» Self-Help » Brain on Porn (Social #1), DeYtH Banger [red queen ebook .TXT] 📗

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addiction started as good, healthy, human desires that have been twisted into something dark.


Q: Is there such thing as healthy porn use?


A: We’re going to go with a solid no with this one. First off, the whole “I watch porn all the time and I’m fine” argument has some pretty big holes in it. Our first question to that would be if you have ever tried going without porn for a while. A month? What about 90 days? Not admitting you have a problem because you never tested it is not the same thing as not having a problem.
The second reason is that porn will always affect how you see others. This has huge play in current or future romantic relationships. Studies have shown that after viewing porn, people experience less attraction to their partner and less sexual satisfaction. Even in situations of infrequent porn use. Basically, porn contributes to intimacy FOMO (Fear of missing out). If we’re always on the lookout for bigger, better, shinier, we’ll never be able to enjoy with what we have.
Last reason; there is no such thing as “Free-Trade” porn. While a lot of industries are pushing to make sure their products come from reliable, socially conscious sources that do not contribute to poverty, slavery or violence, the porn industry is on it’s way back into the dark ages. Open source porn sites are becoming more and more popular and what that means is regulation is almost non-existent. Anyone, from anywhere, can upload anything. If a subject’s age, consent, and compensation are not recorded, we have no real way of truly knowing. Seeing is not believing when it comes to porn. Are we really going to trust an industry whose greatest safeguard is an “Are you 18?” button?


Q: How long does it take people to “fix it?”


A: This is a bit of a loaded question. Usually what people actually mean by this is one of two things: can you quit cold turkey, or how long do you need to be sober before you don’t have a problem anymore?
It is important to remember that cold turkey is another way of saying “eventually I had a last time”. Some people get around to their last setback faster than others. The idea that you can declare a setback to be officially the very last is just silly. What matters is making a plan, learning and being patient, focusing on the positive and building healthy connections. This is not an excuse, it is a reality. Recovery is not simply a result of willpower, it is the result of practice.
Ready for a hard truth? Porn will probably always be something you have a weakness for. That does not mean it will always be a problem for you or that you will always have setbacks. Recovery done right will fill your life with positive habits, supportive atmosphere, and strengthen your character. Porn w]may be just as accessible and destructive, but you can become stronger. The problem is, asking how long that will take is like asking how long it takes to get a six-pack. It depends. Everyone is different and everyone will have a different journey but that doesn’t make it any less possible.







Chapter 10.1 - Fantasies & Haters

Note: If you start masturbating... because there are plenty of haters... they gonna fulfill their goal to ruin you and in the same time you gonna self -destroy yourself.



Image result for envy



P.S. - People who are haters... are most likely the people who want to destroy you or let's say they are people which envy on what you have.


Note:  Life is not a fantasy... stop staying at home



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Like this and thiking one day a girl is going to knock, knock on your door and will ask you out. - THis is not a film (In film this is written on the screenplay... so the knocking, is a possiblity in the movie, but in real life - NAAH), stay home on the coach... a minimizing all type of ways contancting with somebody face to face.



YOu decide to stay on the coach or on the chair and start watching TV

                                                                                start chatting on social media

                                                                                start wasting time




Stop fantasizing things which won't happen... try to live in reality... because fantasy won't leave you anywhere...

Yeah I did on fantasy

Yeah ... I got accepted

Yeah I had some kinda relationship 



- Fantasy (That's what happen)



I can't do it

   It's too hard

       Ohh god... what now




- Reality (That's RW - Real World)



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Note: You ain't gonna get attention watching such type of stuff


I mean pornography


Images Videos Webcams Sexcams



Look she or he knows that there are people who gonna watch her... but she/he doesn't know "You"


She doesn't know what type of guy are you

                            How you look

 What you do... what type of hobbies

and so on and so on..



That you all masturbate... this is a process of 3 hours... then the other 21 hours what do you do?


Let's say 10 hours for sleeping... and the other 11?



Come on ... come on?


What do you really do?



All day, all night



only pornography... this is an addiction






















Anxiety and Overthinking Everything.Anxiety and overthinking tend to be evil partners. One of the horrible hallmarks of any type of anxietydisorder is the tendency to overthinkeverything. The anxious brain is hypervigilant, always on the lookout for anything it perceives to be dangerous or worrisome.







Anxiety and Overthinking Everything



Anxiety and overthinking tend to be evil partners. One of the horrible hallmarks of any type of anxiety disorder is the tendency to overthink everything. The anxious brain is hypervigilant, always on the lookout for anything it perceives to be dangerous or worrisome. I’ve been accused of making problems where there aren’t any. To me, though, there are, indeed, problems. Why? Because anxiety causes me to overthink everything. Anxiety makes us overthink everything in many different ways, and the result of this overthinking isn’t helpful at all. Fortunately, anxiety and overthinking everything doesn’t have to be a permanent part of our existence. 


Ways Anxiety Causes Overthinking


An effect of any type of anxiety is overthinking everything. There are common themes to the way anxiety causes overthinking. Perhaps this generic list will remind you of specific racing thoughts you experience and help you realize that you’re not alone in overthinking everything because of anxiety.

Obsessing over what we should say/should have said/did say/didn’t say (common in social anxiety) Worrying incessantly about who we are and how we are measuring up to the world (common in social and performance anxiety) Creating fearful what-if scenarios about things that could go wrong for ourselves, loved ones, and the world (common in generalized anxiety disorder) Wild, imagined results of our own wild, imagined faults and incompetencies (all anxiety disorders) Fear of having a panic attack in public and possibly thinking that you can’t leave home because of it (panic disorder with or without agoraphobia) Worrying about a multitude of obsessive thoughts, sometimes scary ones and thinking about them constantly (obsessive-compulsive disorder) Thinking — overthinking — a tumbling chain of worries, vague thoughts, and specific thoughts (all anxiety disorders)

Result of Anxiety and Overthinking


With anxiety, not only are these thoughts (and more) running through our brains, but they are always running through our brains, non-stop, endlessly. Like a gerbil hooked up to an endless drip of an energy drink, they run and run and wheel around in one place, going absolutely nowhere. Day and night, the wheel squeaks.



Anxiety and overthinking everything makes us both tired and wired. One result of the thinking too much that comes with anxiety is that we are often left feeling physically and emotionally unwell. Having these same anxious messages run through our head everywhere we go takes its toll.


Further, another dangerous result of anxiety and overthinking everything is that we start to believe what we think. After all, if we think it, it’s real, and if we think it constantly, it’s very real. Right? No. This is a trick anxiety plays. Anxiety causes overthinking, but with anxiety, these thoughts aren’t always trustworthy.


You have the power and the ability to interfere in anxiety’s overthinking everything. It’s a process that involves many steps, but a step you can take right now to slow down that gerbil is to have something with you or around you to divert your attention. Rather than arguing with your thoughts or obsessing over them, gently shift your attention onto something else, something neutral. By thinking about something insignificant, you weaken anxiety’s ability to cause you to overthink everything.

I explain this further in the below video. I invite you to tune in.




Anxiety & Overthinking



Note: The most cases of overthinking if we are talking about porn and relationship, is that you start thinking that


They already know

If they know you gonna get fucked up

THey see you

They think about you

They gonna laugh



They gonna find out





But the truth as Mark J from the Kezia Noble team said nobody really cares... if you want make a try



Go out side


say dumb things which come in your mind



People will suprise... for few minutes then... everything ends... so


you are going to be famous for few minutes then forggoten forever.




If somebody wants to ruin your day... will start pointing out your leaks, then


to try to depress you






People care what you say

Nobody likes you

How can you do that

You are bad boy

You are a bad girl

You are awful

You are disgusting



and so on and so on...


why to get on overthinking (when.... I am who I am.... that's me... I can make some changes... but to care what people say won't

get me anywhere... my mom want me to work, my friends say to study, my teacher want me to learn... and in the end some people don't get satisfy...


life is not other people's satisfaction, it's your life


Not somebody else life... so you decide what next to do... and who to satisfy and who not... or in other cases... satisfy yourself...





And it happen




16. Erotica is a healthy alternative to hard-core porn.

In 2011, the erotic novel Fifty Shades of Grey was released. In March 2012, it hit the top of the New York Times bestseller list, where it would stay for thirty weeks.News agencies labeled it “mommy porn”, and some said that, coupled with the perceived discretion of e-readers, it completely changed the way women consume porn.People might be hesitant to sit in a public area with an erotic book in full view, but when they are simply staring at words on a screen, no one can tell whether they are reading sadomasochistic material or War and Peace.
While the Fifty Shades craze was in full swing, a movie featuring a shirtless, sculpted Channing Tatum hit the box offices. Magic Mike netted almost $40 million during its opening weekend.

Women flocked to see it. As one writer said, “We are in the golden age of mom porn. The Fifty Shades trilogy has surpassed 10 million copies sold worldwide, and Magic

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