» Self-Help » Youth Sanity In Crazy Culture, Santosh Jha [great novels .TXT] 📗

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and naïve but all these people are grown ups and mature. They must have knowledge about what they are making us understand. Why then they still indulge in all these wrongs and inappropriate?” You cannot have answer, as the answer shall be again full of hypocrisy.

So, is that there is no solution? No, there is a solution. The solution is in knowledge of objective and neutral realities. The solution is in ‘holism’ and not in ‘parts’. The trouble of all mechanisms, which are offered to you as ‘educational or prescriptive’ tools for eliciting ‘appropriate’ action-behavior benchmarks from you is; they are all only ‘part’ facts and knowledge. You are shown only ‘half picture’ of life-living realism as it is believed, you either cannot understand the ‘full picture’ or it shall be dangerous or inappropriate to give you the whole picture.

If science says, a kid is born as the genius of the universe, you can simply ask, why you are not wise and good enough to see and understand the whole picture! Your question is not outlandish. The other thing is; can some knowledge be labeled as ‘inappropriate’ for someone? It is said, you as a youngster are ‘impressionable’ minds and there has to be some ‘discretion’ in what should be handed over to you, at this tender and vulnerable age.

The bizarre but beautifully amazing fact is – at one hand, you are being offered some knowledge and information, which in all societies across the globe consider as ‘adult’ stuff, not amenable for the young impressionable minds. On the other, there is a huge debate on what type of information is ‘right and appropriate’ for you to get. The most bizarre fact remains that in a liberal and open society and culture you live, there is almost nothing, which does not touch your life and perception. The all-invasive media, the pop culture leaves nothing as ‘sacrosanct and hidden’. The fact is – you get all information, the difference can be, from which source you get it. Now, the debate can be, which source is ‘appropriate’!

The simple idea as a solution is, what I sincerely believe, you can very well understand, as you are my genius friend. Your genius is in something, which is labeled as ‘trouble’. This hypocrisy is one big thing, which keeps you away from your own wellness. The genius in you is your natural, intrinsic and highly profitable ‘inquisitiveness’. You have questions and all your questions are valid and right as they emanate out of your innate mechanism. This is your brilliant energy of personal growth and evolution as the new entrant in the society and culture.

As we have talked earlier, this world around us is very objective and neutral. The good or bad, the right or wrong is what plays inside the theatre of individual body-mind mechanism. When you get to know of this entire mechanism and see the whole picture of life and living realisms and how one’s own body-mind consciousness lands itself either on right or wrong side of it, you shall become the ‘masters of the mechanism’ and not the ‘puppets of mechanism’.

We are friends now and we shall talk about all these things like true friends and shall together arrive at the complete picture of life-living realisms. The issue at hand – the sanity and aesthetics of life-living choices and purpose shall automatically be addressed, as we go through the larger picture. You just have to be receptive and open to ideas.


First Thing First

Globally, youth is considered an unsettled and problematic period in a person’s life. As you are in this same age of unsettled energy, you must first fully understand the mechanism of this trouble and unsettled energy. If you are labeled as ‘troubled’, you have all the rights to know, what the reason behind this nomenclature is. This of course is the first primary step in the process of seeing and understanding the whole and larger picture.

It is not a rocket science or some hugely complicated idea, which you cannot understand. This is simple and innocent positioning of mind, which you can attain as this facility is something you are born with. All you need to do is understand the utility of the simple idea, we are about to talk. This shall solve more than half the problem associated with you being labeled as ‘trouble’.

You already know it that adolescence years are termed as time space movement from innocence to intelligence – from childhood to adulthood. This is the first thing you have to accept about yourself. You were in a beautiful and affectionate situation of a kid, where it was a ‘love-all’ position for you. You were innocent and this means, you knew almost nothing about the society and culture you are born in. There was actually no expectation from you as innocence, which is essentially a ‘knowing nothing’ stupidity, was precisely your virtue. Everyone loved this ‘small stupid’, which you were just a few years back but no more!

You had to grow and you just cannot wish to stop this to happen. Rather, you are just too happy to grow. As you start to grow, you cannot be left with your innocence. You have to learn and the most important learning is; what the society and culture of your surrounding has in it. Some of these learning shall be what you may like but most of the learning, you may not. The teenage is the formative years for all humans on the planet and in this time in the life, you are moving from ‘knowing nothing’ to the cherished position of ‘knowing all’. However, this is a long process and it shall take over a decade. You as a teenager are standing mid-way from both ends – the end of childhood, which you no more belong to and the other end of adulthood, where you have to reach but you have still not. You are in an ‘unsettled’ and ‘transitional’ space and that is why, unsettled is the tag or label, which should not offend you. Everyone goes through this phase.

It is only quite natural that you as a teenager are marked by crises of cognitive identities, individual benchmarks, social perceptions and role models. The crises and trouble emanate out of your unsettled ‘mid-positioning’. You are neither a kid, nor an adult. It is a mid-situation where, at times, you shall find yourself positioned more on the side of a kid and at other times, you shall be expected to behave as grown up.

This dualism shall be taxing for you. At times, you may wish to be more on the side of childhood, whereas the parents or others may demand you to be more in tune with your impending adulthood. Or, at times you would wish yourself to be reckoned as adult, when others would confine you to childhood limits. This surely shall be very unnerving for you. You have to accept that this pain of dualism is because of your mid-positioning, which shall pass away in time.

Youth are characterized by inquisitiveness, pepped up & restless energies, iconoclastic attitudes, experimentalism, non-conformist Epicureanism and gang behavior, etc. That is why, young world over are treated with caution and dread at times. They are perceived as people passing through the most turbulent time and space. This is altogether a negative image and perception of youth. You have to accept your precarious positioning in the journey of life and recognize, why this mid-positioning has so much negativity attached to it.

Let us have a positive perception and believe that youth are people looking out for their space in the crowd of grown up people and their established worldview. All of us have to accept it that it is not very easy task for the young. They need positive support from the grownups and the world they knock to enter. We also need all possible resources of the elders to understand and explore the world they get the feel of first time. As the youngsters get the first feel of all things, they react, and they react just because they have to, not because they are reactionary. Reacting is not bad at all! It is part of the process of getting to terms with new realities around in the ambient culture and environments. There is no need for grownups to be ‘reactive’!

As a youth, you have to see and understand one small thing. You are entering a world for the first time and as you do it, your best friend is something, which is within you. This is your natural inquisitiveness. However, be warned of the mood of this friend. As you feel the world around you, it is only natural that you shall ask too many questions. The questions are all genuine as they are natural to you. However, this world you have entered, already has a rule, custom and culture, which you have not made but still have to accept. There can be rules for asking questions and there can be customs of having answers for them. You may feel, you have questions and they need to be answered well. This may not sometimes be possible.

The simple thing to understand is, even if you do not get an answer or get an answer, which does not satisfy you, you cannot feel agitated or irritated about it. There is no need for it. You are the genius of the universe and you can very well understand this simple fact. You sure can feel a bit sad and unhappy. It is this aggression and out of place irritability, which is the trouble with you. You just have to understand this. Your label of a ‘trouble’ thing is not in your natural inquisitiveness, but in the approach to it. If you successfully weed out the aggression and impatient irritability out of your inquisitiveness, you are not a ‘trouble’ but a ‘treasure’. The simple fact is – you are always a treasure, as what makes you a treasure is your ‘internal’ and natural inquisitiveness. However, you turn into a trouble because of something, which you express ‘externally’.

My dear young friend, do kindly accept with open heart and mind that the issue of all synergies, symmetries and sanity of your personality, expected from you is something internally and naturally available to you. Your natural inquisitiveness has it all. It is only the external expression of ‘inappropriate’ aggression and impatient irritability, which disturbs your natural synergies, symmetries and sanity. Life’s aesthetics is in the poise and proportion of your innate consciousness within and this poise needs to be expressed in calm, cool and composed action-behavior. This wins everything for you. You lose only when you lose your poise posturing.

Only few years back, you were in the age of innocence and then, everyone pampered you and happily provided you almost everything you wished your way. However, the same people now expect you to be patient and accommodative, if you do not have your way every time. This is simply because, you have already left this place of innocence and now you are on way to a destination, where all desires and wishes have to be conditioned by social customs, cultural practices and law of the land, etc. Growing up means, you have to be ‘accommodative’, as you are now inseparable part of the society, which is a place where individualistic desires have to be adjusted and accommodated against collective well-being. Everyone has to do it.

The simple fact is, the trouble is not with your inquisitiveness or your non-acceptance of an answer as the right one. You always have the right to say, you differ and you do not accept it as the right answer. However, the trouble is with the way you accept a no for an answer. The aggression and heightened irritability is the trouble. Your non-accommodation with an innocuous ‘no’ is what labels you as ‘trouble’. It is not only with you. Anyone, even an adult, who is not well skilled with the social

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