» Self-Help » How To Make Money In Tough Times, Darrin Cooper [book recommendations based on other books .TXT] 📗

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at your job what else having to prove yourself with no raise bills are going up pays not well time to look for a better paying job.

Mostly in life people do the same routine over and over again. Some people like change and some people do not. For me change is a good thing as long as it is in a positive way. We can always better ourselves if we just take the time to think things through. If you give things a chance it will be great for you and the situation because you are giving something new a chance which you can be great at doing. You never know till you try something and you could be better than the guy that got you in the first place. If you keep planting the seeds doing the work you will see results its just like working out if you keep working out and wanting to become in great shape you will get there just not overnight. Just like in a business it won’t grow over night bit it will go as fast or as slow as you want it to go it is your businesses build it as fast or as slow as you want to. That is what I love about network marketing if you are your own boss then that is a awesome feeling.

When we all just take time for ourselves and go with the flow, things just seem to go better. Fear is what keeps us from not completing our dreams. We lose focus on what we really want because we worry about how will I? Ever do this or how will I ever have that. Then you see your dreams that you once envisioned disappearing because of the fear that you had within yourself.

Ever think what it would be like to live in a world without fear or drama? Anyone can overcome fear and have faith that everything will be alright. Just tell yourself that it will be over and over again and believe that you can achieve anything you want to achieve if you just put your mind to it. You can accomplish anything. One person can make a difference in the world because he affects other people and they affect other people. Which turn causes a chain reaction If you have faith in a person that you come across and you say man this guy or girl is a go getter but they are slow to start doesn’t mean they aren’t going to be good in network marketing or good in your business weather it is direct sales or anything in general. It just means the time hasn’t come for them to learn how to do what you are doing as well as you are doing it.

The biggest thing I have found in my life is staying positive and focusing on the things I want to see happen. We all hold onto the images in our mind that we attract. Stay focused on what you want, not what you do not have. For example, if you focus on what you do not have, you will attract the things that you do not have. There are so many ways to achieve goals in your life. One way is to act like you already have what you want in your life. Remember, what you think about most, you attract into your life as I have said before. They say in life when someone gives you a lemon, make lemonade. If you have trouble getting fired up watch a good movie read a good book or go out and do something get out of that house and don’t worry about something you can’t control it doesn’t do any good. I understand if you are stressed out about loosing your house or car or your family but don’t focus on the problem focus on the solution.

Why shouldn’t you have the nice cars, your nice big home or your dream job that you always tried to get, nobody is better than anyone else its just that our egos tell us that we are or are not better than the other person. I know that you are probably wondering if I am not better than a murderer or someone that committed a serious crime. The answer is no because they haven’t learned from their mistakes of lies past and are stuck in the rabbit whole of life and can not get out, or are also into heavy drugs which cloud their judgment and one bad thing after another. It is very sad and they should and will be punished for what they have done. But I believe that we are all equal it is finding our calling in life and life is full of surprises.

One day, we the human race, will shine. There will be a better world for us to experience. Nothing happens over night and if everything we ever thought about having or wanted to happen actually happened happens in a blink of an eye would make. If you really want to change your life, you have to put thought and actions marry to make it work the way you want it to once you get the hang of being around a good bunch of people and leaders you will obtain there cartelistic of other people and just like them you will know what it takes to have everything you every wanted. We all want a piece of that pie and we will have it I am sure of it just keep trying do what you are doing and it will happen for you when the time is right. I had a friend came to me who is in my business and said I am having so much trouble I talked to 20 people and only five people joined what am I doing wrong? I told him nothing just keep doing that.

In my Mona vie business this is a amazing fact that if you lets say after in three months only got one person in your business that makes you and one other person. Then that person got one person every three months you have six people in your business in six months, and in nine months you have 12 people in your business and then you are thinking what am I doing wrong? The answer is nothing it is a slow growth but if you kept that up for two years one person every three months which is very doable you will have 254 people in your business and you will be making a extra $52,000 a year extra income. That is pretty good money for very little work you can work less than a hour to get one person every three months. We had a guy go black diamond in for months in CA and he is making $1.5 million dollars a year yes I am sure he is a walking talking good deal but again if you can just talk about how good a business is people will follow and want to get in your business it sells itself. Also the top earners in Mona vie is $6.8 million dollars right now that is amazing in itself and they are always raising the bar the sky is the limit.

If you can just imagine life without fear, worry, drama or what other people’s opinions are of you than you have mastered your life. We all want nice things, to have the beautiful husband or wife, children, lots of money and to live happily ever after. That is the American dream of success is to succeed we want what we don’t have because it is the challenge of having the money the freedom really more than the money the money will come it’s the dream that we want money is just a object but the dream is real. How bad do you want what you want to see happen is the question as I mentioned before in this book. Nice guys don’t have to finish last you can have what you want go out and get it whatever it is you can have it. It is right on the table for all of us to come together and help others and we are all helping gain knowledge and learning something new each and everyday.
We all dream and our dreams give us hope. Never give up on your goals and dreams. Do what you really desire and block everything else in your mind out and just focus on that one thing that you most desire. In everything there is a beginning, a start point when you want to finish is up to you the best you can be the best strive to be the best because that makes us better at what we want to see happen. I love a good challenge that drives me even more when we see something we can achieve we will achieve it because hey if it worked for him it will work for me. Don’t settle for anything less than exceptional because you want to do the your very best day in and day out because we all can get better day by day learn the latest software promote your business in all levels of marketing. The internet is a awesome tool use it and it will work wonder for your business.

We all try to be the best people we can be as we are all in this together. We are all here for a reason. Life is taking experiences building on them and so on and so on. Everybody has always thought what if I made certain choices or done something a different way, but we make the choice to do certain things a certain way. In life there is free will to make various choices. Do not think that you made any wrong choices or bad mistakes I have always wondered why certain people come in and out of our lives and over the years I have realized there is a purpose for everything. Sometimes I wanted certain things to happen in my life but did not. In the beginning I wanted everything now. I wanted the relationship, the money, the car that I always wanted. I have a nice house I travel I enjoy what I do and I am happy that is the great thing about working for yourself you are always trading time for money working for somebody else its nice to not have to do that anymore. There are several books that I recommend that contain a lot of information for anybody studying positive thinking. They are listed at the end of this book for your reference. One thing I have learned is to trust and have faith and understand my mistakes.

I mean we are only human but we learn from our mistakes and it goes with us. I would not change anything in my life. I might think that I want to or simply think about it but I wouldn’t go with it because I know it is my path. I know that I try very hard at everything I do. I try to be happy and joyful but we all get upset sometimes and get off track. Life is not always easy and the reason why is because we have to learn from that experience. The more we experience the more we learn and the more we learn the more we gain out of life or any business that we are in we learn from experience. If you learn as you go in life you will make it in any business
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