» Self-Help » Motivation (MDC #1), DeYtH Banger [to read list .TXT] 📗

Book online «Motivation (MDC #1), DeYtH Banger [to read list .TXT] 📗». Author DeYtH Banger

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we choose, through every relationship we influence, through the long days and long marches that lead to our highest selves and highest contributions, through all the hopeful dreams born from a liberated soul." Chapter 19.5. - Fear Rip Us

 "FEAR RIPS US FROM FREEDOM. IT IS THE DESTROYER OF greatness. We know this, and we know we should tame our mind in order to defeat fear. Yet look at all the adults who act like powerless children and avoid the life they want because of fear. The socially oppressed say, “Well, you don’t understand. People are always holding me back, and I am afraid to chase my dreams because others will judge and reject me.” And the self-oppressed say, “You don’t understand. I can’t chase my dreams because I might fail—I might not be good enough.” These are the debilitating thoughts of the fearful. Should we wish to live a vibrant life, we must transcend such childishness and look fear in the eye, recognizing it as a mental construct that we alone fuel with small thoughts that betray our magnitude."


"They have not been restricted by social myth, and ego has yet to take control over their life. You must understand that your truth will never go away, and will always be there to correct you when you feel otherwise. It is also accessible for growth and learning; hence we can relate who we really are to any situation and any decision.I must ask you this question: Are you really being who you know you are? Nearly everyone I’ve asked has become defensive and answered with, “Of course I am.” In my own experience, most times we are acting how we think we have to, not the way we truly want to. We think about what others are thinking about us. What are they going to think when I do this? What are they looking at? What makes them laugh? How do I have to be to fit in? What can I do to impress them? We have thoughts like, “Oh my God, they are all looking at me, straighten up, no, don’t look down, look up, look cool,” and so on. We do this when we walk down the street, go for a run, visit the beach, or socialize. It’s usually a subconscious reaction because we have repeated it throughout our life. If you say that you don’t care about what others think or the effect they have on your life, that is an outright lie. If you didn’t care what others thought, you would be walking around the streets naked. And I know I’m not alone with drifting off at some points and wondering what my funeral would be like. Come on; tell me that hasn’t crossed your mind. What would people say about me? Would they cry? Would I be missed? How would they remember me?It’s human nature to care what other people think. It’s obvious that people are going to remember whatever legacy we leave behind. In order to leave a legacy we must be our legacy now. The greatest legacy we can live and leave behind is to be who we really are. Doing this allows your true destiny to be displayed. If you don’t know who you are, how can you make yourself happy? So are we being who we really are, or who we feel we have to be? It’s a fine line, but with a bit of thought you will be able to distinguish between the two. Finding this distinction allows progress to soar."


Note: Question Everything is what you need to remember

Chapter 19.6. - RelentLess

"The key to becoming relentless is to focus on the problem in front of you. Give it your full attention. Become someone who progresses even when all seems lost. The answer is always out there; all you need to do is find it.

Then you can move forward to your next obstacle. And you give that obstacle your full attention until it’s taken care of. Then there’s the next and the next and the next.

By doing this, you never have to wonder where you’re going. You’re not worried about how many miles you have left to walk. You become someone who loves obstacles rather than avoids them because obstacles are your keys to success and growth. You simply take one step at a time.

And if you come upon something that’s blocking your path, you find a way to get over it or get around it. Then you keep walking.

Relentlessness doesn’t mean charging into the fray headfirst, swinging and flailing your arms every which way. It’s focused, determined action. Again and again and again.

You’re not bashing your fist against a brick wall until it’s bloody and bruised. You’re using your hammer and chisel to slowly, methodically chip away piece by piece until eventually there’s a hole.

And then the hole gets bigger. And bigger. And before you know it, you’re like Alice stepping through the looking glass to a whole new world."

Chapter 20 - Resistance

"And the resistance doesn’t just come from other people; It comes from your own mind too. Both your conscious and subconscious thoughts can work against you to stop your dreams right in their tracks.

It could be outright negative – “That’s impossible. Why even try?” Or it could be subtler.

“Wouldn’t it be a lot better to just sleep in instead of getting an early jump on things at the office?” “That game on your phone is so much more fun than working.”

You could overcome these distractions and objections, of course, as we discussed in the last chapter. But there comes a point on your journey where you sometimes lose track of where you are. You become so locked up in the daily humdrum that you’ve completely wandered off the path and into the middle of the fucking jungle, and are now meandering around with no map, no water and no clue.

Are you going in the right direction? How long until you get there? How much more of this can you take? Maybe it’s over here. No wait, maybe it’s this way.

And when you inevitably stumble or encounter some sort of obstacle, you question the journey at all. Maybe it’s even time to turn back.

At this point, when you don’t know whether you’re up or down, how far you have to go or how far you’ve come, there’s only one thing that can keep you going.

That thing is relentlessness. The momentum to keep moving and moving and moving, no matter what happens.

It doesn’t matter if we’re “feeling it”, it doesn’t matter if we’re gripped by doubt and worry.

Here’s the deal, true relentlessness comes when the only thing you have left is relentlessness. When it seems all is lost and all hope and evidence for success has long since vanished, relentlessness is the fuel that drives you through."

Part 6

 Let's face it... let's go little further than any other book has ever went... 

Chapter 1 - School

 Let me tell you something..

Just let me tell you something


School is not helping kids... adults... even university. The truth is that we had cavemen problems long ago which were... bashing with a wood somebody and being high status... Trying to abuse.. Trying force somebody... like a woman to fuck. Nowadays these problems are over... they are












Mainly because there were humans right there .... at the right moment... and started creating social groups.... to be more accurate... they started to punish the bad people... but one moment they realised that they are high status
.. and PLENY of the people they know... are getting into that level... and long time... long time... School and universities were created.. .




And NOWADAYS this is the bench... which creates a big differences of the guy who walks out and is homeless and the rich folks.


School... university... such places fuck self-image
.. self-CONFIDENCE.. . It crEstes procrastination and one moment you got in your pocket a whole book of bad Habbits... it's a fucking long list... teachers fuck you over... you get one of those negative people in your social circle of life and one moment you see that your parents aren't far from this line...



19 Years old... thinks about killing himself




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