» Self-Help » Youth Sanity In Crazy Culture, Santosh Jha [great novels .TXT] 📗

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emotional weight of utility and purpose by you. You listen to them but either, the ideas do not reach your mind or, you just let them in without any emotional assignment of high value and utility.

Moreover, as these ideas get relegated to the deeper layers of your subconscious, they are not recalled, when you make your decisions and choices about sexual action-behavior or alcoholi-drugs. As these ideas are seldom put to use and practice, your subconscious mind prunes it and removes from memory. This leads you to get into the same sexual and substance abuse troubles, against which the world warns you.

Now, you also need to understand, why you do not assign emotional weight of value and utility to the ideas of sanity and purpose. Why is it that despite repeated learning offered to you about appropriate sexual action-behavior, these ideas and learning fail to get emotional weight assignment by you?

Believe me, this is very simple to understand. This problem of yours is not something exclusive to you. Everyone faces the same trouble, as mind mechanism is common to all of us. Even when you shall grow up, the trouble shall remain the same. That is probably why, you also see the elders doing the same mistake and create the same troubles, for which you as a teenager are being blamed. Let us talk about it.

At the outset, you need to accept that we humans have a mechanism. Our brain handles this mechanism for us and we all are largely what our mechanism is. Of course, we are not machines, we are more than our mechanisms but, we have a mechanism, which handles majority of our action-behavior. When we understand this mechanism, we create a conscious personality, which can rise above and beyond this restrictive mechanism. All learning and wisdom of humanity, like the sexual sanity ideas, are aimed at creating a person and personality in you, which is empowered and endowed to become the ‘master of mechanism’. If we do not do it, we shall remain the ‘puppets of mechanism’, a proposition akin to being an animal. Animals live their lives as per their wired instincts. To be human is to be more than our instincts. Human intelligence is in being the ‘masters of the instincts’ and not just the ‘puppets of instincts’ as the animals are.

In all wisdom, be it science, philosophy or religion; it has been established that a person is mostly in state of flux. The mind operates as per its mechanism and usually, people are not even aware what subconsciously goes into their minds. In our daily lives, we unconsciously assign information and emotional weight to so many inputs, which go into our brain. Usually, what we see and what we hear happening around us, decides our subconscious mind. Ambient culture therefore is the most decisive input for our subconscious mind for emotional assignment of value and utility.

Popular and prevailing culture of a society is the most powerful media. What prevails in the culture and what trends in the culture, automatically becomes the strongest basis of our subconscious mind’s decisions about our own needs and righteousness. The subconscious mind is designed for ‘aping’. It is the most primitive instinct, which remains the most potent one. We all evolve through this aping instinct. From childhood, a person’s growth comes through aping. It is only very natural that the subconscious mind accepts aping as big virtue and we all have this innate tendency to ape, which is popular and prevalent trend in the culture we live.

In the prevailing and popular culture of most developed societies, especially in western world, sexuality and sexual adventurism is a popular and prevalent trend. Even the adult world is hugely concerned about too much and too over the board sexuality in almost everything around. The language people speak, the appearances people choose, the fashion and lifestyle people follow and the way people express their feelings and ideas in private and public spaces of life; everything has crass overdose and indulgence of overt sexuality. The same is about alcohol-drugs.

In such a culture, where sexuality is what defines the subconscious layer of collective conscience, if someone preaches you about sexual sanity and reticence, an average teenage mind cannot help but accept them as some marvelous joke! A young mind is inquisitive and it has still not loaded his or her mind with huge biases. The youth can never ever accept something as important as learning, if it is perceptibly packaged as hyped hypocrisy. The hypocrisy in sexual learning of sanity and symmetry for teenagers cannot be assigned value and emotional utility by teens as their subconscious mind has already assigned the opposite of it as the preferred value and utility. This subconscious mind positioning of teens is truly in sync with popular cultural benchmarks and trends. Teens cannot be exclusively blamed for their inappropriate sexual action-behavior. The same is about alcohol-drugs.

This however, does not mean, you as a youth should blindly follow, what is a stupid cultural trend. In all ages, in all societies and culture, hypocrisy has remained in full view of young impressionable minds. Still, in the past and also in the present, young ones have risen up and evolved successfully to become greats in all walks of life. This is the true genius of a youth like you. You have the mechanism to rise above all hypocrisies and conflicts of cultures and attain the lofty and higher purposes and utilities of life. We shall talk about that later.


Understand The Drives Of Humanity

I am talking with you about the mechanisms we all have and why we behave and act the way we do. The purpose is for you to understand well the genesis and genetics of your action and behavior. This has two purposes – first, you shall know why people say, youth are ‘troubled’ in their action-behavior. You shall diagnose the cause of trouble and secondly, you shall have better control over your conscious and subconscious action-behavior. This shall enable you to understand the righteousness and utility of an act-behavior as well as the larger benefits of the ‘appropriate’ benchmarks of action-behavior, which society expects from you.

We shall talk now about why you see so much overt sexuality in culture, even when everyone simultaneously talks about the need to downplay it and have larger sanity into it. We are talking about the personal mechanisms, which our body-mind consciousness has as well as the mechanisms of the culture, you see all around you as a powerful media.

All living organisms, including humans have two most powerful natural drives. Drives are essentially the natural and born instincts, which are wired in our genetic makeup. This means, drives are our first skin, our first priority, which our very mechanism of existence has ingrained in our makeup, well before we are born. Culture comes later. These drives are so powerful that they dominate our subconscious action-behavior to the extent that even the very aware and potent conscious mind is also at times unable to override it.

These two drives are – food and sex; both are natural expressions of organism’s primary need of survival. It has now been established that of the two drives, we all are born with, sex is more powerful, to the extent that in almost all living organisms, including humans, an individual can often risk its life for the fulfillment of the desires, emanating from sex drive. Just understand it, how powerful this sex drive is that organisms, including humans can place it above survival, which is the most powerful instinct in all of us.

There is nothing wrong with it and there is no need for being uncomfortable or stressed about it. We have been designed this way. It is very natural. In the long process of evolution, these drives have evolved and become encoded in our genetic makeup. These drives are there to ensure our wellness and progress as an advanced species. We just need to understand them. The evolution, the experts say is a ‘stupid engineering’. It designs something not for overall excellence, but for basic survival needs. It is completely on the higher prudence of humanity to understand these drives and evolve a culture, where these drives put us in larger excellence and not bare survival.

You as a youth are the genius of the universe and you can understand it all. You can see yourself that how the drive of food has landed humanity in all sorts of health troubles. The drives are natural but even these drives have to be in perfect synergies, symmetry and sanity with our internal body-mind mechanisms as well as the external environment. Culture is one big external environment.

The drives were there for our survival. However, we are well past the evolutionary stage of survival needs. We have plenty of food for all of us and we are no more threatened by food scarcity. The time for us is now for excellence, not survival.

The food drive is now humanity’s number one trouble, which was once a core instinct ensuring survival. Humanity is now on the overdrive of both the drives. If you see around us, you shall easily witness everything around you engaged in nothing but consumption. Globally, most people are landing themselves with lifestyle diseases, which are direct outcome of over consumption. More people are dying of overeating than starvation. The scenario of worldwide trouble for humanity can be ascribed to over-indulgence of their two drives of food and sexuality. The instant-self-gratification culture is against survival and excellence.

You also have to understand that the two core drives of food and sex manifest itself in multidimensional ways; especially sex. Almost everything humans do, the eventual goal is almost always a manifestation of the instinctive sex drive. However, these drives are culturally expressed in a manner, which ensures sanity and symmetry in the society. Human culture was evolved to give aesthetic value to these raw drives of humanity. Culture is all about an order and system, which brings about prudence, proportion and poise to natural human drives.

However, human raw drives of sexuality have always remained in major conflict with cultures of all time. The modern culture has allowed liberalism to such limits, where all inhibitions, prudence, proportions and poise on sex drives of people have been removed. We now face the troubles of this unbridled culture.

However, as a youth, you need to understand that just as you are in a transition phase of growth towards a mature adult, this culture around you is also in the same transition. This culture of sexual misadventure is a passing phase of humanity. In the long history of humanity on this planet, there have been phases of culture, where some destructive practices ruled for some time but all of them phased out in time. Human intelligence can drift in indecisive imprudence for some time but finally, it has the genius to restore sanity.

The world you are seeing has not been as good and peaceful as it is now. A century back, we had a global culture, where men fought wars and the culture of imperialism and slavery ruled the world. The world fought two devastating wars and it almost emaciated the humanity of all goodness. However, the prudence and sanity of humanity prevailed and in the last 60 years, we have grown marvelously on the cherished path of global peace, coexistence, democracy and liberal culture. In social and cultural practices too, the world has become a far better place to live in the last six decades.

This culture of sexual misadventure and bizarreness as well as instant-self-gratification madness shall pass too. Already, what this calamitous culture has brought to western developed societies has made everyone aware of the need to have a system of sanity and symmetry. What you are being told by elders to keep away with is a conscious and determined effort by larger society to have a new generation of people, who create a new culture, which has larger prudence, proportions and poise on not

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