» Science Fiction » Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Heather Ray [cool books to read txt] 📗

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trying to process all of what Castimonia was telling her. "Wait... you created the Zeo Crystal? The thing that helped fix the time reversal Mastervile caused?"

Castimonia smiled. She was glad that, despite the several months of retirement from the active Power Ranger team, Kimberly was still aware of the situation of her former teammates.

"Yes. You see, the Servons are no longer permitted to directly interfere with humans, but before the rules of the Conflict were established, we even resided on Earth... or more specifically, a particular mountain called Olympus."

Kim's jaw dropped. "Olympus?!" she echoed, "Wait... so you're a Greek goddess?"

Castimonia waved her hand in a fashion denoting "sort of." "We are the beings who inspired the classical gods, and that reach extended through a good portion of humanity, creating the notion of anthropomorphic deities that each controlled a different aspect of nature and human life. We did eventually realize the strong effect our presence on Earth created, and it didn't take long before we understood the danger in molding humanity in our image. So we left mankind, and eventually our influence subsided."

"So... which one are you?" Kim wanted to know, "Which of the goddesses, I mean. The Moon goddess?"

"Yes," Castimonia affirmed, "I personally was known as the Goddess of the Hunt, the Moon, and Chastity. Artemis, Diana, Selene, Cynthia, and Phoebe are just a handful of the names given to me by different civilizations over time."

Kim took a step back, completely awed by what was happening. Here she was, meeting the Moon Goddess of ancient mythology. Wow, Tommy would sure get a kick out of this! He loves mythology!

"So, since I was the Servon entrusted with humanity's protection, I chose to reside on the Moon, the closest celestial object to the planet. My Zeo Crystal is just one way I strive to protect Earth in the meantime, and it also guided my Chosen One to me."

Castimonia paused, and surveyed Kimberly's reaction for a moment. Although the young woman was paying rapt attention to this tale, it was clear she wasn't convinced of Castimonia's story. Also, Kimberly obviously was concerned about Castimonia's reason for bringing her here. And although she was following the story with interest, she probably wasn't understanding the implications.

"My Chosen One is the individual selected from Earth to fight in the Conflict, to determine the fate of the planet. As you see, it is imperative that he live and thrive until the Conflict, but I have reason to suspect the forces of Corruption are trying to destroy him before the Conflict even begins in earnest. If that were to happen, Purity will never be able to overcome the evil. That is where you come in."

Castimonia's eyes locked with Kimberly's doe-brown ones. "The Chosen needs a protector."

Kimberly blinked in puzzlement. "You want me to be this protector?"

Castimonia nodded silently.

"But... why? Can't you just keep an eye on him yourself?"

"No. Although I can watch, I cannot personally involve myself in his life. In fact, he isn't even to know I exist, or that he is being watched. He must live his life completely devoid of the knowledge of his eventual role as Champion, because he must continue to prove himself Pure. Still, his life is threatened, so my only option is to select a human being to become my Avatar. My Avatar will be able to tap into my abilities, and become a human incarnation of my attributes."

Castimonia approached Kimberly slowly. This time, the latter didn't back away. "Will you accept this privilege and responsibility, and become my Avatar of Purity?"

Castimonia grew worried at Kimberly's hesitation. "Well..." Kim stammered, "I gave up the whole superhero thing. I don't want to sound selfish or anything, but I kinda like just being... me, you know?"

Castimonia sighed inwardly. She knew it would be difficult to secure herself an Avatar, yet she didn't expect Kimberly to be against it even before she knew of the sacrifices she would have to make as the Avatar of Purity.

"I understand why you wouldn't want to jump back into the role of a superhero," Castimonia conceded, "In fact, being an Avatar is far different from being a Power Ranger. For instance, the Avatar must devote her entire life to the protection of the Chosen. I cannot see into the future, so I will not be able to warn you when he is in danger. A moment's delay could cost him his life. There is a heavy weight upon the Avatar's shoulders. She would leave her old life behind entirely, live here in my palace upon the Moon, and spend both day and night watching over someone who shouldn't even know of her existence."

Castimonia grew silent, and fixed Kimberly with an almost pleading gaze. "But there simply must be an Avatar, Kimberly. I have less than an hour to select a human girl trustworthy enough to wield my powers, or else Earth, as well as the rest of the universe, is doomed."

Kim saw the desperation in Castimonia's eyes, which almost glowed with honesty. She knew the Servon wasn't lying to her. Earth really was in this incredible danger, and she was perhaps the only one able to stop it.

Kim felt the rise of her selfless character building within her. She wasn't the kind of person to place her own welfare or happiness above the fate of the entire planet. Still, she had the feeling there was some vital information that Castimonia wasn't yet divulging.

"There's more to this," Kim whispered, her eyes once again locking with Castimonia's, "Isn't there?"

Castimonia smiled yet again. "You are indeed perceptive, Kimberly. I'm afraid there is a catch. As the Avatar of Purity, you must keep your mind, body, and soul chaste and pure. Also, you must live for the singular purpose of guarding my Chosen. Only one who lives to these requirements can be my Avatar."

Kim grimaced slightly. She didn't like the sound of those conditions. "Um... could you elaborate?"

"Certainly. The powers of the Avatar are vast, and there are requirements to she that will accept this role. As I told you, she must remove herself from the world. That means, she must essentially disappear, and sever all connections. You cannot allow yourself to get involved with Earthly matters, because they will surely distract you from your mission. That means you must separate yourself from your family and friends. You must forego your dreams of being a Pan-Global gymnast, or anything else. And most importantly, you must end your relationship with Tommy Oliver."

Kimberly was stunned to silence. "You're asking me to give up everything I care about!" she suddenly yelled, angered at being asked to do such a thing. "I... I can't do that! I mean, yes I can give up being a gymnast, but I can't leave my friends and family behind! I can't leave Tommy behind! The people I love give meaning to my life. They're the ones that I fought for as the Pink Ranger, for goodness' sake!"

Castimonia looked at Kimberly with a purely sympathetic expression. She could see Kimberly dueling with herself. She wanted so very much to help in any way she could, yet she couldn't bring herself to turn her back on those she loved. It wasn't within her nature to do so.

"Kimberly, this is a very hard decision to make, and I understand if you do not wish to accept. Yet before any decision is made, I think I should tell you something. I have traveled back in time exactly one day, in order to avert a catastrophe. You see, my Chosen One was killed. So, if I do not find someone to be my Avatar, he will be dead by this time tomorrow, and Purity will surely fall to Corruption when the Conflict takes place."

Kim gasped. "You're from the future?"

Castimonia nodded. "I've bent several rules in order to prevent this tragedy from occurring. I must return to my own time within an hour, so I do not have many options for my Avatar. Kimberly, you are my only hope, and his

only salvation."

Kimberly noted the tone of voice in which Castimonia said the last phrase. It was then that she reflected on how the Chosen One was actually chosen. With the Zeo Crystal. No... it can't be one of the Rangers... can it?

An overwhelming sense of dread built in Kimberly's heart. Trembling slightly, Kim gazed at Castimonia once again. "Please tell me... who is this Chosen One?"

Castimonia knew it would be difficult for Kimberly to accept, yet it was probably the one fact that would persuade her to accept the role of the Avatar of Purity. Still, that didn't make it any easier for Castimonia to utter the two words, that would most assuredly tear the innocent teenager apart, and shatter her dreams of an eventual peaceful life shared with her love.

"Tommy Oliver," Castimonia said, quietly but clearly. She could have sworn the temperature in the room dropped several degrees, and she couldn't bring herself to look into Kimberly's eyes yet again.

The milleniums of watching mankind didn't hinder her compassion for the frail creatures in the least.

Kim was shaking, her forehead wrinkled in confusion as she questioned herself. She could either fight to protect the life of her love, or let him die. Yet if she did choose the life of an Avatar, she would have to stop being Kimberly Hart, and give up everything she had ever loved. Mostly, she had to leave Tommy behind.

What did she hold as more important... Tommy's love, or his life?

She knew what the answer should be, but it was far easier said than done. It was a no-win situation... in either case she loses him.

Feeling the tears stinging her eyes, Kimberly closed them, and tried to control her breathing to maintain an air of calm. "Why me?" she asked, "Why did you pick me?"

"Believe me, Kimberly, I wouldn't have asked you to do this unless it were the only way. As a Servon, I can choose a human Avatar, but the power of Purity, in this form, can only respond to certain individuals. Firstly, since I am female, so must my Avatar be. Also, it has to be someone of purity and innocence, and as the Pink Ranger, you are by definition pure and innocent. Those are the traits of that color of the Morphin Grid. Of course, I'm certain there are other women who fit the general description, but since I lack the time to test anyone, I must rely on someone already tested, and as the former Pink Ranger, you have proven yourself to be pure and selfless time and again."

Castimonia's voice grew slightly quieter. "And, since you so dearly love my Chosen, I was certain you would be willing to pay any price to ensure his safety. Being my Avatar is a great deal of responsibility and sacrifice, and it would be difficult to persuade someone who didn't already have so strong a connection to Purity, as well as the Chosen in particular."

Castimonia smiled weakly at Kimberly. "So you see, you the Earth's only hope, Kimberly Hart... as well as his."

Kim shivered slightly, and turned her back to Castimonia. Slowly, she approached the balcony, and grasped the ivory bars to gaze at the Earth floating in the sky above her. A thousand thoughts mulled through her overwhelmed mind, not the least of which was the idea that this entire scenario was all a dream brought about by the late night pizza snack with her teammates.

Still, it

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