» Science Fiction » The Terran Rangers/Final Fantasy VII, Heather Ray [desktop ebook reader txt] 📗

Book online «The Terran Rangers/Final Fantasy VII, Heather Ray [desktop ebook reader txt] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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from Billy to Cid. "We need to go to Mideel, immediately."

Cid's eyebrow rose. "Who the #%$@

do you think you are, tellin' me where to take my ship?!"

Zack ignored Cid's apparent fury. "The Holy Materia told me that's where the key to saving Aisha is, so that's where I'm going."

Billy's eyes widened. "What's the cure, Zack?"

Zack's eyes narrowed. "The Lifestream."

Cid then pushed his way passed the shorter men, and made his way towards the bridge. "It'll take about an hour to get to Mideel from here," he called to them, "so make yourselves comfortable."

Zack nodded, and heavily sat down on a large box within the storage room. Billy sat next to him.

"So," he said, "how are we going to save Aisha?"

Zack didn't raise his eyes to meet Billy's inquiring gaze. "I'm going to have to jump into the Lifestream."

"But Zack, that's lethal!" Billy argued. "Is that what the Holy Materia suggested?"

Zack nodded. "It's Aisha's only chance. Therefore, it's our only choice."

Chapter Forty-Three

*Adam Park, you must listen to me!*

Adam's heavy eyelids sprang open, and he stared at the darkened ceiling in amazement.

Was it his imagination, or was someone speaking to him?

"Man, I must really be tired," he whispered, rubbing his eyes with his hands. He jumped when he saw a flash of white light within his room.

The light intensified, and increased until it was nearing six feet in height. Then, it stretched and molded, forming the shape of a woman. She wore a long, loose white robe, golden shoulder plate, and a golden clasp kept her flowing black hair in a ponytail. Ageless eyes fixated on the young man, and a neutral expression crossed her features.

Adam's mouth opened slightly, but he couldn't find any words for the apparition.

"Adam, you must listen to me," she repeated, her urgent stare never wavering from the astonished former Ranger, "I don't have much time."

"Who are you?" he managed to choke.

"It is not significant," she replied, extending her arm. Her palm flashed with green light, and an image appeared. A green crystal, about the size of a thumb, floated above her palm, spinning on its axis.

Adam recognized it as the green Zeo shard, shrunken to the size it maintained while inside his body.

"You are the Green Terran Ranger," she explained. "You have been chosen, and you have a great destiny to fulfil. You must reclaim the crystal, or the Terran Rangers are doomed."

"Excuse me?"

"The Dark One is coming," she said, enclosing her hand into a fist. The image of the crystal vanished. "He is more powerful than you can imagine. He will come, and he will try to gain the Zeo Crystal. Only the full power of Terra can defeat him. Without a Green Ranger, this entire universe will surely fall."


"No argument," she said, her sharp tone invoking unquestioned obedience. "The Zeo Crystal will not harm you. In fact, it will help your heart to heal. Only you can safely wield the gem. While it will do harm to others, it will make you strong. It was an unforeseen tragedy that caused the crystal to materialize within you. Trust me...such an event shall not occur again."

Adam swallowed, confusion still marring his thoughts. He had never seen this woman before, yet for some reason...she seemed familiar. And very authoritative.

"Take back the crystal now," she said, her form vanishing from the room. "Take back your destiny..."

Adam stared at the spot where the strange apparition stood just moments ago. He then leaned back against the wall, folding his arms tightly.

He was certain it wasn't a dream. No...he didn't have the imagination for it.

But...couldn't it have been a trick? Could someone be trying to place him in danger, by getting himself killed with the Zeo shard? He did believe it was his destiny, but was he ready for it?

Somehow, he knew he was. And so, he quietly rose from his bed, and slipped out of the room, headed for the main chamber of the CAC.

Chapter Forty-Four

"Just hold on, Aisha," Tanya said quietly, her hands pressed against the corner of the med-unit. Tanya laid her entire weight into her arms, the terrible circumstances of that day thoroughly exhausting her.

Tanya took a seat on the stool Adam had abandoned, and folded her arms in her lap. For a few more minutes, she gazed at Aisha's serene face.

Every time she saw Aisha's face, she could still see the cherubic visage of the young Aisha, that brought her to the United States to join the Power Rangers.

Even though Tanya never had the opportunity to actually become a Power Ranger, she was forever grateful to young Aisha, who was willing to leave the life she had lead behind for the good of the wild life in the African savanna. And, even though Tanya had remained on the sidelines, she couldn't deny how blessed she had been since her move to Angel Grove.

Firstly, she was rescued from the Sandman. Thanks to the Power Rangers, she was freed from the fate of being the property of the alien being Coppelius, and she was also reunited with her long-lost parents, who had been captured by the creature years ago.

Also, she had become a part of a cause that transcended everything Tanya had ever known before. She didn't wear the armor, but she nonetheless contributed to the work the Power Rangers do: protecting Angel Grove, and the world, from whatever evil may face it. Just to be chosen for such a responsibility was an incredible honor. There were only a dozen or so individuals granted the privilege of Power Ranger membership, whether in the core group of morphed warriors, or the extended Power Ranger family, consisting of all those who work beside those brave teenagers.

And finally...although no less significantly...she met Adam Park.

None of these wonderful blessings ever would have occurred, had Aisha not walked into her life. She owed Aisha so much...for everything she had given her. And no matter how she tried, Tanya couldn't repay her. She couldn't even keep her alive.

Tanya felt a strange electricity in the air, pulling her out of her dismal reflections urgently. She gasped when she saw Adam standing beside the floating green Zeo shard, staring into its energy core blankly.

"Adam!" she cried, leaping off the stool and racing to his side. "What are you doing?"

"Getting my destiny back on track," he responded evenly. Tanya's jaw dropped when she saw him reach his hand out towards the gem.

"Are you crazy?!" she demanded, grabbing his other arm and pulling him away from the crystal. Adam turned to her, his dark eyes surveying the angst in Tanya's expression.

"Tanya, I have to do this," he said, gently releasing her fingers from his arm, "I'm the Green Ranger. I'm the only Green Terran Ranger. No one else can do it for me."

"But you can get yourself killed," she protested, forcing the panic from her voice, "There's no need to do this now. The battle's over. You can wait until Billy's run some more tests, to make sure you won't be putting yourself in danger. And you're under so much stress because of Aisha's condition! This just isn't a good time for this!"

Adam shook his head, clasping both of Tanya's hands in his. "Tanya, this probably sounds hard to believe, but I know the crystal won't hurt me. In fact, it'll probably help me. It's a part of me now...and it has been since I accepted it months ago. I have to take it back, and there's no time like the present."

With that, Adam gently brushed his lips against hers in a reassuring kiss, and turned towards the crystal. Taking a deep breath, he reached out and touched his fingertips to the gem. It immediately shrank to its smaller size. Adam clasped the gem tightly, and slowly moved it towards his chest, holding his breath. He exhaled forcefully as the crystal passed through his clothing and flesh, embedding itself inside his heart. Instantly, a small cyclone formed at Adam's feet, forcing Tanya to step away from him, shielding her eyes from the intense green light that saturated the magical cyclone. The cyclone was so powerful, the entire chamber was filled with powerful winds. The mayhem weakened after a few long moments, and Tanya held her breath in anticipation.

After the bright light and wind faded, Adam stood before her, once again donned in the form-fitting green and gold armor of the Green Terran Ranger.

"I...I'm okay," he gasped. "Just...gotta catch my breath..."

Tanya shook her head, grabbing his arm and wrapping it around her shoulder to support him. He leaned heavily against his girlfriend, pushing passed the wave of disorientation that crashed through his mind and body.

Finally, after taking a few deep breaths, Adam pulled away from Tanya, standing on his own strength. Slowly, his gloved hands rose to his helmet, undoing the latches and pulling it off. Sweat sat on his face, and he breathed heavily with the exertion...but a wide grin brightened his face.

Tanya sighed in relief, wrapping her arms around his neck. "You really are okay."

The moment she said those calming words, the alarm claxons sounded from within the med-unit. Adam turned on his heels, and the two teens watched in horror as the bars that showed Aisha's heart rate slowed.

"Oh God," Tanya whispered, "we're losing her!"

Adam immediately ran to a nearby console, and hit the all-alert button. Sirens screamed to life, alerting all the Rangers within the CAC that an emergency was taking place. Moments later, the exhausted and panicked group assembled around the med-unit.


Rocky cried, coming to a complete stop once he entered the CAC. Katherine, Jason, Tommy, Kimberly, and Alexis stopped behind him, each one blatantly shocked by the sight.

Standing beside the med-unit was the Green Terran Ranger, with his helmet resting in the nook of his arm.

"Adam!" Jason said, blinking. "What did you do?"

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