» Self-Help » The Veil of Mysticism, Monika Petry [best big ereader TXT] 📗

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Brief Biography:

Monika Petry, born November 1955, formerly a Protestant, clerk, translator / interpreter. She was an atheist for 33 years and converted to Catholicism in 2009. Since her mystical transformation she gave over her life completely to the Divine Providence. She is a Healer and prayer and concerned with religion and spirituality.


Introduction: St. Teresa of Ávila

I. Absolute Trust - Basic Trust

II. Providence

Life with Providence - a life of Joy and Devotion
Wish-fulfillment rather than Providence
What is the Reaction of your Environment, if you turn to God?


Who or what is God?
Who or what are we?
How do we find God?
My God, why? - When we doubt and despair
The Despair

IV. The Holy Spirit

Who or what is the Holy Spirit?
The Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit (Charisma)
The Twelve Fruits of the Holy Spirit
The Seven Consolations of the Holy Spirit

V. Jesus
My Path to Jesus
Encouraging Words of Jesus in you

VI. Mary

V. Jesus
My Path to Jesus
Encouraging Words of Jesus in you

VI. Mary

Mary, Mother of God
Sister Mary

VII. Enlightened Faith

The Light of God in Man
Mindfulness / Awareness / Enlightenment
Thoughts and Feelings

VIII. Prayer

The Types of Prayer
Levels of inner prayer

IX. Forgiveness and Liberation

Sin, Repentance and Penance

X. Healing through Faith and Prayer

The biggest Secret of Healing

XI. Humility

"Take me as I am" or:
My Path through the Bottleneck

XII. Love, Ego, Awareness, Enlightenment


XIII. Mysticism

Do we need a new Mysticism?
Nice Words from nice People: What is Mysticism?





St. Teresa of Ávila

Teresa Sanchez de Cepeda y Ahumada was born on 28 March 1515 in Ávila (Northwest of Madrid, in Castilla, Spain), her father was a Jew converted to Christianity. To avoid the accusation of heresy, he accepted a peerage. Teresa enjoyed a strict upbringing. For fear of marriage, she finally came in 1535 into the Order of Carmelites in Ávila. Her health deteriorated steadily, until she lay in a coma a year later and was buried almost alive. During her three years of convalescence, she had the first mystical vision. The more she grew in her spirituality, her condition became better. Through many trials, Teresa found her way to God and perfected her worship of Him. Her friendly nature, her natural authority and her female wisdom helped her along the path to her own monastery of the Discalced Carmelite Foundation, a more severe form of the Order. Other convents of monks and nuns followed, overall, it was to amount to seventeen convents.

Teresa's life was a ceaseless development of intellectual maturity and inner strength, at the end revealing the mysteries of the Trinity, and she eventually found her soul within the mystical marriage, the perfect union with God, her true peace. Teresa died on 4 October 1582. She left behind numerous works: more than 400 letters, poems, documents of the trials of her confessors and monastic foundations and the gifts of her mystical experiences of the Inquisition. She described her maturation process of contemplation, transformation and awareness in her books "Way of Perfection", "Book of my Life" and "Interior Castle".

The mystique of this woman is an expression of absolute and uncon- ditional love for God and Man; humble and grateful joy. Her devotion to God was marked not only by this great love, but characterized by an infinite trust and the willingness to everything, absolutely everything to accept what God had intended for her, always knowing that God meant well and had transformed her from a rough to a dazzling diamond.

As had Saint John of the Cross and Saint Padre Pio, Teresa also experienced the Transverberation, the transfixion of her heart. This event is presented in the Appendix of this book. Teresa described it with great sensuality. Her choice of words and the presentation of the transfixion of her heart by the sculptor Lorenzo Bernini in a beautiful marble sculpture, had left the impression that it was Teresa's way of expressing her eroticism. It was the finale of her Divine heart opening, which she experienced physically and mentally. On 4 July 1585 her coffin was opened – she was found to be undecayed. In 1614 followed her Beatification by the Catholic Church, and on 12 March 1622, her Canonization. Pope Paul VI. appointed her on 27 September 1970 to Doctor of the Church.


I went over to Teresa of Ávila via Edith Stein, because on a large portrait of Edith Stein something fascinated me that I had watched only for a short time upon myself, a dark dot on the forehead above the nose (a position of the “Third Eye”). It was after my own confirmation in June 2009, when the Holy Spirit came with great effect upon me. This confirmation was a mystical experience, which I reflected on that day in a strong dazedness and the even stronger desire for quiet reflection. During the next three days and nights a great change happened within me. In retrospect, since that day everything became different.

In the next few days, this impression was also visible externally by two vertical red lines on my forehead. They appeared whenever I connected with God, through prayers for others and for myself every day. These lines became stronger, as well as the Holy Spirit restructured and refined His grace that He had given me. I was informed by a former healing client of the change on my forehead. For almost two months she came every day and therefore had the opportunity to watch my progress. "Again there are those lines on your forehead," she often said after her treatment. It reminded me of the Book of Revelation: "And they shall see His face, and His name shall be on their foreheads." (Offb.22, 4)

One afternoon I visited the St. Mary's Church in Bad Bergzabern to find rest and recharge. There was a large picture of Edith Stein. I stood before her and spoke to her. It was not long before she began to glow, just as the Virgin Mary is lit, when I am talking to her. So now I had become acquainted with Edith Stein, and thus I was interested in this woman and her story. I read some of it, but at that time it became too difficult to pursue at this stage in my life. Edith Stein died on 9 August 1942 in Auschwitz- Birkenau. Pope John Paul II blessed her in 1987 and Canonized her in 1998. "Blessed are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb" (Rev. 7:14). With these words Pope John Paul II began his oration at the Beatification of Edith Stein in Cologne 1987.

Edith Stein thus led me to her great Teacher and her role model: Teresa of Ávila. When I read of her, I was captivated by her, and that has not changed since. Teresa of Ávila had herself become one with God. She gave herself entirely to be recreated by God. She was at the end to become a Being that had refined and deified the Human condition to the highest possible level. This is a state of being that is accessible to all of us Humans on Earth. It is the proverbial Heaven on Earth.

From the worldly point of view considered, Teresa is through and through a true woman, although a very enlightened woman. She was strong, intelligent, humorous, sensual, passionate and devoted. Somehow I found myself in her. Everything about her, and not through just finding myself on a sympathetic wavelength, she became a foremost part of my consciousness, even though I had never set out intentionally for it to become so. This was a person whose soul I felt I was deeply connected with. This was to somehow drive my own inner strength as well as deriving from the power of those around me, yet forever in absolute loyalty and devotion and humility before the One composing all of my life: God. I was fascinated over Teresa's writings! I then found the courage to live within the present time with a strong, powerful, dedicated, passionate and joyful spirituality, although I also confess to following my own interior mystical experiences derived from the past. Now I find that I want to serve my fellow Man with greater love for the Infinite Love of God.

"Get to make me as lovely as possible to others.
I do not want to be a Saint - living with that
would be so hard – but to become an old curmudgeon
would instead be the crowning work of the Devil. "
(Teresa of Ávila)

Absolute Trust - Basic Trust

What does absolute Confidence mean, and how do I get it?

The universal, irrevocable and indestructible trust is the basic trust of the people, which is created in our brain stem. It is the willingness of a Human’s innate devotion to his Creator and to his fellow men identified as brothers. However, we have the basic trust to be activated by mental awareness - in contrast to the primal instinct laid down in the subcon- scious. It is closely related to the energy of life, the affirmation of life and sexual power. An energetic, powerful person who enjoys life and always says yes to life, has a basic trust. The absence of this basic trust leads to the missing of primal energy of life and the affirmation of life, and he must always take from the outside and others the power to live.

The activation of basic trust is done according to the in-depth psychology given during the first year of a child. In my experience, the seed is placed for this already in procreation: A welcomed baby begotten in deep love and devotion will always be a beloved child. Within this love there is often a year-long yearning for a child and the boundless joy when it finally has arrived. These feelings of longing, joy and love are the energies that are never dissolved, they remain stored in the hearts of the parents and are transmitted to their child; this will enable an interior trusting and loving during its life, because that trust and love is dwelling in itself. Therefore, this trust is irrevocable and indestructible. It may be shaken by a strong disappointment in the short term - but it will never be extinguished! Because it will always be nourished by the love of God, and this love of God takes us through all difficulties as His consolations handle any disappointment, allowing us to forgive and forget.

An 'accident' of parenthood will never know this deep love, of course, even though it may also be loved, but it is another form that does not include those seeds of basic trust. My message to all those good "random products" of parenthood: God has willed that you were conceived! He has brought together your parents. You are inscribed in the Book of Life of your mother and your father. Even if you were not planned: In their subconscious hidden depths, your parents knew it.

If that was not quite enough to instill the basic trust, you can still learn it at any age

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