» Science Fiction » The Terran Rangers/Final Fantasy VII, Heather Ray [desktop ebook reader txt] 📗

Book online «The Terran Rangers/Final Fantasy VII, Heather Ray [desktop ebook reader txt] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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on ever since she received the Power!"

Jason noticed Adam cringe at the mention of the shard. He mentally kicked himself. "Hey, Adam..."

"Don't worry about it," the weary ex-Ranger stated, a weak smile on his face. "Just like we all have this feeling of guilt, we're all stubborn about it. I know I can't convince you that you are not to blame for all this, and the same goes for me."

Just then, one of the nearby doors creaked open, and Katherine stepped into the hallway. Her usually brilliant sky-blue eyes were dull and red...a result from exhaustion, worry, and tears...and her hair hung lifelessly around her shoulders. She blinked in surprise when she noticed Adam and Jason just outside her room.

"I'm sorry," Jason said, his entire attention turning to her, "did we wake you?"

She smiled dully. "Don't worry about it, Jase. I wasn't getting any sleep. In fact, I didn't even hear you guys."

Adam then yawned loudly, shaking his head to reorient himself. "Well, I'm gonna go find an empty bed, and see if maybe I can get a bit of rest today. I'll see you two later."

With that, Adam disappeared down the hall, leaving Jason and Katherine alone at the entrance to her room.

"So," Kat said quietly, leaning on the door frame, "what were you two talking about?"

"Guilt and responsibility," Jason confessed. Kat nodded.

"I know what that feels like," Kat affirmed, wrapping her arms around her trembling body, "I can't stand not being able to help in any way. I mean, she's a dear friend, and there is nothing I can do to keep her alive. Every time I step into the main CAC, I feel like I'm just in everyone's way. There's a blanket of gloom and hopelessness in there, and I feel like I'm drowning."

Jason bit his lip when he saw Katherine withdraw. He had noticed that was how she dealt with stress...closing herself off from everything. Instead of crying, or pounding her fist into a wall, she just stood still, her gaze glassy and unfocused, and a worn expression on her face.

It happened whenever she felt bad about herself...that she wasn't useful, or wasn't worthy, or wasn't able to achieve what everyone else expected of her.

Blankly, Jason recognized that personality trait as belonging to another Ranger. One who needed all the help he could get to finally crack through the shell of self-doubt and perceived uselessness, in order to nurture confidence and emotional strength.


Just like Tommy needed help realizing his potential, so did Katherine...and just like all those years ago, it was Jason who would be instrumental in forging a great warrior with a strong heart.

But this time, things were different. Tommy was a friend, and grew into a brother. Katherine's situation is far more delicate. She started as a friend, and now she was more than just that.

Dare he say it...he was falling in love with her.

Slowly, Jason moved towards the distraught Katherine. She glanced up at him, feeling her slight trembling build at the sight of his warm smile.

"Katherine," he said gently, "it's okay to cry. Just...let it out. Your frustrations, fears, doubts, anger, guilt...and whatever else you can muster."

Katherine blinked, unable to hold back the torrent any longer. His gentle smile and open demeanor easily demolished all the barriers she had erected.

She suddenly threw her arms around his neck, desperately hanging on as the tears flowed. All the anxieties that were consuming her whole were released in a tempest.

Jason braved the storm for her sake, soothingly stroking her flaxen hair and rocking her gently. Through helping her cope, he found the strength to keep himself steadfast.

Alone, they were holding on to some feeling of comfort with their fingertips...but together, they were strong.

Chapter Forty-One

Tommy lay upon his bed, his arms folded over his chest, and his eyes closed. He had even regulated his breathing, taking in air slowly and sparingly. He was still, save for the rhythmic rise and fall of his broad chest.

But...he wasn't asleep.

He was trying desperately, but without success.

Still, he refused to open his eyes. He didn't want to see the world as it was. It was simply too much to bear.

He was charged with the leadership of the Terran Power Rangers...a team guided by Destiny to save not just their universe, but the entire Multiverse.

A team that was falling apart around him.

Adam had been critically injured. Alexis' bull-headed stubbornness was the only thing that kept her alive during the ordeal. Billy and Zack were missing, without having any means to really contact the Rangers effectively...

and Aisha was rotting away on a cold cot.

Where had he gone wrong? Why was his team coming apart at the seams? He hated to accept it...but it was true: they got lucky. Had Goldar and Rito been at peak health, the weakened Power Rangers wouldn't have succeeded. He and Katherine wouldn't have been able to reach Alexis in time.

He cringed to think of what could have happened then. But he knew it included the total devastation of the school area, where Shade was attacking...and it possibly included the demise of the brash Purple Ranger.

In fact, it was luck that spared them from an epidemic. True, the Terran Rangers were able to heal, but what would have happened had the deadly virus spread? It could have wiped out Angel Grove in a matter of hours! What if the other non-Rangers didn't get away in time? Would Billy, Tanya, Adam, and Rocky have been slowly rotting away with an indomitable fever?

*Tommy, would you please stop dwelling on the worst-case scenario?*

a clearly weary voice said in his mind. *It's really distracting.*

Tommy blinked, sitting up in his bed. Kim? Is that you?

*No, it's the Spirit of Christmas Past.*

Kim, what are you doing in my mind?

*Well, it's pretty difficult for me to cut off your anguish. Your brooding is so strong, you're broadcasting it! Even a weak telepath like me can pick it up, without even trying. You really need to calm yourself.*

Tommy frowned, leaning back on his bead. Easier said than done.

*Care to 'talk'

about it?*

Not really.

*Well...have it your way...*

Tommy felt the soothing presence of Kimberly's mind-voice slip away, leaving him cold and alone once again. He didn't like it.

Kim? Can you hear me?

he thought.

*I thought you said you didn't want to talk.*

she commented wryly.

Tommy smiled. Well...I guess I changed my mind. But, if you wanted to get some sleep...

*Don't be silly. Besides, how can I sleep, knowing how distraught you are?*

Despite the troubles plaguing the Red Terran Ranger, his smile broadened. He could feel Kim's love for him through their mental communication. He had to admit, had it been anyone else granted the ability to touch his mind so freely, he would have likely resented the breach of privacy. But since it was Kimberly...he welcomed her mind into his. It was just one other way in which they were connected.

One other way in which they were one.

*So, what do you want to talk about?*

Anything. Whatever comes to mind.

Kim was silent for a moment. * about that promise ring you gave me? It's never too early to start planning out what we're going to do with our lives...*

Tommy felt his spirits rise, as his thoughts turned from tormented brooding to the wonderful prospects of his future with Kimberly. As usual, she had skillfully lightened the load weighing him down, freeing least for a moment...from the anxieties that plagued him.

For those brief moments, when they exchanged the contents of their hearts and souls so freely over this mental rapport, Tommy was disconnected from his present grief.

He looked to the future...with an optimism that was quite uncharacteristic of the pensive young man.

He welcomed it into his mind and heart...just like he welcomed her.

Chapter Forty-Two

"I'm really sorry we were unable to obtain any materia for Yuffie," Billy stated, pulling the Shield, Time, and Typoon materia spheres from his weapon and armlet, "I hope she isn't too disappointed."

Cid Highwind chuckled, gnawing on the stub of a cigar hanging from his lips. "She's too sick to even process what's going on," he pointed out. "B'sides, I don't think she'll mind. After all, the materia you used against Jenova-Obsidian was hers."

Billy blinked in surprise. "Really? I thought she was quite possessive of her materia."

Cid smirked. "She is, but materia gains value and power the more it's used in battle. You broke it in, so to speak. So, you paid her back in your own way."

Billy considered this, pulling off the Crystal Bangle that served as an armor. He handed it to the pilot, who tossed it absently into a chest of other armlets and weapons. Billy then prepared to throw his Partisan into the chest, but Cid grabbed his shoulder to prevent him from doing so.

"Don't bother," Cid said, folding his arms. "I've already got the Venus Gospel. I don't need another. Just keep it, for a souvenir or somethin'."

Billy smiled. "Thank you. I'm certain it'll come in handy."

"Oh," said Cid, pulling a rifle from his leather belt, "and when you see that friend of yours, give this back to 'im. I tried to tell 'im he could keep it, but he pretty much ignored me."

"Uh, sorry about that," Billy said, accepting the weapon, "he's very much preoccupied."

Cid shrugged. "Don' mean $#!%

to me, Kid. You'd have to work pretty hard to get to Cid Highwind."

Billy accepted this, preparing to leave the ship's storage closet with Cid. However, as soon as they reached the door, Zack burst in, his face the very picture of focus and dedication.

"Zack?" Billy said in surprise.

"I've been looking everywhere for you two," Zack huffed, glancing

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