» Self-Help » Words Have Power, Dominique Fields [classic novels TXT] 📗

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our past and we cannot see our future. There is absolutely no reason why we should focus on any time but the present. We are just putting ourselves through something twice. Stay in the moment. Live in the moment. Experience the moment.



I am grateful for this moment and find joy in it. 






I used to tell myself that I want to live in the moment. Being the control freak and anxious person that I am has me constantly worrying about the future. It took up all my time in the present. There is no way I can control the future, nor can I predict it. To worry about something I cannot possibly have any knowledge of is a pure waste of time. You cannot get any time back in life. No need in stressing over something twice. Nobody has the time or energy for that.



I wake up every day and I think, ‘I’m breathing! It’s a good day. 





Most of the time, we overcomplicate things and completely ignore the simple things in life. I am one of those people that make everything ten times bigger than what it is. In short, everything is a big deal to me. Occasionally, I find myself doing the most and have to calm down and remember to count the blessings I may forget about. For instance, my health, waking up another day, the ability to walk, having food to eat, a roof over my head, etc. Once you take things in perspective, you realize it’s the small things that truly matter. The big things are arbitrary. If you woke up today, it’s a good day already. 



Don’t let yesterday use up too much of today. 





The past is the past. The moment it is over, it is over. Do not allow bad energy to linger.  Today is a whole new day with a whole new start. We only move forward over here.  Reflect if you must and you can even be inspired and changed for the better, but you can’t let it negatively dictate your today or your future.



Life wants the best for me. I am OK with where I am right now. 





Manifest what is for you. Focus on where you are now and what it will take to personify your manifestation. While you do that, EMBRACE YOUR PRESENT. My current reality is a struggle, but I know what I want and what serves me. Make sure to put actions to your goals or they’ll remain just dreams. There is beauty in the struggle and failure in success.



I find and enjoy the simple pleasures life is offering right now. 






I just got back from a friend’s wedding and I really enjoyed just having some other women to hang out and speak with. Giggling and enjoying the open bar, I made sure to soak up every laugh and energetic vibe I experienced at that moment. I am an introvert who can count on one hand how many friends I have─ even fewer that I actually hang out with. I made sure to enjoy something as small as letting loose and spending time with others instead of alone like usual. Enjoy your simple pleasures.



My challenges bring me better opportunities. 






…I am still dissecting this one. It confused me at first but then I realize it just means stepping out of your comfort zone and challenging yourself will take you further than staying comfortable and in a safe space. It can be hard and scary to take risks or do something you’re unsure of. The control freak here totally gets it but the reward of seeing yourself rise above a challenge and witnessing yourself getting stronger is empowering and only brings forth more confidence. I am currently learning this concept. I have never felt unsure yet empowered as I have now. It’s a beautiful juxtaposition. Challenge yourself to reap better opportunities.



My mood creates a psychological response in my body. I am peaceful and positive. 






This affirmation came right on time. Today is Monday and it has been the Monday-est of all Mondays and I am feeling every bit of it. The past weekend I decided I wanted to take my energy and spirit more seriously and really nurture myself. I wanted to give myself as much love as I give my parents and others that are dear to me. Sometimes we don’t realize how we speak to ourselves. I read something recently that said “don’t speak negatively of yourself, even as a joke. Your spirit can’t tell the difference,” and it was one of the most powerful things that hit me. I have a dry and deprecating sense of humor.  I decided I wanted to minimize that as much as possible by speaking positive affirmations to, and over myself, meditating to medicate my mind, I’m spiritual so praying over myself and my life experience, etc. I want to exude nothing but peace and positivity.  Nurture your psyche and retain control over your moods.



You are loved despite your sadness. 





When I get sad, my mind goes deep in the dark. I think how no one cares about me. I’m not important to anyone outside of my gracious parents. No one wants to be around me.  I’m this hideous creature that can’t stand the sight of myself. I am going to be locked up in a room alone all my life. Now, this isn’t every time I get sad, just when I reach a certain level of sadness. It’s really self-pitying that I despise. I remind myself how hard it is to drag yourself out of that type of mood. So if you can relate, I’d like to reiterate, you are loved despite your sadness. It has no idea what it is talking about. 

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