» Self-Help » Motivation (MDC #1), DeYtH Banger [to read list .TXT] 📗

Book online «Motivation (MDC #1), DeYtH Banger [to read list .TXT] 📗». Author DeYtH Banger

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 It's kinda a double that What next I am going to say... it's kinda contradiction and it still doesn't make this book ready, you are not ready in finishing it.




In this world there are reality shows, comedy shows, TV Shows and books and famous people and articles and gazillion ton of information. (Clearing the bullshit)
If you are betting on playing data game... the game in which you are lazy... you don't doo much activities and don't have any social skills... you ain't gonna win this game.





By now I am procrastinating in WRITTING this book... It's procrastination... I could have call a friend or even made a call to a person who I don't care so much... and what?


I am here typing data like a angry monkey... school system is ruining ton of minds...





And now "you" "I" and pleny of other people are out there and just don't know what to do... how to do it... when to do it... why to do it...

The problem is each action by itself is procrastination.


Stop for a minute and let's not this out... you started a book soon enough you gonna finish it. You are more than a average human...











mindset... what this whole thing was all about was about the people who put you down... be rude about it... life is not long you don't want around yourself baggage full of shit... full of procrastination... anxiety... negativity... depression... ecauses and all this BULLSHIT. It's time to cut up to the chase distance from mediocre build up circles... go with new mindsets and lastly... don't go to harsh on yourself ... it's the root of all evil.

Chapter 3 - Distraction and Worries

 "“It’s this simple, in order to improve your internal world, you have to start by taking action in the external world. Get out of your mind, and get out into your life.”"

"There’s a time for thinking and developing your mind. But ultimately, you’ve got to step up to the plate and put what you to know into action.

All of your assertions play into that. You are willing – to take action. And to embrace the uncertainty that comes along with it.

“I am relentless” doesn’t mean relentlessly thinking or watching TV. It means relentlessly doing. Relentlessly taking action, pursuing your goals, acting and failing and ultimately succeeding.

Nothing that I’ve shown you will make a single difference in your life, unless you act on it. You have to make the difference. Make it happen.

You have to claim your greatness. I’m not going to do it for you. Neither is your mother or your spouse or your neighbor. Confidence won’t save you, the future is not suddenly going to improve, your worry isn’t going to suddenly disappear and your new qualifications aren’t going to make you suddenly assertive or credible. Only you can take a stand for your potential.

Don’t just read this, think about it, and then go on about your life doing the same shit over and over. Apply it.

“I’ll do it later” – no, do it now.

“I’m not smart enough to do that” – cut it out. Stop honoring that shit and act.

Don’t let your mind control you any longer. Stop letting it hold you back with its excuses and distractions and worries."

Chapter 4 - Quit

 "Take stock of the things you want to achieve. What do you want to accomplish? What do you need to do to get there? Map out the next step – hold yourself accountable, moment by moment by moment to those steps.


These two steps, stopping and starting, are naturally linked. Because psychologically, it’s hard to just quit something “cold turkey”. Especially when it’s an addictive habit, that affects the very chemistry of our brains, like food or sex or drugs or video games.

Stopping your bad habit doesn’t help, unless you replace it with something else, something that actually works in your favor and is an example of the new kind of life you really want to live. It’s about systematically replacing the old with the new, forging a new life for yourself--the kind of life you’ve always wanted.


You have to clear out the bad to make room for the good. Otherwise you’re not going to have enough evidence for that new life. You’re building a case for a new life, item by item. The process has to be thorough and decisive or you’ll always be held back and slowed down on your journey to change, carrying that dead weight.


Quit the TV, the sea of self-help books that you read and do nothing with, excessive eating, sofa camping and procrastination. Replace them with tango classes, book clubs, eating for fuel, bicycle riding and expressing yourself…ANYTHING!"

Chapter 5 - Excuses With Promises of Nothing

 "We’re constantly buying ourselves off. We have all kinds of things we tell ourselves about why we “can’t”.

I can’t, I can’t, I can’t. But you can. These are all just excuses. You promise yourself all kinds of new actions, you put them off with a litany of reasons and end up within nothing more than a growing relationship to yourself as a bullshitter!

You’re way more likely to sell out on yourself than anyone else!

The only difference between you and the person who’s living the life you want is that they’re doing it. They’ve built that life, and they’re living it.


They’re not smarter, more mindful, stronger, or any of that stuff. They don’t have anything you don’t. The only difference is that successful people don’t wait. They’re not waiting for the “right” moment. They don’t wait for inspiration to strike or for some cosmic event to force them to action. They get up and they do, and they try, and they fail even before they may feel “ready.” They’re flying the airplane while they’re building it. If it falls out of the sky, they’ll piece it back together and try again."


"“If I take death into my life, acknowledge it, and face it squarely, I will free myself from the anxiety of death and the pettiness of life – and only then will I be free to become myself.”

- Martin Heidegger


One day, you’re going to die. You’re going to stop breathing, become still, and cease to exist. You will exit this physical plain. Whether it’s tomorrow or twenty years from now, it’s going to happen.


We’re all mortal. There’s no escaping it. You might find discomfort in these words or resist the notion of your demise but if it’s truth you’re after, that’s the one truth you just cannot argue with. You are going to die.

Imagine that you’re on your death bed. You hear the beep... beep... beep of the monitor nearby. Your health is critical, and you’ve only got a few hours to live. You can feel your heartbeat and energy slide.


As you lie there, you start to look back on your life. You never made the change you wanted. You stayed stuck in that same job, that same relationship, that same overweight body until now, the day you die.

You read books, but you never applied them. You planned diets, but you never followed them. You told yourself what you were going to do, psyched yourself up a thousand times, but you never did it. You started dozens if not hundreds of life changing escapades and then wilted.


As you lie there in your hospital bed, loved ones cycling in and out over the course of the day, what do you feel?

Regret? Remorse? Sorrow? What would you give if you could go back to this moment—the one in which you’re reading this book—and do things differently? If only…."

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