» Self-Help » Youth Sanity In Crazy Culture, Santosh Jha [great novels .TXT] 📗

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to preside over the same system. For now, be comfortable and confident about your questions and inquisitiveness. And the most important is to maintain your cool. Never ever get irritated and aggressive in your action-behavior. Always remember, those who have truth in their side, never ever get angry and aggressive. They just smile.

If you maintain calm, cool and composed disposition, you shall realize that you shall emerge as winner in the end. As you shall grow and later enter college and even in career; you shall see that many of your natural and innocent questions shall meet with an untimely demise. This should only make you confident and sure of the righteousness and justification of your natural inquisitiveness. The nervousness or aggression, which you would see your questions generate among those who are responsible for answers, shall assure you that righteousness is on your side.

If righteousness is in your side, you should feel calm and composed, smiling. Why would questions scare anyone, if the answers are truthful? The force, with which the authoritative layers shall attempt to smother your natural questions, shall only reflect the reality that there is something that they fear the questions would expose – either their incompetence or ignorance to answer them or the larger hypocrisy of humanity.

If you are calm, cool and composed with your natural and innocent inquisitiveness, you shall grow up to the realism that asking question is a greater virtue than giving answers. Keeping a question alive, not allowing it to die prematurely requires a lot of courage, character and conviction.

Almost everyone claims to have the answers; some of them probably have. Most of them even fight for their answers to be the only justified one. Many have the authority to impose answers or the refusal of it on people. Only few however have questions and the courage to stand by them. You shall realize, if necessity was the mother of inventions, questions were the primary energy behind all inventions, all creations.

Just calmly and coolly, refuse the socially popular notion that a question is a sign of weakness as it exposes the ignorance of the questioner. You shall realize, a question is a sure sign of innocence and courage. It requires childlike innocence and courage of highest order to rise above the fear of being labeled an ignorant, to face the taunts of peer group and society to keep faith with your inquisitiveness. History is replete with instances where courage of question of a few men and women led to revolutions.

Natural and innocent questioners have always faced the ire of the majority who feared answers. Always be on the side of your natural questions. And as you do it, do it with a smile. This smile also comes natural to you, as you stay calm, cool and composed, never ever giving in to your irritability and aggression. Always accept, if something has truth in its side, it shall always be non-aggressive. This is simple realism of life.


The Genesis Of Trouble

We now focus our talks on the issues of sanity and sense in life, especially about sex and drugs. We have talked about how the adult world is very concerned about how teenagers handle the issue of sex and how it is emerging as number one trouble for teens, in terms of so many troubles for them and society alike. The issue of alcoholism and drugs use is closely related with sexual troubles as it has been established former aggravates the later issue.

The troubles for youth are unraveled in layers. The problems are multidimensional and multi-layered. The issues at hand are –

How teenagers can be convinced not to involve themselves in any sexual activity, till they reach an age of rationality and responsibility.

How to make the teenagers realize and accept that sex is essentially an exclusive domain of bonded pair of man and woman committed in marriage.

How to make teenagers realize that teenage is not the right time for sex activities as it has negative and degenerative impact on overall physical and mental health, as well as on balanced personality development.

How to convince teenagers that if they opt for sex, they need to take all possible measures to make the activity sanitized and safe.

How to impress upon the teenagers the fact that alcoholism-drugs and sexual adventurism are hugely negative impact on the very survival of human society and civilization as it is degenerating the utility and purpose of sanitized family and community living.

All these issues about teenage sexuality are simple ideas and not something as difficult like rocket science, which youth cannot understand. There have been major efforts to make the teenagers believe and accept all the above issues for their own benefit but with not much success.

The simple question is – a youth, who can understand the very tough and complicated mathematics, complex science and major social science philosophies, simply fails to understand a simple truth about sexual problems and sanity. Why?

The same youngster, who is smart and competent enough to understand the entire mechanisms of complicated technologies and runs them on their mobile phones and computers like a wizard, fails to comprehend this simple truths about sexuality. Why?

The bitter truth is – if there is a will to understand and accept something, there is always an easy way. Inversely, if there is no willingness and rather doubts about the utility of a proposition, there can never be any way to understand and accept them.

You as a youngster have a mind mechanism, which is so brilliant and powerful that it can assimilate a learning even when you are in worst of circumstances. The only trouble is, you cannot retain a learning, if it is assigned to your brain with uncertain and doubtful emotion. Moreover, if the same learning is not repeated to the mind from all corners in the ambient environment, the brain shall not retain it.

You are young and you have the genius to understand this simple mechanism of our brain. You shall then understand how your mind accepts and retains something and how and why it does not. You shall also understand how a learning comes to your use and help, when you are making decisions about the utility and worth of a thing or an idea.

When you know this mechanism of brain, you shall understand why all the above simple truths about sex and sexuality action-behavior, which the whole world is telling you, are not being put to ready and lasting practices. This is true with all, which you learn. This shall empower you, making you far more decisive in picking up the right facts of life and benefit from them.

Your brain has evolved over millions of years to enable you function well in the environment you survive and excel. It has its own mechanism. It receives trillions of signals through sensory organs like eyes, ears, nose, skin, etc. Not all information the brain receives can store in its conscious layers. It relegates most of the information to subconscious layers. Only those information are looped back to conscious mind for your daily life decisions, which are assigned to it with clarity of purpose and utility.

The things you learn are not the only information, which goes to the brain for processing and storing in its memory. Most information goes to the brains through eyes and ears. You are not even aware of them. When you learn something, you may or may not retain it. It depends entirely on your assigning it a value and purpose. This value-assignment is done by your emotions. Only those information are available for later use and utility by the conscious mind, which you accept with intense emotions and with an emotion of it being very important and useful to you.

For example, you love you mom very much. She is someone you value, trust and place high on your emotional ladder. Even if she says something casually, you automatically assign it great value and utility. Her words are sent as information to your brain, with loads of high emotional backup and your brain accepts its larger utility for you. Days go by but still, her words shall automatically loop back to your conscious mind, while you do anything or take a decision. This learning shall get strengthened in time as you keep recalling it.

However, you do not like your neighbor. So, even if your neighbor says something important to you, you shall receive it with skepticism. Your brain shall assign this information as ‘less valuable’ and relegate it deep down in your subconscious mind, as you did not assign it emotional backup. The words of your neighbor are not something you value, therefore, you may not recall it later. Your brain is an auto performer. It shall prune this bit of information, which your neighbor loaded in your brain as brain automatically trims those information, which are not in use. Very soon, you shall forget what your neighbor had said.

Take another example. You learn to ride a bicycle. You shall always be in a look out to have the bicycle in your hand so that you could master the ride and related skill. Even if you fall down sometimes, you keep your romance with bicycle riding. Why this happens? The simple reason is, when you first learnt cycling, it gave you huge joy of sense of accomplishment. Your pride got a huge boost. In mental terms, you assigned high value and emotion to the utility of bicycle ride. It is only natural that your brain prompted you to have more of it. As you had more of it, you mastered the artistry and skills of cycling.

However, when your schoolteacher makes you learn a topic for the first time, you may not like it. Unconsciously, you assigned low utility and emotional value to the idea of learning. Your mind accepts your value-assignment and does not prompt you to repeat the school lessons at home. As it is not repeated, you do not acquire mastery over it and gradually, it fades out of your memory.

Remember, the boy or girl, who does remarkably well in your class, is one who primarily accepts a school lesson as a joy and thrill. When school learning are thrill, and give you the same sense of accomplishment and pride, which the cycle ride gave you, you become the best student of your class as your subconscious mind leads you to master the learning.

Your brain can do even worst. If your brain gets the repeated information that you are gradually disliking your neighbor and class learning more, it shall devise a better plan for itself. Later, it shall happen to you that your neighbor or teacher shall say something yelling at you still, you shall not even receive what they said. Your brain almost shuts down your receptive doors.

This is a very common complaint about you as youth. People complain that young ones even do not listen to things, which adults have to say about their own wellness. It happens truly as over the years, your brain can make it shut down to voices, which it has recognized as ‘useless’ and ‘antagonistic’ to its wider utility. You need to understand and accept that.

This mechanism of brain has evolved this way to suit your survival and wellness needs. Your conscious mind is very small. It cannot store so many information, it receives almost every second of your life. The larger storage facility is your subconscious mind. Both are connected and information passage is both ways. Experts say, if your conscious mind is a foot long, your subconscious mind is the size of a football ground.

We talked about all this to make you understand, why you do not accept the utility of so many things, which the elders and larger society wants you to accept and put into effective practice. The ideas about appropriate and righteous sexual action-behavior benchmarks, which your family and society want you to understand, accept and practice, prove ineffective to you as all these ideas are not being assigned

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