» Science Fiction » The Terran Rangers/Final Fantasy VII, Heather Ray [desktop ebook reader txt] 📗

Book online «The Terran Rangers/Final Fantasy VII, Heather Ray [desktop ebook reader txt] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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/> "We'll talk about this later, guys," he said, his brow furrowing as his eyes surveyed the information screen on the med-unit. "She's crashing!"

"Is there anything any of us can do?" Tommy asked, stepping forward.

Adam swallowed, his eyes darting from the computer screen, to Aisha, to his leader's determined eyes. "Tommy," he whispered anxiously, "I... I don't think she's going to make it..."
Chapter Forty-Five

He swallowed hard, gazing within the bubbling emerald lava tumbling within the confines of the Mako lake. It was thick and and obscure. There was no way to know what would happen when the magical liquid touched his tender skin. There was no way to know what would happen to his mind, to be immersed in such power.

Once he dove in, there was no going back.

He felt a hand timidly touch his shoulder. "Listen, Zack, I can come with you..."

Zack immediately shook his head. "No way, Billy. There's no need for us both to risk our lives." He turned to his friend, wearing a faint grin. "Besides, if I don't make it, I'm counting on you to figure out another cure for Aisha."

Billy smiled, taking his hand off Zack's shoulder and extending it in a handshake. Zack gripped it firmly, taking a deep breath.

"Good luck," Billy uttered.

"Yeah!" called a rowdy voice. "Watch yourself, Kid!"

Zack looked to the side, and smiled at the entire main crew of the Highwind. Vincent, Yuffie, Cid, Barrett, Red XIII, Cait Sith, Tifa, and Cloud were all there, lending their support. Zack was infinitely grateful that they delayed their mission to stop Sephiroth just slightly, to give as much assistance and assurance as possible.

Still...from here on in, he was on his own.

"Remember what I told you," Cloud said firmly, his grip tightening on Tifa's hand. Zack nodded, pursing his lips tightly as he turned back to the pool of liquid fire.

"Fools rush in where Angels fear to tread," he whispered, the light of the green pool dancing in his dark eyes.

"Excuse me?" Billy said, frowning slightly.

Zack shrugged. "Something from English class. It just popped into my head. Kinda fits, huh?"

"I wouldn't call you a fool, Zack."

"Maybe I am," he reflected. "Maybe that's why it has taken me so long to..."

He paused, shaking off the thought. "Well, here goes."

He took a deep breath, holding it in his lungs, and his fingers went up to pinch his nose closed. Then, he bounded towards the lake, leaping in feet-first.

He sank slowly into the thick liquid, feeling the hot energy burning his skin painfully. He didn't dare open his eyes, knowing full well the toxic properties of the Mako fountain. After time, the intense heat that ravaged his skin dulled to a irritation, but he soon felt his lungs burning for fresh air.

He continued sinking, until the darkness of his eyelids was replaced by a brilliant green Mako flash.

Chapter Forty-Six

"I'm tellin' ya, Man, she's perfect!"

Jason smirked, trying his best to casually turn around in his seat, and get a better look at the young woman. He could tell she was beautiful and graceful, from the warm-up exercises she performed on the mat. Long legs stretched in a full split, and as she reached to touch each toe, flowing raven tresses swept about her shoulders.

"I don't know, Zack," Jason sighed, turning back around to face his companion. He lifted his fountain soda, and took a long sip. "Angela's in my Trigonometry class. She's...not that nice of a person. She certainly doesn't seem to like jokesters."

Zack had a starry look in his eyes, sipping his root beer float through a long straw. He rested his cheek on his balled fist, a goofy grin on his face.

"Zack?" Jason uttered, waving his hand in front of his friend's eyes. "Hello?"

Zack blinked, dropping the straw from his lips. "Huh?"

Jason chuckled. "Sheesh! One pretty face, and suddenly your mind is somewhere in the Andromeda galaxy."

"I can't help it. I'm in love."

Jason rolled his eyes. "But you don't even know her! I thought your criteria for the perfect woman included rapier wit, spirit, enough energy for her to keep up with you, and supreme dancing skills. All you know about Angela is that she's pretty."

Zack shrugged. "Hey, I'm flexible."

Jason groaned at the comment. "I don't think you're being reasonable."

Zack grinned roguishly, rising from his seat. "Hey, if it turns out she can't dance, all I have to do is teach her. Right?"

Jason threw up his hands in surrender, and Zack strolled over to Angela with his best, suave stride. He then spun on his heels, snapping his fingers as he came to a stop. Wearing his most disarming grin, he squatted on the floor beside her.

She threw him the coldest glare he had ever seen.

Zack didn't let that derail him. "You're Angela, right?"

She turned away from him, returning to her stretches.

"I'm Zack," he said, following her eyes with his, "Zack Taylor. Certified great guy!"

Angela paused from her warm-up for a moment, locking eyes with him. "I'm not impressed, either by your smooth talking, or your smooth moves. Goodbye."

Stunned, Zack tried to brush the stinging remarks as if they were insignificant. "Well, I see you're busy now. I'll see you later."

She didn't acknowledge him when he left.

"Wow," Jason whispered, as Zack to a seat again at their table, "that was harsh."

"Not really," Zack said, his grin returning, "She did recognize that I was smooth. I'll get through to her...sooner or later."

Chapter Forty-Seven

"...and this is Aisha Campbell."

The young man with ear-length dreadlocks flashed his most charming smile, extending his hand. The short young woman accepted, a dazzling smile on her chocolate lips, and a sparkle of energy in her dark eyes.

"Wow," said another young man, with copper-brown hair and a red cotton sweatshirt, "I can't believe the six of you are the Power Rangers!"

Zack shrugged, stepping back a few feet to join the group behind him. Kimberly Hart, Jason Lee, Tommy Oliver, Trini Kwan, Zack Taylor, and Billy Mitchell were the six teens chosen to stop Rita Repulsa, and later Lord Zedd, from conquering the planet Earth. They were the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.

Standing across from them were Aisha Campbell, Rocky DeSantos, and Adam Park...three ninja finalists who were kidnapped by Goldar in another failed attempt to defeat the Power Rangers. Fortunately for them, the Blue, Pink, and White Rangers were able to rescue them...but not before accidentally revealing the vital secret of their identities.

Once the three were unmasked, it didn't take a genius to figure out the rest of the team. So, it was best to simply conduct formal introductions.

Zack had known Rocky, Aisha, and Adam before this moment. He was at the park when Kimberly and Aisha had both helped save a baby in a runaway stroller. But this time, he was formally introduced. These three teens were definitely something special.

And one look into Aisha's vibrant, deep brown eyes told him that they would certainly become good friends.

Chapter Forty-Eight

With an enthusiastic grin on his face, Zack managed to zip the overstuffed duffel bag. Throwing an observatory glance around his disheveled room, he decided that he was finished packing.

Exhausted, Zack fell upon his bed, staring at the ceiling. In just a few short hours, he'd be on a plane to Switzerland with Jason and Trini, in order to attend the Peace Conference. He was still awed by the fact that he was chosen out of the hundreds of worthy teens in the district. It was the chance of a lifetime...meeting new people, learning about new cultures, and working for the greatest cause conceivable. Peace.

Still, it would be tough to leave Angel Grove behind. Leaving behind friends like Tommy, Kimberly, and Billy wasn't going to be easy, and now that Alexis was in Philadelphia, he'd probably never see her again. Also, he'd most likely lose contact with Angela. His patience with their tenuous relationship was running thin, and considering her flighty attention span, he doubted she'd want to put in the effort to keep in touch.

And then were Aisha, Rocky and Adam. Three fabulous, spirited teens. If circumstances had been different, he was sure the entire group of students would have been the closest friends ever.

He knew, without a doubt, that they'd be excellent Power Rangers, carrying on for the three that were moving on to different things.


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