» Self-Help » Motivation (MDC #1), DeYtH Banger [to read list .TXT] 📗

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mantra. Choosing not to listen to weaklings demands true personal power, especially for those of us who are good listeners and empathetic friends, as we want to respect their opinions and circumstances. We must be discerning with those we know well and allow close; it is

possible to listen lovingly while being careful about what energy we absorb.
With strangers, it makes sense to be guarded: it is easy to be seduced by bon vivants and those who promise lazy afternoons of eating, drinking, gossiping, or watching tasteless reality. We can be fooled by their leisurely pace, mistaking their lack of ambition for serenity. But these kinds of people can be more apathetic than relaxed. We must beware them, for they can make us fear the thing that advances our lives: effort.
“Take it easy,” they say. “Why work so hard? Nothing you do is going to last or mean anything or make a difference anyway.”
It’s as though on our ambitious journey, these people wave toward us on the sidelines with a smile, yet they whisper to others that our toils are a waste of time. They make like watchmen, warning us with great glee against oncoming struggles.…"




"…I did this because I thought I found comfort in doing it. In a way, I did for that brief moment; but that was only because it made me think the world, as I’d come to know it, was still intact. Along with the fear of going into the unknown, I also hadn’t come to the understanding that the world only seemed the way it did because I had made it that way. I didn’t allow myself to see the truth until I went through a deep process of questioning. I began to ask myself, Does taking drugs really make me happy? I would answer with, Maybe. It was still not a stable answer, so I asked again. If it makes me happy for a couple of hours, but I hate the rest of the week, is that really happiness? No.Then another one: Is taking drugs stopping me from getting what I really want out of life? I want to achieve, I want a great relationship, and I want to be healthy, so yes, it’s preventing me from ever getting those things…"





"You must remain strong throughout the process, and you can do this by weighing up your answers (your new beliefs), compared with the old lies. It even reaches a point where you should be so disgusted with your old ways that it turns into good frustration.Physically scream at yourself in the mirror if you feel the urge. I would personally repeat again and again, “That life is destroying you, you’re not going back under any circumstances, do you understand? Yes.” Then I would repeat, “You’re living a better life, you’re living a better life,” and so forth. Something I highly recommend if you find yourself battling the old habit. Say it with as much power as you can, so it feels like you just got a baseball bat and hit those old beliefs out of the park. Also, feel free to tell people about your change. I remember the day I stopped smoking I went and told as many people as I possibly could. I made myself feel extreme pleasure and pride every time I did. I knew that if I began the habit again, everyone would consider me weak, but more important, I would consider myself weak. I reinforced the belief that if I started smoking again I would not be successful in life, and every time it came to mind I began to imagine the chemicals eating away at my body. As a result, the thought would make me nearly physically throw up. It sounds extreme, but when you think of the extreme effects smoking has on your health, it sounds like a pretty good substitute. The question is: How much do you want change?If I told you that you could change the direction of your life so that it would be more fulfilling right now, would you? If the answer is yes, then you acknowledge that there are areas of your life that you feel you are personally destroying. No one really wants to destroy their own life. Even though they might be doing just that doesn’t mean it’s what they want…"



"The more that people are motivated to be successful and achieve the goals set for them, the more their confidence in their own abilities will grow as well, which can, in turn, make them even more motivated.
But you can also work on your own confidence and motivation in the workplace in order to achieve your goals and intentions. When people are confident and motivated at work, there are many positive factors that result in the workplace:

• Job satisfaction improves
• Effort increases
• Working environment improves
• Results are the focus
• Drive is created
• Everyone’s full potential can be tapped
• Everyone is certain of the role they are to fulfill"

Chapter 13 - Confidence



We all know people who are confident. They seem to face life’s obstacles with a level of calm that is enviable. They get into action to respond to a problem before giving themselves time to dwell or worry too much. Confident people are more successful at work because they have a belief in their own abilities to the point that they feel comfortable handling whatever comes at them. Make a presentation to the board? No problem – the confident
person plans and executes the presentation without allowing fear to stop them. When someone is confident, they:

• Focus on their strengths while managing their weaknesses
• Aren’t afraid to take risks
• Enjoy challenging themselves and setting high goals
• Seek out self-improvement opportunities
• Aren’t afraid to admit when they make a mistake."



"We mustn’t take these loiterers on the sidelines for friends. These people will inspire nothing but weakness, and their invitations to a life of ease are lures to a life of indolence. Their ease is not what we are after. For what good is a life without struggle? What can be learned? How else do we grow? What mastery can there be without real effort, real sweat, real toil, real thunder?

Yes, we should meet with caution the apathetic and unambitious, those too weak to fight or try or endure. They have forfeited their freedom. They don’t have the resolve to pursue their highest selves or any meaningful purpose. And so they are not examples for us"

"We must remember that most cynics and judgmental tyrants who seek to oppress us are small, frustrated people who take the heat off their own apathy and failure by labeling us as narcissistic strivers or undeserving fakes. They try to belittle us to stop feeling so little themselves. These are those who hide behind a computer or powerful position and exert their uninformed opinion on us so that they feel better about themselves. Should they be asked about their own contributions, they generally fall silent or lash out in incoherent and meaningless diatribes. Theirs is a sad fate, where their only sense of success is to point out our failures; to elevate themselves they must demean us. Their jabs are sad demonstrations that nothing is easier for small minds than to discount great ones. For those who dwell in Ignorance, everyone from out of town is suspect."


"Beware those too apathetic to strive for important things as they ultimately instill indifference, swaying so many independent people from their path of greatness. And so let us stay on our path. Let us choose the strenuous life, taking pride and finding honor in our struggles and our contributions. We will not fear the exhaustion and anxieties that magnificent dreams and unceasing hard work can bring. We will keep a joyous heart even as we toil, for our toils bring us toward that which we find meaningful. Let us humbly pass by the watchers and the aimless, the bored and the bellyaching. They have nothing to offer but distraction and useless comment."






Chapter 14 - Society Is So Afflicted

 "A society so afflicted by ease and conformity always flinches at the arrival of those boldly seeking Personal Freedom. As we express our true selves and advance toward our dreams, we will meet unfathomable, unending resistance. Those who play a zero-sum game of life—who believe they cannot succeed if we do—may launch slings and arrows of envy. Or they might seek, with soft and duplicitous words, to lull us back into the fold. Those at our sides may stab us with doubts about our readiness or warn that the world is too hostile a place. And those in front of us, fearful of losing their place, may hurl wicked accusations and build walls to keep us back. We must ready ourselves and be wary of the effect such tyrants can have in making us feel fearful in life."


"We must be especially vigilant in our reactions to contemptuous, small-minded people who fight for overt and oppressive power over others: the brute who towers over others, using his physical presence to intimidate, the greedy liar at work who seeks to wreck us, the abusive lover, the vicious neighborhood gossip, the condescending bullies and the sweet-talking con artists. While we mustn’t let these few tar the goodwill of the majority, we are wise not to deny their existence This sort of extreme tyrant has a vast terrain of ego to defend. They can be narcissistic, paranoid, angry people. Their commonality is that they are on constant search for those seeking their level of success. They want to wreck them. Their goal is to oppress our will and energy so that they can feel better about themselves. Consciously or unconsciously, they see our advance as a threat to their power or a sign of their weakness. And so if they can minimize us, they can minimize their loss of stature.

We see this sort of tyrant often at the helm of struggling countries, protecting interests with a fearful hand, enslaving people and ostracizing dissidents. We see them in the corridors of commercial success, lording over their underlings, wielding harsh criticism or rumor, denying the advancement of the deserving. They are often family members, battering the very ones who depend on them. All their taunts and threats and terrors function to make us fear for our safety, security, or prosperity so that we might fall in line with their demands."

"Of all their ways to hurt us, belittling our worth is the

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