» Self-Help » How To Make Money In Tough Times, Darrin Cooper [book recommendations based on other books .TXT] 📗

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sit around go broke homeless. I don’t know about you but the Government isn’t bailing me out the working citizen’s they are helping the businesses succeed and I understand that and I wish them the best I am just saying it is one of those hold your breath you just don’t know how long pretty soon your turning blue why didn’t the last bail out work? Again you ask yourself these questions and you will find out the answers are right in front of us and we can make money and create money on our on everybody can and we will all learn and go. This is a rebuilding process for us for you and for the world as the money crunch is world wide and is happening to us right now all over.

We can change things for ourselves and for our families if we keep researching daily on what works and if it doesn’t okay well at least you said you tried are you willing to give up? I felt like that lets be honest with ourselves as you read this book right now you are probably saying yes I have been there or I know where you are coming from. It is happening to all of us and if you are wealthy and the bad economy isn’t affecting you it is affecting somebody you know or they know. The things are happening for a reason you know it does suck we take the good and bad and move on let it be your baptism by fire let it create that burning desire for success deep within yourself. Let me ask you are you on fire for your dream? If you had to think about it then you are but your not sure what fuels the fire yet, and that is fine because sometimes we loose our desire if something happens in our life we as humans don’t like change. We like everything to stay simple and easy. Not everything is easy I wish they’d it was because everybody would be doing all the right things and nobody would make mistakes. We need to learn from making mistakes so we try and make less and less mistakes.

If you are learning something new I think that is great keep doing that don’t give up I promise you it will happen just keep thinking positive keep believing all dreams will come true I can promise you that. Life is like a tennis match he who serves best usually wins. If you help others weather it is in life or Network Marketing it comes back to you because believe it to be Karma or down the road you might need help as well so when your in need and somebody helps you out just remember and help the next person out so we can all gain knowledge and make a difference one person at a time. One man can make a difference and succeed at any level and we all can come together and help each other make money in life network marketing or in general because that is the right thing to do.

Life is great and I want say a special thanks to Jim Schell who has taught me a lot over the pasted couple of months and that is the guy I want to talk about later on in this book this guy has been in network marketing for 14 years or more. He is a great guy a close friend and just a down right great guy who I am still learning from to this day he is here to help and he has a lot of the best network marker’s in the world, he also has a lot of great ideas and he always tells me the world is a big place if people turn you down don’t worry about it tomorrow is a new day don’t be afraid If somebody tells you no. If somebody isn’t interested in your business then maybe it isn’t there time for change or maybe they like working 50-60 hours a week and working more because they got there benefits taking away or they are working more because there wages got cut. I do feel very sorry for people like that they are always trading time for money time for money. I want to make as much money as I can and work for it but have time to enjoy it while I am young life is supposed to be fun not stressful and mad all of the time.

Network Marketing is like dating you have to get yourself out there brand yourself out there let them know that you are out there and that you want to help. If they choose to come to you fine if not fine there are 300 million people alone in the United States Billions of people all over the world and the internet is getting bigger and bigger as we speak. I have a friend who still works at the Government site and he wonders each day how much longer is his job going to last his insurance doubled they took away his overtime and also they are going to cut his wages next month it is sad I tried to help him out to talk to him and right now he is too stressed and is just all worried about money how am I going to pay my bills? Well first off take this advice to heart because this is a big one, don’t worry about something you can’t control why would you do that to yourself? Again don’t worry about something you can’t control what good is that going to do? Nothing so why would you worry about that and let that get you down? Don’t worry dream big think big and you will get big don’t settle get out there do research make things happen!!! If I can do it you can do it I really truly believe that you can succeed with the right people in your life and the right drive you can do it I am sure of it.

Everything happens for a reason and the reason why we don’t know but everything is timing or being at the right place at the right time. I believe in life we have three chances in life to make it really make it become successfully what and how you do with it is your choice. I am always thinking up ideas and ways to help others because in turn you gain knowledge and you can help others in the process and by helping others succeed you just created a team of people to help you and others succeed in the world we live in today is fast pace. Whatever you are doing you can achieve success because you are your own person who can change things with a shift of your actions and you can put in motion and create success for others. When you help others make money of course you make money right? Be a teacher become a leader show everybody that you meet how to lead, and develop with all of the secrets that you develop share give free information I can’t thank my friend Jim enough on how he has helped me over the last couple of months, he is amazing.

When you are there for people they are there for you because it is a chain reaction and with that you get respect and people want to follow in your foot steps you create success thru your people we all create thru each other that is why success in Network Marketing is going to be the new way to make money on and off line. If you can think it you can achieve it and I truly believe that because I have been there down that and I have seen that I have been in your shoes. The things are wonderful right now in my life I am less stressful and making money and enjoying working from home and meeting new people each and everyday has been a blast words I can’t explain it is a feeling a emotion a dream a dream to succeed. Do you have the dream to succeed and create relationships? Or are you just building a business and just think money? Well if you are that is the wrong way of thinking because if you do that you risk not being a people person and not building a relationship with people and you could actually hurt your business. People want good and honest people who teach us how to make money and will go the distance.

People like Jim have really helped me out in my business and when he talks I listen because he has been there he inspires me and if I can do what he has done I can be successful as well and that is what we all want in everyday life weather its business or with our families or building friendships with others. When you can find out what people want and how hard there drive is you can set them up with the right program and with the right program they will find out your system and what works best with them. Also how do you become affective? Is put together a good peace of information telling them about your business and how it works for you and the benefits of getting involved in your business. You have to brand yourself and get yourself out there weather it is writing articles massive post on websites or networking sites you really have to cover all your bases that way there are no loop wholes. If you follow steps that people who have succeed if you can do what they just did hey if isn’t broke don’t fix it.

In down times people at home are always looking to start making money because if there isn’t that many jobs out there then they have to make money somehow. When you find people that are really looking to get into a hot business your business that is when you get people that are hungry because they are on fire for there dream and they know what they want. People who know what they want in life they can have whatever it is they want because they won’t stop till they get to there goal that why goal setting is so important getting the results you do have to put in the time. When you get the people that are looking and they haven’t heard of your business and if it hasn’t been around all that good like Mona vie that I am in this company has went to a billion dollars faster than EBay and Amazon and in 2009 alone it is projected to make over a billion dollars this year alone. In 20 years it is projected to be a 20 billion company and it is only four years old you better believe if they haven’t heard about this great company I will defiantly tell them about it. If you put a great business plan together a great compassion plan together and great people you get great results.

I have been in Mona vie for a couple of months now it is a great business and a great product everybody could and should be healthier and we could always use more money. I know the old saying goes the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer. That statement is as true as long you want to believe it but just because a saying goes around doesn’t mean you can’t change it or do something about it. You can do anything that you are willing to do if you just put the effort there and you will see results I promise you on that. Over
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