocky grinned slightly. "Tommy told me to teleport anyone out of the fight as soon as they looked like they were having a hard time, remember?"

Alexis nodded in response.

"Well, I could have teleported you back. Actually, I should have, given Tommy's order. But I didn't. I trusted my instinct. I knew you could handle it, and you did. You came back a little worse for wear, but basically uninjured. You're a scrapper, Lex, and you've made us all proud."

Alexis couldn't resist a grateful smile from warming her face and lifting her low spirits. She sat up in the bed, and wiped the few tears that fell from her eyes. "Thanks," she said quietly, "That really means a lot to me."

Rocky smiled modestly. "No problem," he answered, getting ready to stand up. But before he did, Alexis wrapped her arms around his neck in a tight hug. Rocky returned the impromptu embrace, and rubbed her back soothingly.

"You're the best, Rocko," she whispered into his ear.
Chapter Thirty-Eight

"Where am I?" Cloud asked, gazing around the darkness, faintly illuminated by a murky green light. He stood upon a translucent green platform, connected to several others by narrow paths. The platforms were suspended in some seemingly endless void. Cloud blinked in confusion.

He had been here the depths of his mind.

It was weeks ago, when he had fallen into the Lifestream for the second time. Tifa had fallen with him...

Tifa! Where was she? Was she all right? Cloud couldn't quite remember what happened immediately before he passed out. He recalled using the Holy Materia, but he couldn't be sure whether or not it worked. The possibility that it didn't plagued him.

"Yes, Cloud," said a gentle, familiar voice. "You did it. You saved her."

Cloud whirled around, startled at the sudden voice. "Who's there?"

"Who do you think?" the voice asked. He could hear the smile of the speaker in the tone of her voice.

A bright full of joy and hope...

Impossible. She was dead.

Wasn't she?

"Aeris?" Cloud inquired, staring above his head. He jumped in surprise when he felt a hand touch his shoulder.

"You guessed it," she said, folding her hands behind her back. She smiled shyly at Cloud, rocking on her feet. "You're looking well, Cloud. Especially after such a hard fight."

Cloud shrugged, rubbing the back of his head. He was so cute when he was being modest.

"Aeris...are you okay?" he asked, hesitatingly reaching out to touch her. His hand brushed against the soft cotton of the sleeve of her dress. She felt very much real. Cloud shuddered.

"I...I'm not exactly what you think I am," Aeris said, stepping back from his touch. "I'm not Aeris entirely. I'm the part of her that is destined to save the world. I am her Heart."

Cloud blinked. "What?"

"Remember that vision you saw at Cosmo Canyon?" she inquired.

His azure eyes widened. "How did you know about that?"

Aeris giggled slightly. "I'm inside your mind, Cloud. I know everything there is to know about you." She then winked at him. "Don't worry, I won't pry..."

Aeris continued to laugh in amusement at his confusion. Sometimes, he was so dense!

"Anyway," she continued, "you saw Aeris fighting Sephiroth with the Holy Materia, right? Well, it's not Aeris' magical skills that the Holy Materia needs to operate. Rather, it's her heart. Her love for life...for the world and all its wonders. Her love for you, and her other friends. This love energy activates the Holy Materia. That's what truly fuels the Lifestream. That's why you managed to survive it."

"I...I don't understand."

Aeris grinned. "I knew you wouldn't. The first time you fell into the Lifestream, you suffered from incurable Mako-poisoning. But when you fell the second time, you were healed. Doesn't that paradox strike you as peculiar?"

Cloud nodded. "Yeah. I didn't know what to make of it."

"Well, there was a difference. When you fell the second time, you had Tifa with you." Aeris' smile widened. "Your love for each other helped activate the healing qualities of the Lifestream. You both managed to survive, and the Lifestream even healed your Mako-poisoning, as well as some of the damage done to your memories. It's because you let love be your guide. Not vengeance, not hatred, not even honor...but love. That was the difference."

Aeris held her hand out, and a small white sphere appeared hovering over her palm. "The Lifestream is a lot like humans," she continued, "It is capable of good as well as evil. It all depends on the emotions of those who meet it. Love ignites healing, hatred ignites destruction. When you tried to use the Holy Materia to save Tifa, your love for her shone like the brightest star in the heavens. That power focused the healing within the Holy Materia, made possible by me...Aeris' Heart. Now, you've proven that you have the capacity to really, honestly love. That is the quality you need the most in your quest to save the planet from Sephiroth. Your love will counteract his hate. You will carry on for Aeris, with the Holy Materia as your weapon."

With that, Aeris began stepping backwards, forming a gap of space between her and Cloud. "Now, it's time for you to return to your Tifa.

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