» Self-Help » Youth Sanity In Crazy Culture, Santosh Jha [great novels .TXT] 📗

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only sex drives but also in all drives of humanity.

As you are the pioneering generation of this change, you shall have the most trouble in initiating this change. You shall see this hypocrisy, which is still around. The prevalent culture shall not go away overnight. It takes time. Imperialism and slavery also did not go away in years. It took decades. The change is a slow process and it begins with fresh minds of teenaged and young people. Those who have grown up, cannot lead the change as it is now probably too late for them. The flag is in the hands of teenagers like you. You shall take the revolution to create a culture for future, where both food and sex drives are poised and proportioned.

The challenge in the meantime is to understand the dualism. You are the protagonist of the change, which this global society has decided to bring about in their culture. However, the change is not something, which shall come in a day or year. It shall take years. In the meantime, many shall continue to be in the same old culture of sensual mis-adventurism. You shall definitely feel the hypocrisy in the call for sexual sanity, which you are expected to lead from the front. You have to understand and accept with pride and confidence that you are the future. The world shall be in your hands in a decade, where you shall design and devise the way your new culture shall express itself. The future is yours and that is why, you are being asked to lead the change. You shall do it yourself, to create a culture, which shall be ideal, when your kids shall be born and you shall handover the baton of leadership to them.

You, my young friend, as the leader of the change should understand, cultures become a neutral media of expression of popular choices and practices. The simple idea to understand is how markets work and how markets decide the broad culture. The economics of culture is value-neutral. If there is a demand, supply shall automatically crop up in an open economy we have. The market mechanism works on this simple prudence. People were demanding sexuality and consumptive pleasures and markets flooded things for them. As this happens, initially, there shall be periods, when demand shall be high and supply shall fall short in catching up the demand. However, as time shall pass more people shall become sellers and eventually, supply shall be more than demand. In such a situation, there shall be huge competition among suppliers to sell their product. This shall create a scenario, where sellers shall resort to using all available media in a hyped manner to sell their products. What you see around you is the second scenario, where media of all types are being used by the suppliers to sell their products as there are more people selling, than there are people willing to buy.

It is only natural that markets shall resort to all possible means to sell their products. The easy means is to sell it by manipulating the sexual drives of buyers. Therefore, everywhere in the markets and media, you shall see sexuality on overdrives. Even a small candy shall be wrapped up in overt sexuality branding to make it sell because, sex sells faster and harder. This then becomes a staple of the contemporary culture. The overdose of overt sexuality in modern culture is the simple interplay of markets and basic economics.

You, my young friend, are the genius of the universe and now you are the protagonist of the change, which the world wants your generation to bring about in future. You have to understand the mechanisms of culture, the markets and human drives to bring about a sanity, synergy and symmetry in the society and culture. You are the hope and the baton of change is in your hand. You have to rise above the hypocrisy and lead the change by accepting the prudence, proportion and poise of all things around you so that you lead the march of sanity, symmetry and synergies to the future, when this world shall be in your hand and you shall proudly say – ‘Look, we have done it’!


Mechanism Of Sexuality

We have talked earlier that when you understand the mechanism well, you become the masters of mechanism, rather than being puppets of mechanism. We therefore now talk about the mechanism of human sexuality, so that you have ease in understanding, what is the appropriate sexual action-behavior, for which we have been designed and evolved as.

At the very outset, it has to be accepted that human sexuality is unique and it has almost no parallel in animal world. The human sexuality is a product of long evolution and as it stands now, this special brand of sexuality was evolved to suit human survival needs.

In the animal world, you must have noticed, the sexuality is restricted to a particular period in a year and the sexual behaviors of all members of a species have absolute commonality. Most animal societies are matriarchic where male members do not live in bonded pair, like humans. The males are accepted in the group for a short period of mating and then they move away. Males have no or very little responsibility towards the new born. Only mother and other female members are responsible for offspring.

Human evolution however, required a different mating strategy as the physiological requirements necessitated it. The human child has a longer gestation period in mother’s womb. It needs longer support from mother as unlike many animals, human child does not stand on its feet and starts running after few hours of birth.

As we have talked earlier, evolution is a stupid engineering; it facilitates something, which is essential for survival only. It does not create anything for long-term excellence. Humans therefore evolved in such a way that both male and females developed different sets of physiological and mental features. As the human child needed care for longer period of time, it was ideal that human females remained in a bonded relationship with male and shared their roles and duties to raise the child successfully.

The human male took care of external works of bringing food and providing security. He grew stronger muscles and lean physique. Females on the other hand remained confined to home as they were either carrying a baby in their arms or were pregnant. The human female is the most vulnerable when pregnant as she cannot run fast and fight a predator. She needed lasting security from male partner.

Evolution as a stupid engineer evolves such traits and features, which suits a particular and current need. It does not design anything for overall and lasting excellence. Therefore, humans evolved a sexual mechanism, which suited the current need of survival to their offspring. This required male and female to remain in a bonded and committed pair status for long.

In consonance with the unique requirements of human child, human sexuality evolved a range of sexual traits and features, which resulted in male-female sexual bonding for life. There are details of all these sexual evolution and mating mechanism, which shall tell you how these traits and features led to this current state of overdrive of sexuality, which is unique only for humans. I am not telling them to you and you shall know of them when you grow up, as it may not be ‘appropriate’ to tell you all this now.

I brought up this topic just to make you understand the fact that humans too could have similar restricted and seasonal sexuality like most animals. However, evolution designed our sexuality in a lasting bonded pair of male-female for the survival of the child. This need is still there. Nothing has changed in human child’s mechanism, as human child now needs larger and better care of both father and mother. It is therefore more important that sexuality is preserved in the same format of bonded, committed and affectionate man-woman pairing for life.

The simple idea is; what is right and what is wrong is usually a cultural definition, which can change with time as cultural needs change. However, there are always and shall always remain a definition of ‘appropriate’ and ‘inappropriate’, in terms of basic and natural needs of humanity for its survival and constant evolution. If we do something, which enhances human survival and evolution, then it is ‘appropriate’ and this is some right thing, which culture of all time should hold as sanity and righteousness.

The contemporary culture of sexual adventurism and bizarreness as well as instant-gratifications is ‘inappropriate’ as it is degenerating the very survival and evolution of human race. The bonded pair and commitment of prolonged care by both father and mother for child till he or she grows to be on its own is majorly being compromised because of this sexual adventurism. Half the marriages in developed societies are ending in divorce, resulting in single parent care for child, which mentally, emotionally and physically compromises a child’s growth.

In simple terms, the idea is to make you understand that sex exclusively in marriage and sex as brilliantly beautiful endowment of marital bonding is something, which is a basic requirement of human survival and excellence. Keeping away from alcohol-drugs is essential for sanity of family, which is the basic unit for human survival. If this basic and cardinal rule is being flouted, we all can see, how humanity suffers. That is why, globally, rational people are advocating to bring back the sanity and symmetry in all drives and instincts in society.

You as a youth have the baton of this change in your hands. You need to lead this change to bring back the much desired sanity and reason in human culture. When you understand the utility and purpose of the express need of something being advocated for you, you shall have the ease and willingness in accepting them. Then only you can lead the change.


Aesthetics Of Life-Living Purpose

As you have just entered the world and gear up to land in a space marked for adults, in a few years from now, one thing you must understand is the definition of true intelligence. Everyone shall expect you to be intelligent and do all right things. However, you may feel confused as what is this ‘intelligence’ and what is ‘right’ thing in life.

As we have talked earlier, there shall always be a cultural definition of all things and then, there is the definition, which you shall subjectively feel as the right one. However, there is one truth and righteousness, which is objective, neutral and singular. You may accept it or may not but, as we talked earlier, there can be rights and wrongs, on the basis of cultural definition as well as personal definition. However, there is an ‘appropriate’ thing and an ‘inappropriate’ thing, defined on the basis of its utility or futility in enhancing the survival and excellence of humanity as a race.

We talk here not the right and wrong, but about appropriate and inappropriate. This we decide on the basis of our mechanism, the mechanism of the environment around us and the relationship between the two.

It has been said, ‘what man seeks is what he wants, and is not at all what he needs’. Humans are competitive animal; evolution designed humans this way. He or she needs to win, always, as it his or her survival instinct. This desire to win is beautifully expressed by his or her ego. Often, the survival needs and ‘desires’ lead him or her to seek and compete to win.

However, what he or she wants/seeks is not always, what he or she needs. Most people admit, the fine line, which separates what one ‘wants’ from what one ‘needs’ is tough to ascertain. This is tough but crucial as this fine line separates ‘appropriate’ from ‘inappropriate’.

What an individual seeks is ‘Empowerment’. What society needs from him or her is collective ‘Utility’. Individual is guided by his or her survival instincts

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