» Self-Help » How To Make Money In Tough Times, Darrin Cooper [book recommendations based on other books .TXT] 📗

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support the butterfly’s body, and become firm but neither happened! In fact, the butterfly spent the rest of its life crawling around with a withered body and shriveled wings. It never was able to fly.

The man in his kindness and goodwill did not understand that the struggle required for the butterfly to get through was nature's way of preparing it for flight once it achieved its freedom from the cocoon. Sometimes, struggles are exactly what we need in our life. If we went through our life without any obstacles, it would cripple us.

I asked for strength and was given difficulties to make me strong. I asked for wisdom and was given problems to solve. I asked for prosperity and was given a brain and brawn to work. I asked for courage and was given obstacles to overcome. I asked for love and was given troubled people to help. I asked for favors and was given opportunities. “I received nothing I wanted, but everything I needed.” Therefore, the point of the story of what nature teaches us is to live life without fear, confront all obstacles and know that you can overcome them.

Gratitude is one of the most important things in attracting what you really want because it brings more into your experience, and that good cultivates more of the good feeling. Try always to be happy when asking for what you want as you are at a higher vibration. In other words, when you ask for something try to have peace and harmony when you are friendly with people they will be friendly back everybody needs a friend help those who seek answers. You never know who you will meet in your life and I feel that in life you have three real chances in life to succeed take advantage of the time now is a great time to become a millionaire.

I was adopted when I was a baby. I did not know until I was nineteen years old. I never met my real parents. Just think of the path I would be on if I was not adopted. I wouldn’t be on the same path and I would also be a totally different person. I am thankful that I had the parents I do have because everything happens for a reason and I have met a lot of great people in my life that teach me things everyday I want to learn something new everyday of my life because again like I said before knowledge is power. Dream about all the money you can make just know you can do it and you will because you have that mind set just stop talking about it and go out and do it. How you create wealth for yourself create it for somebody else watch what you want happen because you just want it to so bad it will because you didn’t give up you fight and fight everyday to keep your dream alive and you deserve everything you work for because you worked for it.

Sometimes people have ideas or something that they want to see happen but are not willing to try to do anything towards making those things become a reality. You never know until you try. Do what you love and do it with all of your heart while along the way trusting that your heart is your guide. Following your heart, desire and love for that in which you are wanting you if you can succeed you will achieve that is my thoughts on what does it take to succeed and that is will power not to give up the fight must go on. If you have the eye of the tiger or the sure will alone and the never die attitude you will do very well in life in general. Nobody wants to go to the grave forgotten we all want to be apart of history.

Having that “Do it now” feeling and that you know that you can make it work is the inner harmony of your heart and that it is in a pure state. Your guide is now ready for this and all you have to do is trust and have faith that it will come to you like your car getting you back and forth to work everyday. You can do anything you want to do if you just put your mind to it and just stop well I am going to do this and I am going to do that. As Nike would say just do it have fun with it watch you people grow and learn from the people you meet along the way it is a awesome ride. Others will help you out in your business by getting people they know and together we can change the world one person at a time.

When you have an awesome feeling about something or butterflies in your stomach you must act on that idea or thought. Follow the great thinkers in history they only wanted you to be happy nothing more, nothing less. When you are happy you find yourself in harmony which is good because who wouldn’t want to be around a upbeat positive person. When you are down I understand you have good days and bad days but I always can deal with the bad I will always welcome the good. Go within yourself on what you want, meditate on it and do things that make you happy. Focus on happiness and gradually more happiness will come to you. That’s why people who are positive maintain a flow of more good things that happen to them. When we give thanks along with gratitude more and more things to be grateful for will come to you. As I stated be fore earlier on in the book, say what you want over and over again, “what you think about, you bring about.”

No matter how bad things get in your circumstances, by a certain shift in your awareness by “changing” the way you look at things, the things you look at will change. For example, when a man thinks about, he brings about. Meaning all things can come to pass if you believe in that reality as I have stated before. The question is how do you want to live what do you want to do with your life how much money do you want to make where do you want to live is all about choice and wanting to have great relationships. Ray Crock was a genius he had the “Burger, Shakes, and Fries” for McDonalds and all every employee can go from store to store and run a McDonalds. Why you ask is because it is a simple system it is just like Mona vie they put a great system together “Health, Wealth, and Relationships”. If you keep a business plan simple or anything in life so others can do what you just did you will become a better leader than you could imagine.

You can touch so many lives the world needs love more than anything right now. Love will always overtake hate, because love is the good feeling that all people want to feel and light will always overshadow darkness. Have you ever tried turning a light on in a dark room? What happens is that darkness can not stay dark the light is dominant at a higher energy. Anything can change or shift. With your actions life is meant to be exciting and fun. Live your life with no expectations. Treat people in your business how you want to be treated and they will treat you back in turn. Help put a fire inside of them of the dreams and hopes that they can be successful and they will be successful it is all a matter of time and Rome wasn’t built in a day. Tell people you will help them but you won’t do the work for them, that is like you going to work 40 hours a week for a friend at his job why he was lazy and stayed at home but he got the pay check. You have to put the effort and the time in to make money in anything you do.

I know what you are thinking, that there isn’t always a time and place for everything. Like war, maybe it is to show us compassion instead of violence that is out there in the world today. All things, and I do mean all things, happen for a reason, a purpose. A purpose is for something to happen is what we want to see happen a reason to put our paints on everyday to get out of bed to make a difference that is a purpose we all fulfill. What good does it do to give up on something why waste your time giving up on something before you started it ? That doesn’t make any since to me maybe to some, but people in general it doesn’t if you divided all of the money up in the world we would all be rich companies like Mona vie or GDI and Direct Matches they all want you to go out and get your fair share of all the money you would every need. You’re a person just like all of the movie stars and NFL, NBA and MLB players that are making there millions you just find a way to do it in a different way and you will do it.

In life with all of the good and bad things that happen, make us who we are now and who we are going to be. In life time goes by fast, the older we are the faster life tends to go. Remember when you were a kid and you could play for hours and hours. That is because kids do not worry out time because it means nothing to them as long as they have fun. As adults we worry about time when we go to work, get off work, pick up our kids, it is all a rush to get things done based around time. In life we just forget how to have fun we want to have fun again life is meant to be fun and enjoy life not work two or three jobs if your that lucky if you want to call it that working 80-90 hours a week your killing yourself doing that I admire people who do that in a way because they are just trying to survive I have been there done that and I don’t wish to go back now what I know now.

Then what would be the challenge of learning and evolving to that of what you want? Have you ever played a game that you won all of the time until you got tired of playing the game? The challenge is within our selves to bring out the best from within. For example, if you keep winning at the same game sooner or later you have learned and experienced all you can until it is time to move on to another game. See, we learn when we fail or succeed but its all about evolving, learning and growing our soul with the knowledge that nobody will ever take that away from you. For example if you master a business in network marketing and you maxed out your pay why not since you have your team big and going strong stay with it but join or do something else fun and exciting keep it fun remember that. It is just like when you max out pay
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