» Science Fiction » The Terran Rangers/Final Fantasy VII, Heather Ray [desktop ebook reader txt] 📗

Book online «The Terran Rangers/Final Fantasy VII, Heather Ray [desktop ebook reader txt] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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he couldn't help but wonder about what could have been. Had all ten teens remained in Angel Grove, what incredible odds they could have conquered! Seven Power Rangers, and three great support-members.

Too bad it'd never happen.

Chapter Forty-Nine

The winter air was cold in Philadelphia. Considering how long ago it was that Zack moved to California, it was difficult to remember the effect of frosty air and snowdrifts. Still, it was beautiful...the white blanket delicately coating the bare branches of trees, and soft ivory flakes floating to the ground slowly. They weren't in a rush.

Despite the frigid weather, Zack felt the warmth of friendship. Being enclosed in a circle of ten terrific friends, all standing by a frozen park lake, would do that to anybody.

It was a time of farewells. Three were moving across the Atlantic, one was remaining in Pennsylvania. Six would stand firm in Angel Grove, combating evil in whatever shape it took.

Then Tommy, the recently appointed White Ranger, raised his hand, and thrust it in the center of close-knit companions. "One last time," he said, "for all of us. We're united in duty..."

"We're bonded in love," added the compassionate Kimberly, placing her hand on his.

"We serve and protect," chimed the dazzling Aisha, joining in.

"With courage and honor," uttered the noble Adam.

"We fight for right," orated the comical Rocky.

"And stand side by side," Zack himself contributed, lying his gloved hand atop Rocky's.

"Guided by wisdom," offered the brilliant Billy.

"Joined by friendship," whispered gentle Trini.

"Through thick and through thin," stated the fiery Alexis.

"Now and forever," finished strong Jason.


they all cried, throwing their hands into the air.

Zack bathed in the light of true friendship. It was a shame he couldn't bask in it longer.

Chapter Fifty

Zack waited in the taxi cab as Jason went to see if anyone was present in the Mitchell house. He folded his hands, trying desperately to contain his excitement.

After all those months in Geneva, the first round of peace talks were complete. Now, he was free for an entire month, to get reacquainted with the home and with the friends he had missed so dearly while he was abroad.

It was a shame Trini had decided not to return. She had found a fulfillment in her work that Zack and Jason just couldn't seem to match. Yes, he enjoyed Geneva, and he appreciated the privilege of being there...but it didn't feel right.

He couldn't help but think of his return as being prompted by Destiny's call.

After a few moments more, Jason returned to the cab, beckoning Zack to follow him. Zack nodded, asking the driver to wait as he exited the car. He glanced at his close friend, who wore an expression of urgency.

"Zack, there's been a catastrophe," he whispered, leading the former Black Power Ranger into Billy's house.

Zack gasped. "What do you mean?"

"The Command Center has been destroyed. There's nothing left."

Zack was speechless. He had always believed that Zordon was virtually invincible. How did the bungling Zedd and Rita finally manage to destroy the Command Center? It was impossible!

"Still, we're not to be counted out yet," Jason continued. "We're going to check out the site, and see if there's anything we can find to help."

"We?" Zack repeated, as he stepped into the open door of Billy's garage. His dark gaze swept the room, fixing on two strangers longer than the others. One was a tall blonde with pale skin and warm blue eyes. The other was an African girl, as conveyed by her traditional apparel, with short brown hair and deep brown eyes.

"Zack," Jason said, raising his arm. "These are the Power Rangers."

Zack realized with dismay that neither Kimberly nor Aisha were there.

Chapter Fifty-One

His body was pumping so much adrenaline, he doubted he could sit down.

Here he was in the Youth Center, after so much time. He was back, sparring with a friend and teammate, just relaxing after a long battle.

It was so much like the old days...except the teammate was Adam Park, and he battled as the White Terran Ranger.

It was as different as it was the same. was wonderful to be back in the armor.

No sooner did Zack's mind begin to wander did Adam take advantage of the distraction, sliding his legs mercilessly along the mat, and dropping Zack on his back.

"Wow," Zack muttered, rising to his elbows, "you're pretty good, Adam!"

"I'm not really that good," said Adam modestly, offering Zack a hand, "I've gotten better though, since Tommy and I started practicing here every evening at this time."

"Since I've been at the Peace Conference, I haven't put in much practice time," Zack admitted rather sheepishly, "I guess I'm a little rusty."

"Don't worry," laughed Adam, bowing, "I'll have you back in shape in no time!"

Yes, he'd be back in shape. He, Adam, Jason, Kimberly, Tommy and Katherine were the Terran Rangers now, and they'd remain so until the battle's won. So long ago, he had wished that the entire band would be united. This was as close as it had ever been. Yet Trini was still in Geneva, Aisha was in Africa, and Alexis was in Philadelphia. Without them, the team would never feel quite whole.

Zack then realized how much he missed Aisha, and her gleaming dark eyes and playful smile.

Chapter Fifty-Two

A forlorn sigh escaped his lips, as his eyes absently scanned down the familiar menu of the Juice Bar. He leaned heavily against the wooden back of his chair, a scowl turning his lips downwards.

"Is something bothering you?" Billy asked, glancing at his friend worriedly. Zack huffed, slightly annoyed that his morbid thoughts were interrupted.

"Angela and I were supposed to go to the Blackstreet concert next month," he revealed, "but today, she told me she couldn't make it. She's ready to 'see other people'

, or something like that."

"That's tough," said Adam, "but you'll get over her."

"Will I?" he asked glumly.

He didn't really know the answer. He couldn't understand it, but it was exceedingly difficult for him to just put Angela out of his mind. Almost as soon as he returned to Angel Grove, he had attempted to revive his relationship with her. He did lose contact while in Geneva, just as he had predicted, but he was so certain that the months would have matured her. Over the time that they were 'together'

, she had softened. She had learned not to be so cold and spoiled, and was once in a while affectionate. She even kissed Zack, when they went on that double date with Kim and Tommy!

But if there was one word that described Angela perfectly, it was inconsistent. One minute, she's all smiles and warm looks. The next, she's the Ice Queen of Angel Grove High.

Zack had had enough of her mind-games. But every time he was ready to give up on her, he felt her pull on him more and more. And one sweet smile managed to erase from his memory the dozen or so cold glares he had received just before.

"Hey gang," said a cheery female voice, "I'm here! And look what I found!"

Zack glanced up dully...and the sight completely erased Angela from his thoughts.

Standing beside Kimberly was a vision. Just a hair shorter than the Yellow Terran Ranger, with the same radiant dark eyes and dazzling smile that he remembered so vividly.

"Aisha!" said Adam excitedly, rising to his feet to warmly embrace one of his best friends.

The joy she felt at being reunited with her friends was evident in the sparkle of her eyes.

Suddenly...all Zack could perceive was the sparkle in her eyes.

Chapter Fifty-Three

Despite all the horrible worries plaguing the Silver

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